I do not believe that South Carolina voters were the turning point in Biden's campaign. It was the arm-twisting of the Democratic Party to get most of the others to drop out just before that primary that made the difference.

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I was impressed by President Biden’s speech, delivery, and demeanor. He didn’t skip a beat. I hope that he is able to accomplish many of his goals, despite opposition from the Republicans in Congress. Most of all, it was refreshing once again to listen to a President who speaks right to the American people and who doesn’t bash and demean other people. I have great hope for our country with President Biden at the helm.

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Dan, I believe your review of the Biden vision for our country and his past and recent successes commend his potential, successful presidency. Bravo! Thank you!!

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"Nobody thought" that the Vice-President was Obama's rightful heir.....except the Vice-President! But Joe stepped aside for HRC to allow Obama to make history twice. Yuuuge miscalculation by Obama, as well as an epic (unprecedented?) cold shoulder to Biden. So NOW a desperate and reeling America turns to Joe. Well, as Fate would have it, Biden is the man for this moment. The Man. Joe has the vision; Joe has the experience; and Joe has the guts. All losing candidates, have a seat.

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I respected him as vice president to President Obama. I never thought I could respect him even more. I do. I am proud to call him President. He is not about the limelight. There is absolutely no doubt in my kind that he will go down in history shoulder to shoulder with the greatest.

He walks softly and I bet he also carries a very big "stick".

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Joined. Just because of you, Dan.

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I am so glad you expanded on PresidentJoe Biden’s speech.....it gave me comfort to listen to him. You brought forward many points that should be put out there and acknowledged about him, his life experiences and resulting wisdom. He is a good and decent person - it comes out. I am so grateful HE is in that Office. Maybe not everything he proposes will happen but he’s right, so many things are very interconnected and we have to face this. He’s trying to support the American people and we need to support him. Thanks, Dan.

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Thank you for such a thoughtful piece. The President’s speech addressed many important topics, and I am grateful. One not to be overlooked is his renewed emphasis on fighting cancer. We are so used to it’s devastation that we may barely notice this new attempt being waged to fight it, but the disease is beatable and also completely indifferent to one’s political affiliation.

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Mr. Rather, you seem to be another right person for this time in history.

Old Sooner

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I'm just so impressed that he hit the ground running, had plans, for, everything. Then when the opposition seemed stunned, he just kept going with amazing teamwork. When the border became a problem getting attention, I think everyone sat down,hunkered down,and again cane up with a gameplan. He doesn't seem to ever get upset about problems, just energized.

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I was counting on that. It was obvious that Joe kept his cards close to his vest as the media tried, without success, to get him to (mis)answer and then gleefully play gotcha games additionally the relentless name-calling and ugly accusations from TinC and RW nuts lying repulsively and shamelessly. It wasn't just Biden's campaign but must've been collectively all of us with elevated blood pressure and on the verge of getting hear attack just imagining the nightmarish outcome had we lost. That must've been the best run campaign. We have survived that and hope manchin and sinema wake the ---- up before they become complicit in the final destruction of American democracy with repubs working on voter suppression through state houses.

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Dan, you nailed it!!

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This address to Congress was the first I have been able yo watch in four years without feeling severe anxiety. I deeply appreciate the efforts of this President to be inclusive, to acknowledge the deep grief of "We the people", to address the injustices of the past and to see a future that includes everyone. As a person with multiple disabilities who has lost so many from our community to covid and experienced an erasing of our very existence, I felt hope in the proposals that included policies that underscore our value and contributions to society. Hope is the light riding on the white horse with President Joe Biden.

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Well put. I do feel what you say is true, absolutely spot on.

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POTUS is trying to move us in the right direction. He'll have to get Manchin and Sinema onboard to realize his aspirations. End the filibuster and pass voting protections. His speech, as good as it was, is just hot air 'til gets those two fools to face reality.

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I learned quite some time ago now that what a politician or POTUS *says* means nothing; it's what they actually do that matters most. I'll keep an open mind but I won't hold my breath.

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Its interesting that Joe Biden is part of the Lucky Few/Silent Generation and also a War Baby. That his political career began in 1972 during the Nixon years also seems like a significant time marker. And now President at such a critical moment in US (and world) history. A remarkable journey indeed.

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