Nailed it once again you guys! And what wonderful words of wisdom and hope! We will continue our fight for our democracy! STEADY as ever! Thank You for this platform!

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Keeping with the race analogy, perhaps a partial solution is to think of the effort as a relay... Where one passes the baton to a fresh team member and then rests to regain the strength to carry on the next race

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I agree we must pass ourselves or we'll get to overwhelmed! I'm already tired of everything trump and of people bashing Biden.

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By the way there is a lot of info like information that could help your informed and accurate knowledge of the difference between a "Toyota" and my Lexus 350 Rx Suv so please look it up and learn it before agreeing with some random guy you don't know. Inform yourself like did before Purchased the vehicle. CAROLYN

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A little off the subject but something I feel strongly is that we spend billions on pollitiical elections in this country yet we have so many homeless people, working people that cannot afford housing or groceries, our healthcare is dictated by large wealthy insurance companiesand on and on..... Where are our priorities?

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I think like you. How can we spend so much on elections and other political activities? If there's that kind of money in the USA, why do we have homelessness, poverty, low wages? If a corporation can donate thousands to campaigns, why can't they pay a better wage? It's all about keeping enough poor people to have worker bees and someone to look down on.

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Yesterday, Wednesday, the 20th, I stopped into a garage to have a license plate holder placed onto the front of my SUV and my town is very small in Texas. 1. the Hispanic guy working there was very nice. 2 the bald white guy was very rude, insulted my car and me, and will never have me as a customer again. Let me tell you what occurred. This political race is definitely both a marathon and a sprint because each little encounter I have with Trumpers (a sprint) makes my skin crawl. I went in and asked if they could put the plate holder on and (sorry bad with names of assholes) white guy says --"what do you think we can just cater to your needs when you walk in?" I say, "well, you do not look very busy, do you mind helping me, I just moved here, and I need to put a front plate on the car. Florida did not require one. I just bought this SUV and this came with a plate holder."

I handed him the plate holder and he looked at it. Said nothing and gave it to Luis. I did remember Luis's name. He was nicer. Luis pulled my car in the bay and came back with the plate holder saying something about it not fitting. White guy yells at me.....yes. he did, loudly, "You gave me a Honda item to put on a Toyota product!". I say to him, calmly, "My car is a Lexus, not a Toyota. you own a garage; you should know cars." Bald white guy says, "Yeah glorified Toyota."

I said, "No. a Lexus." He said. Nothing. and walked away.

I then looked behind him finally and there in all its "glory" was a picture of Tdump on the wall...very big--looking like every dictator's pic I ever have seen. I wanted to vomit.

Now, I knew why the guy was acting like a jerk. He had all the Tdump memorabilia, including the famous mug shot. I don't know if he printed and framed or what.

I told Luis thank you for trying to put the holder on and waited for him to pull my Lexus 350 RX out of the Bay and drove away making an appt at the dealership for the same thing for Friday. I also asked Luis if he was a Tdump supporter and he replied, "No senora, no apoyo a ese idiota. (I do not support that idiot.) I asked, Votas? He replied, Si, senora lo hago. (Yes maam, I do.) and he winked at me. Solo trabajo aqui. (I just work here)."

So that was my sprint for yesterday. At least 2 democratic voters I know of in a small town. I need to find more. That's my marathon!

Reva Raven

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Agree that the guy was an a**hole, but given that Lexus was(/is?still) owned by Toyota and developed by Toyota as a luxury brand, he wasn't so technically wrong about it's being a "glorified" Toyota. I just hope that you gave a nice big tip to Luis.

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Reva - Love this!

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Want to see truth appearing by itself? Solve this simple cipher:SBR SBCTU DBCKVRS FCGG WTTCR SFH FRRJD YTHE SHUWI You will then see truth appearing bit by bit, piece by piece. If you make mistakes in the process, you will correct them all on your own, without anyone telling you. Truth imposes itself on us! Truth appears by itself!For which reason nobody wants to run away from it, the very same reason we retain the language we acquired when we were babies. Who wants to look a gift horse in the mouth?!Babies are born into the same reality as everybody else. The language they learn is a language developed over thousands of years for deciphering this reality. You can use this language to create fiction. But fiction will always be different from truth. The same for lies.

Innumerable languages have been developed to decipher the same reality. But because they are all developed to decipher the same reality, they are all translatable with minor losses now and then.There is no alternate reality because no baby has grown up in it. Alternate reality is the kind of grownup talk that makes no sense.Language--any naturally developed language--has provided human beings a treasure composed of innumerable truths. Why would anyone want to throw it away? Or deliberately destroy it?

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Thank you, as always, Dan, for reminding me that I am not alone with my profound dread when thinking of America's future. Yes,we are a team of millions. And we know how to support each other. I keep on hearing the refrains of "We Shall Overcome." It is not "I Shall Overcome," but "We."

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Trump would become catatonic

if he was totally ignored by the media! He exists only to be the center of attention.

If every single legitimate media outlet made a conscious effort to completely & unequivocally ignore Trump, he would self destruct & go ballistic! Let him say every single crazy & bizarre thing & tout all his outlandish conspiracy claims. But DO NOT REPORT THEM! Act like he & his theories are NOT relevant or they DO NOT MATTER!

In a perfect world, this would be glorious but the media today is so worried about their ratings & viewership that it would be impossible to accomplish this feat!

They are not secure enough to actually have the integrity to bring this idea to fruition!

They are so beholden to the circus act that they have no credibility anymore!

What a fabulous way to end the fiasco that is Trump!

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Thinking about your comment: the quality of the American political process is maybe a cause. The elections are dominated by donations (vested interests, businesses), the free press is an ever concentrating business itself. Resistance against this trend, is the reason why we can communicate.

I think the situation is grim, but there are things to do...

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Yes Carolyn, that seems to be the problem. What we see as blatant idiocy and bigotry, for many normal people is political content. I believe in rationality. When you gave that up, prepare for Adolf Trump. The only other way is to look for the "Real Republicans". If they are fiction, th world is doomed.

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I'm in it for the long run.

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Thank you. Excellently crafted and a sorely needed reminder.

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Thank you for giving us permission to delete this annoying and tiresome phrase from our vernacular! And also for emphasizing that the situation, politically, in the US is not going to go away even if trump is soundly defeated, either in the GOP primary or the general election. We are pulling some serious wool over our eyes if we think he is the heart and soul of the situation. And we must all enroll energetically in the sprints and the marathons and the triathlons and everything else that are pumping up all around us....no one should give themselves a free ride from full sweaty involvement!

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Your blog was just what I needed today. Thank you so much. It has been exhausting and even a bit demoralizing to still see Trump grabbing headlines and the loudmouths in the "Freedom Caucus" grabbing the mike and threatening once again to shut us down. Why so many find these creatures fascinating and newsworthy beats me. It sort of breaks my heart but it also strengthens my resolve to do my part in defeating them, including smug Mr. Putin. Thugs and bullies are not my heroes.

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