I think there are some in this country who call themselves patriots, some of whom incited an insurrection to interfere with a valid election, who need to look at these people and listen to them. In spite of all the hell they have been through they are true patriots.

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Juxtaposition of sorts....just before reading this I read an article that the WaPo reported about consumers spending less on Christmas and the story focused on a jewelry store in a large city and the owner was bemoaning that last year people spend literally thousands of dollars on items like tennis bracelets and this year they are buying gifts more in the hundreds of dollars range. And then I read this where to hardships of the folks in Ukraine are in desperate need of basics like water and food. I know Americans can be generous, but to me this is so offensive and speaks volumes about our nation today....the WaPo feels it is more important to run a story about how a high end store is doing maybe because of inflation than to say run an op ed that says "Hey folks, what is wrong with this picture, who are we, a bunch of spoiled brats who are sad because we can't afford a $2,000 tennis bracelet or are we a people that say let's forego the useless Christmas presents this year and send help to the freedom loving Ukrainians (or put in another people...lets say the Native Americans)". I have to say I much prefer a Reason to Smile than a story about how "inflation may steal Christmas" and the equating Christmas with how many presents we can buy.

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Thank you Dan and Elliot.

It is good to be reminded that the human spirit is in indomitable, strong-brave-impossible to defeat, even in the midst of the incredible horrors of a Russian invasion. I may have to re-read "Man's Search for Meaning." Sometimes the joy that surprises is born from cruelty and injustice.

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My goodness, what rock have you been hiding under? Do you find it confusing that the president of the Ukraine is, in your statement, being labeled a Neo-Nazi - and he’s Jewish? And who gave the Russian Federation the right to attack another nation for being (in your words) Neo-Nazi’s? Which country is indiscriminately killing non-combatants? Which country has committed war crimes in the others country? The Ukrainians are freedom loving people who want to decide their future for themselves. The Russians on the other hand are controlled by a despot who thinks nothing of killing innocent men, women, and children to fulfill his vision of a glorious Russian Empire! He’s on a fools errand and will hopefully be deposed by the Russian people.

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My facts straight 300 historians signed papers saying to the best of their knowledge and looking back that ukrainens being neo natzi is propaganda and a lie. So who should I believe .You. Zelinsky is Jewish .Stop watching false news .

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Mr. Rather and Mr. Kirschner - Why do you allow trolls like “Marek” onto your forum?

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Ah, perhaps the odd post by Marek in my email is one of the posts that was deleted in the thread. Posts like that one have such a flattened “dead” energy, in the musical sense, no resonance.

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Good news; of a sort. For me, a candle in the dark. At 74 and a Vietnam veteran, my comfortable feeling of being American has been torn down and lies in shreds about me. I do what I can within my reach and capabilities; but, it seems too little too late. I guess I am lucky that I can choose to shorten my view of Life to my immediate surroundings. :(

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Wonderful write up and inspiring video. As Americans we are digesting the announcement of a past president that wants to run again for the highest office in our country, some would say the world because of the respect and influence America has on the world stage. Trump will make the history books and history will not be as kind to his legacy as the Republican party. He will be remembered for fabricating a lie about our election process, an alleged organizer of the insurrection on January 6, 2021 ( I say alleged, only because I value our judicial process and a person is assumed innocence until proven guilty)and the first President to not partake in a peaceful transfer of power. He literally sh** on our traditions of Democracy that we should all hold sacred. Yet there he stood to announce his campaign for 2024. Hopefully we can look past the ageism that we have in America and elect based on who will hold our democracy together and uphold our traditions. I am proud that people used democracy to send a message in the midterm elections that integrity and freedom matter over all else. We have to start looking past party and put protecting our democracy above all else. I am appreciative to Mr. Dan Rather for his writings. Real journalism is so important today. The service that he does along with the service of Heather Cox Richardson is invaluable in this world of entertainment news. I grew up watching Dan Rather on the nightly news and I have shared his posts with my Fox News watching parents and I hope his messages will help them see the truth.

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This is so encouraging! Thank you for sharing it: getting to see people experiencing freedom again! Such joy in the midst of suffering. Supporting Ukraine continues to be a world priority, and continuing the war is causing the Russians dearly.

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It is not the question of Kherson, but why did that brain-dead, insane Biden the brute push ruthless NATO aka rabid dogs into Russia's backyard (Ukraine)? All these wars and mayhem could have been avoided, right?

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I worry about the Ukraine people and how they are suffering every day and it upset me that they can't stop Russia!!! I keep hoping they will be allowed in NATO and that NATO will go in and help the push Russia back and help Ukraine with their power grid and so they can start rebuilding . Now winter is here these poor people will suffer more so they need to get the people out of Ukraine and some where they can live and go on with their lives!! Arrest Putin and put him on trial for war crimes!!

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Thank you for this beautiful commentary on the strength, resilience, and courage of the Ukrainian people.

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Dan, Thank you so much for reminding us all how very, very dear freedom can be.

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Let's all never forget who the invaders are. Realize, if Russia stops fighting there will be peace. If Ukraine stops fighting there will be wholesale slaughter and genocide. So, let's not pressure Ukraine to negotiate a peace deal.

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This shows democracy is always worth fighting for.

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I've been following this battle from the beginning. I have friends whose son in law was born in Ukraine and who still has family there, so it is a little bit personal for me. So watching this newscast made me so proud! And then, when they started singing the National Anthem, I had tears running down my face. Slava Ukraini!!

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