Now I know that it is virtually unheard of for current or former news anchors to share the spotlight, but your contributions are simply too good to go unrecognized.
Your reporting on events was always steady and true for me. My granddaughter bought your book for me for Christmas. I will be forever grateful for your calm optimism over the course of the Trump Administration and through today's difficult testimony of the Jan 6 insurrection. Thank you for being that light in the dard.
Dan-Thank you for all you are doing now. Your kindness and compassion shines!
I loved your comment about the sweet spot. You obviously know baseball terms.
As a Texan, you would be interested to know that there are four former major leaguers from Parsippany, NJ. (Richie Zisk and Paul Mirabella both played for the Texas Rangers—Joe Orsulak played for the Pirates—Mike Maksudian had a “cup of coffee “ with the Toronto Blue Jays). I lived and coached in Parsippany for many years.
Adding comments from readers is a wonderful and rewarding concept for Steady. Thanks to all your readers of Steady for posting their comments.
Mr Rather, I am a disabled teacher after 25 years. I haxe MS. Lately I haven't Berman online much amd I'm trying to catch up on some painting I do. The news gets my emotional rolling and it takes a toll on my health. Particularly now that my 2 vaccinations are being found not to cover me, as I take immune suppressing self injections for decade's now, to keep my immune system from attacking my own nerve coatings myelin. I was starting to feel like the pandemic was ending we almost closed on our 2st house, after waiting and here I am again , just waiting home, terrified to wipe down food packages etc. The pandemic is not over for us Thank God my husband works for a major scientifuc company, so he can work from home until further notice now.
I had been in a routine of doing my exercises, training my brain with the app limocity and reading your words with this great group of Americans youve brought together. I just wanted tou to know that Ive felt blue but Im going to try to read every day again. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. You are like my favorite President Jummy Carter; you have left center stage, but your authenticity and sincerity is why Americans are wanting to hear mor from you, discuss, share, be supportive of you and other Americans. You've done a good thing, cringing this into being, and your effort to help us Americans turn to eaxh ither and communicate civily, is a big part along with other parts coming together, that will slowly but surely save our Country, our Democracy, & other hope to gain respect for each other. Please excuse any typos my fingers shake when I feel super emotional. God Bless You, Your Family, All the People Here, & Our Country as ww are fighting to be UNITED moving forward.
I do read them all. Not when they first appear in my box, but like you recognized, when I make time to take it all in. I will read the new addition. Maybe you can put your little personal spin, as you do, but with alittle bit more openness. Don’t be afraid to let it all hang out, Dan!
I love you, Dan Rather! I have lived my whole life, or so it seems, with you as a steady reporter of the truth in journalism. While I can’t stand Fox News, in Bend, Oregon, there is a Fox channel, KTVZ, channel 21, that is really impressive in sticking with the true tenants of reporting in an unbiased way. I subscribe to them and can read the local news, which otherwise I could not get, as we no longer subscribe to Directv, etc. and antennas do not work in our very rural area. Thanks for continuing on, way past the time when most of us retire!
Dan, I learned of your amazing work through my wife Amy Chacon, who worked for you a long while back. You are carrying the torch for us when it comes to seeing straight, speaking truth and asking great questions. Hope you live long and prosper!
Dan, and team, I cannot express how awesome it is - to me - to be able to respond to a GREAT in the news world. I once believed I could walk that path, but Real Life forced divergence and my skills developed elsewhere. Still, I am entranced and intrigued daily by the media that I consume (ravenously) with your thoughts in the upper echelon of the hierarchy. I am so grateful that you've started this newsletter, so grateful for all the people who respond, and so very glad that I had the good sense to subscribe! Write on, dear sir, write on!!
Thank you to each of you for your work and dedication. I got my degree in print journalism, graduated in 2006 and saw the industry I planned to enter decimated by declines in readership, advertising and loss of papers. And then the Great Recession hit. I adapted and leveraged my skills in related areas, but continue to write and wonder about the future of the industry. I’m hopeful and inspired when I see new approaches to the medium and new outlets that promote responsible, informed and factual journalism. I believe the importance of quality journalism is indeed the fourth estate, but also a tool that can be easily used for disinformation - whether intentional or not. I believe Steady to be a tool for good, and I enjoy Steady for your choice of topics, as well as your dedication to the truth and knowledge dissemination. Keep it up, thank you.
Thank you for your level headed commentaries. It’s good to know they are based on facts! I would like to recognize our local newspapers, The Pantagraph in Bloomington, IL and The Pontiac Daily Leader in Pontiac, Il and radio station WGCY in Gibson City, IL. They provide a valuable source of local news.
I always look forward to my Steady emails. I usually wait until I have time to truly digest them, so I read them at night before bed. Mr. Rather, you've created a real sense of community. I'm really enjoying it! Kudos to you!
I grew up watching you and I'm still growing, reading you and all the comments that pour in. I am so grateful. And I always feel like singing (one of the things I do) again afterwards.
Your reporting on events was always steady and true for me. My granddaughter bought your book for me for Christmas. I will be forever grateful for your calm optimism over the course of the Trump Administration and through today's difficult testimony of the Jan 6 insurrection. Thank you for being that light in the dard.
Thanks so much for all the good journalism on this site.
Dan-Thank you for all you are doing now. Your kindness and compassion shines!
I loved your comment about the sweet spot. You obviously know baseball terms.
As a Texan, you would be interested to know that there are four former major leaguers from Parsippany, NJ. (Richie Zisk and Paul Mirabella both played for the Texas Rangers—Joe Orsulak played for the Pirates—Mike Maksudian had a “cup of coffee “ with the Toronto Blue Jays). I lived and coached in Parsippany for many years.
Adding comments from readers is a wonderful and rewarding concept for Steady. Thanks to all your readers of Steady for posting their comments.
Enjoyed (as always), the reader contributions. Well done Jerry - great suggestion 'and' our friend Dan graciously agreed.
Mr Rather, I am a disabled teacher after 25 years. I haxe MS. Lately I haven't Berman online much amd I'm trying to catch up on some painting I do. The news gets my emotional rolling and it takes a toll on my health. Particularly now that my 2 vaccinations are being found not to cover me, as I take immune suppressing self injections for decade's now, to keep my immune system from attacking my own nerve coatings myelin. I was starting to feel like the pandemic was ending we almost closed on our 2st house, after waiting and here I am again , just waiting home, terrified to wipe down food packages etc. The pandemic is not over for us Thank God my husband works for a major scientifuc company, so he can work from home until further notice now.
I had been in a routine of doing my exercises, training my brain with the app limocity and reading your words with this great group of Americans youve brought together. I just wanted tou to know that Ive felt blue but Im going to try to read every day again. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. You are like my favorite President Jummy Carter; you have left center stage, but your authenticity and sincerity is why Americans are wanting to hear mor from you, discuss, share, be supportive of you and other Americans. You've done a good thing, cringing this into being, and your effort to help us Americans turn to eaxh ither and communicate civily, is a big part along with other parts coming together, that will slowly but surely save our Country, our Democracy, & other hope to gain respect for each other. Please excuse any typos my fingers shake when I feel super emotional. God Bless You, Your Family, All the People Here, & Our Country as ww are fighting to be UNITED moving forward.
Ok, I’m listening.
I do read them all. Not when they first appear in my box, but like you recognized, when I make time to take it all in. I will read the new addition. Maybe you can put your little personal spin, as you do, but with alittle bit more openness. Don’t be afraid to let it all hang out, Dan!
I love you, Dan Rather! I have lived my whole life, or so it seems, with you as a steady reporter of the truth in journalism. While I can’t stand Fox News, in Bend, Oregon, there is a Fox channel, KTVZ, channel 21, that is really impressive in sticking with the true tenants of reporting in an unbiased way. I subscribe to them and can read the local news, which otherwise I could not get, as we no longer subscribe to Directv, etc. and antennas do not work in our very rural area. Thanks for continuing on, way past the time when most of us retire!
With thanks for an endeavor I enjoy, ruminate on, appreciate and sometimes engage in.
Dan, I learned of your amazing work through my wife Amy Chacon, who worked for you a long while back. You are carrying the torch for us when it comes to seeing straight, speaking truth and asking great questions. Hope you live long and prosper!
Dan, and team, I cannot express how awesome it is - to me - to be able to respond to a GREAT in the news world. I once believed I could walk that path, but Real Life forced divergence and my skills developed elsewhere. Still, I am entranced and intrigued daily by the media that I consume (ravenously) with your thoughts in the upper echelon of the hierarchy. I am so grateful that you've started this newsletter, so grateful for all the people who respond, and so very glad that I had the good sense to subscribe! Write on, dear sir, write on!!
Thank you to each of you for your work and dedication. I got my degree in print journalism, graduated in 2006 and saw the industry I planned to enter decimated by declines in readership, advertising and loss of papers. And then the Great Recession hit. I adapted and leveraged my skills in related areas, but continue to write and wonder about the future of the industry. I’m hopeful and inspired when I see new approaches to the medium and new outlets that promote responsible, informed and factual journalism. I believe the importance of quality journalism is indeed the fourth estate, but also a tool that can be easily used for disinformation - whether intentional or not. I believe Steady to be a tool for good, and I enjoy Steady for your choice of topics, as well as your dedication to the truth and knowledge dissemination. Keep it up, thank you.
Dan, enjoyed the post today and the worthwhile comments of other steady readers. Some good topics. Jerry
I love steady and sweet sanity of the posts that you Dan share and others follow💖
Thank you
Thank you for your level headed commentaries. It’s good to know they are based on facts! I would like to recognize our local newspapers, The Pantagraph in Bloomington, IL and The Pontiac Daily Leader in Pontiac, Il and radio station WGCY in Gibson City, IL. They provide a valuable source of local news.
I always look forward to my Steady emails. I usually wait until I have time to truly digest them, so I read them at night before bed. Mr. Rather, you've created a real sense of community. I'm really enjoying it! Kudos to you!
I grew up watching you and I'm still growing, reading you and all the comments that pour in. I am so grateful. And I always feel like singing (one of the things I do) again afterwards.
That sounds lovely. Do you sing a particular song?
I sing all types of things! These days, it's 40s jazz, so "Begin the Beguine." Joyful and...the sense of beginning.
Oh I love "Begin the Beguine," 40s jazz too.