Thank you, Mr Rather, for your Sunday infusion of joy. You are our national treasure and always seem to capture the state of our mood.

There’s something in the air; hope, enthusiasm and excitement heading into Nov. 5th.

With nearly 10-years of all-things-Trump, filling the air waves and piercing our daily consciousness, the past couple of weeks have been uplifting and refreshing.

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Absolutely! I watched Dan Rather growing up and enjoy his take on what is happening in our world!

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Thank you and you are not alone.

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Ditto! I read Dan's articles with gladness! They always leave me feeling happy!

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He’s a Walter Cronkite era journalist. My kind of guy!

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Absolutely! And with the editorial commentary of Eric Sevareid on the evening news, they knocked me out.

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Sure thing, and not to forget Bill Moyers, either.

United States is great because of people like him.

Unfortunately, the idiot ( and you know whom I am talking about) has lately maligned and tarnished the image of the country. This shall pass to hopefully soon too.

Like they, every dog has his days.

Thank you

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Sorry, typo. Typing without my reading glasses. Like they say “ every dog has his days”.

Meant to type.

This shall pass too.

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Comparing Trump to a dog is insulting to dogs.

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When we could actually trust mainstream media!

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Well, sometimes, he's a "Danny Downer," but not often, and it takes a plethora of bad news to ignite his infrequent pessicism.

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You have said it perfectly!

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I really hope and pray pray this fantastic feeling continues till the morning of November, 6th

Thank you

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Dan: Would you please find out and report on what the Divine Nine are doing aout voter registration and turnout? And there is also an effort by Black Men? Undoubtedly, their efforts are critical to success in AZ, GA, NC, Fl, TX and of course the battleground states! The MSM have been absolutely silent on this critically important followup. Thank you!

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Yes, and glorious and brimming with hope. It's been a long nearly 10 years for me as well.

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Joy to the world

Joy to you and me

Joy to the world

All the boys and girls now

Joy to the fishes in the deep blue sea

Joy to you and me


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Yes. I hope they play next week in Chicago ! It would be a great theme for this year’s Democratic Convention. Joy is what we feel about this ticket. I have not missed a Convention since 1976 and can’t wait for this one! The speeches should be dazzling . Yes. Joy to the World. And let’s not forget Hope for November!

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Aug 11·edited Aug 11

That would be awesome! A great blast from the past for us GenXers and Hippies and Hippies at heart!

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...even for us "Silent Generation". We may be old, but we remember!

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Very true—my father is a “silent” but is also a major anti-war Hippie 😃

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I credit Kamala Harris and Tim Walz for bringing joy back to the American citizenry!! Their obvious joy and enthusiasm are like a breath of fresh air! I have been happier in the past three weeks than I have been in a while. The electricity at their rallies, that feeling of "At last, we have a chance at saving our Democracy!" There is still a lot of work; however, everyone seems to be taking on the challenge with renewed purpose, high hopes and yes, joy! Vote blue, America!

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Joy is good and great but not enough. Nothing will happen unless we vote Blue on November, 5th and give Trumpee, the Blue’s, lol

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Yes, Kamala Harris and Tim Walz have tapped into something priceless in the American psyche: the hunger for Hope. That's where the Joy comes from; we've been starving on a trumpian diet of hate and selfishess and despair. It beats me why, as a country, we fed the hunger - but we did. At any rate, thank you, Dan Rather, for gifting us an uplifting old song to make us smile May the Joy keep spreading!

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Yes mam!!!

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The audacity of hope equals JOY!

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Preach it, sister.

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Thanks, Dan. You put a smile on my face and the song is a welcome uplift!

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It is indeed to see Joy in the news again!! Let's keep the blue wave going strong til November!!!

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It's so important that we continue to do all we can to keep up the momentum. We cannot become complacent. But we can work hard with a happy song in our heart for sure!

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Yeh. Feels good to feel joy. So fine, all the time. Joy. Oh, yeh. 😁

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And beyond

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And beyond!

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I’ll never forget the joy I felt in November of 2020 when President Biden was elected. Now we all need to do our job and vote to bring even greater JOY to this country! Thank you Mr. Rather for today’s joy!

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In addition to joy, we are now seeing an eruption of hope throughout the country, and not even a bird-brain orange-dyed scoundrel can diminish that.

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After 9 years of mental and spiritual exhaustion, I welcome the joy! Thanks for encouraging us to celebrate together.

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Dan and Team….once again a great way to start a Sunday. Yes, those lyrics are puzzling. I believe it was totally ad libbed. I read somewhere that originally it vegan with “Jeremiah is a Prophet” but their producer felt they needed something more bizarre….hence bullfrog.

But one thing that is certain, they sure were enJOYing singing it. 🎤🎶💗🧡💚👂

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Loved the group Three Dog Night and still love that song.

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I didn’t but that’s all right. I wish I had written the song.

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The song was written by Hoyt Axton. He was a talented writer and performer

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Really? IDNKT. He came to my 3rd grade class, first time I ever heard/saw a man with a guitar...invited by my friend's parents who were graduates of the Highland folk school. Wasn't that a time? There was of course HUAC then. Somehow at least to my 8 year old mind singing was just unmitigated joy.

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Thanks, it seems fitting to get joy via an HF School graduate in this moment. (There were so many who went on to make “good trouble.”) The state of TN closed it for the school’s involvement in the civil rights movement (1961). It moved from Grundy County to Knoxville and reopened as Highlander Research and Education Center ten years later & remains active today.

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You aren’t kidding! Joy to the world! I hope, finally, we are seeing the end of the Trump era. Then we can get back to debating issues and sensible discussions about the direction this country is taking. Truthfully, the song that comes to my mind is Freedom is Coming Tomorrow from Sarafina. I played it yesterday while jogging.

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Another good song that fits right now is by Reb Mo "Put a Woman in Charge". Really good lyrics! Like you, FVera, I am hoping that the orange man's dominance over everything is coming to an end. Every opportunity I can, I tell the MAGA cult that he is an old, pathetic, dementia riddled excuse for a man. He is not able to lead our country and I will vote for Harris/Walz to lead us forward!

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Hopefully, knock on wood, the nightmare ends. Get rid of him and his cult maniacs.

This bad dream has to end. Please all vote him out.

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Everybody's working on it, Rajiv! The orange stain is bleeding support. Even the vilest creep on earth, the white supremacist, Nick Fuentes has turned his back on the orange man! He spewed his angry venom in tweets to one of his richest donors so now she's backing off! He is totally losing it and no one seems to be able to curb his angry outbursts! That is what happens to some dementia patients, their anger takes over and they just strike out at everybody! The orange man simply cannot be allowed to be the leader of our country! He absolutely doesn't need to be anywhere near the nuclear button. His dementia will worsen, he is old and he actually needs help!

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Great news, nobody needs to curb his outbursts. Let him keep on going. The more he exposes ( not in a perverted sense, lol) himself the better for the American people.

I just hope we all have an early Happy Thanksgiving on the night of the 5th.

A video of his speech in Montana a day ago went viral. He freezes for 21 seconds while speaking. I wonder if it is true? If so why is not being reported by the press.

Thank you

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The press won't report it. They are owned by right-wing millionaires and do what they are told. It is up to us to highlight these problems continuously until the election. Vote blue, America!

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Vote bullfrogs vote

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Oh boy you are bringing the memories back! It is wonderful to see the joy going on right now. All the boys and girls! Thanks so much Dan.

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Sn oldie and a goodie. Thank you Steady!

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