He was a good President but a great Man. He helped more people than any president with is activity in the public realm

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What a beautiful tribute to Jimmy Carter! What an amazing, inspirational, compassionate, generous, honest, and wise man. Yes, he was definately one of our better angels!

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Thanks Dan, I applaud every word. Got to shake his hand once when he was governor of Georgia. Our broken world needs more people like Jimmy Carter.

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Jimmy Carter was always one of our "better angels" who served people and the world so well with humility, dignity and decency.

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Dan, what a great informative article. Both my husband and I appreciated Carter’s honesty. Didn't make him popular as a President but he did many good things that he was not credited for. What he has done after was beyond what most humans. Instead of going to Mars, perhaps Musk should spend our money on here at home.

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Thank you for that epitath Dan. I have always admired Jimmy Carter for his honesty and his ideas. I was in Hong Kong on business in 1978 and the place was abuzz becauset the ordinary citizens had word that he was going to recognize China. I was able to get a Visa for a 3 day guided tour of what formerly was Canton, now Guangchou. It was an incredible personal experience to view a people getting ready for a big change , but uncertain about it. There were obvious symbols of class and status, from commisars in khaki Mao jackets , to apparatchiks in grey, workers in blue. and military in olive-green. I beleive that the situation would be worse than

we have with Chiuna today if he had allowed the Nixon-Kissinger initiatives to lapse.

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One of my lifetime heroes. Character. Integrity. Decency. Honesty. Moral. Reliable. Trustworthy.

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I remember that time from a kids perspective. My parents only used the gas in the car to get my Dad to his job. We were shown back then the devastating effects of our dependence on foreign oil. There were no Christmas lights on houses because we conserved electricity. We talked about litter and garbage and doing your part. We had a real chance then to move in a different direction like several other industrialized countries and foster mass transit and cutting down on waste. But we squandered that opportunity and now we have a president elect who wants to plunder protected lands and a garbage patch in the middle of the ocean. We lost our opportunity to the powerful car and industrial lobbies and we aren't going to be able to get that back.

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Thank you for remembering the many strengths and accomplishments of President Carter, as well as his humble nature. I am glad the world is acknowledging his many achievements as well as his shortcomings to paint a realistic and worthy picture of a great public servant. I wish we had all listened harder to him when he talked about the climate and hope people can be inspired to public service by studying his example.

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Thank you. An honest, humble and selfless man. I do not believe we have ever had or ever will have another like him.

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Thanks for a beautiful eulogy!

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Thanks Dan for your excellent tribute to President Carter and your trip down memory lane back to 1980 to when you interviewed President Carter and his wife Rosalynn on 60 Minutes. Jimmy Carter was an honest politician something we could use more of in our politicians today. His many accomplishments as president were overshadowed by the Iranian Hostage Crisis which he worked tirelessly to get the hostages released at the expense of his own political career. For four decades after his presidency, Jimmy Carter was a tireless diplomat who traveled the world as a United States Emissary for peace; helped cure infectious diseases around the world; a champion of human rights; recipient of a Nobel Prize for his work in improving the quality of life in many distressed countries; and, a champion for helping the homeless by providing his assistance to help build homes through his work with Habitat for Humanity. Jimmy Carter was a “National Treasure” and I’m so very happy that President Biden is still in office and will give him the honor he most certainly deserves.

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He was the first president I voted for while my college voted for Reagan initially on his first presidential run. I am glad for all the tributes and reevaluation of Carter’s worth during his presidency and eons afterwards.

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I was waiting for your post, Dan. Waves of tears. Jimmy has been a hero of mine since the day he stepped into the fray in 1976. He was the first president that I voted for. He lived his life in the service of others. He didn't care who you were, nor the color of your skin, or whether you finished grade school or had a Ph.D. He was a brilliant man and yet, the press and his enemies continually pegged him as the "Peanut farmer from Plains, Georgia." Like being a farmer is a bad thing! (I come from a long line of Norwegian farmers who first came to Dakota Territory in 1880). I wonder what Jimmy was thinking of this 1490-day shitshow we've entered. We all know that he supported Kamala in the election. He made that abundantly clear as did I. I'm going to take Jimmy's lead. It will be the only way I don't personally implode.

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Jimmy Carter is my hero as an elected official. He truly believed what he spoke instead of almost all politicians who want to make sure they will say anything to assure their reelection chances or reassure the money and people who are funding their primaries. His honesty was his downfall. He was the one president that I will give credit for integrity. He believed in human rights, and he was the only honest broker when it came to Israel. He took in the Shah for humanitarian reasons, and it was a critical mistake., but he also, I think, acknowledged our participation in putting the Shah in place in the first place. He warned us that global warming was a coming and actually took on oil and gas which of course made him a bad president. To me he was a hero and had the respect of every nation but the US.

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