I fly my flag right next to a flag shaped cardboard that says, 'In our America, All people are equal, Love wins, Women are in charge of their bodies, Diversity is celebrated, Immigrants and refugees are welcome, People & planet are celebrated over profit and Disabilities are respected.' That way there is NO doubt about what my American flag stands for!!
My neighborhood, fortunately for all of us, includes people who speak many languages. If you are one of those folks who speak nothing but English, how sad for you.
I would counter that self-righteousness definitely predates the utterance of the words "you brood of vipers".....I hope I don't sound self-righteous.....
And we are a country strong enough, I hope & pray, that can allow & accept the fact that we are all different, & our beliefs can be valuable, of differing, as long as they aren't bigoted or racist .
That is wonderful!!! I live in a 100% trump area where folks feel free to retaliate against any non trump supporters and I will not put my family and animals in danger by having a sign like that and I am so thankful there still are places you can do that!
those are people who simply don't understand the essence of the freedom that was bought and paid for with the blood of true patriots. Sorry to hear you live in the midst of a brood of vipers.
I appreciate today's Steady, as I have felt conflicted about this. I am a liberal and I'm a patriot. A cretin criminal has co-opted our flag, and I worry that the U.S. flag by my front door will come across as pro-Trump. I like the signs ideas you shared.
Do you mean it is not a symbol of support for the orange monster??? Liberals should start displaying the flag to reclaim what it represents as your cardboard sign states
Having a dual visual is the best way to do it! Combine the flag with a message of true patriotism, which is love of all the people in the country. Like an American flag alongside a Pride flag, or the like. We need to take our flag back!
Blueberry. Extremism on both sides just divides us more. You won't know a person's heart until you have looked into their eyes. Don't judge to harshly or we won't be able to unite to defeat the MAGA movement in November.
Blueberry you are correct. We can not label each and expect to have reasonable, effecive discourse.
We have to find common ground. Then we can start to trust each other. I'm a privileged white guy but I recognize who I am. I'm trying very hard to overcome my privileged perspective. Changing spots can be hard and.painful. But somebody confronts me and tells me my efforts are not good enough, someone who makes that assumption without knowing me, human nature says I will get defensive. Anyone will.
Let's reset the conversation and work together, warts and all, to defeat MAGA. then we can develop some trust and maybe, just maybe we can face these other challenges
I agree. MAHA is only one of the problems this country faces. But it is the most dangerous at this time.
Ultimately we will have to deal with inequality caused by a socio-economic system based on every man , woman, and child having to fight for a mythical piece of the pie. War, the ecology, inequality, systemic racism, lack of education, lack of quality medical care, they all can be traced back to one person or group of people wanting to have what belongs to,or more than, somebody else.
Of course you and I can use fancy words to debate this till we're blue in the face. Unfortunately that doesn’t fix it. But first MAGA must be defeated and t h en maybe people will have learned to come one step closer working together for the greater good.
The easy answer in the short term.is we vote. Long term answer is far more difficult. Maybe emphasizing respect f I r all people, even if we do disagree with them is a first step. My wife calls me an idealist and she is probably right. I have tried to know myself and change my own preconceptions. I am not sure teaching people to change one by one may not be the answer. "Never underestimate the power of a small group of dedicated people to change the world" Margsret Mead.
I’m so pleased to see such a lively discussion! Thank you to all who’ve participated, but the night is young. Bring it on!. I really enjoy reading your thoughts and feeling your passion for our democracy. —Dan.
I haven’t let the right wing hijack our flag. I fly it during several periods of the year, including right now from Memorial Day through the Fourth of July. It doesn’t mean you’re a Republican or a Democrat. It means you’re a patriot. It means you cherish what the flag stands for and what so many Americans have sacrificed to ensure that it would fly.
I live with my daughter and son-in-law now in my senior years. My Rick, my son-in-law and I are both veterans. Daily Rick, raises the American Flag on our house, 0600 hours, and every evening he lowers the flag, 1800 hours, folds it respectfully and brings it inside.
And sadly, so many who fly flags all the time, or on their trucks, don’t bother to take them down at night, in the ran, or when they get tattered or worn, like you’re supposed to.
Right on, Karen. It really, pardon me, pisses me off when I see that. I want to flip off idiots flying it out of their pickup, all tattered & torn, but they’re likely carrying a gun, so I just let it go. Another irritant…watching the idiot orange man, listening to his criminal chorus singing the National Anthem, & his cult members as well, still wearing their MAGA caps. No respect.
At the last SuperBowl he attended as President, while everyone else in his skybox was standing with their hands over their hearts during the anthem, he was waving his hands like a conductor instead. Idiot blowhard!
I have a neighbor who flies the flag--but in complete disregard for the respectful treatment of same, it flies night and day, rain or shine. People who want to fly the flag need to research the proper treatment of same.
I also thank Dan for noting that that flag has become a right wing prop. He is also correct that the flag belongs to all of us and we should enjoy the privilege to fly it. I have to admit when I see a the flag displayed at someone's home, I assume it means trump support! Heck no to that! I'm going to work on my own mindset , Additionally, my thanks to Dan for George Washington's explanation of its symbolism; believe it or not, I've never heard that exact quote before.
Thank you for this, Dan! How ironic that he was born on this day, and his followers abuse the *American* flag as they do. It's an insult to the entire nation!
My oldest brother was a US Marine, proud to call himself a Devil Dog. He would have been horrified to see how it was treated on January 6, 2021 and since then. My other brother was a member of the US Army. He would be as well.
To think *any* group of Americans would treat our flag like this makes me wonder whether they even remember Flag Day and this country's history. A million thanks for remembering the importance of Flag Day--far more than *anyone's* birthday, even when "anyone" happens to be a now-convicted felon. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
For some reason, a couple of months ago an organization called The Conservative Caucus sent a packet of lunatic rantings about "left wing judicial corruption" to me. It included a birthday card for Trump, already filled out with alternate reality nonsense like:
"Dear President Trump,
I don’t know any other person who could have endured what you and your family have endured over the past eight years. All because you had the courage to defy the unhinged radical Left, the Deep State and the corrupt news media by running for President and winning." It goes on like that for the entire card, leaving only a space for a minion to sign their name, because expressing themselves in their own words is apparently beyond their ability.
After I finished dry heaving, it was all I could do to refrain from crossing out every line and rewriting it with a few heated comments of my own, and sending it back to them. But the only message this organization and Trump delusionists will understand is when we ALL turn out in large numbers on Election Day to reject their mob boss vision of our future.
The only connection to OUR flag and what it represents, and the guy whose birthday happens to coincide with the date set aside to honor the flag, is the stain upon it left by him and his lawless followers.
I think, Denise, this country is so devastatingly divided right now, "they" see us as progressive liberals while I am hopefully not the only one who sees "them" as frighteningly regressive "Rs" (as you noted). With all my heart, I *pray* we'll see this country again referred to as these UNITED States. There's so much more I can say about that phrase "dumbing down", and it certainly didn't start in 2015's presidential run. As much as I'd like to blame the early 90s when I recall reading an article about the dumbing of the American educational system, it was farther back than that.
Commitment to the dumbing down of the country? I'm more inclined to say the nation itself might be responsible--not consciously, rather in when small communities, cities, counties, states and the nation as a whole votes for school taxes. I also wonder how responsible voters are in examining who we vote to the school boards, the city councils, and so on.
Of course, we're all concerned about the next four years as the 2024 vote looms less than 5 months ahead. But we *cannot* stop our thoughts there when the election is over. We need to pay attention in each of our communities, counties and states to be more conscientious about what's happening there.
Not just for ourselves and our families, but for future generations in hopes of rebuilding the fabric of the nation: from all levels of individual neighborhoods to Washington and globally; from our individual familial relationships to multi- and intercultural unity; from the infrastructure, environment, health, public service including the military, budget, and overall fiscal responsibilities to every nook and cranny I know I've missed in this list. We need to work *together* as a *unified* nation with our eyes on the big picture instead of in disunity and hostile voices.
About the history of dumbing down, let me tell you a story. Sometime in early 1979, when I was in my third year as an education major, I took one of my last classes before actual student teaching. The class was about how to teach high-school English. We were given essays supposedly written by freshmen, and were told to "grade" them. The paper I got had some good ideas, but was full of grammar and mechanics errors, along with some sections with poor syntax. I marked all the errors, made a positive comment about the ideas, and gave the imaginary student an "A" on the ideas and a "C-" for all the errors.
My prof took me aside and said that I could NEVER do that to an actual student. I could NOT mark up a paper and say there were errors. If I did, the prof said, the poor kid would be stigmatized for life and would never write again. If I didn't make corrections, I asked, and the young man was later asked to write a sentence or two on a job application to tell why he wanted the job, what then? He'd write something full of grammar mistakes, and give a bad impression. My prof said that wasn't a consideration. I disagreed, and the prof told me I'd never be allowed to teach like that, that I had to get with the program, or I'd be fighting the system my whole career and would never accomplish anything. I gave up the goal of teaching. And THAT'S why, fifteen years later, Johnny couldn't read. That attitude that everything a student produced was fine, that they should get a pass just for showing up. It's exponentially worse now.
Ronnie Raygun cut education programs and it's gone downhill from there.
Yes, Denise, you are right on target. Im almost 80, & worked in Education most of my life. I was the mother of 6 bright children. I've watched ignorance creep insidiousy into all areas of our society, & I grieve.
We're on the same page, Denise. My mom taught Rod Serling piano. My drama teacher was his drama teacher decades before I was born. The teacher, however, had a rotten attitude toward my older brothers and me, and I hadn't known why. She had even lied to my mother about me. Thankfully, my mother knew it. It took some years before I realized the likelihood that the teacher had been jealous of my mother's relationship with Serling.
When I was 15, I had tried some screen writing, and the drama teacher coldly told me I should never write for a career, that I was hopeless.
When I got to college, my English prof told me I was the best writer on campus and had encouraged me to follow that path. With every paper and exam I took in his class, I realized I'd rather get a B from him than an A from any other teacher, and I told him at one point. He smiled and replied, "I knew from your earliest papers in my classes, you were so far ahead of the class, I had to grade you against yourself--or grade the rest of the class on a curve." lol
Some years ago, I was asked to write a skit for a state beauty pageant in honor of Women's History Month, and they loved--and used--it. Beyond that, however, I never wrote another skit or play again. On the other hand, I did have a fairly successful freelance writing career in addition to winning two state awards and a 2nd place national award for my first book. I'm so glad I didn't listen to that drama teacher again.
That said, long before the late 70s/early 80s, education had begun to plummet. IMO, Denise, you should have continued in your goal to become a teacher. Not all teachers would have given you such advice, and quality English teachers are a rarity.
I'm so glad for you, Michelle, that you persevered with your writing. To very good effect, too, it seems!
I'm also a writer, by avocation. I've never been in a position to try to make a living at it, however, so I just used my skill in crafting proposals and tutorials for the corporations that employed me as an admin. I applied for years to be a writer at a magazine publishing house before finally being hired as an admin. At my last job, I was an office manager for a business journal. The editor eventually told me---after we'd both been down-sized out---that if he'd known I was such a good writer, he'd have hired me as such. Gratifying, but too late.
Since I [involuntarily] retired, I've been searching for writing jobs, to no avail. Seems it's wasn't meant to be.
And yes, in hindsight, I do sometimes wish I hadn't listened to that prof, but at that time, he was likely right. When I dropped my ed major, my advisor said I'd made the right decision, financially. Seems hard to believe now, but back then, there was a glut of teachers on the market. It was taking five years for ed grads to land teaching jobs, and I couldn't afford to wait. A friend had a Master's in biology, and after trying for a high school teaching job for several years, she went back for her Ph.D. and ended up working for the Georgia Department of Health.
I was fortunate to have gotten an excellent education at a local public school system in a relatively small town. It wasn't until I was in college that I realized local systems in general were failing so badly. Even then, though, kids were graduating with much more knowledge than they have today. My mother-in-law, a retired teacher, says the problems today are over-sized classes, lack of resources, teachers' lack of subject-matter knowledge, and teaching strictly for standardized state tests.
The 50 stars on our flag are not colored red or blue, nor are they unequal in size. They symbolize the United States of America and they are all on the same flag.
"Many who don’t support him now feel uneasy about flying the flag for fear they will be labeled as right-wing extremists."
As I read that sentence I thought about the many who are Christian but fear claiming it out loud because they don't want to be affiliated or associated with the evangelicals. Right-wing Christofasciists no more own Jesus than redneck MAGA traitors own Old Glory. I am a Veteran who salutes the Flag, usually teary-eyed, with honor and with treasure.
And I am a Born Again Christian who is sickened by the Christian Nationalists, & the fact that any knowledgeable Follower of Jesus would support tyrump or be comfortable around any magas. I think the correct word is "knowledgeable." The Bible describes these people as " Willfully Ignorant."
The American flag and the Trump flag are complete opposites. The American flag represents the US. The Trump flag represents the biggest traitor in the history of our country.
It’s a sad comment on our country when flying our national symbol causes division. It’s beyond belief that a convicted felon who also committed sexual assault can still be considered a viable candidate. His disregard and mocking of people with disabilities, his promise to let all the January 6 traitors out of jail, his use of religion to proclaim his greatness…for any one of these he should never even be near an election as a candidate. What is wrong with the citizens of this country? Each one of us must vote and encourage everyone we know to vote. It’s no longer politics. It’s saving democracy.
Have you asked them? I literally don't have any Black neighbors (live in rural Missouri that is 99.9% white and 99.8 % trump). Have you gotten very varied answers. I always worry about comparisons, but I wonder how life for Blacks and other person of color living in America compares to other nations. If it is much worse, if opportunities are much less and discrimination much more I hope they will all band together and vote out the Republicans who work so hard to deny them the same rights and respect that they have for straight white men. If your Black friends and neighbors think America is better than other nations, all things considered, I hope they will all band together to vote to make sure it stays that way and even gets better. From things I read many immigrants have a lot of respect for the Flag and what it represents, but those who are white obviously have been able to blend in so their experience is very different that persons of color, especially person of color who were slaves. If you can, please share what your friends/neighbor have said. I really would like to know. I like to think that reading books like The Warmth of Other Suns has given me a tiny insight into the courage persons of color have and how awful American, especially the south both was and still is towards them, but I'd like to hear more from other every day people.
You are a true and wonderful American. We need more folks like you!!! I tend to believe that whites do not have a benevolent nature. I do hope that my grand children who see much more positive representation of persons of color (and yes, gasp non straight persons) than I did growing up will grow up to consider all folks pretty equal. There are jerks in all groups as well as wonderful people. It is hard for them growing up in an area where you face physical retaliation if you are a Biden supporter and by and large non white non straight persons are not welcome, (we are here because of family obligations) but I hope they will be strong enough to overcome that, to break away from all their peers who have such hate towards people not like them. Boy I wish I were your neighbor!
Every skipped opportunity to vote for someone other than Trump, including voting for no one or for someone who has no chance of winning, is helpful to Trump. No thinking person can do that. Our lives and our way of life are at stake, and the vanity of grudge votes should remain in the past.
I think that Leslie's answer is factually correct. The design of the Electoral College could very well amplify the effect that minority populations have on the result. The swing states of GA, PA and MI alone could seal the election with a unified block of the minority vote.
In reality, a unified front could possibly put red leaning states into play.
You are correct that voting is a personal choice. If you wish to carry a 20 year old grudge rather than accepting that perhaps people change (they do), that is your prerogative.
Elections have consequences. This election has only two possible outcomes. Which one of those is better for you, and perhaps which one at least presents a chance of moving in the right direction?
Well said! This is a very different election than we have ever had before. The stakes are very clear. I love how you use the phrase moving in the right direction....so very very true.
Whew!!!! If you feel there are any organizations that really help reduce racism I'd love to know. I don't have much to donate, but I always think that if lots of us give a wee bit and we don't think, well, I can't give more than a dollar or two so what's the point and we do all give that dollar or two it can make a difference. But for me it's hard to know what is a good group to donate to. Any thoughts?
Yes!! You are correct!! Strident, yet correct!! I live in SE Houston. My husband & I are THE minority. Old, & pink. Ten black, brown & off white to one old & pink. We have lovely neighbors. Gracious, courteous, generous & friendly. We live living here. I'm from NE Calif, my husband was raised in the South Sea Islands. We have lived many places. Our children all live on the W. Coast. We miss them, but I'm almostv80 & a move across the Country would be much too difficult now. We moved here because of circumstances beyond our control, 56 yrs ago. We liked the people so much, we stayed.
While your answer reflects your personal experiences and those of many or most Black Americans, you didn't answer the question specifically about what the flag means to them. I think that's a different question that possibly informs "us" as to the impact of the flag.
I’m a solid Democrat who proudly puts flags in all of my container gardens and hangs bunting around the outside of my house. It is how I pay homage to the dearest symbol of the United States of America, and I consider myself to be a true American.
Dan - great piece. It's not my flag. I'm a neighbour - mine is the Canadian flag. We Canadians are very familiar with your flag and those who wave it wartime and peacetime. It has a rich history, but OLD, as in Old Glory, is a past-tense term. As I see it, it was OLD Glory; the greater concern is their glory now, will there be glory in the future. Happy flag day. As an observer, I think the 'day to move the holiday to for a stark reminder of why it's worthy of flying, is January 6th ... that would be a great flag day. Good luck!
I fear, Mark, too many would remember the insurrection on that day instead. Better that we remember June 14 as Flag Day, rather than the birthday of the convicted leader of that insurrection.
Michelle - a good point to argue, but shedding good light on bad moments in history - as flags celebrate victories of tyrants, evil and enemy forces - having a reminder each year on the of something horrid and reprehensible has merit. Doesn't your flag celebrate a victory in a war for independence, just as Frances Scott Key wrote a poem about an incredible and unlikely victory in a battle?
I do see your point, Mark; but consider the following quote (I'll offer the link to the full article as well.):
"Why is Flag Day celebrated on June 14? On June 14, 1777, the Continental Congress adopted the "Stars and Stripes" as the original American flag. The same flag was used when the Declaration of Independence was signed to give a flag for the entire country rather than each state having their own."
Yes, indeed, this is MY country and MY flag. I will not let Trump and his minions co-opt it. We live in an older house and always buy flags with the number of stars that were in the Union the year the house was built. They will NOT steal my flag. Nor democracy. Please, everyone...support Joe Biden and the Democrats. We will not survive another 4 years of Trump. Thank you Dan, for always speaking the truth.
Thank you, Dan Rather, for educating and reminding us of the Flag day. Yes and no, keeping the Flag Day in mind, I am going to digress a bit. Please allow me to do that.
I am sorry for not being sorry when I write this.
Mitch ( as senator from Kentucky) really belongs in the ditch. He is retiring this November, being 83, and is still supporting Trump. Shame on him. Really ? Trump ridicules him and his wife. And the guy has no shame. He and people like him are the reason why Trump is no unhinged.
Clarence Thomas, another piece of work. Really more revelations about the freeloader’s trip. Honestly where and when is this going to end. Where is the outrage ? Obviously these guys have no shame.
Thank you for this. You could have added almost the entire elected Republicans in Congress and half the Supreme Court justices to the list of shameful leaders. And even more shameful is that millions will vote for them this November. November 5th will either be a new Independence Day for us or it will be out own January 30, 1933, when lost our constitutional republic to a dictator.
Blueberry Muffin: It is obvious that you do not know what I was referring to. I did not reference FDR. FDR was sworn in in April, 1933. In Germany, following several backroom negotiations with the leading politicians, Hindenburg "acquiesced" to his own resignation, and on January 30, 1933, Hindenburg formally appointed Adolf Hitler as Germany's new chancellor. thereby ushering in the dictator and the Nazi Third Reich.
There's no apology necessary. This is a forum where we still have the freedom to share ideas and commentary. You make good points, and when it will end is when there is a Democrat in the White House and when Congress has a Democratic majority. This is when the change will begin. The Republican minority cult will have to rise up again as a party of reason, which now it clearly is not.
Your point is well taken, Steve. Much appreciated. You know the Democrats lately are also not God’s gift on earth. What’s going on with Bob Menendes, immediate example.
I guess, politics is a dirty game and of course not to forget absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Of course, the Dems are any day better than the Republican bunch.
The conservative Supreme Court is really putting America to shame in the eyes of the world.
There is plenty of outrage to go around the convucted felon, the greed and corruptness of Alito and Thomas, the shame and power tripping Republicans that support that convicted felon and those that are giving Trump a cult status! Outrage and shame personified in those that continue to allow this felon any attention but should wipe the scales from their eyes and open their minds and hear the truth.
Rajiv: So many of us have the same questions. I am afraid I might not live long enough to learn the answers. My worry is: What kind of country will my unborn great grandchildren inherit?
I am sorry, what happened? I meant to say, I always mis type when I am not wearing my reading glasses. I am only wishing you good health and long life when you write that you may not live long enough to see the change.
No need to be sorry. I think God's so old, tired of human bullshit. Stopped listening a longtime ago. Wants us to figure itvout on our own. That is all.
God, no god. Religion and politics are generally speaking very private things. Lock people in a room and start talking about politics or religion, you are sure to start a fight. There should be no need for that. What is happening in USA these days is massive polarization and cult like following which is all too dangerous.
Politics, and fine arts and sports should be about uplifting people.
I have yet to hear 45th describing what he wants to do for the American people. He is all about revenge.
I always get mushy over flags. I have two, a small American flag for US holidays and a small French flag for Bastille Day (bien sûr!) (I have dual nationality). I watched the welcome ceremonies for the reciprocal state visits by President Biden and Président Macron and used up a lot of tissues. :)
Our flag is just that - our flag. But how some people treat it speaks volumes about their level of respect for it and for their country and neighbors.
Happy Flag Day, Dan and everyone! Have a great weekend!
I fly my flag right next to a flag shaped cardboard that says, 'In our America, All people are equal, Love wins, Women are in charge of their bodies, Diversity is celebrated, Immigrants and refugees are welcome, People & planet are celebrated over profit and Disabilities are respected.' That way there is NO doubt about what my American flag stands for!!
I have that sign also- next to one that reads, in multiple languages, Hate Has No Home Here
I would have that sign if it wasn’t for the HOA rules…..
Post the sign inside your home in a window facing the street.
You are a real hero.
trump & Co. have made me embarrassed to fly our flag…..
One person?
I do not want people thinking we are expressing maga lies.....
My neighborhood, fortunately for all of us, includes people who speak many languages. If you are one of those folks who speak nothing but English, how sad for you.
You sound a little too 'righteous' to me.....
A little?
I would counter that self-righteousness definitely predates the utterance of the words "you brood of vipers".....I hope I don't sound self-righteous.....
And we are a country strong enough, I hope & pray, that can allow & accept the fact that we are all different, & our beliefs can be valuable, of differing, as long as they aren't bigoted or racist .
I block nonsense, Bye.
Oh, for goodness sakes, stop bickering!!! PLEASE‼️🙏🇺🇲🙏
Yep. I’m fortunate enough to live in a very diverse mid sized midwestern college town in MI
You are my people!!!!❤❤❤❤❤
That is wonderful!!! I live in a 100% trump area where folks feel free to retaliate against any non trump supporters and I will not put my family and animals in danger by having a sign like that and I am so thankful there still are places you can do that!
I understand..... We all do what we can and what we feel safe with!
And what a travesty it is, Pat, that you and yours would be in danger for expressing an opinion!
those are people who simply don't understand the essence of the freedom that was bought and paid for with the blood of true patriots. Sorry to hear you live in the midst of a brood of vipers.
Absolutely !!!
I appreciate today's Steady, as I have felt conflicted about this. I am a liberal and I'm a patriot. A cretin criminal has co-opted our flag, and I worry that the U.S. flag by my front door will come across as pro-Trump. I like the signs ideas you shared.
Do you mean it is not a symbol of support for the orange monster??? Liberals should start displaying the flag to reclaim what it represents as your cardboard sign states
Having a dual visual is the best way to do it! Combine the flag with a message of true patriotism, which is love of all the people in the country. Like an American flag alongside a Pride flag, or the like. We need to take our flag back!
I think that is great, any chance to see a picture of it?
I haven't been able to post a picture, sorry.
Thank you for replying as quickly as you did, have a nice evening.
So do I! It's on my front door of my apartment and I don't care if my MAGA landlord sees it
Blueberry. Extremism on both sides just divides us more. You won't know a person's heart until you have looked into their eyes. Don't judge to harshly or we won't be able to unite to defeat the MAGA movement in November.
Looking for everything wrong blocks anything good & right. Balance & moderation needs to be our goal. Extremism is neither balanced or moderate.
Blueberry you are correct. We can not label each and expect to have reasonable, effecive discourse.
We have to find common ground. Then we can start to trust each other. I'm a privileged white guy but I recognize who I am. I'm trying very hard to overcome my privileged perspective. Changing spots can be hard and.painful. But somebody confronts me and tells me my efforts are not good enough, someone who makes that assumption without knowing me, human nature says I will get defensive. Anyone will.
Let's reset the conversation and work together, warts and all, to defeat MAGA. then we can develop some trust and maybe, just maybe we can face these other challenges
I agree. MAHA is only one of the problems this country faces. But it is the most dangerous at this time.
Ultimately we will have to deal with inequality caused by a socio-economic system based on every man , woman, and child having to fight for a mythical piece of the pie. War, the ecology, inequality, systemic racism, lack of education, lack of quality medical care, they all can be traced back to one person or group of people wanting to have what belongs to,or more than, somebody else.
Of course you and I can use fancy words to debate this till we're blue in the face. Unfortunately that doesn’t fix it. But first MAGA must be defeated and t h en maybe people will have learned to come one step closer working together for the greater good.
The easy answer in the short term.is we vote. Long term answer is far more difficult. Maybe emphasizing respect f I r all people, even if we do disagree with them is a first step. My wife calls me an idealist and she is probably right. I have tried to know myself and change my own preconceptions. I am not sure teaching people to change one by one may not be the answer. "Never underestimate the power of a small group of dedicated people to change the world" Margsret Mead.
Are you asking if I'm a hypocrite because of my sign?
You are just a tightly wound ball of angst, aren’t you? Perhaps a bit of Xanax would help?
I’m so pleased to see such a lively discussion! Thank you to all who’ve participated, but the night is young. Bring it on!. I really enjoy reading your thoughts and feeling your passion for our democracy. —Dan.
I haven’t let the right wing hijack our flag. I fly it during several periods of the year, including right now from Memorial Day through the Fourth of July. It doesn’t mean you’re a Republican or a Democrat. It means you’re a patriot. It means you cherish what the flag stands for and what so many Americans have sacrificed to ensure that it would fly.
I totally agree. I fly my flag too in front of my house. It is OUR flag, not THEIR flag.
I live with my daughter and son-in-law now in my senior years. My Rick, my son-in-law and I are both veterans. Daily Rick, raises the American Flag on our house, 0600 hours, and every evening he lowers the flag, 1800 hours, folds it respectfully and brings it inside.
And sadly, so many who fly flags all the time, or on their trucks, don’t bother to take them down at night, in the ran, or when they get tattered or worn, like you’re supposed to.
Right on, Karen. It really, pardon me, pisses me off when I see that. I want to flip off idiots flying it out of their pickup, all tattered & torn, but they’re likely carrying a gun, so I just let it go. Another irritant…watching the idiot orange man, listening to his criminal chorus singing the National Anthem, & his cult members as well, still wearing their MAGA caps. No respect.
At the last SuperBowl he attended as President, while everyone else in his skybox was standing with their hands over their hearts during the anthem, he was waving his hands like a conductor instead. Idiot blowhard!
Sorry, Karen, didn't see your comment here before I posted mine, to the same effect.
I have a neighbor who flies the flag--but in complete disregard for the respectful treatment of same, it flies night and day, rain or shine. People who want to fly the flag need to research the proper treatment of same.
That might require thought, & horrors, reading something!!!
AMEN. Ignorancecis a choice. A dangerous choice.
I like that, Greg. We can't fly a standard size flag (apartment display rules) but some of us put little ones in our door knockers or make wreaths. :)
So glad that you reminded everyone that today is Flag Day. Thank you, Dan, for your continued service in saving the country.
I also thank Dan for noting that that flag has become a right wing prop. He is also correct that the flag belongs to all of us and we should enjoy the privilege to fly it. I have to admit when I see a the flag displayed at someone's home, I assume it means trump support! Heck no to that! I'm going to work on my own mindset , Additionally, my thanks to Dan for George Washington's explanation of its symbolism; believe it or not, I've never heard that exact quote before.
I actually choked when I read that June 14th is also the orange fungus' birthday. GAG ME! Apparently, the Universe likes irony.
Thank you for this, Dan! How ironic that he was born on this day, and his followers abuse the *American* flag as they do. It's an insult to the entire nation!
My oldest brother was a US Marine, proud to call himself a Devil Dog. He would have been horrified to see how it was treated on January 6, 2021 and since then. My other brother was a member of the US Army. He would be as well.
To think *any* group of Americans would treat our flag like this makes me wonder whether they even remember Flag Day and this country's history. A million thanks for remembering the importance of Flag Day--far more than *anyone's* birthday, even when "anyone" happens to be a now-convicted felon. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
For some reason, a couple of months ago an organization called The Conservative Caucus sent a packet of lunatic rantings about "left wing judicial corruption" to me. It included a birthday card for Trump, already filled out with alternate reality nonsense like:
"Dear President Trump,
I don’t know any other person who could have endured what you and your family have endured over the past eight years. All because you had the courage to defy the unhinged radical Left, the Deep State and the corrupt news media by running for President and winning." It goes on like that for the entire card, leaving only a space for a minion to sign their name, because expressing themselves in their own words is apparently beyond their ability.
After I finished dry heaving, it was all I could do to refrain from crossing out every line and rewriting it with a few heated comments of my own, and sending it back to them. But the only message this organization and Trump delusionists will understand is when we ALL turn out in large numbers on Election Day to reject their mob boss vision of our future.
The only connection to OUR flag and what it represents, and the guy whose birthday happens to coincide with the date set aside to honor the flag, is the stain upon it left by him and his lawless followers.
Beautifully said, P.N! Your last sentence hits the target with an appropriate punch. Thank you!
Bravo, P.N.
Well, as far as remembering Flag Day and its traditions, Michelle, we do know that the Rs are committed to the dumbing-down of the country.....
I think, Denise, this country is so devastatingly divided right now, "they" see us as progressive liberals while I am hopefully not the only one who sees "them" as frighteningly regressive "Rs" (as you noted). With all my heart, I *pray* we'll see this country again referred to as these UNITED States. There's so much more I can say about that phrase "dumbing down", and it certainly didn't start in 2015's presidential run. As much as I'd like to blame the early 90s when I recall reading an article about the dumbing of the American educational system, it was farther back than that.
Commitment to the dumbing down of the country? I'm more inclined to say the nation itself might be responsible--not consciously, rather in when small communities, cities, counties, states and the nation as a whole votes for school taxes. I also wonder how responsible voters are in examining who we vote to the school boards, the city councils, and so on.
Of course, we're all concerned about the next four years as the 2024 vote looms less than 5 months ahead. But we *cannot* stop our thoughts there when the election is over. We need to pay attention in each of our communities, counties and states to be more conscientious about what's happening there.
Not just for ourselves and our families, but for future generations in hopes of rebuilding the fabric of the nation: from all levels of individual neighborhoods to Washington and globally; from our individual familial relationships to multi- and intercultural unity; from the infrastructure, environment, health, public service including the military, budget, and overall fiscal responsibilities to every nook and cranny I know I've missed in this list. We need to work *together* as a *unified* nation with our eyes on the big picture instead of in disunity and hostile voices.
Agree on all points, Michelle.
About the history of dumbing down, let me tell you a story. Sometime in early 1979, when I was in my third year as an education major, I took one of my last classes before actual student teaching. The class was about how to teach high-school English. We were given essays supposedly written by freshmen, and were told to "grade" them. The paper I got had some good ideas, but was full of grammar and mechanics errors, along with some sections with poor syntax. I marked all the errors, made a positive comment about the ideas, and gave the imaginary student an "A" on the ideas and a "C-" for all the errors.
My prof took me aside and said that I could NEVER do that to an actual student. I could NOT mark up a paper and say there were errors. If I did, the prof said, the poor kid would be stigmatized for life and would never write again. If I didn't make corrections, I asked, and the young man was later asked to write a sentence or two on a job application to tell why he wanted the job, what then? He'd write something full of grammar mistakes, and give a bad impression. My prof said that wasn't a consideration. I disagreed, and the prof told me I'd never be allowed to teach like that, that I had to get with the program, or I'd be fighting the system my whole career and would never accomplish anything. I gave up the goal of teaching. And THAT'S why, fifteen years later, Johnny couldn't read. That attitude that everything a student produced was fine, that they should get a pass just for showing up. It's exponentially worse now.
Ronnie Raygun cut education programs and it's gone downhill from there.
Yes, Denise, you are right on target. Im almost 80, & worked in Education most of my life. I was the mother of 6 bright children. I've watched ignorance creep insidiousy into all areas of our society, & I grieve.
And you are correct about Reagan!! A whole lot of the mess the USA is in now, started with him, & The Tea Party .....
We're on the same page, Denise. My mom taught Rod Serling piano. My drama teacher was his drama teacher decades before I was born. The teacher, however, had a rotten attitude toward my older brothers and me, and I hadn't known why. She had even lied to my mother about me. Thankfully, my mother knew it. It took some years before I realized the likelihood that the teacher had been jealous of my mother's relationship with Serling.
When I was 15, I had tried some screen writing, and the drama teacher coldly told me I should never write for a career, that I was hopeless.
When I got to college, my English prof told me I was the best writer on campus and had encouraged me to follow that path. With every paper and exam I took in his class, I realized I'd rather get a B from him than an A from any other teacher, and I told him at one point. He smiled and replied, "I knew from your earliest papers in my classes, you were so far ahead of the class, I had to grade you against yourself--or grade the rest of the class on a curve." lol
Some years ago, I was asked to write a skit for a state beauty pageant in honor of Women's History Month, and they loved--and used--it. Beyond that, however, I never wrote another skit or play again. On the other hand, I did have a fairly successful freelance writing career in addition to winning two state awards and a 2nd place national award for my first book. I'm so glad I didn't listen to that drama teacher again.
That said, long before the late 70s/early 80s, education had begun to plummet. IMO, Denise, you should have continued in your goal to become a teacher. Not all teachers would have given you such advice, and quality English teachers are a rarity.
I'm so glad for you, Michelle, that you persevered with your writing. To very good effect, too, it seems!
I'm also a writer, by avocation. I've never been in a position to try to make a living at it, however, so I just used my skill in crafting proposals and tutorials for the corporations that employed me as an admin. I applied for years to be a writer at a magazine publishing house before finally being hired as an admin. At my last job, I was an office manager for a business journal. The editor eventually told me---after we'd both been down-sized out---that if he'd known I was such a good writer, he'd have hired me as such. Gratifying, but too late.
Since I [involuntarily] retired, I've been searching for writing jobs, to no avail. Seems it's wasn't meant to be.
And yes, in hindsight, I do sometimes wish I hadn't listened to that prof, but at that time, he was likely right. When I dropped my ed major, my advisor said I'd made the right decision, financially. Seems hard to believe now, but back then, there was a glut of teachers on the market. It was taking five years for ed grads to land teaching jobs, and I couldn't afford to wait. A friend had a Master's in biology, and after trying for a high school teaching job for several years, she went back for her Ph.D. and ended up working for the Georgia Department of Health.
I was fortunate to have gotten an excellent education at a local public school system in a relatively small town. It wasn't until I was in college that I realized local systems in general were failing so badly. Even then, though, kids were graduating with much more knowledge than they have today. My mother-in-law, a retired teacher, says the problems today are over-sized classes, lack of resources, teachers' lack of subject-matter knowledge, and teaching strictly for standardized state tests.
Totally obvious!!
The 50 stars on our flag are not colored red or blue, nor are they unequal in size. They symbolize the United States of America and they are all on the same flag.
"Many who don’t support him now feel uneasy about flying the flag for fear they will be labeled as right-wing extremists."
As I read that sentence I thought about the many who are Christian but fear claiming it out loud because they don't want to be affiliated or associated with the evangelicals. Right-wing Christofasciists no more own Jesus than redneck MAGA traitors own Old Glory. I am a Veteran who salutes the Flag, usually teary-eyed, with honor and with treasure.
I shall never feel uneasy to fly the flag of my country, for the same reasons.
You can tell the extremists by the tRump flag they insist on flying next to our grand ol flag.
And I am a Born Again Christian who is sickened by the Christian Nationalists, & the fact that any knowledgeable Follower of Jesus would support tyrump or be comfortable around any magas. I think the correct word is "knowledgeable." The Bible describes these people as " Willfully Ignorant."
Beware the false prophets and those who are wolves dressed in sheep's cloth.
The American flag and the Trump flag are complete opposites. The American flag represents the US. The Trump flag represents the biggest traitor in the history of our country.
It’s a sad comment on our country when flying our national symbol causes division. It’s beyond belief that a convicted felon who also committed sexual assault can still be considered a viable candidate. His disregard and mocking of people with disabilities, his promise to let all the January 6 traitors out of jail, his use of religion to proclaim his greatness…for any one of these he should never even be near an election as a candidate. What is wrong with the citizens of this country? Each one of us must vote and encourage everyone we know to vote. It’s no longer politics. It’s saving democracy.
Have you asked them? I literally don't have any Black neighbors (live in rural Missouri that is 99.9% white and 99.8 % trump). Have you gotten very varied answers. I always worry about comparisons, but I wonder how life for Blacks and other person of color living in America compares to other nations. If it is much worse, if opportunities are much less and discrimination much more I hope they will all band together and vote out the Republicans who work so hard to deny them the same rights and respect that they have for straight white men. If your Black friends and neighbors think America is better than other nations, all things considered, I hope they will all band together to vote to make sure it stays that way and even gets better. From things I read many immigrants have a lot of respect for the Flag and what it represents, but those who are white obviously have been able to blend in so their experience is very different that persons of color, especially person of color who were slaves. If you can, please share what your friends/neighbor have said. I really would like to know. I like to think that reading books like The Warmth of Other Suns has given me a tiny insight into the courage persons of color have and how awful American, especially the south both was and still is towards them, but I'd like to hear more from other every day people.
You are a true and wonderful American. We need more folks like you!!! I tend to believe that whites do not have a benevolent nature. I do hope that my grand children who see much more positive representation of persons of color (and yes, gasp non straight persons) than I did growing up will grow up to consider all folks pretty equal. There are jerks in all groups as well as wonderful people. It is hard for them growing up in an area where you face physical retaliation if you are a Biden supporter and by and large non white non straight persons are not welcome, (we are here because of family obligations) but I hope they will be strong enough to overcome that, to break away from all their peers who have such hate towards people not like them. Boy I wish I were your neighbor!
Every skipped opportunity to vote for someone other than Trump, including voting for no one or for someone who has no chance of winning, is helpful to Trump. No thinking person can do that. Our lives and our way of life are at stake, and the vanity of grudge votes should remain in the past.
I think that Leslie's answer is factually correct. The design of the Electoral College could very well amplify the effect that minority populations have on the result. The swing states of GA, PA and MI alone could seal the election with a unified block of the minority vote.
In reality, a unified front could possibly put red leaning states into play.
You are correct that voting is a personal choice. If you wish to carry a 20 year old grudge rather than accepting that perhaps people change (they do), that is your prerogative.
Elections have consequences. This election has only two possible outcomes. Which one of those is better for you, and perhaps which one at least presents a chance of moving in the right direction?
Well said! This is a very different election than we have ever had before. The stakes are very clear. I love how you use the phrase moving in the right direction....so very very true.
So do you support Trump?
Whew!!!! If you feel there are any organizations that really help reduce racism I'd love to know. I don't have much to donate, but I always think that if lots of us give a wee bit and we don't think, well, I can't give more than a dollar or two so what's the point and we do all give that dollar or two it can make a difference. But for me it's hard to know what is a good group to donate to. Any thoughts?
Yes!! You are correct!! Strident, yet correct!! I live in SE Houston. My husband & I are THE minority. Old, & pink. Ten black, brown & off white to one old & pink. We have lovely neighbors. Gracious, courteous, generous & friendly. We live living here. I'm from NE Calif, my husband was raised in the South Sea Islands. We have lived many places. Our children all live on the W. Coast. We miss them, but I'm almostv80 & a move across the Country would be much too difficult now. We moved here because of circumstances beyond our control, 56 yrs ago. We liked the people so much, we stayed.
Opps- we moved to Tx 6 yrs ago.
While your answer reflects your personal experiences and those of many or most Black Americans, you didn't answer the question specifically about what the flag means to them. I think that's a different question that possibly informs "us" as to the impact of the flag.
I’m a solid Democrat who proudly puts flags in all of my container gardens and hangs bunting around the outside of my house. It is how I pay homage to the dearest symbol of the United States of America, and I consider myself to be a true American.
Dan - great piece. It's not my flag. I'm a neighbour - mine is the Canadian flag. We Canadians are very familiar with your flag and those who wave it wartime and peacetime. It has a rich history, but OLD, as in Old Glory, is a past-tense term. As I see it, it was OLD Glory; the greater concern is their glory now, will there be glory in the future. Happy flag day. As an observer, I think the 'day to move the holiday to for a stark reminder of why it's worthy of flying, is January 6th ... that would be a great flag day. Good luck!
I fear, Mark, too many would remember the insurrection on that day instead. Better that we remember June 14 as Flag Day, rather than the birthday of the convicted leader of that insurrection.
Michelle - a good point to argue, but shedding good light on bad moments in history - as flags celebrate victories of tyrants, evil and enemy forces - having a reminder each year on the of something horrid and reprehensible has merit. Doesn't your flag celebrate a victory in a war for independence, just as Frances Scott Key wrote a poem about an incredible and unlikely victory in a battle?
I do see your point, Mark; but consider the following quote (I'll offer the link to the full article as well.):
"Why is Flag Day celebrated on June 14? On June 14, 1777, the Continental Congress adopted the "Stars and Stripes" as the original American flag. The same flag was used when the Declaration of Independence was signed to give a flag for the entire country rather than each state having their own."
Michelle's point of acceptance of the flag by the Continental Congress seals the date for me. It is also the date the US Army was founded.
Now *that*, J. Hayden, I didn 't know! Thank you!
Yes, indeed, this is MY country and MY flag. I will not let Trump and his minions co-opt it. We live in an older house and always buy flags with the number of stars that were in the Union the year the house was built. They will NOT steal my flag. Nor democracy. Please, everyone...support Joe Biden and the Democrats. We will not survive another 4 years of Trump. Thank you Dan, for always speaking the truth.
Thank you, Dan Rather, for educating and reminding us of the Flag day. Yes and no, keeping the Flag Day in mind, I am going to digress a bit. Please allow me to do that.
I am sorry for not being sorry when I write this.
Mitch ( as senator from Kentucky) really belongs in the ditch. He is retiring this November, being 83, and is still supporting Trump. Shame on him. Really ? Trump ridicules him and his wife. And the guy has no shame. He and people like him are the reason why Trump is no unhinged.
Clarence Thomas, another piece of work. Really more revelations about the freeloader’s trip. Honestly where and when is this going to end. Where is the outrage ? Obviously these guys have no shame.
When will this end, Dan Rather.
Let’s not forget, November, 5th.
My apologies for digression.
My two cents, Dan Rather.
Thank you
Thank you for this. You could have added almost the entire elected Republicans in Congress and half the Supreme Court justices to the list of shameful leaders. And even more shameful is that millions will vote for them this November. November 5th will either be a new Independence Day for us or it will be out own January 30, 1933, when lost our constitutional republic to a dictator.
Very true, and thank you for sharing your thoughts. It is too damn frustrating for regular honest people to have a pulse in their body.
And of course, thank you for teaching kids in school.
Thank you
Blueberry Muffin: It is obvious that you do not know what I was referring to. I did not reference FDR. FDR was sworn in in April, 1933. In Germany, following several backroom negotiations with the leading politicians, Hindenburg "acquiesced" to his own resignation, and on January 30, 1933, Hindenburg formally appointed Adolf Hitler as Germany's new chancellor. thereby ushering in the dictator and the Nazi Third Reich.
Well said, Susan. Folks need to verify facts before posting.
There's no apology necessary. This is a forum where we still have the freedom to share ideas and commentary. You make good points, and when it will end is when there is a Democrat in the White House and when Congress has a Democratic majority. This is when the change will begin. The Republican minority cult will have to rise up again as a party of reason, which now it clearly is not.
Your point is well taken, Steve. Much appreciated. You know the Democrats lately are also not God’s gift on earth. What’s going on with Bob Menendes, immediate example.
I guess, politics is a dirty game and of course not to forget absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Of course, the Dems are any day better than the Republican bunch.
The conservative Supreme Court is really putting America to shame in the eyes of the world.
There is plenty of outrage to go around the convucted felon, the greed and corruptness of Alito and Thomas, the shame and power tripping Republicans that support that convicted felon and those that are giving Trump a cult status! Outrage and shame personified in those that continue to allow this felon any attention but should wipe the scales from their eyes and open their minds and hear the truth.
Rajiv: So many of us have the same questions. I am afraid I might not live long enough to learn the answers. My worry is: What kind of country will my unborn great grandchildren inherit?
No worries, you will long and healthy. Always, remember the invincible, all pervasive force- God, that controls the universe.
Thank you
Sorry meant you will live long and healthy. Always a problem when you type without your reading glasses. Lol
With this, you just lost me!
I am sorry, what happened? I meant to say, I always mis type when I am not wearing my reading glasses. I am only wishing you good health and long life when you write that you may not live long enough to see the change.
That’s all.
No need to be sorry. I think God's so old, tired of human bullshit. Stopped listening a longtime ago. Wants us to figure itvout on our own. That is all.
God, no god. Religion and politics are generally speaking very private things. Lock people in a room and start talking about politics or religion, you are sure to start a fight. There should be no need for that. What is happening in USA these days is massive polarization and cult like following which is all too dangerous.
Politics, and fine arts and sports should be about uplifting people.
I have yet to hear 45th describing what he wants to do for the American people. He is all about revenge.
It is too damn dangerous.
My two cents
I agree with you wholeheartedly.
Old Glory - long may she wave over a free democracy.
Definitely NOT a Trump flag!! Thank you.
I always get mushy over flags. I have two, a small American flag for US holidays and a small French flag for Bastille Day (bien sûr!) (I have dual nationality). I watched the welcome ceremonies for the reciprocal state visits by President Biden and Président Macron and used up a lot of tissues. :)
Our flag is just that - our flag. But how some people treat it speaks volumes about their level of respect for it and for their country and neighbors.
Happy Flag Day, Dan and everyone! Have a great weekend!
Merci beaucoup!