Dear Dan.

We need greater communication and education about the change happening around us. Every news outlet should have a segment on climate change to inform the public WHY this is occurring.

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Climate change is definitely taken its toll on everyone. Especially on people who live in inner cities and apartment buildings with no air-conditioning. It would be great if every state, would make it mandatory for every unit to have air-conditioning. We're going to have to alleviate fossil fuel completely, at the rate we're going.

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Always those who live in the poorest areas suffer the most from climate crisis, pollution, lack of health care, etc. Now even the middle class citizens are feeling the effects of a climate on fire! We must wake up and do everything in our power to slow this disastrous warming before it is too late! Do it for our children and grandchildren!! Do it for all forms of life on our beautiful planet!!

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We have amazing companies who are accelerating sustainability! Tesla is accelerating sustainability with clean energy! Redwood Materials are recycling, refining and remanufacturing battery materials. Maybe you need to stop bashing on Elon Musk. I know he's weird. No one is perfect.

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Thanks for the reminder of how heat affects the elderly and also animals. Not sure what age is considered elderly but Ed and I are 81. Anything that is done out side is done after the sun sets or early morning. Our two fur babies are inside dogs and it takes some coaxing to get them out to potty. So grateful for our air conditioning, and that the storms didn’t affect our electricity. Wish our politicians would take climate change seriously. 🥰❤️🙏

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110 real feel where I am in AR today. Same forecast for tomorrow. Very early in the

summer for this kind of heat.

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Texas is a hopeless state run by industry. This is what the Republican Party represents; industry and wealth. The regular people are too dumb to understand. But I save some of my criticism for democrats since our unruly crowd occasionally expresses issues that have distinctly negative responses. But we walk proud knowing that we walk the high moral ground not realizing that the very ground we walk on is giving away. What’s a po boy to do? Nottin absolutely nottin.

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Thank You for keeping the article short enough to read in one day. I have noticed you've started to shorten you articles, while still getting your points across.

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Hopefully the energy improvement efforts will grow. Here in Michigan, having to also deal with the air quality impact from the Canadian wildfires. Michigan is not only installing wind turbines, but solar farms seem to be popping up in a place with limited sun. Not necessarily pleasing to the eye, but at the rate of battery storage capacity (EV and CHIPS seem to be impacting) hopefully the footprints will be reduced over the next few years.

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Mr. Rather, thank you for this thoughtful piece, please do stay cool and comfortable in the coming days.

Many years back, certain states/cities, were incentivizing homeowners, and probably businesses, to tear out lawns and replace them with low-water use things: rocks, succulents, etc. I don't know if those programs are still in place, I hope not. It never made sense, because in the long run you're making a hot and dry place, hotter and drier - therefore creating more need for the very thing that is is short supply. I don't know all the scientific/horticultural terms, but it's physically possible to CREATE green, moisture-producing environments, by planting, not tearing away. I have no choice but to over-simplify because I'm not an expert, but while the experts plan for and around a deprived eventuality, we should also be planning (and planting) from a optimistic perspective of abundance.

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Dan Rather: the last two paragraphs sum up, most eloquently, the urgency for ACTION: We have to adapt. Air conditioning is no longer just something that’s nice to have; it's a matter of life and death. Trees aren’t just visually appealing aspects of an urban landscape; the shade they provide is essential to public health. Where we build, how we build, and how we power ourselves all should be reexamined.

In a warming planet, resilience requires reckoning with reality and resolving to act.

It's so bizarre that our society, our politics are so entrenched, not listening to the urgent call to accelerate policy - at all levels - to mitigate the onslaught of a warming planet, while there's time!

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The article states, "Our planet is warming, and human activity is a driving factor." I do not see, however, your proof of that statement, in the article. Stating a theory does not prove the theory. Kindly, where is your proof? Could you cite valid sources, for the proof? Thank you for allowing comments.

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Currently in IN and from CO where wildfire smoke filled summer days often over recent years. Here in IN it is new to many. Finding people are really ignorant of Canadian geography and Forrest’s. Have no concept of the 29,000 sq miles burning in Canada and why firefighters can’t just put it our (!). Add to that ignorance of Atlantic Ocean temps tipping into crisis. Can you influence coverage and education? National media is Trump 24/7 and nothing on Thais topic. Such a disservice…

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We can't deny the reality of climate change. In addition to intense heat, there is flooding, wildfires, droughts, hurricanes, tornadoes and during the winter, intense ice and snow storms. These occurred in the past but not with the frequency they do now. Just this week we've learned of malaria cases in Florida and in Texas. In New England we are suffering through the worst season ever of ticks. 40 or 50 years ago ticks were virtually non-existent in our area. I fear all of this will only get worse as time goes on, if nothing changes. I wish I knew of a solution.

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Once again you have nailed it! You bring the steady back to our world. We must remain diligent in our fight for our environment and for what is right. We tell our children that it is up to each generation to keep up the good fight!

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Common sense, well-written as always… touching the pulse of the normal, average thinking (aka some intelligence) person. Steady as she goes! Thank you Dan and Elliot. 🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦

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