It appears that Karma is finally catching up with Donald John Trump 45th President of The United States. The general public really needs to reassess what attracts a sizeable minority of people to support this man. Maybe his supporters have needs that have been long ignored by both establishment Democrats and Republicans. Addressing these long ignored needs may make it highly unlikely someone like Donald J Trump would ever be elected to the US Presidency again.

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It is my belief that not only the named conspirators but also those who are upholding the MAGA cause need to be indicted and banned from office. We need to delve into records to identify all who support a destruction of our democracy. There are those who support a re-election of trump, they may need to be added to this list.

We don't know how far this goes. It has been my idea that if MAGA wants trump they should have him in their own country at another location, say China or Russia or Antarctica. Not here. Not on this continent.

I respect the restraint that everyone is using. I believe that the results of the Civil War and the practices that took place should apply now. President Jefferson Davis was exiled as a result of his insurrection to a home in the south. His visitors were screened, his correspondence was censored, and he wasn't allowed to influence government for the rest of his life.

In my opinion these actions must be taken to secure the United States of America.

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Excellent analysis. Thank you.

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Its the blinkers that scare me the most I still have family members who can't see the truth they simply believe the words that come out of his mouth and ignore the deeds that he does and the deeds and words are not even close too a match. Bidens not perfect but he is working toward what he says where tRump just says whatever he thinks his MAGAs want to hear, always has . When he insulted Senator John McCain, who I admit I didn't always see eye to eye with that was the last straw and I quit the repthug party since I knew that they had lost there way completely.

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Why he’s even being allowed to run at all, is deeply upsetting to me. He’s been proven a liar over and over, doesn’t pay his bills and is guilty of rape. By those measures, he couldn’t even get a job as a bartender (no offense to bartenders) let alone as the President of the most powerful nation in the world! What is wrong with this picture???!!!

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If only there was an answer to this! Instead we will all have to live with the blindness & stupidity of the electorate. Good heavens, when will “they” ever learn?

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Trump does not care one iota about being president and all that the job entails. His concern is to be elected president. This egotistical moron can’t let a loss be a loss.

Like the spoiled crybaby he is, he will stomp his feet until he gets what he wants. If he loses again (I pray to god that happens) we shouldn’t even think that he’ll ride off into the sunset to enjoy his millions. He’ll be crying about another stolen election. Like the followers of Charles Manson and his ilk, trump’s will be in lockstep

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You are correct in rejecting violence as a solution, but it may be forced upon us by the oppression. Always a last resort, it’s still a “resort.”

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Everyone please note!!!


This is what the whole concern is about. This is where we are at in the battle to to save our rule of law constitutional democracy.

Trump is planning to take away our liberties and freedoms. He is planning to establish an authoritarian oligarch dictatorship. If he gets elected again if you speak out trump will exact retribution!! This will be the end of liberty and freedoms. We must be sure to get out and vote. We all need to remember that we Never have all gotten out to vote. We must if we do we

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This sentence blew my former English major mind! "Today represents an indictment of all who validated his vile indulgences, whitewashed his wantonness, disguised his depravity, legitimized his lawlessness, and acquiesced to his autocracy." The alliteration is perfect! Well done! Also, excellent article all around.

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I honestly didn't notice until you pointed it out. I think that's part of the perfection. It doesn't jump out and distract you.

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I appreciate the alliterative writing perfection!! I read the sentence aloud to myself and savored the beauty and truth.

So much of what is published online is riddled with grammatical and spelling errors, not to mention the content itself. This piece is absolutely wonderful in all regards! I completely agree!

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Beautifully and authentically written. Sadly, we think the third indictment is the road to prison, but it "ain't necessarily so." In whatever way we can, with whatever strength we have, with whatever resources we command, we must fight Trump and all that he stands for and all that he holds in sway. He deserves to spend the rest of his life in prison with no parole because he is, by far, the biggest danger this democracy has ever faced.

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The very real possibility that we could have a convicted felon as our president is truly alarming. I'm trying to stay steady with you all.

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Just musing..... I was a Republican until Trump came into the picture. The "born again" Christians, which I was a member, were fooled by some Evangelical teachers who supported Trump in spite of his horrendous record of lying, cheating, boasting, and love of money (the source of much pain, according to Bible). Why did the evangelicals love him? Because our leaders thought we white evangelicals were losing the "righteous" country we thought we lived in, even though white population in our country has a disgusting and terrible history of treating Indians, Blacks, and Chinese and Japanese who came into the country as immigrants, as ALL OF OUR ANCESTORS WERE IMMIGRANTS. The abortion issue, which is important to evangelicals, helped Trump get their votes. The Bible says that true followers by their "fruits" of their lives ....... and Trump has some rotten fruits for ages in cheating, lying, adultery, etc. But we were foolish to think Trump would be our saviour; instead we voted in the wolf into the sheep fold. There are toooooo many people who call themselves "Christians" who act in ways far from the teaching of Christ. We all voted in this fake believer into power, thinking we would rule the USA and bring it back to a white country that only allows one religion. If you read history, you are aware how dangerous this mind set in Europe and other countries.

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While Mr Trump's behavior comes as no shock as the response of those who support him comes as a surprise. In spite of the fact that he lost both the popular and electoral counts over two thirds of Republican voters believe the election was stolen. This denial of observable reality indicates there is more than dissatisfaction with the result at play.

There is an inordinate fear within their minds that they, mostly so called white Americans, are being excluded from the very society their ancestors (white Europeans) founded. While in many respects these thoughts ring the bell of truth it must be understood our free and open society accepts people from around the world, the majority of whom are no longer descendants of Europeans. It is some among these European descendants, now under 60% of our population, who feel they must share the "American Dream" with strangers.

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There is a kind of work which any men can do, but from which many men shrink, generally because it is very hard work, sometimes, because they fear it will lead them whither they do not wish to go. It is called thinking. It is not taught in modern schools, although it was taught in medieval schools, and could be taught quite easily in it's rudiments. Most of it consists in a few quite elementary maxims, as (1) that all proof begins with something which cannot be proved, but can only be perceived or accepted, and is called an axiom, or first principle; (2) that there can be no argument save between those who accept the same first principle; (3) that an act can only be judged by defining it's object; and (4) that anything can be defended which is not a contradiction in terms.

-GK Chesterton ILN July 10, 1915

Until we agree on our axioms we will not start coming together as a country. Much of our current situation is being driven by a lack of agreement on first principles, which leads to a lack of ability to argue in a healthy manner.

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Be nice if one of these days Americans would move beyond stale rhetoric and take a hard scientific look at how the national geography has fundamentally shifted over the last generation.

You really think this is a unified country where people share the same values? What good can come from trying to pretend that we're all going to get along without fundamental, Constitutional-level reform?

It feels an awful lot like American partisans are talking themselves into a civil war. Fortunately, unless the military splits, it won't look like the last one.

When will it stop being taboo to accept that the Constitution can now only be applied on a regional basis, not to the entire USA as a whole? People have to be granted the right to live under the version they and their community prefers. And at the state level, 40 of 50 effectively belong to one partisan team or the other.

Are older Americans going to send younger ones to fight to preserve a DC system that almost nobody believes even works anymore?

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