I (still) hope; therefore, I am alive—-today—with only 1,459 left to go…

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Amen to that, Dan! I couldn’t bring myself to watch his 2nd swearing in just like I didn’t watch his first. Beginning today, we must be steadfast in whatever we can muster to ensure he does not destroy our democracy & sacred institutions, especially in the first 2 years. We must support Democratic legislators who are running in 2026 to replace the opposition so that we have a say in the final 2 years. Unfortunately, there is little we can do with SCOTUS or Justice Department…God help us!

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".....to the best of my ability..." There is his "out". He can't. Truly cannot because he will not.

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Thanks Dan for another one of your journalistic masterpieces and for stepping back into your role as a “Five Star Journalist” and sharing your vast wealth of knowledge, expertise and, experience and most of all for keeping us well informed with truth and not lies and disinformation. Senate Republicans put on a good show of fulfilling their advice and consent responsibilities of vetting Trump’s cabinet or should I say regime. They never asked the hard questions regarding the concerns about the nominee’s lack of qualifications and abilities to do the job. When Trump is administered his Oath of Office his hand should be placed not on a Bible but on a copy of his book “The Art of the Deal” combined with his Trump Bible to signify his intentions to not follow the Constitution and the laws of the land and his soon to come violations of its Emoluments Clause which would prohibit Trump from enriching himself from foreign and/or domestic sources while he’s in office. The Supreme Court’s Immunity Decision protects Trump with a “get and keep out of jail free card” and gives him and any former President broad immunity from criminal prosecution for official acts they took while in office. Dan, I’m so very grateful to have your steady hand to guide us through the difficult times ahead of us.

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Trump makes Richard Nixon look like a choir boy!

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Thing is it’s so easy to show Republicans are idiots that we forget that there have been famous Democrat idiots too, like the time Hank Johnson, D GA was worried Guam would tip over and kill all our troops. https://youtu.be/cesSRfXqS1Q?si=ka2K0rQBJXviOmoY

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And how is that relevant to today's situation? What's your real point and what were you hoping to accomplish with this comment?

I don't think anyone on these threads has ever said Democrats were perfect.

However, we are saying that the threat we are facing with Trump overshadows anything we have seen thus far from either side.

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Personally, I don’t like Trumps personality but I like his programs and past successes. Let’s wait and see what happens.

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I'm curious to hear what "programs and past successes" you are referring to.

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I'm sickened by this "inauguration", and the fact it's happening on MLK Jr. day, is a slap in the face to those of us who believed in King's morals and ethics.

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It's truly heartbreaking to have this happen on Martin Luther King day.

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This Monday will usher in the scariest time I have ever witnessed, and I've witnessed a lot in my time on earth, including 9/11. It is just incomprehensible to me, still, that my fellow Americans thought this pathetic excuse for a man is the answer to what ails the country, that he would help them buy eggs. That help is needed for many Americans is indisputable, but they've placed their last chips on the wrong bet. He doesn't give a shite about them, us or the country. God help us.

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I work and even if I were home I would not watch it. It’s a meaningless ceremony when we all know good and well, he cares nothing about protecting and preserving the Constitution. I try to keep forefront in my mind, he’s not in charge, God is. And He is watching. The College Football National Championship Game is that day which, though a game, is more important to me than watching a traitor take an other on a Bible knowing he voided that oath when it served his purpose. And he’ll gladly do it again.

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Now we have to look to legitimate reporters like Dan Rather for civics and history lessons related to today’s world!

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Thank you for you strong and clear statement that will live on as public record.

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We're getting no less than we expect. AND their Administration hasn't officially begun yet. We're only at CAT #1 presently. On November 21st, after the BIG PARTY At The Royal Palace is over, we will be officially on the way to CAT5 OR Higher. Very likely, things will get much much worse as the Endless Days of Insane Actions Occur and the constant, never ending Babble On "X" and The "Media" bombards our hourly lives. Surely, if there Were A GOD, he, she or it might find it in his "goodness" to come to the aid and salvation of over 300 million Americans and the Rest of The World. However, this All Loving and All Merciful contrived GOD, couldn't find the time to help out 6 million of his "Chosen People" and all the other millions, who could have really used a "GOD" in their extreme times of need. So, My Money is on that Bridge For Sale In Brooklyn. I expect that we will be surprised and often shocked. Maybe a CAT25 "Anti Hurricane" Will Develop to OUR Favor...

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Really an excellent summary of the utter absurdity of the upcoming inauguration of Donald Trump — an advertisement to the entire world that our founding principles lie in tatters.

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Really not understanding why he was not forced out like Nixon . Especially since he did far worse. Now we have to suffer 4 years of hardship and horror. I have no respect for anyone in congress that won't stand up to him.

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