Thanks, Dan, and also, congrats on the upcoming documentary acquired by Netflix, titled "Rather" on April 24, looking forward to seeing it! Stay humble and kind!
"This unprecedented documentary will weave the past, present and future of journalism as it delves into the man behind the legend. We’ll revisit Dan Rather’s 60+ year career and the biggest moments in American journalism. With unrestricted access, we’ll offer an unfiltered look at both his esteemed career – exploring where and how he became one of journalism’s resounding force – and his present renaissance as the last beacon of quality reporting, unfettered and in direct contact with Americans through social media."
I totally agree. Thanks so much for your dedication to providing us with honest, reliable journalism that we can trust. I can’t wait to see the documentary about you.
Wow! Congratulations Mr. Rather. I am looking forward to watching your documentary on Netflix on the 24th of April. I will definitely spread the word around.
I'm a retired Nurse but always tried to be kind to everyone no matter how they treated me. Emergency Rooms sometimes have patients that try your nerves but kindness wins!!
Thank you, Dan Rather. Humility and kindness is there alright but some how missing ? Not sure why ? We came with nothing and we are going to go with nothing. Why then this attitude of trying to be biggest than yourself? Some one told me long time ago, Sir. It is nice to be important but very important to be nice.
My two cents,
Thank you, Dan
Happy Sunday and Happy Master’s viewing every one.
Thank you for reminding me about this one! I had my Kindergarten choir perform this for their final concert one year. It was a tear jerker moment. It's a tremendous reminder of holding on to the better parts of our humanity in these times.
I’d never heard the song before (I don’t listen to much Country). It was beautiful and the video with it made me cry. Thank you for the timely reminder.
You really struck home with your "humility" thing. I have always said that a trait I look for in everybody, no matter how powerful they are, is humility. Kudos to your mother.
Thank you, Dan and your team for presenting this. Especially in this political season, it would be appreciated if both politicians and the media would practice these two behaviors. It would give us all better examples to emulate.
In our family, bragging counted for nothing. "Do the job well and quietly and the results will speak for themselves", said by my dad and supported by mom. With humble and kind also comes respect, which in some circles has been replaced by blind loyalty, which doesn't have to be earned - respect does. Thoughtful people will remember to be this way even when the public examples have vanished.
Humility and kindness seem in short supply. From the halls of Congress to the halls of your local high school, kindness soesn't seem to get rewarded. Why is that? Somewhere in the answer is the worm of greed. Greed for lucre; greed for celebrity. Be good to come out of this era into a kinder gentler life.
Thanks, Dan, and also, congrats on the upcoming documentary acquired by Netflix, titled "Rather" on April 24, looking forward to seeing it! Stay humble and kind!
"This unprecedented documentary will weave the past, present and future of journalism as it delves into the man behind the legend. We’ll revisit Dan Rather’s 60+ year career and the biggest moments in American journalism. With unrestricted access, we’ll offer an unfiltered look at both his esteemed career – exploring where and how he became one of journalism’s resounding force – and his present renaissance as the last beacon of quality reporting, unfettered and in direct contact with Americans through social media."
Thank you JustRaven,
We are looking forward to seeing the documentary on “Rather”.
My memories still hold onto the quiet , careful , thoughtful news given each day by Mr.Rather.
I miss that so much. I think the demise of our Journalistic mission really is hurting the planet.
I will try to be “humble and kind” as a way to discover the news by actually living it.
Stay well everyone.
Thank you, for the information. Would love to watch that too.
Thank you. “” Rather’s “ kind of journalism is non existent these days. Sad but true.
Thank you
Yes it is. I am looking forward to watching it with friends.
I totally agree. Thanks so much for your dedication to providing us with honest, reliable journalism that we can trust. I can’t wait to see the documentary about you.
thank you for this info
Thanks, I will be watching it.
Just 4 days from now, via Netflix on April 24th!
Rather not watch it.
hey - where will it be?? Would love to see it!
thank you.
Netflix, titled "Rather" on April 24
I will binge watch for sure!
Wow! Congratulations Mr. Rather. I am looking forward to watching your documentary on Netflix on the 24th of April. I will definitely spread the word around.
As a Nurse, these are words that I try my best to remember to use with each patient I look after. Thank you for this lovely reminder today.
And would I might run into your “nursing” style. Donna, we are missing that too in the healthcare “Insured” trap.
Thank you for being a part of great healing:”kindness”!
You are doing great Karma, everyday.
God bless
Bless you Donna Rogers
I'm a retired Nurse but always tried to be kind to everyone no matter how they treated me. Emergency Rooms sometimes have patients that try your nerves but kindness wins!!
Advice that we need to survive and thrive today. Thanks Dan. It's a great way to start a Sunday!
Your mom was wise, as are you. Thank you for this piece and for turning back around to help the rest of us.
Thank you, Dan Rather. Humility and kindness is there alright but some how missing ? Not sure why ? We came with nothing and we are going to go with nothing. Why then this attitude of trying to be biggest than yourself? Some one told me long time ago, Sir. It is nice to be important but very important to be nice.
My two cents,
Thank you, Dan
Happy Sunday and Happy Master’s viewing every one.
My apologies: meant bigger than yourself.
Was typing without my reading glasses.
Thank you, in all humility.
Dems aren’t great at messaging. But Biden & the down ticket might consider this song to be their campaign slogan & video, 24/7.
Great idea! If Tim and Taylor sang it together, maybe before or after a Biden appearance, a whole lot of new people would go to the polls.
Great idea! Work on it!
Thank you. The tears are streaming down my face. This is so timely and so we all need to be reminded of.
I am with you with the tears.
I’m in tears, as well. This song is a beautiful reminder of how we can and should be…
I had tears in my eyes, but also smiled. It was just wonderful!!
Yeah, I cried, too. Have a lovely Sunday.
Thank you for reminding me about this one! I had my Kindergarten choir perform this for their final concert one year. It was a tear jerker moment. It's a tremendous reminder of holding on to the better parts of our humanity in these times.
I’d never heard the song before (I don’t listen to much Country). It was beautiful and the video with it made me cry. Thank you for the timely reminder.
Thank you Dan. It’s especially good advice today.
You really struck home with your "humility" thing. I have always said that a trait I look for in everybody, no matter how powerful they are, is humility. Kudos to your mother.
Thank you, Dan and your team for presenting this. Especially in this political season, it would be appreciated if both politicians and the media would practice these two behaviors. It would give us all better examples to emulate.
In our family, bragging counted for nothing. "Do the job well and quietly and the results will speak for themselves", said by my dad and supported by mom. With humble and kind also comes respect, which in some circles has been replaced by blind loyalty, which doesn't have to be earned - respect does. Thoughtful people will remember to be this way even when the public examples have vanished.
Very much needed today with everything going on with the whole planet seemingly in total chaos and conflict. Thank you.
Humility and kindness seem in short supply. From the halls of Congress to the halls of your local high school, kindness soesn't seem to get rewarded. Why is that? Somewhere in the answer is the worm of greed. Greed for lucre; greed for celebrity. Be good to come out of this era into a kinder gentler life.
Love this article and the song. What a nice way to start the week.
Perfect timing. Thank you sir.