How often do you think about climate change?
Almost daily during fire season.
Has it affected your life? The lives of your family or community?
Every Spring is spent clearing winter growth and making the property as fire safe and defensible as possible.
We don't go on extended or distant vacations during fire season.
Has it affected your life? The lives of your family or community?
Every Spring is spent clearing winter growth and making the property as fire safe and defensible as possible.
We don't go on extended or distant vacations during fire season.
My community is forever scarred from a 2017 fire that burned over 1,000 homes in one night. More than a few have moved elsewhere to feel "safer" - which seems futile since climate change is everywhere.
Have you made any changes in your daily routine because of the climate crisis?
We pay a great deal more attention to weather forecasts. We have "Go Kits" staged in the garage in case of evacuation warnings.
Any tips or favorite strategies to limit consumption?
In 2020 we reduced our overall electricity consumption by 16% even though we were stuck at home more. This year - to date - we're down another 3% by having more open windows at night, and using less AC during the day and tolerating/adapting to a slightly warmer house.
More eBooks and eZines. All of our green waste goes to compost.
On an individual level, that's all well and good, but not enough. We need to campaign for and elect representatives who know climate change is real and walk the walk, not just talk.
How often do you think about climate change?
Almost daily during fire season.
Has it affected your life? The lives of your family or community?
Every Spring is spent clearing winter growth and making the property as fire safe and defensible as possible.
We don't go on extended or distant vacations during fire season.
My community is forever scarred from a 2017 fire that burned over 1,000 homes in one night. More than a few have moved elsewhere to feel "safer" - which seems futile since climate change is everywhere.
Have you made any changes in your daily routine because of the climate crisis?
We pay a great deal more attention to weather forecasts. We have "Go Kits" staged in the garage in case of evacuation warnings.
Any tips or favorite strategies to limit consumption?
In 2020 we reduced our overall electricity consumption by 16% even though we were stuck at home more. This year - to date - we're down another 3% by having more open windows at night, and using less AC during the day and tolerating/adapting to a slightly warmer house.
More eBooks and eZines. All of our green waste goes to compost.
On an individual level, that's all well and good, but not enough. We need to campaign for and elect representatives who know climate change is real and walk the walk, not just talk.