While my wife and I have made several adjustments in our use of energy, the real change required is major governmental action in the US and other major industrialized countries to dramatically reduce the burning of fossil fuels, especially coal. To do this will require a massive shift to renewable energy (solar and wind) as well as major investments in energy efficiency.
While my wife and I have made several adjustments in our use of energy, the real change required is major governmental action in the US and other major industrialized countries to dramatically reduce the burning of fossil fuels, especially coal. To do this will require a massive shift to renewable energy (solar and wind) as well as major investments in energy efficiency.
While my wife and I have made several adjustments in our use of energy, the real change required is major governmental action in the US and other major industrialized countries to dramatically reduce the burning of fossil fuels, especially coal. To do this will require a massive shift to renewable energy (solar and wind) as well as major investments in energy efficiency.