I’m delighted that President Biden does not flood us with tweets. Such a relief. He speaks from thought and consideration, not blasting out every thing that passes through his mind. Give him a break these first few months. The former President left a lOT for him to unwind and straighten out. He is tending to business, not shouting to the masses. He’s working, thinking, and trying his best. give him time. Yes, he should have news conferences at least once a month once he has his feet under him .

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My stress level has lowered 100% since Mr Biden has taken office. We are informed and he is doing the work. I know that part of the gig is answering questions posed by reporters but, dang, we are fighting a pandemic and now a severe border crisis. I am happy to just let him do his job.

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No matter how many press conferences 45 had we never could get a straight answer or believe a word he said. Quiet is a good thing.

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I am sure President Biden will give the press conference when he is ready and I agree with comments posted regarding feeling well informed, and that Biden’s presence has been quite adequate to this point. Wish less criticism in the public forum and more support would occur (might be much more productive!)

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P.S. And as others have said; it is so very pleasant not to be constantly barraged with negative attacks and "poor me" this and "poor me" that attitudes! I've already raised my children. I don't need to hear childish attitudes from our nation's capitol. (I think there is a lot more to write on that considering our Congress, but I'll let that go for now. ;-)

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I think that if President Biden had held a press conference any earlier all it would have accomplished would have been to sound like an attack on the previous administration due to all the problems that were left for President Biden to solve. I think he showed great restraint and graciousness by just getting into/and taking care of business FIRST. Now he can tell us how things are going, instead of what was left wrong and broken.

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I do agree with the comments I'm reading about the amount of work needed to be done and more is being made of the lack of press conferences so far. I believe the Press Secretary is doing her job and is probably being honest (no comparison to the previous administration). I also believe in the checks and balances inherent in our form of government. That includes a free press and the right to question the man or woman in charge, not just their spokesperson. I am not concerned about this gap, as long as it is not the norm.

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Personally, while I recognize the importance of Presidents, "keeping the nation up to date with press conferences", and just as importantly opening themselves up to questions to the press on said issues, right now, we are in the middle of dealing with a raging international pandemic crisis and the getting out all of the vaccines President Biden has done thus far is miraculous especially when one considers that he entered into an arena of absolute denial, and negation. So my vote, give the guy a bit of a break, he has thus far met most of his "goal" agenda if you will, so give him a bit of time to catch his breath.

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After all the blatant lies of the previous administration, the ‘burning down the house’ actions of the last administration, the abuse & nastiness directed toward the press & affiliates, firings of those in the last administration who clearly sought to sew truth & not lies, the proliferation of the election fraud claims, the insurrection, removal of any sensible standards of operation in case of a pandemic & of the Paris accord? I am perfectly content, confident & ultimately relieved that this president doesn’t feel the need to strut around like a ‘cock in a hen house’. He recognized, from the start that he needed to get to work on his agenda, having to play catch-up because mr. president reject wouldn’t do any transition exchange, (as he was too busy planning his January 6th counter certification party/insurrection)getting his cabinet together & sworn in! I think he’s had enough on his plate! I think what he has done so far has warranted nothing but our admiration & respect. He’s doing exactly what he needs to be doing in the face of all that is before him & it is absolutely appropriate for these extremely unprecedected circumstances. If there had been a peaceful exchange of administrations & transition then yes, I would have different expectations of this administrations delivery of information. Jen Psaki is lovely & is doing a great job under this extremely unprecedented political climate. Biden found an excellent press secretary in Jen & if through her is how we get his information while he works hard at his job (unlike president reject who didn’t seem to do his job at all-rather recoiled from his constitutional duties at every turn) until he has a strong footing, then I am absolutely happy to wait till he’s ready to face the nation. I think the press is a bit overly ready to jump the gun on the issues, when there are so many investigations into insurrectionists and all the tendrils associated, there is probably SO much information w/ SO many moving parts to THAT nightmare still under the microscope, it’s probably incumbent upon them to NOT share too much information until THEY even have the full scope of what things look like, never mind Covid & all those moving parts: what was & wasn’t done; what catching up now needs to be done; how to deal w/ the fall out from all the disinformation; how to deal with the ppl who are choosing their ‘freedoms’ over the safety of the heard ... I say ‘all in due time’ no sooner, & no later! The information will out when it’s time comes. Yes, the press must keep asking the questions, but I feel they must also respect that if the whole story is not fully formed, & that this administration wishes to wait for the story to be fully formed then the press must be patient as well persistent. The end for me ... press on! Pun intended!! Be safe everyone!!!

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I agree with so much of what is below. Also, it's not as if President Biden has been invisible. He is picking his moments, doing select interviews, interacting with media and others in what I think is a strategic way. And an empathetic way. What did the American people need more? A presidential press conference or the candlelight ceremony at the White House to mark a year of COVID and honor those who have been its victims?

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President Biden needs the time and space to put things in place, as he and his administration are doing and then work on a press conference. There are press conferences handled through his Press secretary. He has been and is transparent with the goals and once he and Dr. Biden along with Vice President Harris and The First Gentleman has had the chance to go out as they are doing now, there will be the time for a Presidential press conference.

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President Biden has been working his butt off to fulfill his campaign promises, deal with the Pandemic, and shepherd critical legislation through the Congress. He provides regular briefings. I'm confident that he will be holding press conferences as the situation warrants. He has accomplished more good in 60 days than th previous occupant of the White House did in 4 years. Cut the man some slack for goodness sake!

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This story at TAP describes the conniving attempts of some journalists to script a news narrative of their own making.

White House Reporters Now Drafting Scripts for Joe Biden to Read

They see their job as primary participants in a game of childish playacting, rather than as news gatherers.


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(If you can't get behind the paywall above, here's the big takeaway about the toxicity of M$M reporters (not on the right) trying to reignite the sensational tabloid trash that drove their ratings during the Trump years.)

* White House reporters think their job is to play “gotcha,” not to get news.

* White House reporters cannot admit that one of America’s two major political parties has become a cult in thrall to autocratic, conspiracy-minded lunatics who care not a whit about governance, even if that means hundreds of thousands of people must die unnecessarily.

*There are exceptions, of course, but most TV journalists think of themselves as entertainers, not as news gatherers. They care about their Q Ratings far more than about telling the truth. They understand, likely accurately, that their corporate bosses don’t want the truth and their audiences have not been prepared to hear it. That’s why they loved Trump; he cast them as “the enemy of the people” and gave them a clear role to play. It’s also why the members of the White House press still have not figured out how to handle a president whose only concern is how to get the job done that he was elected to do, without theatrics and the kind of childish playacting that so many White House reporters think the job entails.

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For me, if there is nothing big to announce, his secretary is fine for small news and questions.

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I would have preferred that Trump had no press conferences. His press conferences were just variations on his rallies and his press pool reflected that with OANN and Newsmax reporters tainting the tradition.

Today's press conferences are tryouts fort many journalists to elevate their stature for increased celebrity and future book sales. "Gotcha" questions are the norm and substantive questions the exception.

The openness of the Biden Administration is exemplary and refreshing. We see him daily on TV giving honest and pointed answers. I have no doubt that he present the same demeanor in his press conferences and continue to grow the bipartisanship outside the beltway with the American people we see in all the major polls.

$10 says he'll say "malarkey" and it will drive folks wild. I think news conferences are important but overrated and fewer is better than more.

Too bad Dan won't be there, hope he shares with us the questions he'd ask if he was there.

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I agree with Pam as well. It feels like the public is getting the information we need. I trust that journalists will query the President and his staff when they need to and will report their findings.

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I have to add one more perspective or point of view on this topic as I think Mr Biden (and Ms Harris) speaking to the American people is critical to ensuring that the agenda that they (and so many of us on this feed) believe to be necessary gets the light and attention that it deserves. And, more importantly, gets owned by more people than those like you and I who "know" his administration is doing the right thing. The press provides light on more than the scripted comments and explanations any administration provided. He who was here before knew and made it a point to constantly bring his message before his portion of the American people. Doing so was masterful and scary and there came to be a cult of the incumbent willing to believe and follow, facts or ethics or goodness be damned. Something I observed, which did keep me mobilized against his mantra, was that the press could pull from him the flaws, the inconsistencies, the falsehoods, the scrapings by on what was and wasn't, and many in the press had the history of his and other presidencies to push and pull him into positions that were clearly untenable, least of all evil. I enjoy Mr Biden's regular commentary. I feel more connected to him than I could ever be with He Who Came Before. We, his fans and hopefuls, can't be to complacent though. The argument that he is too busy to do open press conferences can be a dangerous first step in the role most of us want to take part in, whether press or citizen, which is to hold the CURRENT presidency accountable for truth, accomplishments, failures, and necessary changes to our hoped for accomplishments of a Democratic government. There is risk, for sure. There is the chances for bad sound bites to be milked by Fox and the other facistic media, but we too must be prepared with the truth, the substance, the nuance, the difficulties, and the discernment that comes with any administration when it gets the power we assigned to it with our votes, our confidence, and our clear vision. I do not fear Mr Biden (and Ms Harris) making misteps or gaffs or getting some things wrong in response to a strong press on them by journalists of all persuasions. One press conference could be a bust, but this administration is likely to learn from and the American press is likely to become more adept at pulling from these unscripted conversations with our President. I think he and she and the cabinet members I would hope they bring to these intentional (unscripted) challenges will enlighten, inform, challenge, and lay bear the substance, not the breadcrumbs, that only an open President can provide. I really welcome the kind of press conference that Mr Rather seeks as a means to reveal (and perhaps even reaffirm) how and what an operating, transparent government does for Americans and helps us all understand what that requires. I lust for openness, confidence building, belief, and honest scrutiny of our administration's work. In an earlier post, I suggested that these open meetings occur on a regular basis AT the invitation of the press. I believe that doing so could give gravitas to the regular meetings of Mr Biden's Press Secretary with the press and perhaps even give those briefings a context to enable the press and the administration to push forward, transparently, while engendering a greater understanding of what is and is not being successful and how policy is morphing with experience and feedback (success metrics, bipartisan supports).

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I too have enjoyed the quiet - not having the "former guy" always in our faces; it was just so disgusting the way he would always take over to ensure HE was the main feature; i.e., last year's COVID Taskforce update briefings. Ugh. However, these days I am grateful for the regular press briefings (with Jen P.) I do think that periodically, the President himself/herself should in fact, hold a press briefing. It is nice, and important for us, to hear him/her respond personally to questions posed about the situations at hand that affect us all. Thank you.

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I’m ok with less formal Press Conferences. Biden has consistently held briefings and his Press Secretary is doing a stellar job. I agree with others that have voiced this same opinion. If the President holds occasional conferences, that’s good enough for me!

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Honestly, we have been so rattled by the former President; it is acceptable for President Biden to take some time to "speak" with us. After all, a pandemic is painfully important to deal with.

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Old enough to remember when Presidents spoke to the nation on major occasions, Presidential press conferences were a rarity, and press briefings were for information not entertainment. Normal is boring and I am ready for normal.

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Mr. Rather- I believe you have your answers (with which I completely concur), below. As a lifelong Delawarean, I must say we've always known and valued this about "Uncle Joe"- that is, he puts his head down, gets the work done, and doesn't brag or perform public spectacles for self-aggrandizement. And what an incredible breath of fresh air that is, after the past disastrous 4 years! (And, Jen Psaki is remarkable, trustworthy, bright and delightful! Again, a dramatic contrast to the pusillanimous parade of pathetic pipsqueaks we've been trammeled with during the past so-called administration!)

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This is a non-issue. The current administration holds daily press briefings. Biden doesn't speak simply to have his minions shout adoration, he delegates and expects his staff to do their jobs. Imagine that? The POTUS appoints and hires humans who are actually qualified to do and good at doing their jobs! Then, just as he does with Congress, he gets the hell out of their way and allows them to work.

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Selfishly, I want the clip of POTUS for my broadcast. LOL. But seriously, it is important to talk to the President to know his mind, his mood etc. A press officer is just repeating talking points because she is speaking for someone else. But the President is more likely to muse, to flush out what he means, to answer on the fly. He has been in more rooms, and in more conversations than the spokesperson. He is the actual source, and in journalism, an actual source is ALWAYS better than hearsay (which it really is, even if it's official). Horse's mouth and all that...

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Jen Psaki’s daily press conferences are such a breath of fresh air. She clearly speaks for the president. And President Biden has been very visible when he’s needed to be. I agree about being accessible to the press - as a long time PR professional, I’ve developed huge respect for the role of journalists. But I have to agree that I’ve been fine with Biden’s focus on getting the work done. And I also agree it’s time for him to engage with the press personally. The longer he waits at this point, the higher the stakes in terms of focus on his performance.

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I agree that occasional press conferences with the President are important, not as photo ops or a chance to brag, but as a chance to explain thinking on key policies or events that might need explaining. Sometimes people need to hear it from he president’s mouth and not a spokesperson. Otherwise, it can appear as if he is hiding (not that I believe that, but there will be many that will say that)

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The current administration has been holding regular news conferences with the press, via the very capable, well-informed and courteous Ms. Psaki. President Biden has been impressively productive, working hard to counteract damage done by the previous WH occupant. The American public can readily access administration-related information with greater ease than in the previous 4 years. The previous WH occupant used his access to the public, in any venue, to spread lies and hatred, and to self-aggrandize with the goal of winning the next election. While a press conference with President Biden will be appreciated, and much more tolerable than those of the previous administration, my opinion is that the American public do not need more encouragement to be outraged about yet another "controversy". Let it go, and be grateful that sanity is in the WH again.

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I am not feeling a void of information at all. I have been pleasantly surprised at how often President Biden has been on TV providing information, factual, honest, purposeful information. It’s been nice to have the facts without all the gotcha drama a press conference usually brings. I’m exhausted by the drama. I do think they are necessary and important but I believe right now with all the massive number topics being addressed by this administration to right the ship, I would rather they focus on getting us back to a functioning government with the normalcy that is seeping in (hallelujah).

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I don't care. I think there should be freedom of the press but this entire panic attack by the press is stupid. I believe President Biden has more on his mind than a speech and questions from the press. There is so much to do to straighten out our country after trump, I'd rather he work on that. And I enjoy the quiet after the kaos for the last *5* yrs.

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Yes, presidents should hold news conferences, regularly and in person. But it's more important that these be open to honest questions and include straight answers from a President who's getting things done for the people than it is that that they be held daily or weekly; I would say that when the business of the nation is pressing, the President should concentrate on the work of leading and aiding the American people. Press conferences can be held when there's a moment to catch up. Like JFK in the Cuban missile crisis, sometimes you've got to use all your energy and attention on your most important goal.

Now that said ... I have to say I find the current President's style refreshing; the former guy's bombast tired me out. It's good to have a reliable and believable Press secretary speaking daily -- and to hear from the President, as we did after those awful events in Atlanta last night, to the point and briefly.

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Not something to worry about. This president is in touch with reality and is using the White House Press Secretary to her job, to disseminate the information the information the President wants made public.

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I have appreciated the frankness and professionalism of the press secretary. Many of the journalists seem well informed but some appear to be pushing for statements like they got from the former president's so-called press secretaries. I don't like to think of them questioning President Biden.

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I agree with every comment I read here! I am so happy to have our President working! He is doing a great job and obviously cares deeply about all Americans. He has so much work to do to get all of us back on secure footing he can go as long as he needs to without holding a press conference. I can see exactly what he is doing and with that comes so much relief!

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I agree with Pam. President Biden and his staff are working and we see results. The President has given short addresses and is travelling the country right now to promote the America Recovery Plan. President Biden and his team are keeping us adequately and appropriately informed, not verbally assaulting and insulting us as his predecessor did.

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Until it was reported in the media, I hadn’t thought about it. But now that I think about it, I think it is all about optics and while that isn’t President Biden’s MO, it might be time to give the press their first moments. Agreed, there have been many crises, some expected, some not, but a quick gathering might be good as a counter offensive to any negative comments. He doesn’t have to have all the answers right now, but he should still entertain the questions. Besides, if we don’t exercise our First Amendment privileges, they might diminish. And, so far, the President and his entire staff, Cabinet, appointees are top notch. A welcome breath of sanity.

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I have not had any problem with President Biden about scheduling a press conference. If he was going golfing every other day, that would be another thing, but there's been no shortage of things to keep him busy.

Biden and the Democrats have gotten a huge relief bill through Congress, and the trips around the country by the administration to get the word out about it will certainly give people a chance to see and hear from him and others. There is more in the works.

The regular White House press briefings are certainly providing good information. (Pity the cable news seems to be less enthused about them in the absence of incendiary remarks or attacks on the press.)

I am more than a little concerned that the press seems to be determined to find things to nitpick, especially after four years of the former guy being given the benefit of the doubt too many times. (Eric Boehlert at Press Run Media has chapter and verse on this.) There's also the problem that the lack of 'drama' in the Biden White House so far is leaving the press hungry for the kind of 'news' they got accustomed to under the former guy.

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Biden and his administration were unable to utilize a peaceful and orderly transition of power. The former occupant of the White House and his minions were doing nothing in 2020 except for campaigning and completing the dismantling of many vital government agencies. Since Biden and his team had a little knowledge of what was actually awaiting them, and considering how horrified (but probably not surprised) when discovering what actually awaited them, it’s no surprise that there still has not been a press conference. There has been a great sharing of information and we need to respect that.

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Press conferences, like the SOTU address in person, are not required. FDR used to have the press in his ofc. Broadcast journalism seems to demand thus; accentuated in recent years.

He has a competent press secretary. The broadcast press could carry them if they desired. Otherwise, if he never personally has a press conference I wouldn't shed a tear. Not feeding the broadcast beast is welcome.

Besides, Biden is a creature on inside, behind the scenes politics. People need to appreciate that and recognize that he can be effective that way.

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I don’t really think at this point in his Presidency this is a major issue. President Biden has been working hard on many other things that were undone by the previous Administration. We were so over saturated with complete lies constantly with that previous administration, this is a welcome break. I no longer worry every time the news comes on. I actually stopped watching and reading the news over the last 4 years because of that liar. With the exception of Dan Rather and News and Guts! I think Biden will find his rhythm and begin to hold regular press conferences. But I welcome the break right now! Now if we get to June and it’s still not happening that’s different!

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I agree that it feels disingenuous to compare Biden to 45 in terms of press conferences held by this point in the presidency. Jen Psaki seems to be holding things down just fine from the Briefing Room’s lectern. President Biden has also held several town halls since being elected AND he’s having a press conference soon. The Administration has been hard at work trying to right the ship since taking office, and I feel like they’re doing a good job of keeping the American people informed. I’m all for an official press conference—they’re important for accountability and getting answers directly from the source—but this feels a lot like trying to drum up drama around a White House whose goal is to actually work for the people as opposed to one that just wanted the former president’s name to lead the news cycle. They’re busy handling multiple crises; let the Biden Administration work!

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I would be fine with a monthly Press Conference unless there are truly compelling issues. Jen does an excellent job.

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From day one, as well as the last four enduring years of BS, President Biden and Vice President Harris will have full plates. I can only imagine. I give kudos to this administration and thank God 45 is gone. The continued assaults on all professionals and experts by insecure little man. I am thrilled having Biden in command, but Trump has left a knawing irritant from his stench. We love our reporter's and journalists expecting the truth without shade.

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Most of the complaints that I have seen and heard about, are from his detractors. I think many of them want to try to, "get him," with, "gotcha," questions. Something they haven't been able to do with Ms Psaki.

Ms Psaki has been doing a great job, with the press conferences that she holds. We are informed, daily, on important issues.

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President Biden has a lot on his plate and it's not as if we haven't been updated on the progress he is making. I'm not concerned about a timeline for his press conferences.

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I believe the President should hold regular press conferences. I'll give it to him that there is a lot on his plate right now but as soon as he can he needs to address the situation at hand and keep everyone informed and up to date.

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What we have is a President. He acts like a President, Works as a President should and shows true humility at doing the job. Why worry about a press conference? We see him in news clips working FOR US, not himself. I know what is actually happening now, not listening to a jaded man give misinformation. If he NEVER had a press conference I would not worry. Why? Because this is how things should have been handled the last 4 years.

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I agree 1,000% with Pam Kittrell. It's gloriously quiet. But we are confident that the president and his team are taking care of important business. Security and trust and welcome emotions.

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Mr. Biden is working hard. I am not worried about when press conferences will be held. Let him decide.

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I think it's a good thing the President has focused his energy on the immediate crises of COVID19 vaccinations, getting financial support to individuals, small businesses, and governmental programs supporting those efforts, and getting his Cabinet appointees confirmed rather than hold press conferences. It is important to hear his answers to policy questions. However, questions from many reporters thus far seem calibrated to creating drama rather than news. Hopefully, the Press will conduct themselves with the formality, seriousness and respect of which you speak for the Office. I am confident we will hear honest answers from President Biden to equally honest, good faith questions. Honestly, a Presidential press conference is a low priority for me. I seen and heard Biden speak publicly on key issues, follow Psaki's daily pressers, and follow tge POTUS and VP social media accounts. I feel more informed than I have in the past 4 years, for sure.

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No comparison between Trump and Biden. Trump routinely called The New York Times and The Washington Post 'fake news.' He routinely predicted the bankruptcy and demise of these newspapers. Trump was and is a pathological liar, Biden is honest and will share good news & bad with the public, and prepare them for whatever is coming. Biden will hold press conferences as necessary. In the meanwhile, his press secretary and other cabinet officers are diligently doing their job.

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