i think taylor’s endorsement will make a difference. trump just got swift-voted!

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Trump got a well deserved SWIFT Kick to His Fat Ass!

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In Springfield they’re eating dogs

And now they’re eating cats

What can a childless Catman do

With all those awful facts

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Move to Kathmandu, Nepal.

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My stage name is: Catman Bill — My songs found on YouTube under said name.

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Flee in a catamaran?

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What a catastrophe! Without cats are we in danger of the plague?

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Don’t let worries about a plague sink you into a catatonic state.

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Now I’m ticked off.

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I was very frustrated by the lack of professionalism by the moderators. Muir more often than not referred to DT as “Mr. President,” which he is NOT! Even Davis made this slip more than once. It was very disrespectful to Kamala Harris, as if she was lesser as VP to his title of president. Words matter!!!!! There was no excuse for such a slight to Harris, and an undeserved title over and over during 90 minutes to such a scumbag as DT.

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Heavens, we may need to get large, nasty dogs to protect them now that the cats aren't safe.

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FYI I have 2 pit mixes that love cats, maybe they can be taught to bite to bite TFG's butt.

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If you're Happy, let everybody know!!


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Phil, that was a brilliant response!

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We need some art work to go with this!

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Yes, in a race this tight, the biggest pop star in the world's endorsement will certainly help, especially since her fans seem so passionate and devoted. Yes, a lot of her fans are probably already Democrats. And for many who aren't, her endorsement won't make a difference. But all we need is a tiny fraction of those 283 million followers to either flip or now be motivated to vote to swing this in our favor. Everything helps!

And I'm very surprised Trump didn't scare Taylor Swift into believing that immigrants would eat her cats :-)

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Taylor would fight Trump off and protect those precious cats. Then she'd write a hit song about the experience. Go Taylor! Go Kamala!

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I'm hoping all those 283 million vote and post they voted! Wouldn't that be something!

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Yes, Vendetta, I hope they ALL VOTE AND POST as well!!

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Mr. Trump was shamed. No one coached Ms. Harris on the realities of illiteracy, or of counties like Kern Co in California.

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Good pun.

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Oh, I like that!!!

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i thought of it a while back. i’ve been waiting for swift to make her move so i could trot it out. 😆

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Great minds...lol

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Sorry. What is funny? Oh forget it.

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Well done!!

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Good one!

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When the trend is going your way - i.e.. Harris and Walz are doing it, a great pun just puts the whipped cream on the dessert. Thank you.

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i understand the impulse, but i can’t bring myself to find it in me to empathize with him.

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He has no idea what a hard-working and smart businesswoman she is. It’s just not within Trump’s capability to see women in that light. In some ways, I am almost sad for him

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He was shamed, in the eyes of Kern County, California, home of country music. He took it as best he possibly could. Someone who KNOWS AMERICA ought to have coached Ms. Harris!

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Love that!!!!

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Steve, I see what you did there! Brilliant!

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I fully expected Kamala to rule the stage, and she didn’t disappoint! My favorite moment was after Trumpy ranted about President Biden, and Kamala responded, “You’re not running against Biden, you’re running against ME!”

She was superb. She looked at the camera and offered a way forward with far less divisiveness and far more benefits for the majority of America. She smiled!

He made stuff up, dwelt on ancient history, blathered, and fell right into her hands again and again.

Game over, Trumpy…

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Game over for Trumpy if we get off our rumpy and vote.

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If we get off our rumpy, work to turn out the vote, and vote. The game is over after early January when the electoral votes are officially counted.

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For sure!

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“ The game is over after early January when the electoral votes are officially counted.” … if that doesn’t become another ordeal.

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Yep, work. You guys don't know America, AT ALL!

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STOP IT. Now ;you sound the fool! Wait and see.

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Indeed, I love her smiles!

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Thank you, Dan! I watched the whole debate. As someone with 3 grandchildren, one of whom can vote for the first time in this election, I am happy that Taylor Swift came out clearly in favor of Harris-Walz.

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Well timed endorsement.

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I watched the whole debate too, which I did not expect to do. I usually go to sleep around 9:00, so I stayed up way past my bedtime 😊. And it was well worth it!!!!

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Ditto! I stayed up until 10, taped the last hour. I was riveted. She showed the world how truly incompetent he is.

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She was poised confident and professional. But I think we knew she would not let us down.

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Kamala Harris did it all last night. She defended an America that has lost its way for about a decade. She welcomed everyone to join her sane and positive "table" and reclaim the hope that many enabled trump to steal. Kamala stood up to and called out trump without losing her cool. Now it's up to us. Do citizens want to move forward or fall back into Crazy? We shall see.

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We must.

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Those two are not the choices! Granted, Mr. Trump has not won any election. But neither has Ms. Harris. No one coached or informed her of the realities of illiteracy in America. ILLITERACY IS RAMPANT in the USA!!! MR. TRUMP IS THEIR HERO! Until illiteracy is handled, it will continue to be that way. The people in my county, illiterate or not, are my neighbors. I love their freedom of talking out loud. I love their happy children, so good at conversing with their parents. And so does Mr. Trump!

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She did, but she also played his game and now the MAGA are making excuses. It was not 3 on one. It was not rehearsed. No one in 8 years has fact checked Trump and we are too pollite on this. Why is Trump not in jail based on 6 January? Why is our leadership becoming more drama like the Hunger Games?

Trump should not even be a contender and its ridiculous that he is. Reality is, the conservative billionaires will put up some other puppwt next cycle. Republicans need to make it back to their real party and put MAGA on the extreme edge where they are. Also, its more evident to me that the Republic is garnished by backing of billionaires and it is scary as hell that people have no recollection of history or goveenment class and that so called MAGA patriots put government subsidies for COVID as " best times".

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Amy Klobuchar has said it for years: End Citizens United.

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I have no idea what you are saying. But Trump is not uniting anyone.

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Citizens United has nothing to do with DoneOLD directly. It was a decision by SCOTUS that said for the purposes of political donations, corporations count as people. Thus, corporations donating to a political campaign is considered political speech under the 1st Amendment.

It's yet another ridiculous decision by the SCOTUS, but there you have it.

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It opened the doors for all that "dark money" to flow into campaigns AND PACs.

I know Dems have probably gotten some share of it, but I do believe the GOP/GQP get tons more!!

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Let em blather. Blah, blah, blah. Then they can pick up their ball and go home.

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totally agree!

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Excellent observation and post.

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Except for my spelling. :/

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For health reasons - mostly mental health - I could not watch the debate. Seeing Donald Trump and listening to him fills me with contempt for all he portrays. I will not subject myself to this emotional upset. I know - as most anyone who honestly cares about our country knows - he is not fit to be President and last night's "debate," I am sure demonstrated and PROVED this. Thank you Dan Rather for keeping us steady!

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Nancy, I was like you. I vowed to not watch the debate because that man makes my skin crawl! I was so worried and then just before it started, I bit the bullet and turned it on. I was mesmerized the whole time! Kamala was phenomenal! If his voice got too whiny and nasally for me to listen to, I muted the TV and just read the captions. If you get a chance today, pull up the debate and watch it in its entirety! Trust me, you will be glad you did. If you're like me and can't stand his voice, just mute it when it is his turn and read the captions. Vote blue, America, up and down the ballot!

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We had a winner & a whiner.💙🇺🇸

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Hahahahahaha! That's a good one, Ellmarree!

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2 women I know commented on FB how smug she was and condescending. And they wanted to wipe the smirk off her face. And her voice was annoying. WTH?! They will never be swayed. I live in the Deep South so no surprises there.

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And this is all they had to say? Amazing! I'll take condescending any day over the disgraceful manner in which he presented himself - a candidate for the highest position in our government! He's a bully and he does not respect very many people - but especially women! What the heck ever happened to him in his formative years?

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Donnie Duplicious had the smirk. Kamala was incredibly strong and brave for constantly looking at him and not getting nauseous.

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Her voice is annoying? Good Lord! His voice is whiny and nasally and constantly sounds like he's straining to get the words out! They may want to wipe that smirk off her face but I would really like to throat punch that orange smear!

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I wanted to throw something at the tv or put a sock in his mouth. It would be a nightmare to have to listen to his shit for another four years! I don’t want to even think about it.

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Peggy Freeman,

Extremely well said!!!

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Why, thank you, Charlotte! I mean seriously who wouldn't like to throat punch that man?

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I also live in the south and I agree. Most maga trump supporters are die hard. Nothing will sway them. Its crazy!!

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So true, Linda! When I am stuck with my republican friends and they begin to talk about politics, naturally I have to speak up. They'll make the same stale arguments their orange leader has repeated ad nauseum and when I ask them to explain, it's like...........crickets! They assure me they love my friendship, they just think I'm weird because I'm a Democrat! What makes me laugh is they will say "How can you be a Democrat? You agree with a lot of the things we want!" Truth be told Democrats and republicans may disagree about a lot of things but they do agree on many things. It is important to get past this hate, blame and anger. Both parties need to go back to when we agreed to disagree and would work TOGETHER to fix problems for everybody.

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In the Deep South, women are raised to not question the church, men, or know anything about politics with their little brains. That's why they all hate me here! Lol Harris/Walz24

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And, watch the post debate crew on MSNBC . . . they are great!

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@Peggy Freeman - great advice! I'll do that today! Couldn't handle it last night.

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I agree with you Peggy but I wish that smarmy face he makes would get out of my head. They should use it in campaign ads.

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It's like a nightmare replay isn't it? He absolutely never smiles and when they say that he does, it looks more like a grimace than a smile. He's like the boogeyman I use to read about in the fairy tales!!

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Ooooo...I wish I had thought to MUTE DT as well!!!!

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Although I watched, I felt the same way. Trump’s screaming rambling crazy nonsense made my blood pressure rise. He’s the reason I had to turn off my tv for the past 8 years. He’s the reason why Americans are so stressed out. He must be put back in his man cave never to return again. Kamala rose to the occasion as any brilliant committed candidate would do. It’s time for America to let Kamala be America’s first Mamala! We need a woman such as herself in the White House as commander in chief.

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I went from having low BP to hypertension range, medical documentation available for Court, a class action suit against him should be an option.

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Shire, I have thought about that. My blood pressure which was previously normal went up to 205 in 2020. He and the media are responsible for causing so many millions of Americans stress, anxiety and depression by repeating his lies and hateful comments on a daily basis. His words caused people to act out in anger and harm others, which resulted in deaths. He is a dangerous man who should have been incarcerated long ago. It is unconscionable that such a man is allowed to run for President. I wonder how to get a class action started.

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Historically the recipients of class action judgements get very little, so our time and money are probably better served elsewhere, there will probably not be much $ left if his current judgements hold as they should anyway. Wasn't it bizarre how many times he mentioned Venezuela, after previously saying that was his exit plan destination? Vote 💙

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Wouldn't be about the money for me! LOL

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In the early days of trump's occupation of the WH, whenever he tweeted I'd make a mac & cheese casserole and practically eat the whole thing each time!! Well, we all can see where that was going!! I upped my exercise routine, adding more pickle ball games, golf rounds, kayaking, cycling, lifting weights, reading Heather Cox Richardson all for my mental health but also so that psychopath wouldn't continue to cause me to blow up like a balloon!!

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Janet, we all deal with stress in our own way. It’s a shame that this was foisted on us by the media. I hope that he will be a footnote in the anals of history very soon. I feel that with Kamala as President the mental health of Americans will drastically improve. I actually slept better last night because she gave me hope that many more Americans will finally realize that this man should not be President.

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Ilene, him being a footnote in the annals of history is so fitting because he is such a huge anus!

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Man Cave = Ankle Bracelet

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I didn't want to watch Trump again but was too curious about this debate to miss it. Glad I watched it. Take care.

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Take care of yourself! #youmatter

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Nancy: thank you for your honest appraisal! Your mental health is in the good hands of Kamala and many contributors to this Snapchat! You will feel much more confident of our mutual future on Nov5 evening!

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Nancy - I had to opt out after the first few minutes. My mental state couldn't handle it. Today I can take a more leisurely look at important moments.

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I trust Elizabeth Cox Richardson (and Dan Rather, obviously) to filter out the nonsense and get to the core of the so called debate. I think I have come to the conclusion that Trump is just the rich poster child, a front if you will, for the Republican party. Trump's millions have been spread far and wide and likely has lined many pockets. Even if - strike that - when he loses - the Republican party will continue on their way without him - there are plenty of snakes in the grass in Washington.

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Same. Could not watch it for those reasons. Waited for the results & so happy to hear that Kamala rocked it.

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I totally empathize with you! Sometimes I fell like I’m losing my mind with fear and worry over this idiot( trHump)! I NEVER felt this way before. If there is a God he has to come through for us on this one cause it’s a big one!!

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I feel the same. I watched it like an idiot. Only because I wanted to see wipe the floor with his a$$. It was worth it for that, but man I had a headache after it was over. Now I know why I don't watch debates.

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Nancy, that's where I am with Trump, but I had to watch and was glad I did. I'm so proud of how Kamala conducted herself right from her professional handshake at the beginning.

I was worn out and stressed listening to that idiot. My way of dealing with it was to eat my way through the kitchen on the way to bed. Not healthy.

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I could not watch for similar reasons. The sound of his voice turns my stomach.

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You gotta know that no one in their right mind is going to want to be in Trump’s vicinity today. He’s going to looking for people to punish/get revenge on.

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Right. He wasn't adequately briefed by Stephen Miller. Did he mean Putin when he said Orban?

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No, he often refers to Orban. And the shameful Republicans have had Orban as their speaker.

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PLUS they have had a version of their CPAC in Hungary at least 2 times I can remember. Most likely more!

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He initially called him “Urban” Trump could fuck up a steel ball.

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I watched an interview tonight on HardTalk about Hungarian Politics. Stephen Sackur interviewed Balázs Orbán, Hungarian MP and adviser to Prime Minister Victor Orban. The Hungarian Government has blocked the EU from releasing a huge amount of money to support Ukraine. Very right wing approach and aligns with Putin. The moderator commented on DT and his relationship with Orban & Putin. Hungary is seems ready to give at least 20% of Ukraine to Putin to end the war. Maybe this is what DT is thinking too.... DT's non-comment on Ukraine last night, he said he could end the war in a day.....The interview is here:


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Good versus evil, and this time at least, good won the day.

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I too, was on the edge of my chair, but began to feel that we were in good hands with Harris on the stage. I LOVED what the camera did for her….and the split screen with her face reacting to him. She was a perfect mirror for exactly what I was feeling. LOVE the Taylor Swift endorsement!

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Only one of the candidates in last night’s debate looked, sounded, and acted as one would expect a presidential candidate in America to look, sound, and act. Kamala hit it out of the ballpark. Sadly, yes, sadly, Trump struck out again and again. His stage is entertainment TV, although not too entertaining at that. Vote blue in November

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no happily he struck out

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"sadly" ?

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Sadly because any presidential candidate should not look, sound, and act like Trump.

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I have never subscribed to cable television, but I found last night's debate on Hulu and watched it there. ABC streamed directly on Hulu giving me a two-hour introduction to "modern" cable television. It was a bizarre experience, that felt like I'd been put in a time machine and shipped back to the 1970s. I had no idea that cable television was so antiquated.

I think that is the reason Harris sold me 100% when she said... "Clearly, I am not Joe Biden, and I am certainly not Donald Trump. And what I do offer is a new generation of leadership for our country. One who believes in what is possible, one who brings a sense of optimism about what we can do instead of always disparaging the American people."

I am sick and tired of the way OLD politicians talk about the American people. I am sick of hearing them call us "everyday people, average people, typical people, low-information people, etc, and so on. Last night, Harris called us by our rightful names and she was right. We are The American People.

Anyways that's my two cents worth of opinion this morning.

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So well said!!! I don't know what it means to be average people, but whatever it means we are so above average!!! We are smart, generous, and I am pretty sure the most diverse nation in the word and that is truly amazing. And while the GOP wants us to go back to being white people controlling all persons of color no matter how hard they try that is not going to happen. There may set backs, and set backs that impact us for years but the acceptance of diversity has become ingrained...97% of AMericans approve of inter racial marriages and with few changes by 2046 or so we will be a majority minority nation...the largest ethnic group, whites will no longer be a majority. As children of biracial parents marry children of other biracial marriages the color lines will get more and more blurred. And I am pretty sure we are way out in front of all other nations in this area and that says tons about our true character. Why even justice thomas approves of inter racial marriage (even if maybe only for him). The GOP can and will have a greater impact on our education system at least for a while (my son taught at a rural school where he was not allowed to talk about evolution or even mention dinosaurs. He did not ask about this before he accepted the job..who would think as a science teacher you'd have to ask if it was ok to talk about dinosaurs....needless to say he left after his first year) but sooner or later the business community will say "Hey we have to get better educated citizens, we cannot compete with the rest of the world..we need critical thinkers, and no one from any other nation is coming her anymore". Yes we are the American People!

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Pat, thank you so much, for such an insightful reply/comment.

I've always taken tremendous pride in our nation's diversity and hearing it disparaged hurts really deeply. I made my living selling my creativity and I am certain of two things. One: Creativity - not business - is the engine that drives our economy. Two: In the company of like-minded people, creativity withers away, and dies.

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Well said! And as creativity dies so does any advancement. I hope so much that Harris wins for all the obvious reasons but also because her campaign has already shown a bright light on neurodivergent folks who have so very very many ways to benefit society and if trump wins this will be another diverse group that will be silenced the best he can. I also tend to hold on to Langston Hughes' poem, Harlem where he asks "What happens to a dream deferred...does it dry up like a raisin in the sun, or fester like a sore and then run? Does it stink like rotten meat or crust and sugar over like a syrupy sweet? Maybe it just sags like a heavy load. Or does it explode?". I'm all for the exploding in a nonviolent way if all of our dreams will be deferred.

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Pat, you are really touching me today. Langston Hughes and Chaim Nahman Bialik are my favorite poets.

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Beautifully said, Raffey!

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Last night was the arc of the moral universe bending towards justice,

(unlike what 6 of our Supreme Court members like to do).

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Maybe, as the arc curves toward Justice, they'll straighten from the bent over position we've been seeing recently.

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Well said!

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She threw him off the minute she stepped on the stage and introduced herself and shook his hand. The hosts had said they have never met. Wouldn’t that be a normal thing to do? But as an observer it threw him off and the arrogance on his part that everyone just assume we know who he is was stunning.

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That walk over to his podium, introduction and handshake was a nice power play on her part. The only question I had on it was did she after the debate immediately wash her hands with strong antibiotic soap? I would have.

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You can hear her telling him “Kamala Harris. Let’s have a good debate” as she reached out to shake his hand. He did respond “Nice to see you. Have fun.” It was great to see that exchange.

He needs to lose..bigly.

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Thanks for that info. I saw the handshake, but couldn't hear what they said to each other, and my TV's closed captioning didn't catch it.

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A confirmed Harris/Walz voter, I watched the debate with trepidation. Could she fight the lies and misogyny that were sure to ooze forth from tfg?? Well,....now I am relieved. She did a good job. Maybe even a great job. And tfg? Well he melted down and pouted. I'm just praying that 2-5% of the country's uncommitted voters asked themselves whether they wanted to re-elect Darth Vader to represent them to our NATO allies or not.

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Darth Vader was principled, Trump is not. BTW, RIP James Earl Jones.

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Absolutely, Dwight! James Earl Jones was iconic! He had such a presence. He will be missed.

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I met him once, backstage at Tru, a one-person play based on Truman Capote, starring my friend, Robert (Bobby) Morse. Both were lovely people. Both have now dropped the body and moved on. Both are sorely missed.

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You were so lucky to have met him, Dwight! I, too, loved Robert Morse. He was an excellent actor!

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That's not fair to Darth Vader. Sorry.

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I think I did see a little slime ooze out after the Veep stomped him into a mudhole and proceeded to walk it dry. Pitiful. Almost.

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That is sick, your talk.

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You agree?‽? A woman, liking stomping to death???

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I beg to differ, Taylor's endorsement will make a difference. Do not under estimate her power or the young people.

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If Taylor’s fans (and I am a senior Swifty) are too young to vote, they have parents. Her timing was exceptional, one talking head commented on the elegance of her statement of support. Well yeah, she’s a songwriter.

And the childless cat lady signature?Chef’s kiss. 😘

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I agree, number of newly registered voters after she promoted the vote were huge, her appeal hasn't diminished in the past few years as someone else has. 💙

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If anything, her appeal has gotten even stronger. I was lucky enough to see her Eras Tour, although I had to go to Milan to see it (such a hardship).

In the pop culture world, I think the only other person who approaches her level of stardom is Beyoncé. It would be so cool to see the two of them hook up and do something.

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I wish all this energy, or at least some of it, could be spent on improving illiteracy rates. Where I live not a few cashiers have to use their cell phones to subtract 35 from 50, nor could some paid deli employees weight out half a pound of sliced meat.. No person on the phone in in two major grocery stores here could find if coriander spice was available. And you want intelligence in the audience of Presidential debates? Are you doing ANY thing to quell illiteracy? Or are your roots so estranged that you can't appreciate the magnitudes of our problems?


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Great point! It is one that has impacted my life since the age of 9, when the white man who had been molesting me for years was able to avoid a prison sentence by blaming illiteracy for his acts of perversion, he graduated from the same high school that I would ultimately attend. I've volunteered in literacy programs for the underserved communities that surround me, I contribute to "clear the list" campaigns to give teachers supplies that aren't provided in shrinking budgets, I'm voting blue to keep the people who support "vouchers" and want to destroy our Dept of Education out of office and books are the only things I donate to the Toys for Tots drives for the past 20 yrs. Thank you for asking! Vote 💙

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I didn't think much about the effect of Swift's endorsement because I believe it is mostly absurd to listen to an endorsement from a person known only as an entertainer. However, if that's what it takes for some people to vote ....

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I prefer to consider her a business woman who is also a humanitarian/philanthropist who happens to have become a billionaire in the entertainment industry.

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Actually, Dan, she sent this creature from Hell back to where he belongs!

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