I feel like the new year is like the first page of a new book...you just never know where it will take you. While the last several years have been quite awful...especially our country's health and our divisions in thinking...I always feel that good will prevail and I'm hopeful again!

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Love your realistic and positive perspective!

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Thank you. I needed to hear some positive thoughts

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Happy new year Dan and all of the steady community. I hope it’s true the past need not be prologue because the past two years have been awful. Let 2022 be positive.

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Thanks Dan and a Happy New Year to you! I am always up for a Good surprise and am still looking forward to them and the future.

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Words of wisdom and kindness. May you continue to be a guide to us! thank you!

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Love, luck and prayers being sent to you and all those producing Steady along with the folks reading it. Mr. Rather you are a national treasure. 2022 will have its challenges, but with your guiding words I know things will be better with every passing day. Happy New Year and Thank You! 💕🎉

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A Very Happy 2022 to you Sir! May it be filled with health, joy, love and writing ❤️

Thank You for STEADY, I só look forward to the next one 🙏🏻❤️

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Mr. Rather. Thank you for always giving us that glimmer of hope that we need. I know with all of the good people in this world that we will make it if we just keep working together.

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Mr. Rather, thank you for being the steady one we so desperately need in these very hard times. Happy New Year to you and yours.

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Always so well stated. Thank you, Mr Rather, for giving context to another extraordinary year, and for helping us keep the chaos —along with the goodness— in perspective. You’re a credit to your profession and a jewel in our national treasure box.

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Happy New Year and thank you for perspective, light, humor, intelligent discourse during a terribly difficult year. Steady has been a rock for me.

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Happy New Year, Dan. I look forward to another year of reading Steady. You always provide a bit of sunshine in my day.

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Thank you, Wanda. Although I never thought I would see 90's, I find that with continued good health, I AM NOW LOOING FORWARD TO 100. P.S. Is Dan's Steady not just a wonderful idea?

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Once again Dan and the team have written a wonderful essay. I really enjoy Steady. Sending good wishes to all of the Steady community. Let's hope that 2022 will be a better year.

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Happy 2022, Dan, Elliot, and the Steady Team! My hope is the new year will bring all of us joy, peace, health and happiness! 💜 Thank you for everything you do for us!

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