Oh good. I kept reading and got past them crazy stuff and saw some good stuff again. Went back again to hear your voice and boy do I love hearing that. Grew up to it. Thank you so much.:)

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I want to print that picture and put it on my wall, not just an 8 x 10. And then I will give it to my brother as he will truly enjoy it too. You have been a treat to both my brother and I and my father Who has long passed away. He was a history, teacher, and an avid appreciative addict to your broadcast. We grew up with you, and we love you. It is we who appreciate you and thank you forever.

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Thank you -- to EVERYONE at Steady -- for your ongoing voice of calm and reason.

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Thank you for your wonderful and thoughtful articles!

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Dan, I am glad to be a part of the Steady readers once again. Happy Anniversary! I enjoy reading the all the comments as well. This may be my last year on Steady. I shall enjoy all the stories you write, and from the team. Thank you!

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Love that picture - it shows your true and noble character! Keep on doing what you're so marvellously doing, dear Mr. Rather! Cordial greetings from Switzerland

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You and your team make the world more steady! thank you!

And the music you so often include is a wonderful way to take a break from our ever-challenging world! Thank you again!

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🎶 to my ears; thank you.

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Thank you for providing us a journalistic insight on the sometimes alarming news of the day and helping us see the positive as well as the negative. Please keep us on a steady course in our analysis of current events.

Happy 2024 to you and the others in the group

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I look forward to each post enthusiastically!

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Be ashamed to die unless you've scored some victory for humanity. Horace Mann

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Dear Mr. Rather,

I truly needed to hear your voice this morning. I'm a few days late getting to this email but my wishes to you are no less sincere. You, much like my father, are a wise and noble man. He respected and admired you and your work very much. My husband and I look forward to and lean into your writing and your navigational nuggets about life, our aching and still beautiful world, and yes, steadiness.

May God continue to bless and protect you and yours, kind Sir. Thank you and - Happy Anniversary!


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We are definitely with you for the long term! We need to work together for justice and truth!

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Thank you for mingling with the masses and sharing your time with us in this unique and wonderful forum. Best wishes.

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Thank YOU, sir, for your dedication and continuing work to share STEADY perspectives with us, your faithful readers. You are so very loved--I hope you know that in your heart and in your mind--and I am thankful for your input into my thought processes, into my life, into my world. I have "known" you since I was a small child listening to the TV News with my parents--your voice remains Relevant, Strong, and Steady. Forever!

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Thank you for being the voice of reason & encouraging us to stay STEADY

I love Sesame Street characters & also love Peanuts..

Thought Y'all might enjoy this link to the Peanuts gif. -


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