The Nuclear Endorsers MISS MY POINT. The spent components from this “clean” energy NEVER stops being DANGEROUS to humans. Check with Nevada residents to start with, where it’s trucked and BURIED, making land completely uninhabitable.

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Thank you so much for making fusion more understandable to me! I take online classes with our local senior center called “Lifelong Learning”. I can’t imagine not learning something until the day I leave this planet! I take great pride in making sure my health is good so that I could keep on learning! There are so many incredibly interesting things to study. Of course I love to see my 2 granddaughters grow up as well! 😅

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Real hope that humans may not destroy the earth.

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I won't be around to see it, but what a beautiful vision: to sell fusion energy to the Saudis when their oil runs out.

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I find very exciting!

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Scientists had been pouring over nuclear fusion for a long while now. I am for it, no doubt! But I question ... what comes first? The vague concept of nuclear fusion and how scientists can materialize the concept and work hard for its fruition OR there was already a proof that there is this new eureka moment before and they want to know what it is. Like ... did the chicken come before the egg?

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Thanks for this Perspective! 🌱

Very glad to know you are Well! 🌟

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finally a paradigm shift in energy production. a decade is but an eye blink tim time. our job should be in that decade is to make sure that those who would delay and or bury are not successful. be they acedimeians, big business, un informed fearful public, undemocratic leaders to name a few. science and progress must be allowed to flourish. which mess our job is to protect this paradigm shift from these elements.

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I would like to join but don’t have Apple Pay.

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You are clearly worthy of support. You are scheduled for my support on January 1st. when my annial support profiles and budget allocations are changed. See you then!

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Can this be fast tracked? It is imperative to put clean energy at the forefront.

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The stuff of science fiction. Limitless, clean energy. Harnessing the power of the sun. Perhaps a major step to exploring the stars ... all brought to you by the marvels of science. Let’s relish it for a bit before we fall into the cynicism of our depressing politics. Please. This is absolutely amazing!!

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So incredibly exciting! As I used to tell my 5th grade science students….Science Rocks!! It really does. And thank you for highlighting this potential Earth saving news. Stay well my friend.

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I read about this yesterday. Science is amazing. Exciting news but patience is the key. Shows there is a way, but we need more time and effort to figure it all out. Hope it happens in our lifetime. Earth needs the help to sustain life, rather than killing not with fossil fuels. Appreciate you adding your thoughts and perspective.

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Whale oil, coal, fossil fuels, nuclear fission, LED lighting, EV cars, wind, solar, battery storage, etc, etc…these are some of the incremental innovations over the last 100 years to a provide for our energy needs with more efficiency and less polluting. Fusion energy in on this continuum and remains out there on a distant horizon. As a young engineering student in the 70’s we viewed fusion as the holy grail. A limitless, clean energy supply though the practical challenges are immense. However, just like the “Mr.Fusion” powered car in “Back to the Future” the potential is clear. In time, we will get there and the world will be profoundly transformed.

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Now let's sit back and watch the Four-Way race. Among: 1.) Fission Scientists; 2.) Fossil Fuel Flunkies Funding Federal squeeze on Fission Science; 3.) The relentless march of Global Warming; 4.) and our public inclination to lose interest in Anything after 6-8 minutes.

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