Fox likely isn't going to change. Are there legal forces afoot that would prohibit them from using the word NEWS in their name? At least then the pretense of news is clearer--It isn't news nor is a news media. Would that be an outcome of the defamation suit?

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Casablanca was filmed some 80 years ago, so for the "benefit of our younger viewers" may I point out that your adopting of the line ignores some of its context. Not only did Renault know about, and participate in, the gambling, but he profited from the crooked roulette wheel. It wasn't simply a statement of the obviious fact, but also an admission of his hypocrisy. The appropriate quoters of the line are the Fox "news" people, not you.

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I generally vote Republican and I thought the allegations were nuts, especially when vote recounts done by hand confirmed the results. I'm not a Fox news fan but not crazy about most other sources either. The Hunter Biden computer thing meant little to me but still mainstream media handled it atrociously. Their blatant lack of partiality regarding political parties, especially Trump is disconcerting. Just report on him impartially as he will make it apparent how foolish he is. Mainstream media has lost almost all of its credibility. They'd have to fire almost everyone and start from scratch to begin to regain it.

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Pile UP ! the books, Outside of the FL. Schools! LIGHTeM UP! HITLER ! REvisited!!

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"Raheem Kassam tweeted documentation of Dominion Director of Product Strategy and Security Eric Coomer privately acknowledging “our product sucks” and saying Dominion’s technological failings were “due to our complete f… up in installation. The private correspondence seen below took place prior to the 2020 Presidential election.

“Dominion voting systems internal messages (found thru the discovery process) admit their products “riddled with bugs” that can “lead to incorrect results.” No one else is reporting this???”"

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Every industry has a spectrum of leadership from responsible long term sustainability to immediate maximum exploitation regardless of lasting destruction. With media pushing lies as “alternative truth”, there’s an increasing population who are incapable of determining truth from lies.

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It seems that no matter how much I try to find sources and media that is not infected with the disinformation virus explosion, it's there. Even on Steady we have those people who apparently have one job, spew more lies! But, I guess that the rest of us must discredit every single lie they tell, and ghost them! Don't even respond. It gives them oxygen to keep repeating their lies!

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I think that Elliot has been hacked. There are a ton of comments that are getting "good tidings" responses from him and then a phone number to contact.

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Agree; instant skepticism when I saw that message but I will “confess” my ego was fed for a millisecond 🤣!

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What’s on your mind?

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What an era for Journalism. A dystopia horror film for “news.”

If they thought a lie about their own Mothers would add to the bottom line or thru bonuses; I dare say they would tell it!

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The release of this information was not startling to any of us. What is startling is that there are people in the US that believed this nonsense. They were not thinking critically (if at all). How anyone could believe these moron utterances escapes me, given the complete history of lies and destruction. The individuals you reference looked at the orange one critically, but they appealed to a base of people they feared they would lose. Profits - 1. Ethics - 0. And the winners are: those who want more $$$$$$$$. It's called greed. It drove the US into the gilded age and it has regrettably returned with a vengeance.

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Any merit in the Government of Canada suing Fox for Carllson’s invasion suggestion?

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Mail Drop box thieves, not rocket science. Thieves are more than likely those dumbed down by the dumb donald

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Unfortunately, we aren’t going to have a “have you no sense of decency, Sir” moment here that will open the eyes of the acolytes and change their views.

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Lol, didn't you read the article? The 'pundits' clearly did not believe the election was stolen, but lied to their viewers and said it was. As soon as they stated or strongly implied it as a fact it was no longer their opinion. If you disagree, how come you're not as forgiving of Joe Biden when he expresses his opinions? Lol.

And I'll say it again, since you're ignoring it - there is nothing incriminating of Joe Biden on that laptop. Nothing. Zip. Nada. A big juicy nothingburger. Right-wing media lied to you with their hysterical ranting about it that somehow never includes any solid evidence, trying to get someone re-elected.

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Who are you speaking to?

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No faith in DOJ until Congressional seditionists & Trump are dealt with

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