I retired and moved back to the state I grew up in and decided that I would no longer subscribe to cable. I didn't watch most of the channels in my package and I was most definitely tired of having to pay to support Fox News. I only do streaming services now and I don't miss not having cable. Think about it.

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Ditto! I don't miss having a thousand channels that I don't watch. One of the main reasons I cut the cord was because I did not want to fund Fox Noise anymore.👍

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Can you explain this more? I will do everything in my power to defund Faux News. Really. I don’t really get it. If I subscribe to Apple + or Disney+ or another streaming service, can I also get MSNBC or CNN or YouTube? Do I have to use Dish or Xfinity, etc?

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I'm a bargain shopper and went the Fire stick route ($29- one time) Hulu +Starz ($26mo) Netflix ($16 mo) this saves me $150 A month from what I was paying AT&T before I found out they helped fund OAN and I dropped them. YouTube fills the gaps for me.

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I do the same thing but through Hulu Live and pay small monthly fees for Netflix, AppleTV, etc., and still pay less than what I was paying for cable. I sometimes subscribe temporarily to a channel to watch a specific series, then cancel when the series ends. I catch live tv through Hulu. I need my MSNBC.

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All the news outlets have channels on YouTube. You can subscribe to the ones you want. YouTube is a stand-alone app you can get from the app store on your phone or any other 'smart' devices.

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We subscribe to Netflix and YouTube via streaming. Also Prime, but they’ve gone to charging for movies unless you don’t mind ads, so have DC’d that, too. We still get PBS and C-Span, so the only thing I really miss is getting to watch MSNBC. I can see most of the shows by subscribing to MSNBC on my phone. You really will not miss cable!

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You can get everything on Apoletv+. I prefer YouTubetv streaming though.

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With a smart TV, there's a lot available. Many of the news channels have live streams on their websites that you can watch on an internet connected smart TV. With some research, it's amazing what you can watch for free, usually with ads of course. We saved around $100 a month going from cable/internet to internet only and a few $10 a month subscriptions.

Plus, if you have a Samsung smart TV, they provide more free channels than you could put a dent in if you watched 24/7! And in some places, you get true 1G Fiber for $60-75 a month.

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If you have a smart TV with Roku on it you can add most things free thru it. We have a $25 indoor antenna for local news channels. It all available if you subscribe to only internet. Make sure you have "unlimited" internet. Even if you have to pay a bit more, it's still tons cheaper than cable. We have Netflix, a bundle with Hulu, Disney+, and ESPN (for my hubby's sport favorites) and the Big Ten network. Hope that helps! #endFOXentertainmentfees

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Your TV doesn't even need to be smart, as long as you can connect a Roku device to it. That's what I did with my somewhat old TV. I access all my streaming services through the Roku.

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We subscribe to YouTubeTV. It’s about $75 per month and we have all the regular TV channels like MSNBC, CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, etc! You can also record whatever programs you want, right through their system. I would never go back to cable! We use a Roku, which is only the cost for the attachment to your TV, no ongoing fees. In addition, we subscribe to a few of the streaming services like Netflix, but we use while our show is on and then we cancel and use another one. Way less expensive than having cable plus all the add ons! Hope this helps.

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I cut the cord with cable TV, earlier this month. I still have WiFi, and I will save $180 per month. So glad I did this!!!

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I only stream, best thing I ever did as it has plenty of content and I can pick from a variety of good news shows. Besides, who whats to pay Cable prices for crap.

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I too quit cable. It’s been 8 years, I have WiFi and stream, no NetFlix either. I research and read more without cable… but paying for FOX I had no idea!!!

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I haven't had cable for 20 years or so but do keep Amazon Prime for movies. The library is my main source for movies and there isn't a charge. I am so glad I don't help Fox News!

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Same here. For similar reasons.

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I am reminded that at one time, Dan Rather's heir apparent was John Roberts--no, not the chief justice, but someone equally blind to facts, because he went to Fux Noise and now regularly sings the company song. Further, this goes to the big question that no one in the mainstream media who is supposed to be a journalist will answer: Why do they treat Fux Noise, or anyone who works there, as being involved in journalism? At one point, Barack Obama had had enough of them, and when he took steps regarding their behavior by limiting access, the non-journalists who populate the White House Correspondents Association sounded like someone had stepped on their boy parts. To accept those at Fux Noise as journalists is to deny that you are yourself a journalist, and providing all the proof necessary.

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You are right, John Roberts from Mississauga, Ontario, Canada. Not sure what happened to him. Laughing stock now.

Thank you

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John Roberts was still good as long as Shepherd Smith was on. Once Smith left, he turned into a Fox drone. Sad.

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That may be it, though I have to say that sometimes Chris Wallace managed to commit journalism while he was at Fux Noise. Sometimes.

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I cut the cable cord about a year and a half ago and one of the main reasons was so I would not be funding Fox Noise. They have been the single most divisive force in our country since 1997. They have literally caused the division that we are seeing more and more every day. I urge people to tell their cable companies that they do not want to pay for Fox and to find a package that does not include Fox Noise with their cable subscription. And, if you have Fox, please don't turn to that channel, because they have viewership records that pays for their advertising. I detest Fox Noise!! #DumpFoxNow

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Why did we have to fight a world war only to have a political party turn Fascist and pick a presidential candidate who admires Nazis and a propaganda channel that defends him?

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In Vietnam, soldiers would fight to take a certain area of ground. After securing the territory with significant loss of life, the soldiers would move on. The enemy came back in and took over the territory. We are, essentially, in that same scenario. My dad fought in WWII in Germany against the Nazis. He and my mother would be HORRIFIED to see where we are today.

I am certain that having a gazillion options for tv viewing is NOT productive. When there were three channels available, and Walter Kronkite on the evening news reporting verifiable facts, the nation was not as divided. I know people who are estranged from family and former friends because of far right politics.

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I ddi the same as you, Megan, for the same reasons about 2 years ago. I made it clear to Comcast why I was cancelling.

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Exactly right Megan Ross. Fox has done irreparable damage to our country.

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Faux “News” needs to be banned from television. It’s dangerous propaganda that incites attacks on America.

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I would love that to happen, but then you would have MTG and Bobert and all the other Maga's Crying how unfair it all is. I would be happy for them to be disallowed to use the word NEWS in their name, they even say they are not news in the FCC filing.

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Those poor, angry conservatives. They felt so aggrieved they had to start their own propaganda channel to make them feel better.

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Unfortunately, it's worked.🤬

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They have quite a sorted selection to choose from, sadly.

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Are you sure that you don't mean 'sordid'?

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May 22Edited

“The southern border is directly in the path of totality today when the moon covers the sun.”

…’Tis a conspiracy! The moon is conspiring with the sun!!!

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You mean that southern border that Republicans refused to secure with the immigration bill, that border?

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Democrats have blocked a number of bills too, and never passed anything when they had full control of BOTH the House and the Senate. The border problems are the result of our President Joe Biden.

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“What about…” doesn’t work this time. trumpy demanded GOP shelve strict, bipartisan immigration bill so he could lie to you and complain about everything.

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Of course Trump is playing politics and of course he will always complain, but that doesn't change the fact that the border problems are all President Joe Biden's.

He created them and could have fixed them if he wanted to.

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That’s my point! There was a bill ready to be passed but Trump told the GOP Senators dont or else. Dude, pay attention!

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Sorry, no one believes the Border is Trump's fault.

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I have an antennae on my roof. Yes, local Fox is one of the channels but I do not watch any broadcast news. The irony: we worked in broadcasting (full disclosure PBS/CBS) for years. It ain't anywhere near what it used to be. Money ate the brain of broadcasting long ago.

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When news broadcasts were no longer part of the "public service" requirement of broadcast TV, presenters started looking for star appeal, and the networks turned the news broadcasts into infotainment for clicks and ratings, journalism and responsible reporting went out the window.

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I "cut" my video subscriptions years ago. I don't "fund" anything indirectly if I can help it.

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👍 Same here

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Cut the cable cord years ago and have never regretted it. Glad to know I’m not funding the MAGA channel.

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This reminds me of one of my favorite films, Network. A brilliant satire of news media. Sadly, this is reality. Fox is a sad commentary on our society. One can only hope the history books will explain away Fox as a plague on society.

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I did switch to streaming and pay a tiny fraction of what I spent monthly on Directv. If by some chance I am still funding Faux Faul News, it's a very reduced amount. Paying only for what you want to watch is definitely the way for me.

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I’ve never understood why Rupert Murdoch would want to undermine democracy in pursuit of profits. He is smart enough to have made tons of money and achieved great wealth and power without taking America to the brink - where we are today. What’s also puzzling is that no MAGA supporter can answer this - if the 2020 election could be “stolen” for Biden, why wasn’t Biden given a solid majority in both House and Senate with “stolen” votes? They, MAGA, will not accept another loss in 2024 and we better get ready for that.

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trump and Murdoch have been friends since the 1970s. Trump's mentor and fixer Roy Cohn was also Murdoch's attorney. He introduced Murdoch to Reagan and he received his citizenship in under 2 years. At that time a person had to be a US citizen to own a television station. They wanted a "propaganda machine" for the Reagan era. Murdoch bought 20th Century Fox in 1985 and then launched Fox "news" in 1986. It did not become that popular during the Reagan era but they have always been the mouth piece for the Republican party as they got bigger and swung further to the right.

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I wonder what Murdoch's ties to Russia are? I wonder what Ausralia knows about their former citizens?

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And exactly HOW does America get ready for MAGA anger when the scummy Republican Party gets trashed this november? What are you prepared to support? Violence is on the way. This is certain.

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Thank you, Dan, Yes I did know this. It has been a full year, since I had my cable disconnected, and guess what? I haven't missed it.

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Murdock & company seem simply part of the well organized coup... became a citizen of a country he plans to destroy. How sick is that?

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I cut cable, too, but because it was too expensive, not for any other reason.

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FOX NEWS is the influential propaganda arm of the Republican National Committee. The opinion and entertainment network is the most predictable source of reactionary talking points. The people who work for this broadcasting group have left their ethics at the door to spread the selfish dogma of conservatives. They bring us a soft parade of liars.

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I am deeply grateful for my dyed-in-the-wool progressive parents. They are in their late 70's and probably more left than I am. LOL

I do have a dear friend, though, whose family literally staged an intervention for her parents. They were completely under the thrall of Fox News. What's truly scary about that is both used to be moderate Dems. Both well-educated and world travelers. It was just really stunning to see the decline into the Fox madness. The intervention worked, but it put a huge strain on the family. I suspect they are not alone.

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