Trump, sadly, is parroting Josef Stalin. If the Nazis didn't murder Russian prisoners, then Stalin did when they returned to Russia after WWII. Stalin didn't like POWs, either. A second Trump presidency is a disaster waiting to happen for everyone.

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Bone spurs may of kept tRump out of Vietnam but I'd bet real money it didn't keep him out of the discos . He has no respect for any of our institutions great or small. Why vote vets sends out emails calling the orange pendejo a traitor to our nation. They have little to no respect for tRump at all. I just hope they can convince the rest of our military 🪖 just who or what they would be working for and decide tRump is a wrong choice. Thanks Dan for the reminder.

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Unbelievable and makes me sick to see the support Trump receives from Republicans despite the numerous indictmens and trials he is facing, the things he says, his narcissism, lack of morals, empathy, faithfulness, honesty, etc. God help us if he ever gets elected.

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This is our time to stand up to this horrible tyrant and show the world who we really are.

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This information and Trumps abominable disrespect for the sacrifices our military has made to keep us safe, should be run as a constant loop on every TV and radio station around the country. The airwaves need to be saturated with the evil thoughtlessness of this person.

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Thank you Dan for the beautiful tribute for the fallen soldier…

I also agree that trump should never be allowed to be president and hopefully he will not be again,he doesn’t care about the veterans or the military.

Or our country the people he only cares about himself…

And that is not what a President is about…

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The draft-dodging is bad enough, but disparaging those who have served, in general, and Senator McCain, in particular, is simply beyond the pale. I say this as one very nearly diametrically opposed to Senator McCain politically. The man is an American hero. The Dunceald is a coward, a bully, a rapist, a racist, and an utter cad unfit to serve as a congressional page (but for his buckeye-looking pursed lips), let alone Commander in Chief. He will be a popular inmate in some den-of-sodomy federal prison. It will be fabulous and a fitting reward for an individual who lives his lies in a netherworld between human and beast. His very existence is most nearly akin to that of the twisted hybrid creatures that populate the Island of Dr. Moreau.

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It is amazing to me how people can hear that crap coming from Trumps mouth and STILL support the LOUSY POS!

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There are people who have learning disabilities and cannot read, yet have uncommon sense.

They must wonder how those who are literate can be fooled by the ravings of a demagogue who promises to continue his campaign to undermine democracy and destroy the humanity so many have given their lives to protect.

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Thank you Dan and ALL the Steady Team for the good you do! GOD BLESS!!

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As an American and a woman veteran, I am disgusted by Trump's disrespect and lack of support for the military and veterans who have bravely served and sacrificed for our country. I'm even more disturbed and confused by the many veterans who support Trump. Many of the Trump supporters are the same people who post the support veteran messages and memes, support the homeless veterans and not illegal immigrants, and more. Mind boggling to me!

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Dan, I want you to rest assured that citizen trump (no caps) has a very big dent in his checking account right now thanks to all of the successful lawsuits brought against him. I do believe in the saying “What goes around, comes around”. We are getting to see justice prevail…finally!

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I am baffled at the military's tolerance of Trump. What does that tell us about the US military services? How can there possibly be any allegiance to him as Commander and Chief. It is a total mockery of the armed forces and I am disgusted. I have family and friends who as Canadians joined the US Marines and served honorably and with great personal sacrifice. I speak for them and my self. America, do something about ridding yourself of Donald Trump.

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Mr. Rather, We (Steady participants) share your articulately presented concern for the literal continuation of our democracy PAID IN FULL by the sacrifice of so many unsung heroes. We, without reservation, do seek to support and defend our liberty, freedom, and US Constitution. I realize that the only meaningful power I have now (77yo/disabled) is my vote. I shall use that small yet potent expression of my support and love for my country at the ballot box. I do hope Trump Cultist retain enough sanity to vote with care ...

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Mr. Rather,

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This was a beautiful tribute to Sgt Rudd. I am glad he was brought home and was acknowledged with honors. He sacrificed his life for his country and our freedom. His heroism will not be forgotten. Trump has no remorse for soldiers in the military who protect us all over this world like president Biden. Thank you Dan, for sharing this story with us.

Prayers 🙏 to the family of Sgt Rudd. 🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲

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