We try to keep the comments section open to all readers regardless of subscription status to promote as inclusive a conversation as possible. Unfortunately, we have seen a rise in vitriol, trolling, and spreading misinformation. Please keep the discussion civil. If you see someone looking to provoke a fight, do not engage. We will try to monitor as best we can and ask your assistance.
Both rulings of Affirmative Action and Student Loan Debt are both rooted in racism. First we had the passage of the Civil Rights Act in 64 and then the passage of EEOC in 65. Then we had old Ronald Reagan realizing that African Americans were heading to college so this is how the student loan debt craziness began because prior it was just about free. Our elder military men and women who served this country were denied college, housing and access all by a stroke of a pen and then FICO comes rolling in and student loans are attached to our credit Cores and nothing like being denied reputable employment and gaining livable wages because you have too much education........
Thank you, Dan. Civil discourse, a rare commodity these days, is why I am here. At issue is how to discuss or debate controversial topics.
Indisputable facts are easy – the sun rose at 6:34 am this morning. However, that is in my area and time zone – others will have a different viewpoint so we need to frame the discussion with background.
Science, medicine and technology are continuing to evolve. Scientific facts I learned as a child are no longer valid. Medicine has made rapid progress but is still more art than science. Technology is our generation’s black magic, moving at warp speed and influencing how information, misinformation and disinformation flows.
We are not well served by a media and political class whose personal interests override their responsibilities. I look forward to our discussions.
If you are reading this Dan, thank you for being a great newsman. A teacher in high school once encouraged me to major in journalism but that wasn’t to be my forte. Cheers.
I disagree. Anger is absolutely essential sometimes - it depends on the discussion. Ranting, spewing insults and deliberately mocking and antagonizing people isn’t helpful except to point out who should be ignored.
Legacy journalists have much to learn about having a two-way discussion. One can no longer write an article and expect to sit back and watch the fur fly.
I recommend that you join in the conversation rather than simply watching from the sideline.
This is the way of the future of jounalism. It will be the end of fake news.
I agree totally. I have seen truth censored as "disinformation" by those who just can't bear to be contradicted or have to face a different view. Simply ending the conversation by claiming it isn't true and then banning is the way of the leftist, not free people.
Not only the "leftist". Neither of our current political Parties want to hear or understand contradicting views. This is a major concern for those of us who seek compromise and an end to this persistent fighting and fault finding that is perpetuated in American society. We need to take a look at the forces that refuse to appreciate other opinions. Democracy requires a peaceful and open understanding of the other.
We have all seen many things labeled as "misinformation" yesterday being confirmed today. The words "misinformation" or "troll" are often used as an excuse to avoid debate.
RFK Jr. has had detractors avoid debate by saying that his family disagrees with him about vaccine testing, without providing any factual basis for the assertion. And even if they do, what makes them more of an authority than RFK Jr., who has dedicated his life to environmentalism?
The whole premise of misinformation is false, and is only a means of squelching debate.
Very true and it is pervasive in the left wing media outlets like CNN and especially MSNBC. They are off the charts. Their constant use of terms like "election deniers" and "Maga republicans" is clearly to label some as sources of disinformation.
Please see my comment. You may be able to fix that issue somehow, then remove this comment. I simply don't know how else to alert you in a timely manner. Thank you.
In many instances it would be nice if the administrators simply said, flat out, "if you disagree with our agenda or anything we say, you will be banned, because this is not a discussion forum, it is an echo chamber." Don't call it a discussion if only one sided views are allowed.
Canyon, that is true sometimes and sometimes it isn't. I'm not sure what vitriol is but trolling is people just throwing out smart alec comments trying to yank the chains of another commentor. And more often than not, "misinformation" isn't misinformation at all, but rather just a differing point of view. In my experience, many on both sides of the spectrum can't handle a differing opinion and immediately slash out as if it is insulting for someone to have a different opinion. Don't need that either.
We have certainly deteriorated to a new low in most discussions, opinions, conversations. I believe most people are now frightened of those who disagree with them as it often leads to violence or verbal attacks . Much of this I believe, is due to the spread of outright lies by those who dominate the media.
The spread of outright lies, and potential violence by his followers against anyone who disagrees with him and them, is easily traced traced to one DJT. Remember, as beyond grudgingly he as a outgoing president fomented the attack on the Capitol, and even swanted to lead it himself before his SS crew restrained him and returned him to the White House, where he at on his hands and did absolutely nothing to stop the attack. Bottom line, the man is guilty of high treason, should be tried and convicted of such, and then shot at sunrise as a lesson to any future president who thinks to destroy our democracy.
Ya know, I can't argue with you on that. But even more so on social media. And there is a lot of fake news and twisting of reality out there to sift through.
Bill, I think we need to acknowledge that many come to forums like this not to hear opposing or alternative views but, rather, to get validation and confirmation for their own view.
And the trolling opportunist rises to speak his divisive nonsense. Sheep? Dog whistle? This is the verbiage of which Mr. Rather is warning all of his readers.
At least he didn't call anyone a nazi or a fascist. I've seen *that* in this forum, and it's always directed at those espousing conservative views. DrKray is correct about the way disinformation has been redefined by the left to be anything that challenges their orthodoxy.
Deflection. Everything you deem as democratic disinformation is exactly what the conservative counterpoint has already asserted. “At leastisms”and “what aboutisms” are lazy, weak and of little to no significance. Stop with the over generalizations because nothing is “always” as you say.
I've seen Dan use those exact terms, and worse, in his articles. They are mild descriptors.
The comments here are not so mild. It's often a competition so see who can come up with the most creative use of vitriolic language.
Dan's post here can be more often applied to his own loyal followers. It's extremely tribal here and this island not welcome honest discourse. Yes, folks from the other side of the tracks are not welcomed here.
It's just like Venezuelans who were not welcomed in the gated communities of Martha's Vineyard without mops or shovels. They come from Communist countries and if they ever get to vote they will not vote blue. Most are also Christian. Heaven forbid they come in and start dating your daughter. Let's confine them in the desert of South Texas where they belong.
You read this: "we have seen a rise in vitriol, trolling, and spreading misinformation. Please keep the discussion civil. If you see someone looking to provoke a fight, do not engage. ", and you took that as "don't talk to people from the other side of the tracks". WOW.
Jill, I’m more than willing to hear an opposing view, but you can’t make things up. You put “don’t talk to people from the other side of the tracks” in quotes. That is your interpretation, fine, but Dan never said it.
Jill, I can see where someone might read that and come to the same conclusion as GandolfGrey, especially the part about spreading disinformation. Who decides what that is?? I have seen a lot of claims of disinformation which were simply wrong or was later proven not to be disinformation. Certainly opinions shouldn't be seen as disinformation and many times when opposing information is introduced into a discussion it is taken as an attack or vitriol but it isn't. I always hope that anyone reading my comments will envision me speaking in a low voice of reason.
"You disagreed with what YOU thought he said." ????
Jean, you lost me on that. But I do want you to know that I was not referring to Mr Rather specifically, per say, but to those forums where people are banned for disagreeing, no matter how civil. That doesn't seem to be the case here although some of those commenting seem to think it should be like that.
It is hard in this fraught political landscape to see solutions that are possible, but you are right, the solutions start at a local level with better public schools and better access to programs like Head Start for children at risk prior to starting public school, better access to voting for all Americans, better access to the truth both in school and through better journalistic practices. I hope that we will begin to see improvements in these areas soon.
Both rulings of Affirmative Action and Student Loan Debt are both rooted in racism. First we had the passage of the Civil Rights Act in 64 and then the passage of EEOC in 65. Then we had old Ronald Reagan realizing that African Americans were heading to college so this is how the student loan debt craziness began because prior it was just about free. Our elder military men and women who served this country were denied college, housing and access all by a stroke of a pen and then FICO comes rolling in and student loans are attached to our credit Cores and nothing like being denied reputable employment and gaining livable wages because you have too much education........
As a white kid growing up in a little Nebraska town in the 70's, I don't know much about the inner city and deep south issues of the time. You say bussing "affected" you during your formative years, but you're being notably vague as to which side of the issue you were on at the time.
You use the term "Northern Liberals" a lot like whites have used the n-word to describe black people. Unfortunately, sweeping generalizations like this erode the viability of civil discourse. For example, saying "Black people are criminal" or "Mexicans are rapists" or "Whites are racist" incorrectly implies the word "all" as a prefix, and it's an incorrect and corrupt insinuation. Yes, some individuals do terrible things and others are simply terrible to humanity. However, failure of the few is no reason to convict everyone simply because they share the same skin color or nationality. Isn't this the very threads that make up the fabric of racism?
By today's standards, many of my family of the 70's would be considered racist. Yet, I believe that all humans are created equal. How does that resolve to your generality of "whites still hold onto and pass down their negativity about Black Americans"? My sisters share this same worldview. We do not see the color of a person's skin but rather the content of a person's character. Our children, and their children, reflect this as well. I can't say what will happen several generations from now but the racism in our immediate family stopped at our generation. We see the insidiousness and hatefulness of it all and choose to be a part of the solution rather than the heart of the problem.
Finally, you said "American whites retain complete control of the power systems of governance and economy, and will maintain their top caste in a racial hierarchy from which all will continuously benefit.." You say that as if you have given up the power you have. Dr. King didn't give up. His work and legacy continue today. It is up to each of us to take up his mantle of change. To say that whites will always maintain complete control of the power systems of governance is fatalistic at best. I'd really like to see vapid, stupid, selfish people out of governance. We need to elect people who represent us, not themselves. We need to elect people of integrity, people of intellect, and most of all, people who could give zero f*cks about meaningless demographics used to divide a citizenry that is, in it's core, is designed to be United.
I don't remember the comment I made. I always try to comment in a tone of civility and stay within the rules of the site. Since I can no longer find my post and have received this notice twice, I must assume I crossed a line. I assure you it was not intentional and will be more careful in future posts.
Biden took positions in the Senate that he has since recanted and apologized for, specifically the issues with segregation and Thurmond. It is not mine to defend his positions of that era though I will say that much of the 60's and 70's looks terribly racist in the light of how our society has grown to be more accepting of everyone regardless of skin color. Yet, I'm sure you will agree that much remains to be done.
It is a terrible thing to look back to the 70's and see how widely accepted it was to be prejudiced against people with a different skin color. It's abhorrent when viewed through today's lens. But today we still have remnants of that plus a new threat of discrimination and violence against people because of who or how they love.
I don't believe it makes sense to judge someone based on who they were 50 years ago. All that matters is what's happening now. What we see with Biden as a President is that he works with both sides of the aisle, even in the face of constant Republican attacks, some perhaps warranted but others absolutely ludicrous (see: Greene, Boebert, Santos).
Biden doesn't legislate through Twitter. He takes a reasoned approach to finding solutions to help the greatest number of Americans. I believe he does see everyone as equal, and is not slowed by his policies of a past time.
Of course he's not perfect. Nobody is. But in Biden I see someone who is trying to do their best to help the country heal from a global pandemic, an attack on our nations capital by her own citizens, and a rich cry baby who is hell-bent on destroying America to enrich himself. In light of that landscape, the fact that he has accomplished so much is amazing.
Someone claiming to be Dan Rather (but without a check mark next to their name) just replied to one of my comments and asked me to text them at a 737 area code (Austin, TX). Has anyone else received such a request from someone claiming to be Dan?
Thank you, Dr. Kay. As happens with most presidents, Trump may be treated more kindly by presidential historians 50 years from now. In the mean time, Trump’s immediate past as a soon-to-be former president who dearly wanted to lead the charge up the Capitol steps on Jan 6, and hopefully topple our government and declare himself president for life, IMHO Trump is beyond a reasonable doubt guilty of high treason. Now, I know that thanks to chief justice John Marshall when he presided over Aaron’s Burr’s trial for treason, the bar to be tried and convicted of treason is set very high, and appropriately so. But the next best outcome is prosecutor Smith's trying and convicting Trump on many, many lesser charges than treason, but the effect will be the same. Trump, while forestalling his inevitable imprisonment thru multiple and long drawn out appeals., will cry kangaroo court across the land, and his crazed followers can’t help but agree with him. Our country and our democracy won’t be rid of Trump soon enough. Thank you again for responding.
Thanks. Not so hard to believe when you know that one third of the population for the most part resides in Mencken’s Sahara of the Bozart. Supersized pick up trucks and super fast “fishing” boats with sparkle paint finishes and a fancy trolling motor define that class of boobwazie.
I was thinking the same thing. Is someone collecting phone numbers in Dan Rather’s name? Seems very odd especially since it’s new to me from previous threads.
The conservatives had their minds made up. Thomas's disdain for a policy from which he himself benefitted when he was admitted to Yale law school is as disenguous as his claim that his idea of a good vacation was a camper in a Wal-Mart parking lot while taking full advantage of Harlan Crow's lavish free trips. Thomas has lost any credibility he might have had. Maybe racism doesn't exist in his circles. But his vitriol against those who experience racism every day is despicable.
The Supreme Court has made several decisions recently that take our country backwards in time and/or does not account for the century we live in. I am beyond disappointed that this 'intelligent' body sets the rules/standards we must live by. SC for life? I say we abolish that.
I don't believe what MlK meant by his content of character in any way meant to be color blind. As I adopt his statement to me it means more that when people show you who they are believe them & no color, ethnicity, religion or anything else has anything thing to do with it. What does one stand for, allow or become complicit to. What will one stand up for on that side of fairness & justice for all often against all odds for the sake of our democracy/country for the good, for the oppressed, for equal rights for equal justice.
We try to keep the comments section open to all readers regardless of subscription status to promote as inclusive a conversation as possible. Unfortunately, we have seen a rise in vitriol, trolling, and spreading misinformation. Please keep the discussion civil. If you see someone looking to provoke a fight, do not engage. We will try to monitor as best we can and ask your assistance.
Both rulings of Affirmative Action and Student Loan Debt are both rooted in racism. First we had the passage of the Civil Rights Act in 64 and then the passage of EEOC in 65. Then we had old Ronald Reagan realizing that African Americans were heading to college so this is how the student loan debt craziness began because prior it was just about free. Our elder military men and women who served this country were denied college, housing and access all by a stroke of a pen and then FICO comes rolling in and student loans are attached to our credit Cores and nothing like being denied reputable employment and gaining livable wages because you have too much education........
Thank you, Dan. Civil discourse, a rare commodity these days, is why I am here. At issue is how to discuss or debate controversial topics.
Indisputable facts are easy – the sun rose at 6:34 am this morning. However, that is in my area and time zone – others will have a different viewpoint so we need to frame the discussion with background.
Science, medicine and technology are continuing to evolve. Scientific facts I learned as a child are no longer valid. Medicine has made rapid progress but is still more art than science. Technology is our generation’s black magic, moving at warp speed and influencing how information, misinformation and disinformation flows.
We are not well served by a media and political class whose personal interests override their responsibilities. I look forward to our discussions.
"Roger Elmore
Jul 2
Exactly. Too bad many of his followers didn’t drink the chlorine"
Keep blowing that whistle!
Cut the vitriolic trouble makers off at the knees, Dan. Asking them to be civil is like asking a pig (the similarity is striking) not to oink.
Like this one?
"Roger Elmore
Jul 2
Exactly. Too bad many of his followers didn’t drink the chlorine"
Oink yourself.
If you are reading this Dan, thank you for being a great newsman. A teacher in high school once encouraged me to major in journalism but that wasn’t to be my forte. Cheers.
Thank you
Would this be an example of vitriol, trolling and spreading misinformation? Asking for a friend.
No, that’s throwing shade. Expertly.
Anger is not helpful in any discussion. It simply adds nothing and gets us nowhere fast.
I disagree. Anger is absolutely essential sometimes - it depends on the discussion. Ranting, spewing insults and deliberately mocking and antagonizing people isn’t helpful except to point out who should be ignored.
Well Dan, the trolls are all up in arms it seems. But we will be nice, promise.
Right, the comments are no longer about the subject (except my lengthy dissertation) but about opinions.
I'm pleased to know this, because I've seen the rise of hateful comments everywhere, anymore.
I love reading your newsletter and reading what I can here on your "Steady" Substack. Unfortunately, I can't afford a subscription☹️.
We all miss your voice on the evening news. You should think about making vocal statements here (if possible) and/or on Twitter!
I think Twitter will dominate. Substack is moving much too slowly in the direction of video and livestreams.
Thank you so much for making this a platform of discussion. For those who are spoiling for a verbal fight I have learned that silence is golden.
For me I bless them as they go upon their way.
I love your... I bless them as they go upon their way.🌺
On numerous occasions, when faced with difficult people, I've heard Nancy Pelosi say ..."I pray for them."🙏
And like you , the best way to respond.😊
Legacy journalists have much to learn about having a two-way discussion. One can no longer write an article and expect to sit back and watch the fur fly.
I recommend that you join in the conversation rather than simply watching from the sideline.
This is the way of the future of jounalism. It will be the end of fake news.
For example:
I agree totally. I have seen truth censored as "disinformation" by those who just can't bear to be contradicted or have to face a different view. Simply ending the conversation by claiming it isn't true and then banning is the way of the leftist, not free people.
Not only the "leftist". Neither of our current political Parties want to hear or understand contradicting views. This is a major concern for those of us who seek compromise and an end to this persistent fighting and fault finding that is perpetuated in American society. We need to take a look at the forces that refuse to appreciate other opinions. Democracy requires a peaceful and open understanding of the other.
I couldn't agree more. There is just too much absolutism. I blame social media since most people get their news from it, sadly.
I thought you get ticked with me if you didn’t, you would by my book.
Bill, I fully respect your freedom to tick me off a bit. But there is some common ground, I see.
And I guarantee you would get a bunch of belly laughs from “Donald’s Vanity Tantrums” I cost less then a drink in a swanky bar.
We have all seen many things labeled as "misinformation" yesterday being confirmed today. The words "misinformation" or "troll" are often used as an excuse to avoid debate.
RFK Jr. has had detractors avoid debate by saying that his family disagrees with him about vaccine testing, without providing any factual basis for the assertion. And even if they do, what makes them more of an authority than RFK Jr., who has dedicated his life to environmentalism?
The whole premise of misinformation is false, and is only a means of squelching debate.
Very true and it is pervasive in the left wing media outlets like CNN and especially MSNBC. They are off the charts. Their constant use of terms like "election deniers" and "Maga republicans" is clearly to label some as sources of disinformation.
Please see my comment. You may be able to fix that issue somehow, then remove this comment. I simply don't know how else to alert you in a timely manner. Thank you.
The most worthwhile discussions are those with topics which are in dispute.
An echo chamber of agreement serves little purpose. It's like eating sugar.
Stay savory my friend!
You have spammed this comment section unmercilessly, saying the same thing repeatedly. Please stop.
Thank you!
In many instances it would be nice if the administrators simply said, flat out, "if you disagree with our agenda or anything we say, you will be banned, because this is not a discussion forum, it is an echo chamber." Don't call it a discussion if only one sided views are allowed.
The issue isn’t about a civil discussion, but about” vitriol, trolling and misinformation”
Are you to be the one who decides what "vitriol, trolling and misinfo" are?
I think the dictionary has that covered….
Canyon, that is true sometimes and sometimes it isn't. I'm not sure what vitriol is but trolling is people just throwing out smart alec comments trying to yank the chains of another commentor. And more often than not, "misinformation" isn't misinformation at all, but rather just a differing point of view. In my experience, many on both sides of the spectrum can't handle a differing opinion and immediately slash out as if it is insulting for someone to have a different opinion. Don't need that either.
We have certainly deteriorated to a new low in most discussions, opinions, conversations. I believe most people are now frightened of those who disagree with them as it often leads to violence or verbal attacks . Much of this I believe, is due to the spread of outright lies by those who dominate the media.
I'm never quite sure what you mean. Too many generalizations.
Disagreement is not a verbal attack nor is it violence. It's to everyone's best interest to explore all sides of any issue presented.
The spread of outright lies, and potential violence by his followers against anyone who disagrees with him and them, is easily traced traced to one DJT. Remember, as beyond grudgingly he as a outgoing president fomented the attack on the Capitol, and even swanted to lead it himself before his SS crew restrained him and returned him to the White House, where he at on his hands and did absolutely nothing to stop the attack. Bottom line, the man is guilty of high treason, should be tried and convicted of such, and then shot at sunrise as a lesson to any future president who thinks to destroy our democracy.
Ya know, I can't argue with you on that. But even more so on social media. And there is a lot of fake news and twisting of reality out there to sift through.
Give it a break
Bill, I think we need to acknowledge that many come to forums like this not to hear opposing or alternative views but, rather, to get validation and confirmation for their own view.
Please read my mini dissertation below on topic.
No, he is cautioning his sheep not to engage in discourse with folks from the other side of the tracks. Using Democrat parlance, it's a dog whistle.
And the trolling opportunist rises to speak his divisive nonsense. Sheep? Dog whistle? This is the verbiage of which Mr. Rather is warning all of his readers.
It's not hard to find the disinformation in this article.
Whoosh! It's loaded!
Dog Whistle is divisive?
I just have to snicker here!
At least he didn't call anyone a nazi or a fascist. I've seen *that* in this forum, and it's always directed at those espousing conservative views. DrKray is correct about the way disinformation has been redefined by the left to be anything that challenges their orthodoxy.
Deflection. Everything you deem as democratic disinformation is exactly what the conservative counterpoint has already asserted. “At leastisms”and “what aboutisms” are lazy, weak and of little to no significance. Stop with the over generalizations because nothing is “always” as you say.
I've seen Dan use those exact terms, and worse, in his articles. They are mild descriptors.
The comments here are not so mild. It's often a competition so see who can come up with the most creative use of vitriolic language.
Dan's post here can be more often applied to his own loyal followers. It's extremely tribal here and this island not welcome honest discourse. Yes, folks from the other side of the tracks are not welcomed here.
It's just like Venezuelans who were not welcomed in the gated communities of Martha's Vineyard without mops or shovels. They come from Communist countries and if they ever get to vote they will not vote blue. Most are also Christian. Heaven forbid they come in and start dating your daughter. Let's confine them in the desert of South Texas where they belong.
You read this: "we have seen a rise in vitriol, trolling, and spreading misinformation. Please keep the discussion civil. If you see someone looking to provoke a fight, do not engage. ", and you took that as "don't talk to people from the other side of the tracks". WOW.
Jill, I’m more than willing to hear an opposing view, but you can’t make things up. You put “don’t talk to people from the other side of the tracks” in quotes. That is your interpretation, fine, but Dan never said it.
Jill, I can see where someone might read that and come to the same conclusion as GandolfGrey, especially the part about spreading disinformation. Who decides what that is?? I have seen a lot of claims of disinformation which were simply wrong or was later proven not to be disinformation. Certainly opinions shouldn't be seen as disinformation and many times when opposing information is introduced into a discussion it is taken as an attack or vitriol but it isn't. I always hope that anyone reading my comments will envision me speaking in a low voice of reason.
Mr. Rather did not say only one sided views were allowed - he only asked for civil discussions.
THAT, in NO way says only one side can speak.
Your comment is here, so what is your complaint? You disagreed with what YOU thought he said, but, once again, your comment is still here.
"You disagreed with what YOU thought he said." ????
Jean, you lost me on that. But I do want you to know that I was not referring to Mr Rather specifically, per say, but to those forums where people are banned for disagreeing, no matter how civil. That doesn't seem to be the case here although some of those commenting seem to think it should be like that.
If you are replying to me, why don't you fact check me yourself.
Well said.
It is hard in this fraught political landscape to see solutions that are possible, but you are right, the solutions start at a local level with better public schools and better access to programs like Head Start for children at risk prior to starting public school, better access to voting for all Americans, better access to the truth both in school and through better journalistic practices. I hope that we will begin to see improvements in these areas soon.
Still don’t know what to do
Both rulings of Affirmative Action and Student Loan Debt are both rooted in racism. First we had the passage of the Civil Rights Act in 64 and then the passage of EEOC in 65. Then we had old Ronald Reagan realizing that African Americans were heading to college so this is how the student loan debt craziness began because prior it was just about free. Our elder military men and women who served this country were denied college, housing and access all by a stroke of a pen and then FICO comes rolling in and student loans are attached to our credit Cores and nothing like being denied reputable employment and gaining livable wages because you have too much education........
There’s still time . . .
As a white kid growing up in a little Nebraska town in the 70's, I don't know much about the inner city and deep south issues of the time. You say bussing "affected" you during your formative years, but you're being notably vague as to which side of the issue you were on at the time.
You use the term "Northern Liberals" a lot like whites have used the n-word to describe black people. Unfortunately, sweeping generalizations like this erode the viability of civil discourse. For example, saying "Black people are criminal" or "Mexicans are rapists" or "Whites are racist" incorrectly implies the word "all" as a prefix, and it's an incorrect and corrupt insinuation. Yes, some individuals do terrible things and others are simply terrible to humanity. However, failure of the few is no reason to convict everyone simply because they share the same skin color or nationality. Isn't this the very threads that make up the fabric of racism?
By today's standards, many of my family of the 70's would be considered racist. Yet, I believe that all humans are created equal. How does that resolve to your generality of "whites still hold onto and pass down their negativity about Black Americans"? My sisters share this same worldview. We do not see the color of a person's skin but rather the content of a person's character. Our children, and their children, reflect this as well. I can't say what will happen several generations from now but the racism in our immediate family stopped at our generation. We see the insidiousness and hatefulness of it all and choose to be a part of the solution rather than the heart of the problem.
Finally, you said "American whites retain complete control of the power systems of governance and economy, and will maintain their top caste in a racial hierarchy from which all will continuously benefit.." You say that as if you have given up the power you have. Dr. King didn't give up. His work and legacy continue today. It is up to each of us to take up his mantle of change. To say that whites will always maintain complete control of the power systems of governance is fatalistic at best. I'd really like to see vapid, stupid, selfish people out of governance. We need to elect people who represent us, not themselves. We need to elect people of integrity, people of intellect, and most of all, people who could give zero f*cks about meaningless demographics used to divide a citizenry that is, in it's core, is designed to be United.
I don't remember the comment I made. I always try to comment in a tone of civility and stay within the rules of the site. Since I can no longer find my post and have received this notice twice, I must assume I crossed a line. I assure you it was not intentional and will be more careful in future posts.
I thought this was about Affirmative Action..
Biden took positions in the Senate that he has since recanted and apologized for, specifically the issues with segregation and Thurmond. It is not mine to defend his positions of that era though I will say that much of the 60's and 70's looks terribly racist in the light of how our society has grown to be more accepting of everyone regardless of skin color. Yet, I'm sure you will agree that much remains to be done.
It is a terrible thing to look back to the 70's and see how widely accepted it was to be prejudiced against people with a different skin color. It's abhorrent when viewed through today's lens. But today we still have remnants of that plus a new threat of discrimination and violence against people because of who or how they love.
I don't believe it makes sense to judge someone based on who they were 50 years ago. All that matters is what's happening now. What we see with Biden as a President is that he works with both sides of the aisle, even in the face of constant Republican attacks, some perhaps warranted but others absolutely ludicrous (see: Greene, Boebert, Santos).
Biden doesn't legislate through Twitter. He takes a reasoned approach to finding solutions to help the greatest number of Americans. I believe he does see everyone as equal, and is not slowed by his policies of a past time.
Of course he's not perfect. Nobody is. But in Biden I see someone who is trying to do their best to help the country heal from a global pandemic, an attack on our nations capital by her own citizens, and a rich cry baby who is hell-bent on destroying America to enrich himself. In light of that landscape, the fact that he has accomplished so much is amazing.
Someone claiming to be Dan Rather (but without a check mark next to their name) just replied to one of my comments and asked me to text them at a 737 area code (Austin, TX). Has anyone else received such a request from someone claiming to be Dan?
Thank you, Dr. Kay. As happens with most presidents, Trump may be treated more kindly by presidential historians 50 years from now. In the mean time, Trump’s immediate past as a soon-to-be former president who dearly wanted to lead the charge up the Capitol steps on Jan 6, and hopefully topple our government and declare himself president for life, IMHO Trump is beyond a reasonable doubt guilty of high treason. Now, I know that thanks to chief justice John Marshall when he presided over Aaron’s Burr’s trial for treason, the bar to be tried and convicted of treason is set very high, and appropriately so. But the next best outcome is prosecutor Smith's trying and convicting Trump on many, many lesser charges than treason, but the effect will be the same. Trump, while forestalling his inevitable imprisonment thru multiple and long drawn out appeals., will cry kangaroo court across the land, and his crazed followers can’t help but agree with him. Our country and our democracy won’t be rid of Trump soon enough. Thank you again for responding.
Thanks. Not so hard to believe when you know that one third of the population for the most part resides in Mencken’s Sahara of the Bozart. Supersized pick up trucks and super fast “fishing” boats with sparkle paint finishes and a fancy trolling motor define that class of boobwazie.
What is with this reply being sent to many comments made? Find it hard to believe it is Dan Rather.
7 min ago
I was thinking the same thing. Is someone collecting phone numbers in Dan Rather’s name? Seems very odd especially since it’s new to me from previous threads.
The conservatives had their minds made up. Thomas's disdain for a policy from which he himself benefitted when he was admitted to Yale law school is as disenguous as his claim that his idea of a good vacation was a camper in a Wal-Mart parking lot while taking full advantage of Harlan Crow's lavish free trips. Thomas has lost any credibility he might have had. Maybe racism doesn't exist in his circles. But his vitriol against those who experience racism every day is despicable.
The Supreme Court has made several decisions recently that take our country backwards in time and/or does not account for the century we live in. I am beyond disappointed that this 'intelligent' body sets the rules/standards we must live by. SC for life? I say we abolish that.
I don't believe what MlK meant by his content of character in any way meant to be color blind. As I adopt his statement to me it means more that when people show you who they are believe them & no color, ethnicity, religion or anything else has anything thing to do with it. What does one stand for, allow or become complicit to. What will one stand up for on that side of fairness & justice for all often against all odds for the sake of our democracy/country for the good, for the oppressed, for equal rights for equal justice.