Enjoyable interview! Teaching children and young adults as a parent or teacher to explore the world about them and ask questions is such an important step in understanding how the sciences make sense and explain our world and ourselves, the universe and beyond, and discoveries of all types and imaginings.

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I enjoyed this interview from both a scientific and educator point of view. I was never interested in science during my college days, but I became more interested as I got older. I always thought I would have been a great botany student in my 50s. 😊

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This is an outstanding article this week. If people could just listen to science and follow instructions given, that has been proven by science, this entire world would be a lot better off. And just think, over 600,000 souls would still be alive if our illustrious past administration would have listened to science to begin with over 2 years ago! That’s criminal!!!

Science is proven fact. Not fiction. Science is involved in everything on this earth, around this earth, within this earth. It’s just that simple.

Climate change, the food we eat, the air we breathe, the vehicles we drive, clothes we wear, fuel to run the vehicles. The space program, our children’s education, the homes we live in as well as the building’s we work in. Computers we all use, cell phones, televisions. Everything. It all has to do with science in one form or another.

So, non-science believers, how does it feel to be so involved in science?

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I agree! I love reading and browsing science articles. It's fascinating that scientists get results from elements we never would have imagined or know to have existed.

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Excellent and inspiring!

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Love the title. When a toddler jumps in a puddle to see what happens is part of a scientific journey, and it’s fun!

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Wonderful interview! I love that he said we are all born scientists. Anyone who has raised or worked with small children know of their innate curiosity. It's a shame so many adults were discouraged from being curious as children and just gave up. You, Dan, are the epitome of an adult who has remained ever curious. You are an inspiration!

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The font in the newsletter body type is too small for many people to easily read. Please enlarge it.

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When I saw that first photo, I thought you had sat down with Don Jr.! Phew!

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I really enjoyed listening to this interview, Dan. You are such a pro. Loved how you started the conversation with asking the Dr. to talk about his own story. That was so special. I loved how Dr. Daniel Colon-Ramos looked back to his childhood to lay the groundwork for his own curiosity. I taught kindergarten for years and this is what I would experience and see in my students. The curiosity and excitement is so amazing to watch when children discover something new or create something unique. It is the beginnings of a "journey of learning" that inspired me to teach. Thank you for sharing Steady team and thank you Dan for sharing your experiences.

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And as we must have an impenetrable wall between religion and government, so must we have an impenetrable wall between politics and science.

Neither will happen in today’s toxic environment, but both are great ideas.

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I've not watched any of these videos although I intend to. I just wanted to thank Mr. Rather for recognizing that I, like so many, was born with an inherent knowledge of various branches of science. That is why I often know more than my doctor, than the pharmacist, than these whacko infection specialists and virologists, and know that I have an innate protection against these diseases like small pox, polio, etc. I have little doubt that vaccines contain nanobots that cross the brain barrier and plant unAmurikan ideas as well as connecting me to a NSA megadata collection system. So, as I said, thank you, Mr. Rather. I shall continue my quest for honest science knowledge.

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Communication? With who?

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