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Remember, in an interview with Fox news, Trump was asked if he liked war. His response was "yes". When asked if he would use nukes, Trump responded "even with nukes." This statement alone should take him off every ballot in America.

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Why are so many Christians waiting for what they already have? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IOkyh-yiEvg

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Most Christians who are anxiously waiting for the rapture and the second coming have a real yearning for Christ. It is an honest desire, for sure, a desire for peace and joy. Their pastors and teachers now need to focus their minds on the deep and mysterious truth that “Christ in already and really in them, their hope of glory,” now. It is Christ in us that we yearn for and He is closer to us than a nursing mother is to her baby. No baby doubts his mother’s presence when she is nursing him. No true Christian doubts her Shepherd’s presence when she speaks to Him daily and listens to His voice within. Jesus told us “the kingdom of God is within,” and the pastors have taught us it is not here and not now. I defer to Jesus on this subject:).

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I don't know that it's true that "once upon a time evangelicals were compassionate...." If we go back through time what we see consistently is exactly the opposite- self righteous hypocrites who yell and scream about how others should live their lives to the point of burning people at the stake, inquisition and torture, forced relocations of peopleof color- Indigenous, Japanes, Jewish, etc., slavery, lynching, medical experimentation, child labor abuse, communist blacklisting, and so on and so forth up to today where we've circled back to stealing people's bodily autonomy, punishment by forced birth and poverty, ignoring homelessness, gerrymandering voting districts, blocking access to higher education. We shouldn't be surprised to see a pile of books in a bonfire any day. All of this is the same sick energy perpetrated throughout human history. What better way to achieve domination and oppression than "in the name of the lord"? Jesus advocated none of the above and they know it.

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It’s bat shit off the wall. Riding the waves of fantastical presumption, they who follow blindly are like lemmings racing to the proverbial cliff.

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The perverse sickness and utter blindness of these nominal "evangelicals" harms the true Church almost as much as any anti-Christian movement could.

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There is definitely something terribly wrong with those who champion the likes of Donald Trump a man with absolutely no morals whatsoever. How his fans can look at this man’s history and find him not one of the most morally corrupt persons if not the most disgusting person ever to be President in this country’s history is beyond belief! What is it they see in him that they find so enthralling? His history is a trail of corruption and lies. His treatment of women including his wives is deplorable. How can these people overlook his many crimes and disgusting behavior as a world leader? He’s a huge embarrassment! He has terrible manners and is an embarrassment in International affairs. His friendship with a merciless dictator is a terrible reflection on our country. He’s stated that he will be a dictator and I believe him, how can we even begin to take that chance? The Republican Party is no longer the Grand Old Party, they have ambitions of total control over our country and it’s not idle talk. Think about all they’ve been doing these past two decades to gain control. Mike Johnson is dangerous, as is Jim Jordan, a man who is so ambitious he didn’t even care about the young men on his wrestling team being molested by the team doctor. The people of Ohio apparently don’t care either! Talk about morals! Women can’t have an abortion but male athletes can be molested in Ohio apparently!

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Trump is a purveyor of fear! There are lots of people who have lots of fear! Fear of change, fear of

differences in others, fear of losing their top position in the social fabric of this Country! He feeds on this weakness in others and fans it for his own aggrandizement! He isn't a leader, but rather a rabble rouser. Little do they know how much he reviles them! It is very sad! He is selling hate!

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As an evangelical who has never accepted Trump, I've come to the conclusion that it's about fear. Fear God is not on the job, fear of change. There is a stinginess in Trump and his supporters that is very inward looking. God says to care for the widow, the fatherless, the immigrant. Jesus takes it deeper and says love your neighbor as much as yourself. Trump is a false leader, setting himself up as a saviour. It is sad to watch so many deceived.

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Did no one read about false idols?!

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Who is out there to save us from Trump and these so-called “religious” people who are so enamored of him? I’m sick of people calling themselves “Christian” yet openly would not allow a gay, lesbian or trans individual to darken the doors of their church. The thought of another 4 years of Trump makes me scared and almost sick. I was born and raised by amazing parents who taught us to treat all people with kindness and fairness. Oh and yes, we were raised in the church. The devil comes in many forms and could be a criminal with orange hair.

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They aren’t religious. They just want to tell you how to live your life their way!

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1/21/2024: A thought, correctly? I think so:

Bill Maher Argues 'the Battle for This Country Isn't Right or Left, It's Normal vs Crazy'

Assuming that "the crazies" do take over the White House and America, as they already Obviously, have taken over our courts and legal system, Does anyone have advice regarding what we should "horde", save up with regards to money, gold, foods, clothing and many other things before Big Brother finally controls Everything in our Country? A "Bug-out" kit? Current Passport, so that maybe we, just like many of the Jews of Germany did, to escape Monstrous Tyranny before Hitler had completely shut down their Borders, guaranteeing there could be No Escape.? No shit. There is much that I am thinking about, without knowing the ultimate Real and Disastrous possible results of

"The Final Solution" for our Democracy and America. The Monsters are at The Door. Who of us will they be coming for? Time will tell...

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I have also had these thoughts! Very frightening!

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Good Day. I read something. It might have been quoted from Mark Twain, I think.

"If elections really mattered, we wouldn't be allowed to vote".

Oh Well. For what that was worth... Best Regards

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A quote by Rev. Billy Graham is very prescient, “I don't want to see religious bigotry in any form. It would disturb me if there was a wedding between the religious fundamentalists and the political right. The hard right has no interest in religion except to manipulate it.” Indeed, that future is now. Writing this response pains me, but I feel compelled to unequivocally say that our country--the one I was born and raised in--is in deep trouble. The fact that millions of Americans support a man who exemplifies so much of the worst of human nature is nightmarish. Those who previously purported to revile him now pledge their unwavering loyalty, all while he unveils his mein Fuhrer core--at first slyly, and now with increasingly brazen perniciousness.

What lies behind his popularity is complicated. But at its core, I believe it is fueled by the toxic mix that most cult-like leaders share--a charismatic, often volatile personality with an over-sized, distorted view of self-worth and underlying greed; a message that targets our baser instincts of clannish loyalty to "our" group; feigned empathy for those who feel devalued or threatened in the greater society, and a perverted religiosity that appears to stand for true godly values. In all of this, Trump has never claimed to be a real follower of Christ. Yet, that doesn't dissuade his evangelical supporters who find his alluring message and style captivating.

As a Christian who truly believes that The Holy Bible is God's inspired word, I find Trump's hate-filled, grandiose, violence-bent rhetoric and actions vile and reprehensible. It flies in the face of the biblical calling to do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly before God. To be fair, I also struggle with embracing homosexual marriage and the morality of abortion. To my reading of The Bible, both these conservative and liberal positions are in opposition to the tenets that The Lord Jesus and Almighty God commanded us to obey. But for me, there is a clear and vitally important distinction. In the very least, Biden is a man who is unashamedly devout in his Christian faith and whose message, though muted at times, consistently demonstrates an ongoing striving for peaceful co-existence for all people, and an appreciation for the common good. Surely I can't say that for Trump.

In closing, Trump's allure for evangelicals brings to mind a passage of scripture that I earnestly pray will soon resonate with them: 2 Timothy 3: 1 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. 2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of those that are good, 4 Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; 5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.

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Trump has no respect for his followers at all, he would never dine with them or ask them to the White House. He’s just using them, he actually detests they’re life styles, poverty and everything about them. He thinks they’re all so far beneath him. Remember how he treated the football players all to McDonald’s instead of a Steak dinner? He has no class at all but he thinks he’s a real classy guy. He wouldn’t know one if he fell over one.

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A thoughtfully written article, thank you Mr. Rather.

This is a question I've heard countless times over the past few years, and while the evangelical stance is paradoxical on the surface it makes a certain sort of sense for someone who is familiar with (read: grew up in but no longer shares) their worldview.

I think there are several elements at play here: (1) the belief that biblical morality is universal, (2) the viewpoint of Christianity as a persecuted minority (as you mentioned in your article), (3) an antagonistic view of society at large as one that is drifting further and further away from morality, and (4) an almost anti-intellectual, populist slant to their way of thinking that is distrustful of the scientific community and the media in general.

Point 1 is the most critical though, as this is what allows them to frame all of their actions as a moral imperative: passing anti-LGTBQ laws becomes necessary to curtail societal moral decay; curtailing abortion is necessary to protect the life of the unborn; and banning books and censoring drag story times in libraries are necessary to shield children from corrupting influences.

Given the above, it is not too far a stretch to support someone like Mr. Trump - someone who will encourage them to pass laws to enforce their views of "universal" morality, who will appoint Supreme Court justices that agree with their brand of conservativism, who rails against the obviously "corrupt" political and media establishments, and who pays just enough lip service to the faith to allow them to "forgive" his "human shortcomings".

(Please forgive the overuse of quotes - I want to make it clear I by no means endorse these viewpoints. While I may understand them to a point, I do NOT agree with them)

The book "The Evangelicals" by Frances FitzGerald is an excellent look at the origins and evolution of American Evangelical Christianity throughout history - highly recommended reading. It's something that has helped me come to terms with my upbringing in fundamentalist Christian churches, and helped me re-examine my previously unquestioned political views.

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