I do not know from where in the Bible the anti-choice viewpoint stems. If it is "Thou Shalt Not Kill", who will interpret in what situations it applies and in what situations it does not? Is it acceptable to kill if your country is being attacked? The trigger laws of states that do not allow abortion in the case of rape or incest show the most reprehensible disrespect for women.

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What happened to state and church being separate? All these states and Supreme Court making decisions against abortion is wrong because they are using their religious beliefs to make these decisions. They need to leave religion out of it and let the person and their doctor make the decision to abort or not.

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This may be a stupid question, but I am not finding a clear answer on how we get this put on a ballot in Ohio? However, with the gerrymandering, not sure it would succeed. Polls show a strong majority do support the right to choose. I haven't seen anything about that happening anywhere in the country yet.

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If we continue to beat each other up over who did or didn't do what (or support whichever candidate) in the past, how can we possibly work effectively together today, starting now, on this reality?

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The Roberts court began this downward spiral with the Citizens United decision opening the door for so much of the corruption to follow.

Thank you Dan for your inspiring words.

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Thank you once more for this elegant and telling synopsis of the current problem in our Country. I am so afraid of radical bigoted religious white supremacists charting the course of our Country. I am hoping they crossed too many lines this last two years and that the Democrats can break tradition and fight back for a change and really work to get out the voters on November 8th. I fear this is our last chance as the GOP came so close to a political coup and staking the Supreme Court with like minded sycophants who are demeaning all the United States Stands For.

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Trying to remain calm and wonder how to best help or what to do. The number of donation requests is mind boggling.

It is helpful to read the comments.

The Court needs a re-make. Some Judges lied when interviewed. There just seems to be no accountability

The awful Congress people who helped Trump pull off Jan. 6th should be in jail.

The amount of malice, anger and hate from the Right is toxic. Greed is driving some folks at one level and nasty, uncivil behavior is pouring from a random collection of "Haters" as people like to call them.

I don't do twitter or Facebook- PBS news is sufficient. The comment by Ms. Ifil is spot on and gives me hope. I plan to re-read it

Thank you all and Dan Rather and Eliot Kirschner for creating this outlet

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"There is no way that these decisions would pass a vote of the American public."

This is a very disturbing statement. I will not comment on the politicalization of the Supreme Court, but I would dread just as much if it's decisions are based on what the majority of citizens would decide.

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I can't decide if the Supreme Court has become the judicial arm of the Republican Party or an extension of your local church or both.

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The Supreme Church State.

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Make abortion rights a male issue too. It is the man who caused the pregnancy that will pay child support and may be forced into a shotgun marriage. And there will also be many new grandparents with expenses and responsibilities they do not want and didn’t expect.

This doesn’t diminish the injustice to women, but expands awareness of who is impacted. I didn’t even start with costs to society of children who weren’t planned for, born into poverty, etc.

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I have never felt more threatened by my government than I do at this moment. I am a 63-year-old gay man who, earlier in life, had to hide my true self to stay alive. That relegation to subculture and second class citizenry marred my self-esteem and contributed to paths of self-destruction - substance abuse, HIV infection and financial ruin. A return to that horrific and untenable way of living and coping is extremely difficult at my age, now on low fixed income. I will fight - organize, march, donate, speak - as much as I'm able. I was hoping for a much more peaceful late life, but this Court substantially delayed if not obliterated that goal.

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A sad day for America.

The activist on the court that lied to congress on their intentions with Roe V Wade,

should not go un-noticed.

If they can be impeached, then they should be.

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This SCOTUS believes strongly that most laws should be in the states and to have a fairly weak federal government. That will allow some states to be places that revert to ultra conservative, or ultra gun, or ultra racist. The problem is that many things have no reason for the law to vary from state to state.Health care, gun laws to name two.

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It is hard not to feel defeated by this usurpation of power by these unelected elite. I am in my 80's and can't believe what these people and their power brokers want to see this country become: a fascist thuggery with a religious frosting? This is a perversion of our republic and the ideals of the Constitution

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Back to the dark ages, to a time of back-alley abortions by less than ethical people who leave mothers dead and/or permanently damaged. Is it back to the time when old white men determine a woman's future? The Supreme Court shouldn't be controlled by any party. It should be filled with thinkers without the tag of liberal or conservative. Should any body of people tell other people what they can do with their bodies? Is this Russia where we bend to the will of the government on private issues? Our legislature can change this. STAND UP AND DO IT.

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Other religions don’t view abortion as extreme as the Christian Right. So this is a freedom of religion issue as well.

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