Reading the linked article about coal unions coming on board with the Green deal, they want assurances that Biden will retrain them for jobs that pay as well, I was stuck with those that question the fact the job would need to keep them where they are living. So many of us have had to relocate bc of jobs, not always easy but necessary. …
Reading the linked article about coal unions coming on board with the Green deal, they want assurances that Biden will retrain them for jobs that pay as well, I was stuck with those that question the fact the job would need to keep them where they are living. So many of us have had to relocate bc of jobs, not always easy but necessary. They want the same rate of pay. Understandable. The other concern is , why get rid of what works (fossil fuels) make it so it will be clean by recapturing the pollutants. Then there is the, my dad was a miner, and I’m a miner and love my job, so why should I get it taken away. This is going to be a hard sell. Humans have a difficult time with change. All those in the newspaper business lost there jobs as well. Things change for many reasons. If we are to survive we must adapt.
I think Biden’s choice to make the environment a top priority is the right decision, not going to be popular with many, but the only way we are going to survive on the Earth.
Reading the linked article about coal unions coming on board with the Green deal, they want assurances that Biden will retrain them for jobs that pay as well, I was stuck with those that question the fact the job would need to keep them where they are living. So many of us have had to relocate bc of jobs, not always easy but necessary. They want the same rate of pay. Understandable. The other concern is , why get rid of what works (fossil fuels) make it so it will be clean by recapturing the pollutants. Then there is the, my dad was a miner, and I’m a miner and love my job, so why should I get it taken away. This is going to be a hard sell. Humans have a difficult time with change. All those in the newspaper business lost there jobs as well. Things change for many reasons. If we are to survive we must adapt.
I think Biden’s choice to make the environment a top priority is the right decision, not going to be popular with many, but the only way we are going to survive on the Earth.