Focus on what you can control. It's frustrating to be powerless. Decide what you want to worry about and let go of what is beyond your control. Does that make sense to you?

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Kayte, I envy your move! I came here 14 years ago from CT and experienced traumatic culture shock. (And I've had the good fortune to have worked with people from all over the world: Polish. Indian, Chinese, Romanian, French, Vietnamese, Cambodian, German; all of whom I found common interests with, as well as being fascinated to learn of their own cultures.) I wish you the best of luck in your new home. If you'd like, please let me know when you've settled in and how you're doing. I'm not a crazy stalker (!), i just thought I'd take a chance on meeting some new people. I'm sure you'll be happy to find like-minded people to befriend. Email: bluelady549@gmail.com.

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I think you got exactly the truth of what has been afoot, happening, engineered, and backed-into, since Trump swanned down the escalator and pronounced Mexicans to be rapists. And that his very despotic unpredictability, his needinesses, have stained us all and continue to do so -- despite our protestations. I think we need to yell like crazy that we want him charged and adjudicated NOW. We have allowed his vicious toxicity to melt our resolve, even once we recognized what was going on. It's time to stop watching our familiar horror show and get with the real program. We are going to have to DEAL with each other at some point.

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ooooo. this is a good one dan + elliott. nest of alligators in the water because of him. visual reminders are helpful to me and this one is spot on.

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Trump the Alligator promised to "Drain the Swamp." Instead he filled it up with Swamp Creatures.

Nice legacy he spawned: Marjorie Taylor Greene, Jim Jordan, Matt Gaetz, Lauren Boebert ... I need a shower!

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What scares the hell out of me is who Fox News and the super PACS might back if they don't back Trump. The Devil you know vs the devil you don't.

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Not only did the former president stack the courts, threaten democracy, give himself and rich people tax breaks at everyone else's expense...he also normalized racism. Even though he's not in the White House, as a person of color, I dread continued acceptance of hate against non-whites. His racist, lame, childish comment on Youngkin's name ("sounds Chinese!") is just more assholery and hate that non-whites will have to stomach and face the consequences for.

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Sylvia, I think it's not just non-whites who are nauseated by this man's lies, vulgarity, ignorance, racism, fascism ... there aren't enough words to express the damage he's done, and continues to do. All to salve his incredibly thin ego (in spite of all his wealth and fame and high office). Demagogues will bring down their whole nation before letting go of power; he tried and failed to destroy America's democracy, but I think he'll succeed in destroying the Republican Party. I think his motto is: I win, or nobody wins.

That he got this far is amazing; that he refuses to leave is despicable.

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As always, beautiful prose and a wise warning from Dan and Elliot.

I’d like to add an edit, though, for the first two sentences. The “ ‘big announcement’ ... as predictable as the rising sun.” I’d like to change it to “as predictable as eating 3 cheeseburgers, 30 fries and a coke at midnight. You’re awake with heartburn and disenchantment. “

The rising sun is a magnificent beauty to be forever cherished.

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It's not just using legal means to bring Trump into check. There is a huge lawless base now in America supporting Trump. Essentially we have to understand that Trumpism is an assault on the mind, on the intellect. The intellect, the delicate, self-conscious critique of artistic, literary or scientific intelligence, is based on truth and kindness. Yes, in fact. Mindless terrorism, the disabling of freedom of speech, and therefore, of the mind is the whole goal. Why? To kiss the a-- of Trump. In his mind is the idea of the bringing of America to its knees before him. I know this routine very well coming from a totalitarian family.

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Maria, I think you've described exactly the demagogue's goal - to fulfil their own lust for power. All the rhetoric about country and family and patriotism and flags - all total BS. This guy has only one objective: to be the Big Man. The Boss. "I alone can fix this." But he's not fixing anything, and now that his star is fading, I predict he'll get crazier than ever. Ron DeSantis, look out. There's a wrecking ball called Trump that will do anything to destroy you.

Maybe Trump's doing us all a favor in destroying the Republican Party. It might be fun to watch.

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There is still danger in the water: Yes, this rise of authoritarianism around the world suggests the grand end, the real extinction and death of our civilization and culture. All free nations' death and extinction. There is a pushback. The question is whether or not progressives and others who are joining the fight for freedom can own the beginning of the world before the dark forces force its end. I believe Trump is a sign. But whether or not that of inexorable doom, I'm not sure.

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Correct again, Maria. The danger hasn't passed, not by a long shot. Not with the Alligator's reptilian spawn swimming in the Washington swamp - Jim Jordan, Marjorie Greene, other swamp creatures.

Biden said we were in a battle for the soul of America; the mid-terms showed that the pendulum was at least swinging back from insanity, but those swamp creature worry me. Bigly.


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There’s more reptilians in the water than just trump. DeSantis is lurking there also, and I fear him more. He has an actual agenda for destroying freedom, liberties, rights and America.

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Jim, you wrote: "There’s more reptilians in the water than just trump."

You might enjoy my weekly post, this week on the new Republican "Den of Snakes"


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The “alligator” is alive, and well. Feeding off of his narcissistic self-greed, and socialism attitude. Gave one if the most biting speeches ever heard from a politician, ex-politician, or anyone who’s a ‘want-to-be’ politician, such as this ‘alligator’.

Let’s set this record straight right here, right now. This character is extremely dangerous to our democracy. He’s a stone-cold idiot. IF this narcissistic idiot gets back in office, our country is finished. We’ll lose every ally we have. Every single one of them will drop us like a hot potato. Our Democratic system of electing our officials/leaders will be over, forever.

We will no longer have trade ability with any country in this world. Our infrastructure will literally “go-to-hell in a hand basket”! We, the people, will be nothing. That is unless you have a few million dollars to pad the narcissist “alligator’s” pocket, like all his idiot cult followers have been doing for two years.

I have one question for DOJ. When is this guy going to jail?

I can tell you something else. If he doesn’t go to jail fir any of his crimes he’s committed, then it’s wide open for the rest of us. No one will ever go to jail ever again for tax evasion, homicide, insurrection against the government, nothing.

We DO NOT NEED, or WANT this alligator swimming in any pond, canal, lake, or even a bathtub. Personally, I want to see him in orange son blues/stripes, housed at the local ‘gray-bar hotel’, with a gun guard over him while he’s in ball and chats making tiny rocks out of big rocks, or on the side of a highway with a sling blade in a ditch cutting the brush and grass. Make him learn what it’s like to actually work, sweat, get his hands dirty, and not get paid for it. He has earned that much, anyway.

But, for goodness sake, quit with his name. Quit covering his every move. Quit making him out like he’s a God. He’s nothing but dirt.

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Thank You Dan. Steady On!❤️

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Thanks for the crucial reminder. The Dems, and independent PACS, still justifiably worried about insurrection 2.0 must start messaging now, not in 2024. They should blanket media with a steady flow of strong, punchy messages clarifying just how destructive the GOP are : spending taxpayer money putting every Democrat they feel threatened by under investigation ; blocking Democrat legislation intended to help the American people and refusing to pass legislation themselves that would help the people. The many ways their grab for power is harming us and the democracy that grants us our freedoms, needs to be a consistent and clear clarion call to reality.

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Thank you for the reminder that our work is not nearly over. We must all pull together to right the ship of state!

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Yes, things feel better, but I still see the alligator as well. Actions without consequences lead to disarray. Shame. The house cares about revenge more than recovery and advancement. Shame. I would still like to see the "orange Jesus" (Cheney's words) be prohibited from ever holding office again, and then deal with the rest of the alligators in the river.

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Watch for survivors. I expect at least a dozen ex-Republican Congressmen to clamber aboard the Jeffries boat, and gramma Nancy will get them hot chocolate and a blankie. Don’t count her out.

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