You have written the 2 most consequence of articles; one of the planet, the other of America. Quite simply, I cry for both.

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I care. I vote! And I am voting for Marianne Williamson for president. She's a game changer and will empower us - all of us - to do what is right! For the people and the planet! www.marianne2024.com I'm feeling inspired and energized! We can be the change we want to see in the world. :)

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Voting for Williamson can easily turn the office to trump. Do you really wanna risk that? Like gore lost in 2000 due to third-party candidate who don't have a chance. That's how we got the younger, idiotic bush. Of course third party candidates are probably better but they're never going to win.

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Anyone who doesn't vote for Biden in order to prevent the fascist, anti-democratic forces of the Trump cult from destroying America is either ignorant or irresponsible.

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Perhaps the conversation should become more straight forward and be focused on fascism rather than Trump. Fascism and the fascist conservative movement which is bound to undo all the progress achieved since the era of enlightenment in the eighteen hundreds! Not only is freedom being undermined but so is equality in genders and quality of life. People cannot be forced to d9 the right thing! People can only be encouraged and inspired to do right. The Republicans have no plan to share or inspire, or progress.

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The “Truth” is Simply in your Heart & Soul,, no school, Mentor or university can Teach Ethical,Spiritual Understanding 🙏🙏 as my song says”Step into the Light”....YOUR LIGHT ❤️🇺🇸👍🙏🎼🎸🎹 Listen to your inner Voice ❤️

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that he can even rub, is beyond me, he is not fit now or ever was. A criminal shouldn't even be in the race

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What does it say about our political system when all we have to offer up are career retreads who've been and worked the system for the last 40-50 years? I think the current president has done an fine job in his term, but the future does not look good when it's vote for X because Y would be a disaster. We're running out of gas trying to keep the plates spinning.

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The man who won the presidency on "Lock Her Up!" with no follow up indictments let alone un-biased proof, continuously keeps claiming "political persecution".

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I would much prefer “could” win. Like if pigs could fly. It could snow in Texas tomorrow and so forth. He lost 2020, the law has got him nearly roped and tied. Even republicans (not MAGA) are smart enough to know he’s a loser. With those odds he won’t win. He hasn’t got the following he had in 2020 much less 2016. Think positive and vote blue.

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One of the best columns I've read in a long time. This is exactly where we are and what we need to do in the next 14 months.

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Dan, Thank you for your article. Peace,Joseph

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Ultimately hopeful.

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You're asking independents/minor-party voters for another "free pass" for the Democratic Party, who would rather reap the benefits of this democracy being in peril than do anything to stop that peril. If they are granted that, what's to stop them from begging for the same in 2028? 2032? 2040, even?

You're not getting "unity" cheap this time; politics is a transactional game. The Democratic Party has one more chance to not cheat the left again, like it has two times before. If the risk is as great as you say, you should tell them to take that seriously. Until then, there is no consent you can manufacture.

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If Trump wins in 2024, it won't matter whether you're an independent, minor party member, card-carrying Democrat or whatever. You won't recognize this country after Trump has been in office the first year.

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Aug 13, 2023·edited Aug 14, 2023

Nice of you to try to educate, Forrest. Anyone who has the privilege and the will to sit back and allow the possibility of another Trump regime does not care, not for the country nor for those who are most vulnerable to the hate and excesses that second term would undoubtedly produce. It is also someone who clearly does not realize that this is a person who wanted to mobilize the military against the civilian population - and will almost certainly do so as he destroys the nation and any and all legal protection such people think will endure. This is someone who fails to understand the workings of Congress and the need for a supermajority we don't have, and the reliable votes of people such as Manchin and Sinema. lastly, this is someone who expects others to do the work, to make the effort, to satisfy their set of requirements before they will vote for the only option that can stop Trump. Sadly, I think that is someone you can't reach. I sincerely hope I'm wrong: we need every vote in every state to avert disaster.

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If you think he and his minions can crush us, both you and he will be wrong.

How long you wanna be blackmailed into supporting a party that disdains you, bc the "other one" is worse? 4 years? 12? Forever?

If you got another "next time" to pitch, you'd better back it up with a real time and action. Or it's as worthless as all the others gone by.

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Left out is the fact that Trump is a convicted rapist—something we need to mention to anyone voicing a preference for him: “you’re really considering voting for a convicted rapist??”

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I'll keep fighting to make sure this NEVER happens again. The days of "hand shake" agreements and integrity are over. It has been accentuated by Trump, he pretty much tore open the ugliness we tried to ignore and left a gaping wound, but it's been there. We need more Amendments, standards of procedure, yes, even for SCOTUS, Alito, because pretty much everyone is out for themselves and not for their country.

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Thank you for adding to the facts. You are absolutely correct about the planning. Every minute the thugs are rearranging our future to make theirs the only one available.

From the Documentary on Netflix called: “ Robert Kennedy for President”, we can see just how the planning has been going on through the 50’s and 60’s forward. This has been my experience on earth as I was born in 1946. I also had a ring side seat as a teacher in California. Then a ring side seat ( literally) at the Watergate hearings in DC as a guest of Sam Irvin’s council, and a ring side seat on my flights around the world with Pan Am. Life was constantly being injected with the Far Right’s desire to control power. During those years as a “younger, more energetic person, one went on still feeling hopeful for change. We learned ,we voted, we volunteered , we talked to one another. My childhood State produced Senator Church who made his career about cleaning up the CIA. He was a family friend.

It seems like a sudden “fall from Grace” as the media is out of the business of telling the facts.

I do wake in a cold or hot sweat lately wondering how to keep myself from shutting down... even the “facts” are difficult to face. Take for example the Far Right war with Southwest Airlines. Absurd one says, and yet, here we are.

One wants to rise above the cacophony of vulgar entertainment..., we must but we also must be supported by a steady stream of wins! Wins against vulgar amounts of money being spent just to run for offices that often aren’t even known about by many citizens. Wins against police apathy. They are here to protect us (the citizens who pay their salaries).

Slow, degeneration of laws, from running yellow and red lights, to blatant murderous gun violence, to thinking one needn’t signal when driving in public.....everything that gave us courage to become the best that we could because we had the majority of good citizens at our back.

I had a brief stint working at the “ Great Electric Underground” restaurant between teaching and leaving for Pan Am training. That was in SFO... the beginning meeting place for situations connected to SLA fire in LAX. One of my working colleagues was a young woman from the mid-west. Her husband was a conscientious objector against the Viet Nam war. He did however beat her up.

Several years after leaving Calif and beginning life on the East coast my friend’s face showed up on the front of Time Magazine. She had perished in the LAX SLA torching of a house in that area.

I am just reminding myself of how fragile a Democracy that is truly one is.... might we remind ourselves that a Pat on the back starts to feel hollow when we overdo the action and never work at making sure we deserve that Pat!

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Exceptionally grateful I can leave the country in a year. I'll still vote, but I'll be a hell of a lot safer in a 3rd World Country than Florida, or most of the Post Apoplectic Event America.

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Don't be complacent, fight against your brother, sister or relative or your neighbors. It's time to fight against the people that are trying to take our freedom away by their actions and ignorance. By their ignorance many people will die. Many pastors are blinded by this monster and they preach to their audience, that this man was sent by God. God doesn't send liars, theifs, racist, rapist, to his people. Many pastors are already billionaires and greedy. We must fight ignorance.

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