A form of mass hypnosis has been cast upon a vast swath of Americans.....Donald Trump has nothing in common with any of them nor does he intend to do anything good for them.....maddening....I agree with this article but I would also like to see the Democrats fight a hell of a lot harder....They never seem to be out in front of the national messaging. Only the constant republican fantasies and lies are what's being covered by all media, both mainstream and right wing. All media has a vested interest in legitimizing Trump as they profit greatly from Trump's sensationalist headlines and also profit from a close election......something they are under orders to deliver to their corporate masters...We have a daunting task ahead of us....Biden needs to use his bully pulpit ( someone needs to show him how, this isn't 1978 anymore ) ....We should be out in front of the national narrative every day countering all the crap that comes out of Trump's fat mouth...Hillary ran an elitist, disinterested campaign.....The Democrats still have that attitude in my opinion....afraid to get down and dirty ....We all need to get busy and LOUD immediately...

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Thanks so much, this has helped motivate me from shock into action, and the realization we must move into action now. As I read this, my stomach clenched. The election is now less than 250 days!? It is frightening, especially as not everyone realizes the danger to our democracy. God help us, we must move fast. I've signed up for things to help out. As you say, we need record voter turnout, and your advice above of what we need to do is vitally important. We really are in this together. Especially important we work together now.

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As I write this comment, Super Tuesday is behind us and for all practical purposes, the primaries are over. It is Biden vs Trump. And the fear we are feeling is real.

President Biden’s popularity ratings are low, apparently in the 30’s, which sets up the same scenario as the 2015 election. Hillary Clinton was unpopular and even though many who voted weren’t really excited about a Trump presidency, they made a vote against the unpopularity of Clinton. But at least I had some understanding of many people’s distaste for Hillary Clinton. There was a good deal of political baggage. I remember my wife and I discussing that she was the wrong woman running at the wrong time.

But President Biden’s unpopularity makes no sense to me. He is a long, long time politician with a record for getting things done. He works for the people. He understands compromise and has been an expert at reaching across the aisle when important decisions need to be made. In the end, the greatest factor for his unpopularity is his age. Yes, he is 81 years old and under other circumstances I would agree. But in this case, you have to be kidding me. Trump is 77, only four years younger. And if you have listened to any of Trump’s recent speeches, his mental acuity should be clearly in question. A friend told me that she would absolutely take 81 years old over indictments with 91 charges.

So my only hope is that those of us whose voices have been muffled by the loud and vulgar voices of the far, far right wing christian nationalists will, in the end, be heard and our support of Biden made clear at the ballot box.

It is time to step up and do our duty as American citizens and vote. The choice is simple…love over hate, freedom over oppression, democracy over oligarchy. Just sayin’!

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I question the mentality of anyone who supports trump, especially the Republican justices in SCOTUS. It is corrupt and no longer had any credibility. Today it came out that trump’s former CEO is going to Riker’s Island for the second time. Trump’s lawyers were dumb enough to set up the fake elector scheme and some were indicted, some have plead guilty to conspiracy. Giuliani lost his law license. Why would anyone want to hitch themselves to a man that destroys everything he touches? I’m alarmed that SCOTUS is biased when they are supposed to be fair. What does SCOTUS, the republicans anyway, think they will get out of siding with trump?? They know he can’t run the country, how do they benefit from helping Trump out?? How much higher can they go?!?!

It all just disgusts me and I don’t know what to do with my anger. I had to deactivate (not close) my account on FB because I simply have no patience for stupid. Maybe that’s not nice but that’s what they are. Do these people not realize he’ll be a dictator, and who are we kidding, it will not be confined to day one. I no longer recognize my country or those people that call themselves American while they support a man that will destroy the rights they have and life have? Republican or not. There will be trouble no matter who wins. In my opinion, our country will never get back to being the America we once were. I just feel we have started to spin…out of control. If trump wins he will destroy this country, from within or from the outside. I believe he will pull us out of NATO and we’ll have no protection from the countries that hate us, including Russia. Trump is a useful idiot for Putin, Trump thinks Putin likes him, I don’t think that’s the case. With all of his bragging I don’t doubt trump has already provided Putin with some of our secrets and now he can use them against us. Just my thoughts on the subject. I fear for my country.

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Thanks for taking time to offer a suggestion. As the reminder given to me back in the day that I think still applies; "If I had enough time I would have written something much or concise." I am going to take your advise though about "perspicacity" and will consider using it on my tombstone/ash bottle in lieu of the one I've been considering, "Unavailable for Comment." I'm a very old reactive writer. If something strikes my interest or makes the grey cells vibrate, I wrote something, most often to explain my thinking to me and other. Would incite, offend, and stimulate many of my friends and competitors, but always with an element of enjoyment. I like Steady, because people write in whole sentences and paragraphs, most often with opinions and experiences I find worth listening (reading in this case) to. Good conversations quite often. Always insights into what others are thinking about. So, I really do appreciate your suggestion. I am on Steady and a couple of other Substact columns to get reactions for sure, but as much to collect my thoughts on paper for a few who might enjoy the quaintness of my mind. Not after a following, just a forum to record me while I still am thoughtful and curious of thought. Wish you well in your writing, Roger. Clarity and conciseness, I leave to you. youngsters.

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The Supreme Court's clearly biased decision to hear this absurd immunity case felt like a dagger in my heart. I've been of the belief for quite some time that our institutions are no longer going to protect us from Trump. Congress, especially the House Republicans, are a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Trump Crime Family. The SCOTUS has made clear that they are likewise under his control and against democracy. Finally, the feckless coward Merrick Garland and his failure to act in a timely manner bears a giant share of the blame, as he has made possible Trump's repeated and absurd attempts to delay justice possible.

The breaking point was the SCOTUS decision. There is no reason for them to hear this case. There can be no other reason than to buy Trump more time and hopefully get him into office. I want to believe that voting alone will help, but I also know that Trump will do whatever it takes to win. He's already demonstrated that, and he has had years to prepare.

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In the age of sound bites, brevity rules. Brief, pithy, and to the point usually nets many thumbs up..

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I never thought I would have nothing but disdain for SCOTUS. I never believed they would become another way to show they are political! And that any justice would not recuse himself when it is quite obvious he is "sleeping with the enemy"! I remember when he was being vetted that I was horrified he was appointed; my opinion hasn't changed!

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So true. The current so-called "Supreme" Court is only one of many unfortunate and unsavory side effects of a Trump presidency. One can only shudder in horror to envisage what another such presidency might bring us. Unfortunately, those who view him as their candidate are not swayed by facts, arguments, evidence or even Trump's own repeated words and deeds. They are besotted by the false bonhomie and - dare I say it? - charisma he exudes like a foul body odor at every public event he attends. They re dazzled by the sizzle and never look for the steak, which doesn't exist, except in their own minds.

I do fully understand those who voted "Undecided" in the recent Democratic primary. I, too, take issue with our government's handling of the violence in Gaza., and this was a good place to make sure our displeasure was noted. However, this November is another story entirely, and neither I nor anyone else will find any such demonstration forgivable. Find another way. Too much is at stake for all of us now.

If Trump is elected again - I can still scarcely believe he was elected even ONCE! - he will complete his grasping search for total control. He will appoint such judges and other officials as will support his quest for kingship, and democracy will die bleeding out our hearts' blood. We cannot afford him, we do not need or want him, and I personally cannot bear the thought of his continued despoiling of this country I love, and which my family has supported and fought for since a young George Mason rode out on a surveying trip with George Washington. Vote Blue! Tell everyone to vote blue.

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T was elected in 2016 by disgruntled (even though justified) Bernie supporters who expressed their displeasure by throwing their votes to a 3rd party candidate who wasn’t going to win, or just staying home. Even though their anger at the D party establishment was warranted, expressing it this way wasn’t worth the consequences. Sometimes a “protest vote” is a luxury we can’t afford.

Some moderate right & centrist voters who dislike T have concerns about Biden so strong they’re leaning toward T anyway. Despite their reservations, a second T presidency would have far worse consequences. It’s important to reach these voters.

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You are SO right! The cost of a repeat of 2016 is astronomical for our country. But if they cannot see it for themselves, after all this time, HOW can we reach and engage them?

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My suggestions, FWIW:

- Volunteer for your local D office; get on the street, talk to people;

- Post online — facts with references (not from sources considered left-leaning) in places reasonable people will see them. Their experience & influences may be very different from yours. Consider their sources also.

- Understand there are many reasonable people who disagree with you — intelligent, level-headed conservative or centrist voters who will listen to well presented, rational points, especially if the talker is also willing to *listen* to them respectfully & consider their points of view. They may have encountered some of our more strident political brethren who are, unfortunately, a-holes; don’t confirm their stereotype.

- Ask what experiences they’ve had that have led to their position.

- Approach people from where they *are*, not where you want them to be.

- Accept their perspective; don’t approach a conversation as trying to prove you’re right & they’re wrong.

- Be open-minded enough to concede points that aren’t absolutely essential.

- Be willing to learn; you may not be informed about *everything*. There may be points you haven’t considered; maybe you’ll even revise some of your own positions.

- Remember you’re not likely to persuade people to consider your view by insulting them.

- If a conversation begins to become heated, don’t fall into it; de-escalate or, if that’s not possible, disengage respectfully without making it worse.

- Don’t engage with hard-core Trumpists who’ll reflexively deny anything you say; just move on.

Hope this is helpful. Anyone may feel free to make constructive additions or observations.

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Trump may not even last to the election. Have you watched today's rally speech? He has a mental condition that will kill him. Just like my neighbor is currently dealing with. Trump is finished. That is why Haley hangs on.

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Lots of that going around.

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Trump is evil personified and is in league with the devil, aka the Republican Party, to destroy our democracy. He should be “exorcized” from the body politic in this country.

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We can only hope that Trump collapses before the election into a pile of pure meanness and that stinking pile is then disposed of the same way that horse apples are.

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RIGHT ON ‼️‼️‼️

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I will be voting and believe it it won’t be him and it never has been we need to pull together and make sure he never walks in the White House ever again.

What he did on Jan 6 was horrible and we can’t let that happen again…

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Trump often said “lock her up” about Hillary Clinton. My fervent wish is that we will be able to say the same about him, only in the past tense.

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Yes - it was awful - telling people to peacefully protest a questionable election.

You can hate Trump - many do, but you can’t change the facts to suit your rage.

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It’s not necessary to change any facts; the real ones will do just fine. Here’s the full text of T’s January 6 speech:


It’s true that early on he said, “I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard.” That was to cover himself so later it could be held up in attempts to deny the violence the world saw on live television shortly afterwards.

He then followed with an extended litany of outright lies, reciting a string of made-up voting numbers & slandering Dominion Voting Machines, accusing them of “an astronomical and astounding 93.67% error rate,” pumping the crowd up to feel justified about any action to combat this non-existent corruption. Toward the end of the speech, after the “peacefully” part had been overshadowed by his intentionally provocative falsehoods, he wrapped up with, “if you don't fight like hell, you're not going to have a country anymore.” He knew exactly who he was talking to & how they’d react.

Another truth: actual voter fraud is extremely rare. The ultra-conservative Heritage Foundation compiled a database <https://www.heritage.org/voterfraud> in which they managed to come up with 1,500 “proven instances of election fraud from across the country.” It sounds like a lot until you find out that in order to reach this number, Heritage had to cover a time period during which 3 billion votes were cast, meaning their best efforts produced an incidence of a whopping 0.00005%. In 2020, across the country, they reported 18 cases. Over the 5-year period from 2016-2020, they list 271. The only figures they specify are for state & local, not presidential, elections. I’d think that if they’d had uncovered any significant presidential numbers, they’d be shouting it from the rooftops.

It’s also true that the 2020 election was *questioned,* but after that resulted in it becoming the most closely scrutinized election in history — including Republican-led audits & over 60 court cases dismissed, many by judges appointed by Republicans or even T himself — it wasn’t remotely “questionable.” You also can’t *twist* facts to suit your preferences, or delusions.

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Well - we don’t agree, but I appreciate your reasoned take,

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Sherm you are an embarrassment to your mother. Stop it.

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Yes - father. I apologize.

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What was "questionable" about the 2020 election? And who was telling who to "peacefully protest"? And what did Trump mean when he asked Raffensperger for 11000 votes after the election had closed? And what did Trump mean when he said Mike Pence “deserves” chants of “hang Mike Pence” during the Capitol riot (per Cassidy Hutchinson, a former top aide to then-chief of staff Mark Meadows, in sworn testimony) ? What are the facts that you take issue with? Trump has no legitimacy or defense to fraud, sexual assault, election crimes, lying, serial defamation, theft of classified documents, undermining the Constitution. He makes Richard Nixon look like an amateur.

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All the scheming; all the payoffs; all the crooked back room deals; all the markers put out to take him down and Trump has a record lead in the NYT poll.


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The unbelievably biased SCOTUS decision was the final act that blew away my obsession about Trump once again escaping accountability....this time for attempting a coup. The coffin of my caring is now nailed shut for my own sanity. It's clear that the ethics of SCOTUS and Congress are negotiable and not high of their list of priorities. Perhaps it's naive to think otherwise. I am profoundly saddened by how many American voters feel the same way. At this time I am buoyed by a Biblical verse I think of often: "What profit a man if he gains the world and loses his own soul."

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Policy debates are a waste of time and money these days. When “leaders” scream, boast and interrupt the debate process, there shows a blow up of power play and attack without a concern for public humanity- Most especially when Donald Trump, his anus, is a player 🤨

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Trump can’t lose his soul because he doesn’t have one. he doesn’t have one redeeming quality. He is evil personified, and his true believing supporters are lambs being led to the slaughter.

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My 22 year old daughter had a friend over the other day. That was 18. I asked him if he was registered to vote. He said no I immediately opened up. My computer pulled up the website and he registered himself to vote in less than three minutes, just little things day by day is what it takes.

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Thank you! That’s what we need!

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