I would like Samuel Alito to have the experience of being in medical crisis and having to beg a politician for his life. Especially if that politician will win more votes if he dies.

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Let’s talk about EMTALA. My husband was an emergency medicine physician and the Medical Director of the emergency department and I a retired ICU nurse. Before EMTALA, a hospital that was a money grubber ( I can name names in Seattle) could do a “wallet biopsy” on a woman coming to the ED with an incomplete spontaneous abortion of a wanted pregnancy, who is bleeding heavily. If she fails the test (no insurance and no money) they could tell her they didn’t have the facilities to care for her and send her to another hospital that provides charity care. They felt no obligation to save her life…. This is the hospital not the ED doctor’s decision.

People died and EMTALA was a method to prevent this practice we called “dumping”. Doctors and nurses have an ethical obligation to care for people who need our help. Even retired I honor my oath and help anyone who asks for my help and my husband did too.

Any hospital ( pretty much every one), that receives any federal funds, must stabilize the patient before they can transfer the patient to another facility. This patient would need a D&C (like an abortion) before she could be transferred. Then she would be stable and not in danger of bleeding out.

There is not a single justice on the Supreme Court qualified to decide this. They don’t know that we have a saying “to not let the sun set on an ectopic pregnancy” it is too dangerous for the woman. They don’t know how fast a woman can bleed out from an incomplete spontaneous abortion. As a professional and as a woman, mother and grandmother, I am outraged. We cannot wait until November, women will die.

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What perplexes me is how on Earth the Right ignored the fact that surgical abortion is a medical procedure done by skilled physicians, and is often necessary to save the life of pregnant person. Nor did the even think that muddying the waters would cost human lives. And what would make anyone legislate that a fetus has more medical rights than a fully formed human being? At the very least, they are foolish. At the worst, they are cruel and uncaring. To say otherwise is not the truth.

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The right has no idea what they've unleashed upon society and themselves. If there's one issue that will drive liberals and moderates to the polls to get rid of the extremists, it's this one.

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Thomas is a traitor and should be tried as one.

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Thank you for this. It is so almost unbelievable that I needed confirmation that our SCOTUS indeed has sided with and will protect the likes of cave man trump. Women-hating men do not belong on the highest court in our land.

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I cannot tell you how much

I hate men right now who know absolutely nothing about a woman’s body and how it works yet want to control every inch of it. Can you imagine if the court were all women and decided that all men could no longer take viagra or couldn’t have a vasectomy? I can’t wait til these assholes die! We are mad as hell and you will see the wrath in November. Get ready cult members!

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MAGA needs to stay the hell out of our doctor’s offices. And worry about their own sick and twisted obsession with Trump. Focus on getting out of your cult before you get fired in Roevember.

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More women and men are going to decide pregnancy and child birth are just too risky if states with abortion bans continue to grow. OB doctors will continue to relocate to states where they can use their medical expertise without fear of going to jail. The birth rate will continue to fall. These trends are already underway.

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Dan, thank you for chronicling the epic disaster that has been Dobbs. You seem to have identified the source of it - obsession and arrogance that never saw coming the unintended consequences to medicine, women and their families, nor the collapse of respect for the SCOTUS itself.

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The near immediate consequences of Dobbs was entirely predictable if one considers the decades of demonizing Planned Parenthood’s work. “Pro-lifers” focused almost exclusively on abortions, ignoring the wide range of services provided to people without medical insurance or the financial wherewithal to find a private doctor. These include education, birth control, STD testing and treatment, cancer screening, counseling and more. I have known many women, young and not-so-young, who were only able to find the care they needed through Planned Parenthood. The ultra narrow focus on abortion has allowed the far right to avoid discussion about sexual health issues of any kind.

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Again, these people border on practicing medicine without a license…a crime. They are wholly responsible for what befalls people who do not get proper care. A burden, especially for Ms Coney Barrett et al who thought she was above reproach. She should think again!

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Thanks, Dan, for exposing the absurdity of this whole "Life" movement! To think that we as a democratic society could allow women to be so abused, discounted and abandoned in this country is beyond comprehension! How have we come to this?

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SCOTUS is certainly responsible for this disastrous decision. How could they not have foreseen the consequences of throwing the abortion issue back to the states? If they make the same reactionary, bone headed decision on the Trump immunity plea, without a doubt, they are finished as a court. We know Alito and Thomas would vote for Trump to be king. The Roberts Court is in very serious trouble.

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And in Missouri, our governor will sign a bill defunding Planned Parenthood. It’s a war on women. On anyone who is not a straight, white male. We need to vote them all out in November. Let them see that we are very capable of making our own decisions. And that decision is to get rid of politicians who are so afraid of a bully that they are not upholding their oath of office.

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In the hands of the Supreme Court is the right of pregnant women to receive emergency health care that may affect their pregnancy. I hope the Supreme Court justices consider the vulnerability of the physicians performing emergency procedures to protect the health of these women!

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