The good news, in hindsight, is that both Oz and Mastriano we're rejected by PA voters.

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The power of the unapologetic propaganda organ that is Fox News is truly alarming. The ghost of Joseph Goebbels must be wheeling around Fox in envious disbelief. But as alarming as that is, the purchase of CNN by the Discovery Channel is another smothering of real news, where news is being treated as another arm of entertainment. So tone down the politics! Thus the departure of Jim Acosta, a real news reporter, follows the axing of Brian Stelter. It will continue until CNN is toothless, smoothing over, the relentless GOP drive to fascism. Nothing to see here!

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That's "faux" news

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wish the other networks were a bit better. What does that tell you when CBS News hires Mick Mulvaney to be the Director of News Division? his tenure in congress and white house speaks volumes for his integrity, doesn’t it?

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How can Fox "News" continue to promote the propaganda and not be disqualified, or at least edited down to only entertainment? (bad entertainment) what happened to ethics in broadcasting. This is terrifying.

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Will Oz be in a runoff? Pa mA I was my home for 40 years. My son and his family live there This is impossible

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Thank you for another brilliant article! Yes, i believe you're right- it's more than chilling, but the trump wing of the party has become a magnet for corrupt, rough trade style politics more than we've experienced before. I commend you for taking the risk to share intel with the rest of us. The fact that Dr. Oz called a shout out to Hannity for his help doesn't negate the fact that there are still pockets of republican corruption which perpetrators work very hard to ensure never see the light of day. So being a whistleblower can still put your life at risk. The top gun champion in congress is Lauren Boebert. We know some of her crimes. Jan.6 committee could & will, hopefully, illuminate more. There is a big problem w/Colorado's 3rd district. It was gerrymandered to be R+9 despite an "Independent Redistricting Committee". Committee members can be bribed. Turns out there's a lot of bribery running in strong thick veins throughout the republican party in Colorado's 3rd district. Marina Zimmerman, a relatively recently registered republican, took a bribe to exit the republican primary in Colorado's 3rd district. The info that was sent me reveals some interesting intel. I seriously doubt i was the only one sent this intel. I was probably sent it because i've helped Boebert's republican challengers with their campaigns. Neither Marina Zimmerman nor Don Coram have been appreciative of my efforts, or kind or nice to me, or even thanked me....I did it to help save America from sliding into far right theocratic fascism. None of the republicans running in Colorado's 3rd district are ethically worthy of the job of House rep of Colorado's 3rd. But because that district is so gerrymandered, the BEST candidate for Colorado's 3rd district House rep. who is SOL SANDOVAL, doesn't stand a snowball's chance of winning. Sol has a conscience, a working set of ethics, and she's a good person who is REAL, kind & caring. All 3 republicans are truly awful people, mean, dishonest, backstabbing, perpetrators of dishonest smear campaigns, scapegoating, you name it.....horrible people all 3. This "backstory" matters because Adam Kinzinger made a wonderful suggestion, i heard it on Face the Nation this morning- YES, let's increase the minimum age of buying an assault weapon to 21, up from the current age 18. Thank you, Adam! Your idea would help. Congress needs decent, honest, respectable people earnestly voting w/their CONSCIENCES & ETHICS. So being stuck w/an ethically challenged candidate just makes it much harder to improve our country. None of the 3 Colorado's 3rd district republicans are ethical. None could be trusted to vote for the best interests of the 3rd district or America. None could be trusted to vote for anyone other than their own self interests.......Please allow this to percolate- None of the 3 most likely (R) candidates could be trusted to vote for anything other than THEIR OWN SELF INTERESTS.....If there has to be a republican who wins Colorado's 3rd district, it shouldnt be either Marina, Don or Boebert. It should be someone new that isn't currently running. Which is a shame, because Sol Sandoval is the best candidate. She knows the district & has been doing responsible social work in her home district for many years. She has some ideas for gun safety. I guarantee if either Marina, Boebert or Don win...oh yeah, Marina was bought off to exit, so if either of the republicans running in Colorado's 3rd district you will have more stonewalling from the 3rd district rep regarding gun rights. And it could matter, it could make a difference in congressional voting in this next election because the election could be, partisan wise, very close. The most fair thing to do would be to redistrict the 3rd into a district with ZERO partisan lean. Since that won't happen, the 3rd is stuck w/THREE unethical flying monkeys of: 1) votes as paid to do by corporate handlers 2) makes laws to suit own interests 3) takes bribes & donations then drops out of race & keeps the money. I wish we could eliminate all 3 of them from being allowed to run. In a better world, they would be. Im glad my dad, & 3 family members who died in service for our country, aren't alive now to know of these 3 unethical & unworthy candidates in Colorado's 3rd.

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I totally agree with everything you have written except for Fox's capacity for change. If it suits them they will unashamedly flip on any issue where it is commercially beneficial to do so. Murdoch is a real life Voldermort who callously preys on the vulnerable, exploits the grief and fear of others merely to generate more income. His track record in the UK where victims of a child killer had their phones hacked for a so called news story is evidence enough that he is a creep and not a suitable person to run a media organisation.

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You can place the blame for Fox News squarely at Reagan’s doorstep. Right around the time Murdoch purchased fox, Reagan, for lack of a better term, deregulated what could be considered “news.”

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Interesting to never mentioned the other news stations that spread and hammered the Russian Colusion story that has now proven to be FALSE and the woman candidate that knew the truth but used it to promote her political agenda. Or what about the Hunter laptop story the media said was a lie but now we find out they hid the story because it was close to an election. And what about the intimidating protests outside of Supreme Court justices that are President and VP encourage. I find your article to be extremely biased against Fox and unbalanced without mentioning that ALL news station have turned into pushung their biased opinions and not NEWS.

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The only power we have at this point in time is our votes. In order to stop the Republicans from totally demolishing our institutions and freedoms we must find a message that stimulates real Americans to vote in unprecedented numbers. The message of their greed, dishonesty, and power grabbing actions must be repeated every day in every way until the midterms. I don’t see the Dems running for office, or those holding office doing that. Take off the darn gloves!

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Step One- Make the FCC FORCE cable companies & whoever else may have some responsibility for this problem to DISCONTINUE the FORCING of cable users to buy into Fox network when they sign up for their cable plans. Most people who pay for Fox don't want it & don't use it. The FCC should have put a stop to this violation of the Uniform Commercial Code many years ago. Basically, to get the sports channels you have to sign up for Fox as well. Given that many people know of this sleazy business practice, only lobbyists w/big bribing money & PACs & Koch network could have bribed &/or threatened cable companies & conglomerates to keep mandating Fox remain as part of the package deal. This should & can be stopped IMMEDIATELY. W/full investigation to start asap. Definitely the FCC needs a new chief!! This would be a GREAT start to correcting the problem as the customers who dont want Fox ruining their lives wouldnt be paying for it any more. The $$$$$ would become $$ & then the rest of the dismantling could begin in serious earnest.

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Oh how I wish we could go back to the days of ABC, CBS, and NBC with real tell the truth news reporters but since we can't I'll still listen to them than any other news outlet. I do remember when they told news and not their own perspective. I totally agree with the summation about the Fox News.

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Something else I forgot to discuss, or mention. Where are we on locking Donald Trump and all of his “followers” up for their part of January 6, 2022? This was an attempt to overthrow the government. This was an attempted Coup, which, if my reading has been correct, is violation of federal law. How long do you think, if it had been you or me that did this, that it would take the federal government to lock us up in federal prison. It had been over 2 years. Almost 2 1/2 years since this has occurred. What is our Justice Department doing?

It’s quite apparent that they are not going their jobs, otherwise Donald Trump and all of his followers and those that instigated and carried out the January 6, 2022 attack on our capital and our democracy would have already been in jail, prison.

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On point again, Dan! I am very concerned our elections will be slanted and manipulated by the former president and his appointed cronies. Fox news should lose their credentials as a news organization. It is a propaganda vehicle for the current republican party!

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Once again, Dan Rather and the Steady team has put together a masterpiece. This defines the “bottom of the barrel” of journalism. The absolute bottom. And, may I add that anyone, anyone, that is elected that Donald Trump has endorsed, supports, or otherwise advertises for, shows just how far this country has gone to becoming a communist country. I have an important question that we all need to ponder.

Every one of us knows gif influence that Donald Trump had on Putin. We all know the lengths that Donald Trump AND Putin went to to get him elected in the first place, and the lengths that they went to to try to get him re-elected in 2022. The most important question now is this, I personally believe. How are WE THE PEOPLE absolutely sure that Donald Trump and Putin don’t have, of have figured out how to hack the election process of 2022 and 2024 to make certain that all their people are put in office?

Can you see the outlook for the United States if all of Trumps endorsed people are put in office in the key states and federal government that he is endorsing?

What is wrong with people in this country? Are they actually that gullible to have the likes of Donald Trump controlling their every move? These people have given Donald Trump millions, millions, of dollars for nothing! What in the hell is wrong with these people?

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