Here's part of the problem: It's called the 'Conservative' conference. They are not conservative. But the political media allow them all to get away with calling themselves that.

Now, if the political media weren't abetting treason in the interest of clickbait, we wouldn't be in this position. And in this I include 99% of the political media, especially The New York Times and The Washington Post and the major networks.

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You are Absolutely on the money about the complicity of the media. “Just doing their job” was superseded as an excuse long ago.

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Thanks. Their job is to report the truth. And simply reporting what someone says is not reporting the truth. Please see under the dictionary definition of stenographer, Maggie Haberman.

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Facts are facts. Opinions are opinions. Too much "news" is just partially facts, tainted by bias opinion. What the heck happened to Journalism?

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Journalism got bought out by just a few wealthy individuals and companies whose main interest is profits over people. They have caused the death of local newspapers and threatens the lives of many journalists. We don’t need to fear being ruled by an oligarchy, a theocracy, a fascist rule, we already are.

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Exactly. It should be obvious that Journalists have been corrupted for money. Look at Tucker Carlson. I still am curious about Tucker's motivations for interviewing Putin. What's up with that?

I get junk mail at least once a month from a Cable TV company. I look at what programing they offer. Let me tell you, I will not buy Cable TV because I refuse to be exposed to FOX TV or give any of my hard earned money to support FOX in anyway.

I grew up with Boycotting corporations that violate my ethics and depriving corporations of money is how I think we can discipline their behavior.

Another thought, how could the US Supreme Court every decide that a Corporation is an individual? A corporation is not an individual by definition. A corporation is composed of many people, not one. Result is that corporations can donate more money than any person to influence political policies. Just saying.

These 'highly' educated 'Judges' need to learn the definition of an individual vs the many in a corporate entity.


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It's ridiculous to say Tucker is a Journalist! And fox isn't news. It propaganda. We watch MiedasTouchfor honest intelligent informed news! And Lawrence O'Donnell is always right on target . There is good journalism out there. You just have to look for it. MSNBC IS GOOD!

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DARK DARK MONEY has bought up much of the MSM. “Something Wicked This Way Comes.”

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NOT quite yet, but this could be the LAST election ever (except maybe a fake Putin-type w no opposition), if we don't get EVERYONE we know - ESPECIALLY YOUNG WOMEN (see Taylor Swift memes) - to understand that VOTING is HOW their voices are heard.

I believe TS is right: if ALL young women voted, they could absolutely control the narrative and policy.

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Now we have rule by the minority and if the majority votes and demands getting big money out of politics we may have a chance. The political season needs to be shorter and needs to be government funded so the real issues matter and politicians and judges can’t be bought.

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I agree with you. But, now it seems they are also choosing which facts to report. If they reported this as often as they reported that the Republicans believe the election was stolen perhaps it would finally sink in what the Republicans are trying to do.

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It was purchased by the wealthy.

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I have made this point before on this forum. Being a Journalist, a true Journalist, is like a calling to the priesthood. A Journalist serves as the compass in a culture or society which is “supposed” to be sectarian. Correct? They are the canary in the coal mine, calling an alarm when Society and Civilization start to run off the rails. There are few organizations left in this country which do that. Now it’s unfiltered facts and gossip. No one is saying the quiet part aloud. The Media in this country has us all walking in a fog. We need to take back our power.

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I’d say PBS has less sensationalism than other MSM for now. I usually watch it because it’s more bipartisan than the others & often interviews guests with opposing viewpoints.

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And I would agree with you. But even PBS bends over backwards to present both sides as if it’s a parlor discussion. Trying to be “fair”. I wanted to be a journalist because I do tend to see things as black or white. Suppose there is a God and a Satan. I make no apology for saying right off the bat I am going to ignore Satan, no matter how beguiling his argument. A true journalist parses out for you, just as a minister delivering a sermon, where the Enlightened, Evolved mind MUST go. In our current Media culture they are trying to say “Oh, Satan is making valid points. We need to listen and be open to persuasion.” That’s just crazy. Not going there.

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Sadly the PBS Nightly News has now become a Morning Show wannabee. From the days of Lehrer when news and reporting were factual reporting not commentary about another reporters opinions, we now have the Amna and Jeff show.

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American reporters have to pay in heart and soul to have access. Say the wrong thing about the wrong person and all access is cut off. Only FoxNews and its clique will have access. Look at Trump and Twitter. Trump and Fox News. DeSantis and the Miami Herald. I call it the Fidesz effect, as it is what Orban did to media in Hungary, and it is what will happen here too.

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Access. In a free and open society, one shouldn’t have to sell one’s soul to get the truth. As soon as people start crowing about hierarchy and some truths are more available than others, we are in doodoo. When information is held by just a few and the rest of us wander in a fog of their making, we are in doodoo. Take back our power.

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I find C-SPAN, all 3 channels, is still pretty good. You get most things LIVE, or raw recordings, before the hackers can corrupt them.

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Absolutely, going to the primary source is the best thing to do. But as I said previously, in present society where it is acceptable to lie outright, even a primary source is suspect. Which is why we need journalists, public servants who have no fear pointing out the charlatans and setting us all straight. It is absolutely not acceptable to target truthtellers, but once again we are trending towards the Dark Ages where bad behavior seems to be tolerated and excused. Pay attention!

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Well said. Though I might propose that the ‘bad behavior’ is actively being cultivated in order to create an… army… of the frustrated and poorly educated willing to harm others, believing that they are serving the greater good themselves. This is Russian/CNP (kids of the nazis - read up on Paul Weyrich))/oligarch PsyOp. All the rest (like Evangelicals) are roped in to increase bulk numbers with promises that they’ll get what THEY want. Like people of color, once they’ve k*lled the Dems, they will turn on them - shades of the rise of Hitler…

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Trump plans to make it far worse. He invited James Comey to dinner at the White House in early 2017 to see if he could get his loyalty. Comey declined. As they were leaving the dining room, Trump asked: “Can I jail journalists?” Though he could not do that in his first (and hopefully only) term, he plans to destroy democracy if he wins again. This is not hyperbole. A speaker at CPAC (yesterday or today) started his talk by saying “We are going to end democracy.”

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Change 'just doing their job' to "working to remain profitable" and you'd be closer to the mark. Profit has become the most important job.

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Lies are cheap. It’s a profit thing. We can’t stop lies; we have to stop liars. — b.rad

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MSM has become 'both sides are good people' in their reporting, instead of stating the obvious. I hope we don't get to see how they react to Trump shutting them down if elected.

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They shouldn’t be worried about Trump shutting them down, they should be worried about being rounded up as “enemies of the state” and dumped in prison without arrest, or any type of due process!

And what Dan said, I have been screaming from the roof tops, since 2020, yet there are still voters out there who are talking about not voting for Biden or not voting all together because “Biden didn’t do ______”! Fill in the blank. So many people who do not understand that this could be the very last time they EVER get their voices heard, and if that voice IS heard, they could easily disappear, never to be seen again!

Paranoid, Authoritarian, theocratic dictators, think if you criticize or disparage them then YOU are disloyal and an enemy and must be removed!

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For the last 35 years I've gone to the polls in Ms. and sybolicly voted, until the last Presidental election...after 3 attempts to vote at the clogged polling places, I gave up. This year...after 35 years of symbolism with my voice NOT ONCE ever being heard, why bother? The Trumpers will deserve what they get. A last dose of poetic justice for all those stautes holding up stuff with pretty words on them. The electorial college silences the vast majority of voters in this country. It has been since it's inception. They can't let things get COMPLETLY out of hand and let the actual will of the people decide who will rule them. The electorial college having been written with the express intention of taking the u;timate decission out of the hands of the uneducated masses. The elete, well educated, old white men wanted the last word, just in case all those stupid uneducated masses get it wrong. Why do you think they called it a college? At the time not many of those masses could even read.

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There are places in this country where people waited hours to vote. It's critical that everyone votes this year. And WE will get what the "trumpers" deserve, they will see to it. And I for one do NOT want what they deserve!

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Becky, I appreciate your point of view here and agree this year's election will determine if America remains a Democratic Republic.   However, all perspectives being personalized, I suspect that you have neither been to Mississippi or have a very firm grip on what a suppressing effect the electoral college has on the Presidential Elections.

As a Mississippi resident, with Mississippi being a 'winner take all' of the electoral  vote, my vote in the presidential elections has NEVER mattered other than the symbolic act that voting itself is.  I admire those committed enough to wait hours in line to vote, as I did in the last election, despite having to give up. I was only voting then because of a promise to someone I have a huge amount of respect for.  Someone who convinced me with this same argument.

The fact that in a state like Mississippi my vote DOES NOT COUNT is not why I personally do not vote and will not vote again until the United States returns to a nation living by the rules of law by putting Trump behind bars for the myriad of crimes he has committed.

Since the day the American people, ya know...we the people, allowed, applauded and then to the tune of 73,000,000 Americans voted for him after he turned us, each and every one of us ,into TERRORIST by terrorizing tens of thousands of innocent women and their children whose only crime was to run to us for their very lives thinking 'we the people' cared even a LITTLE bit for a horror that 'we the people' were primarily responsible for.  The decision to deport hundreds of thousands of the most violent criminals on earth into the assilum seekers countries for crimes that were perpetrated HERE had some serious consequences.   My personal ethics and morals require that I take responsibility for my actions.  They also require that I stand by those same morals and ethics when standing behind any other person, state or country. 

If I had any doubts about removing my name from voter rolls and no longer pledging my allegiance to this country they evaporated this week when my feelings were vindicated when the terrorist controlling so many states have rolled back child labor laws to fill the huge gap in the labor force their policies of HATE have created...and NOW they are throwing millions of women and their families under the bus for the crime of wanting to have CHILDREN?!?!!?

It's nothing short of unchecked insanity.

I'm sorry.  From my point of view, I have not abandoned America.  America has abandoned ME by apparently losing its mind.  If what I see doesn't make any sense it is WRONG and I will not support it or defend it.  My America is ALREADY DEAD to me. Until that changes I have no choice but to protect myself in the best way that I see viable for me personally.  I have a code of honor that I live by.  I will not bend my knee to a terrorist...in a distant land or right here at home.  I can only be thankful for a lifetime of hard work, a supported wife and a good bit of luck, I have the personal resources to have more options than many people that feel as I do.  I pity the ones that have no other choice than to be victimized by their own trusted government. 

Just look at the plight of the Palestinian people.  They are dying by the tens of  thousands for a government they did not support, do not support and had no other option but to sit helplessly by while their families are slaughtered because of their own governments actions.  

THAT is what war IS. 

 Bombs do NOT CARE who launched them.

They do NOT CARE who they fall on.

And they sure as HELL do NOT CARE who you voted for.

Once in power, history tells us the ONLY way they are ever taken out of power...it never ends Well...I hope with every fiber of my being that I'm wrong about the American people but from what I'm seeing now I'm not holding my breath hoping for it...

I learned as a boy scout...BE PREPARED!

Hoping for the best is fine but anyone not preparing for the worst...well, it's like I've always believed, if you live in any Democratic Republic you deserve the government you get. 

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The problem is will you get and appreciate what they deserve? Yes, they have stacked the deck but that’s exactly what Oban did in Hungary, what Putin did in Russia, it's what authoritarian dictators always do, laying the ground work for them to take over. And once they are in office, it’s almost impossible to remove them without a great deal of, to quote Churchill, “blood., sweat and tears”.

Do you want to live in a country that will make an insane form of Christianity the only allowable religion? Where those who won’t convert are rounded up and imprisoned? Where any criticism whatsoever against the leader, could result in you disappearing ? And keep your fingers crossed it’s just you and not every member of your family, because “wrong thinking” spreads? Where women are forced to give birth even if they die doing so? Where murder, rape, constant violence, threats, and immunity from the law that YOU will be required to follow, is the norm for the loyal followers of the Leader?

This election is a make or break it one for the USA, and for those of us who aren’t American citizens it is beyond frustration, watching and listening to you whinge and whine about inconsequential issues, while you sleep walk your way into a Dictatorship. We know what they are like to live under, while you have no idea just how brutal they are, and think “well we’ll just make sure we toss them out in the next election”, not realizing that this time around Trump WILL do exactly what he has said he was going to do and his sycophantic minions will be more than happy to help him do it! The only elections you’ll ever see again will just like the ones you read about in Russia, where only the current leader is allowed to run and the voting, regardless as to how few or many actually vote will show 98% choose the Great Leader!

For gods sake WAKE UP!

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I wish you would share this on all social media platforms!

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Well said, I doubt the people in this country that want to elect Putin's apprentice, really understand what they are asking for.

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I could not agree with you more Alexis.

To answer your questions...NO I do NOT want to live under a government like that! That is EXACTLY why I am preparing NOT TO.

I live in hurricane country. If you do not perpare for the worst the worst will have NO LESS mercy on you, in fact, YOU are it's target.

FYI, I believe the best country currently to hold a passport is Ireland...being 20% Irish in DNA and 100% in heart. But, Panama is cheapest, quickest and most logical. Their economy has exploded ever since the terrorist party the GOTP gave the Panama Canal to China. Even more attractive for an unissured person needing $10k plus dental care, along with all their other medical needs...for free.

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The news used to be a public service and the fairness doctrine prevented bad actors like fox (yes, I know the difference between broadcast and cable) which could have been tweaked to include any organization that called itself news. Ironically, it was 60 Minutes that showed that the news could turn a profit. For all those originalists out there, I don’t think the peddling of outright lies was exactly what the founding fathers meant by freedom of the press.

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Bite your tongue, Rolyac! Trump will NOT get reelected!!

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Actually, the "media" is not doing their job. They go from one Headline to another but hardly ever actually exploring the subject thoroughly. I don't think it is all the journalist's fault. Money runs the news, not accuracy and reliable information.

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And in between headlines they might get one sentence in before being barraged with 20 drug commercials before covering the “next breaking news” headline 🤷‍♀️

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I agree but I like seeing the commercials so I can tell, "What the heck is currently going on involving with all these new drugs, what consumers are buying, what's new in material goods. It gives me a perspective of how stupid people can be to waste their money on things they really don't NEED. I consider Advertising a

source of information. Then some are so ridiculous they make me laugh..

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Michael, great post.

The 24/7/365 race for eyeballs and clicks has killed journalism.

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I appreciate the point, but I'll add something. Historically, the media have been bad at covering serial liars--and when they did it well, they got in trouble. Mr. Rather faced a White House effort to remove him from his job. I wonder if he would get the backing today that he did then.

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I backed him then & I backed him now. The Bush family tried to ruin him but they failed. Mr. Rather will always have my respect and trust for his HONEST journalism.

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Very true, you are not alone.

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The media may be driven by the fear that to cover the facts will cost them their jobs.

The shift in technology is part of the problem. The early newsprints weren't known for accuracy.

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Absolutely. We tend to forget that the era of, say, the CBS Evening News when it was Walter at the desk, and that great crew around the world (including that guy at the White House) was the exception, not the rule.

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I haven't forgotten those days and miss them.

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Me, too. I remember those days.

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NBC had excellent news anchors and reporters back then, also. And, I vividly remember Dan being manhandled at the 1968 Democrat convention.

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I watch MSNBC all the time. They are very good about pointing out Trumps and the Republican Party failings. Lawrence O’Donnell is particularly excellent. He even criticizes his network NBC for their failings in this regard.

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NBC was very good and CBS had caught them in the TV ratings by the time Daley's goons worked over Dan. They also hauled Mike Wallace to jail, as I recall.

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I have canceled my subscriptions to both papers. There is absolutely no justification in writing about tfg💩🎃🤡 as if he is equal to Joe Biden. He cheated on all 3 of his wives, bragged about it in an audio that should have ended his candidacy, is a sexist, racist narcissistic sociopath traitor who proudly tells us he will be a dictator.

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We continue to support our little local newspaper..they are struggling and have to raise the subscription cost rather often..but we will keep helping..until the end.

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In all likelyhood your two little papers are owned by FOX.

One must look below the surface and between the lines before deceiding on who to support and why.

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My local paper is owned by an investment group, which is owned by another investment group which is owned by a Japanese bank. But they manage to report the local news and have the crossword puzzle.

Get national & world news from the BBC and 1440 plus a few online groups.

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I read POLITICO and 1440 not so much. I watch less msnbc when it started costing me $46. I still enjoy delayed Maddow shows. I love the way she forces you to editorialize her reports yourOWNself by asking you questions that have the answers you come up with. It's hard to agrue with youOWNself.

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CNN had something on their website, but I had to search for it:


I subscribe to the NYTimes and just wrote them pointing out they have not covered it and asking them to correct this "obviously intentional omission". Let's see if I hear back from them.

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I hope you get a satisfactory answer—like thank you and we will do better. 😇

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The media moguls and corporations are rooting for fascism. We are already, truly, controlled by the American Oligarchs. They have all the money - with tax breaks and subsidies - while purchasing politicians who want to end SS, Medicare, but don't care about gun reform. My dad is 87 and I'm 66. The is not the country we knew in our youth.

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I am really worried about our country. Don’t forget, we even have a Supreme Court that is actually NOT “SUPREME”.

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It is disgusting. To say bluntly. I am 68, have lived here for the last 42 years. I am all for capitalism. Work hard and make an honest living. What I am not for are evils of capitalism.

How very ridiculous it is when you have CEO’s of companies making 100’s of millions of dollars a year, and their factory workers in assembly lines struggling for $30 an hour.

Yes, and how can we forget the free Thanksgiving Turkey, some of them get from work.

This is a very dark, negative all pervasive environment these days.

Besides Climate reform, there should be widespread economic reform too.

We can bang our heads against the wall. This would never happen. They all are bought and paid for. You scratch my back and I scratch yours. They follow that most diligently.

You know it is sick. Not funny at all.

Fortunately we travel a lot, retired now, everywhere. It hurts to see the vast majority of people struggling to make ends meet.

We are all not here for ever. Wonder why, Trump’s, Putin’s and that joker of North Korea, of the world don’t realize this.

Do some good in the world, may be their Maker might forgive them for their misdeeds.

Thank you, I am sorry.

I had to vent out.

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It is fine that you needed to get some anger out. I did that earlier but was not as polite as you were, though I was at home yelling in anger at corrupt people and most especially the orange lowlife frump. He is hateful, to be sure, and all I do is pray that he does not win the election, which would be by cheating, I am sure, but then have to worry that he will attack our country again, as on Jan. 6th, but I would pray so hard that we would be ready and would stop him.

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These are very turbulent times as we all know. But we also know there is some one up there who keeps everything in check and keeps things in balance. We have to have faith, there are more good people in the world than bad people.

Truth always prevails.

Trust me, I hope I am correct. The Orange head will face very troubling times ahead.

He will not be POTUS for sure, no matter what the polls say.

Thank you, for the kind words. Not sure if I am deserving of them

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No problem. I agree. The ultra wealthy of 'the golden age' brought on the great depression of the 1930's. The greedy on Wallstreet brought on the housing market crash of 2008. They just don't give a shit.

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Conservative oligarchs whose morals are controlled by greed and power have been systematically buying up our news media for many years. They have their own private agendas and could give a fig about the general population who read, support, or work for the corporations they control. These are also the same people who control most or all of the manufacturing of armaments and our petrochemical industry. They have a vested interest in keeping America in psychological war with America because if we’re busy blaming our fellow average person we won’t be looking at who’s pulling the strings or supporting wars in general. They are making billions and even trillions while most struggle with trying to keep their heads above water.

Why support our education system or teach our kids critical thinking when there’s so much fear and so little to hope for? That’s the liturgy we’re sung.

Big money doesn’t want regulation or restrictions on how they make the ungodly profits they’re raking in, or how much they make off of the rest of us that goes straight into their pockets, untaxed.

Just worship those who support you—your job. Don’t piss off those that feed and clothe you, cause you’ll be sorry, etc., etc.

Every day the noose gets tighter around the necks of the average citizen in our county. And most of us are just too tired and stressed to even care. That’s the way they like us.

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Stepinwolf circa 1969....this song has been ringing in my head ever since 2016.


Once the religious, the hunted and weary

Chasing the promise of freedom and hope

Came to this country to build a new vision

Far from the reaches of Kingdom and pope

Like good Christians some would burn the witches

Later some got slaves to gather riches

But still from near and far to seek America

They came by thousands, to court the wild

But she just patiently smiled and bore a child

To be their spirit and guiding light

And once the ties with the crown had been broken

Westward in saddle and wagon it went

And till the railroad linked ocean to ocean

Many the lives which had come to an end

While we bullied, stole and bought a homeland

We began the slaughter of the red man

But still from near and far to seek America

They came by thousands to court the wild

But she just patiently smiled and bore a child

To be their spirit and guiding light

The Blue and Grey they stomped it

They kicked it just like a dog

And when the war was over

They stuffed it just like a hog

And though the past has its share of injustice

Kind was the spirit in many a way

But its protectors and friends have been sleeping

Now it's a monster and will not obey

The spirit was freedom and justice

And its keepers seemed generous and kind

Its leaders were supposed to serve the country

But now they won't pay it no mind

Cause the people grew fat and got lazy

Now their vote is a meaningless joke

They babble about law and order

But it's all just an echo of what they've been told

Yeah, there's a monster on the loose

It's got our heads into the noose

And it just sits there watchin'

The cities have turned into jungles

And corruption is stranglin' the land

The police force is watching the people

And the people just can't understand

We don't know how to mind our own business

'Cause the whole world's got to be just like us

Now we are fighting a war over there

No matter who's the winner we can't pay the cost

'Cause there's a monster on the loose

It's got our heads into the noose

And it just sits there watchin'

America, where are you now

Don't you care about your sons and daughters

Don't you know we need you now

We can't fight alone against the monster

America, where are you now

Don't you care about your sons and daughters

Don't you know we need you now

We can't fight alone against the monster


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Yes.. long forgotten but still very relevant.

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Something Wicked This Way Comes, folks.

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It;s already HERE Judy...and feeding.

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The same Christian Extremest already own ALL the Public Broadcasting stations here in the south...going going GONE BABY. Whats the difference between their laws and sharia law but the name of the religion?

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Those in journalism who report irresponsibly for the big bucks and sensationalism (as opposed to honest, balanced, intelligent, responsible reporting) will be in for a rude shock when their lack of integrity finds them facing retribution, should T win the election. Actually, I honestly don't think he WILL win--not in any valid way, anyway--but these "conservatives" are getting more and more savvy at manipulating what happens in our government.

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You should watch a movie called "The Post" starring Meryll Streep and Tom Hanks. There were and still are a few brave sould who walk the line. I personally get my news from several sources. The BBC. YLE.(Finland) DW (German) and yes, the Washington Post.

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I saw it, and remember that it was made about something that happened in 1971. Meryl Streep played Kay Graham, who died, and her family has sold the paper. Tom Hanks played Ben Bradlee, who retired 20 years later and is dead. And so is political journalism in Washington, DC, except for TPM.

Now, a related point. The people who do not cover politics daily sometimes are able to do great political coverage in their own right--for example, the investigative reporters who dig up or have dug up the truth about the treason, bigotry, and venality of various republican politicians. They never are the ones who are assigned to cover politics or Congress daily.

By the way, here's a story idea. Steve Scalise had a stem-cell transplant. I thought republicans opposed those if they came from fetuses and embryos. Does he know where they came from? Would anyone do that? I've emailed several alleged reporters. We shall see.

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Thank you for the news sites. I've added DW to my reading list.

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I totally agree Michael Green. IMO they are an emboldened terrorist group and the MSM absolutely gives them a pass. There is very little journalism and certainly no questions asked - just write what is said and never challenge its truthfulness. It is most distressing and it has been going on way too long.

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Can we say it too, but with a qualification “the media is often the enemy of the people”.

If there was anything that needs to be amplified it is what one of the parties has planned if they win.

We know that if Biden made a verbal slip it would be headline news because they’ve done that repeatedly.

The media can’t treat the fascists as if they are normal or be afraid they’ll turn on them. If they don’t do their job we need to call them out. Are you with democracy or are you against it?

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Horrifying, outrageous, appalling. How can any normal person support this--it is the very shredding of our Constitution.

We must get out and vote them all out.

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I agree but....

The "normal "people I had lunch with yesterday (in-laws) fervently believe that the MAGA movement is saving the country and that we need to return to a white, Christian, conservative society. What puzzles me is that given the MAGA definition of white and Christian, they do not qualify.

How can you be Catholic, Jewish, Mormon or Latinx, Black or Asian and support this nonsense?

You are so right - every vote count.

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I understand and have experienced exactly what you are saying but I don’t agree that people truly believe that MAGA is saving the Country. What I believe is that prejudice, feelings of moral superiority, self righteousness and fear of people outside of their own tunneled views of the word allows them to justify what will and has most certainly turned them into people many of them wouldn’t have recognized 10 years ago. They are individually a product of their collective embraces indoctrination.

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To them they are saving the country. They want this to be white men. Period. No one else needs to have rights. Including women; of all colors and creeds. Make no mistake these people are dangerous. Vote out every single republican

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Republicans want women to become second-class citizens in their own Country.

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Makes you seriously question the independent thought process of GOP women. Not to be able to put yourself in the place of another woman’s circumstances on anything to do with bodily autonomy and reproduction can only be accomplished through singleminded callousness.

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They definitely want to control women especially smart vocal women who challenge them in any way.

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It gives me a great deal of pleasure watching strong black women in the Courts handing tfg his due!

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Those 'white' so called Christians are often also racist. They fear the 'browning' of the nation. Too late. "Whites will be the minority by 2045" (google that phrase for more info) and white kids age 12 and younger already are.

And we were never a completely 'Christian' nation. Factions developed early on. The Quakers would run through a Pilgrim service naked just to irritate them.

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This is what I have been saying also, B A. These white nationalists are in fear of America losing her whiteness. There will be more interracial relationships/marriages which will produce interracial children. Thus, the creation of Project 2025, stupidly taking IVF away from couples, and The Heritage Foundation’s indoctrination of their beliefs at Ivy League schools were formed in fear of the loss of the white race. This is what should be hammered in the media but alas, MSM seems not to be interested in anything but driving a dagger into Biden.

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We can't post memes here but one of my favorites shows a row of crayons from light to dark, and on the side of each, the color is called 'FLESH'. The title of this meme is 'The color of my soul'.

Two video's by Matthew Cooke linked here. He helps the present make sense by reviewing the past. Both are excellent.

2nd Amendment remedy here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z6k1dD20S3w

Trump republicans are the modern day confederates here:


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Damn right, Dcliff0!

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I have no doubt that prejudice plays a major role. However I have found that people have totally bought into the "Fill in the blank" issue is destroying our country. This month it is the border issue. Last month, it was Gen Z (half of whom aren't old enough to vote) Prior to that is was a potential WWIII due to the issues in the Ukraine and the Middle East. Alternative reality is here and it's growing.

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The worst part is that nothing is amenable to what Christ preached. These people are cos playing at Christian.

I’d say they need to watch the Handmaids Tale but they’d probably love it.

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Sounds like you have a case of "Family: the gift that keeps on *living*!!"

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Part of my life for 50+ years. I'm the lifelong Republican and used to think I was conservative (now definitely a centrist). They were all liberals....

Glad to be part of this group because I feel like I have stepped into an alternative universe.

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It’s terrifying! “Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak out.”

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Blue wave must come. 💙🇺🇸💙🇺🇸💙🇺🇸💙🇺🇸💙🇺🇸💙

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Please....and everyone please continue to work on putting out the word to vote blue.

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Sounds good, like a real plan. The problem is, they're not all up for re-election at the same time. For example, Tuberville's term runs for another three years.

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I actually posted this information on Twitter, Threads & Tribel earlier today.

My question is: Why is this kind of thing permitted to go on with no investigation? According to Oxford’s definition, it is treason: “the crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government.”

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Exactly. WTF

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I ask WHY, too, but I think it's gone too far now. WHO will investigate? WHO will level the charge of treason? The Members of Congress who support trump and the January 6 attack? The so-called "Freedom" caucus? CPAC? (Are they really so ignorant they believe Authoritarianism and Fascism include freedom?) How about the Supreme Court? Or, as I have started to call it, the not-at-all-supreme court? This country is in trouble, and it frightens me and breaks my heart.

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I plan to call the FBI on Monday to ask what is being done about what was said at CPAC. I’ll let you know what they say…if anything.

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I would really like to know what they say. My plan is to call the news channels in Phoenix and insist they cover the CPAC Speaker’s Goal.

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If I learn anything, I’ll let you know.

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Me, too. Me, too.

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I posted the video on Facebook this morning and did not get one single response. So, I don’t know if FB took it down, it’s strange.

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I wonder about this every damn day. Used to believe in JUSTICE. Apparently, am naive.

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There was time when religion governed…it was called the Dark Ages.

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A LOT of human beings DIED during the Dark Ages.

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There are apparently a few “leftovers” from the Dark Ages

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This seems to me, a lay person not a lawyer, to be planning insurrection. Openly planning to overturn the Constitution and create a state religion. Why isn’t this openly planned insurrection being prosecuted now? In 1920, Hitler published a 25 point plan - it was spelled out (in German of course) but his goals were listed. Trumplicans have Project 2025. What else do we need to know?

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Could not agree with you more, Bob!

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So often, it feels like we are living in 1930’s Germany.

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Unfortunately, the press seems to ignore what's going on in Texas, and yet Texas is like the bellweather for the Republicans. Whatever garbage they're planning, they're already trying it in Texas.

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I live here. And you are correct.

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I live in Florida..and it is scary, indeed.

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Me, too. And expressing different opinions or sharing the truth about their fiction can, quite literally, be dangerous.

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I moved away from the corrupt government of Texas last September, best move I could make. My taxes no longer support that cesspool of Abbott/Patrick/Paxton. They are evil personified.

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I can certainly attest to that!

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Extremely frightening. And I’m afraid the majority of folks are not paying attention. Nor do they have an historical reference to understand the devastating consequences.

Holding steady is hard days in like these.

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I believe you hit on the most salient point: too many people have no historic reference. The board of trustees in one of the largest school districts in Texas just voted to pull thousands - yes, thousands — of books from their campus shelves, including Brave New World by Aldous Huxley. Barbara, I was full of hope and wore my marching shoes every day in the 1980s and forward. I am indeed frightenened.

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I was full of hope in the '60s and forward, and I too am frightened. All we can do is whatever we can, however we can, to get out the blue vote in November.

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And each convince 5-10 others to vote blue! 💙🇺🇸

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“Those who refuse to learn their history are condemned to repeat it.” ~George Santana

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Truer words were never spoken.

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Barbara, I agree. The next generation is busy raising kids, working and getting on wit life. We need to educate them and it is really, really hard.

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Spineless and gutless! And to have the audacity to claim to be Christians! Pharisees and hypocrites! Jesus Christ was about love. These idiots only love money and themselves.

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Braver Angels …..good org

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I love how they cling to the one source that can’t be challenged, interviewed or interrogated. If “ God said it” who can verify or deny it? Easy out for lazy people willing to put their brains in hock.

Jack Posobiec is going to need a little more help than “ God” to end our democracy and replace it with the Bible. Better men have tried and better men have died.

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They say they have a mandate from God to control every aspect of society ( 7 mountain theology) but that if false. God told the first people to subdue the earth and gave them control over 'every living creature' - not other humans. Whatta bunch fools.

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Vote !

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The general media has been awol.

It doesn't matter, we shall win. We do what needs to be done. We talk one on one, we write postcards, we help register new voters, we take voters to the voting station, any small thing empowers and helps. We are the sane majority, no question about it.

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Yes, let's!

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I had a 'conservative' on a blog today say there is no goal to create a theocracy here and then she began quoting the Bible!!! Amazing how little people know of history particularly how some groups came from Europe to escape religious repression and now these people want to create exactly what people left 200 yrs ago!

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Please, every person reading Dan Rather’s comments, repeat them far and wide. The media needs to be held accountable for ignoring the continuing threats issued by these christian nationalist terrorists, magas, trumper repubs and trump himself. If we need to become the media we can and we will. Repeat, repeat, repeat

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I agree! I share Steady on Facebook. I email Steady to friends. Please! Let's ALL post Steady to social media sites! It's so very important that we work together to get people to THINK!

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Very scary!!!! And at the root of our problems as a nation. How could this group drift so far away from out values and the country our founding fathers imagined?

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And while we all watched. This isn't dead o'night stuff. It's right out in the open and on the evening news.

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Well, as Dan points out, these seditious speeches at the CPAC conference are NOT being reported on the evening news. But they should be the headline stories.

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As should the fact that Mike Johnson had RUSSIANS donating money to him!

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Iam so scared of this election cycle that even if biden wins they will find a way to overthrow the government. Some days I feel more hopeful then others. But today I feel so scared about the future

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I am getting concerned with the number of Republicans who are planning to leave Congress before January 2025. Is a "bigger, better" insurrection on the way that they wish to avoid?

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All those Representatives and Senators were willing to take the glory and prestige until the actual WORK of protecting the constitution, our rights, doing their job arose. Then they all bale out or join the coup. A pox on the lot. We hold them in utter contempt

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I agree with you, Lynn! Have you read Liz Cheney's book? It's a real eye-opener. Next on my list is Adam Kinzinger's book. These two people believe in protecting the Constitution.

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Read them both it was surreal. It just amazes me of how.many people deny that January 6 wasn't an insurrection. Which can only mean one thing.


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Thanks Wendy. All republicans would do well to read these books. Mitt Romney enable too long to be a creditable. The problem for the repubs is Liz and Adam are the only 'men' left standing... they better 'woke-up'.

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So well said

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Yes that is a very good point and ehta they dont see is that they won't avoid it by leaving and could help stop it by staying. Where js the courage??!!

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No courage - they have no plans on being in the Capitol if it is overrun.

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After listening to Prosobeic in the video addressing the CPAC attendees that they weren’t successful at overturning the election however they will be ready to ensure that this next time, there will be success in overturning democracy. I can’t believe this isn’t Headline News!

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It's absolutely SICK

I canceled the NYT because I feel they have become so slanted to this insanity.

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I understand your feelings. I feel the same way at times. But, always remember; As long as God is on His throne, we will not be overcome by evil! Stay strong! Everything will be fine! I have faith in the core beliefs of the American people. They know evil when they see it! Also, Putin must, must be stopped!!

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Yes, God is on his throne, but Revelation speaks of those who are martyred for their faith. Those would be the faithful. Who do you think is killing them? People like these 'Christian nationalists' who, in my mind, are just the beginning of the apostate church.

This is just the beginning of the end. Things can and will get much worse. And do you think those four horsemen show up one at a time? They are already working. There is death, famine, war and conquest.

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You are absolutely correct B A.

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From here in 🇨🇦 I watch in bewildered astonishment. It MUST change; it WILL change. I believe in America somehow, someway. Keeping the faith. It’s all I can do.

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That's all we can do!! Keep those prayers coming. We need them. 💙🇺🇸❤️🙏🏻

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Thank you Lynda! It's pretty astonishing, isn't it? We may move to Canada!!!

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Sadly our Conservatives in Canada have much the same ideology as the Republicans. Their leader Pierre Poilievre is a Trump wannabe and they have managed to have the highest approval rating at this time. I have always voted Conservative. I will not be in our next election.

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I'm no historian, but isn't this why the Pilgrims came to America? They wanted a life without religious tyranny? And the first amendment also addresses, separation of Church and State...

Can we regress any further? We are headed to the bottom of the barrel and it scares me.

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wesleygg, Yes, the pilgrims came "for religious freedom," but they then proceeded to impose their religious laws on everyone in Massachusetts. They didn't believe in religious freedom, they believed in the freedom to impose THEIR OWN religion. Roger Williams left and founded a state with real religious freedom: Rhode Island. That's where we see the first synagogue and the first churches of several Christian denominations. If you're interested, Sarah Vowell's book The Wordy Shipmates is a great discussion of the times.

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Yes, the Pilgrims came to America to escape religious oppression. But somewhere along the way, "Manifest Destiny" was proposed by European immigrant white men, as in "sweep across the country and dominate and/or kill anyone that stands in the way, while plundering the new country's abundant resources to achieve power and wealth."

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