Trump is simply three bubbles off plumb and needs to be institutionalized.

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The absolutely best description I have ever heard of the man.

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Are you sure it’s only three bubbles !!!!

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Three BIGLY bubbles.

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Hi Dennis. My older brother John was in the 5th SF (‘66-‘67)in a camp on border of Cambodia. He then worked as the advance man for Gene McCarthy campaign.

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DOL (De oppresso liber) to your brother. I served with 5th Group in '68-'69. Do you know what camp he was in?

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I used to know the name and fob, but I will ask him. I do know they had 400 Montagnards on base and very very close to Cambodia. I will let you know.

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🤣🤣🤣good one!

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Touché, Dennis Drennan 🌻

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Probably true, but I'll settle for a clear cut loss in November! And the institution to which he should be committed is a penitentiary not a medical facility.

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Priceless description, Dennis!

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No, no! He knows EXACTLY what he’s doing!

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I LOVE that description. I hope you don't mind, but I'm going to use it. :)

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Hear hear!!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

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Ladies and gents, we have a winner!! Applications for comment of the day are officially closed. Thanks for playing!! 👏👏

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I can’t imagine anything I would love more than to picture that clown in Rikers!!

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At this point, I'm fed up enough with him that six feet under would be better.

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You have said something, Steve, that others don’t say or write but would sincerely wish it would happen sooner.

Thank you

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At 76, I have limited patience for people who are intent upon destrying our country - very limited.

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I will be 81 next month and his incarceration or demise cannot come soon enough and I don't care which happens first.

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There seem to be a lot of people who are "up in years" who feel this way, dismissing the stereotype that a majority of the elderly are Trump's people.

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Too bad, the shameless guy doesn’t think like that.

Oh ! I am sorry, you need a brain to think.

Not sure at all what would it take for His Idiotic base to think differently.

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I have thought that many times. Where is a shooter when you need him.

BTW I am 88 and hope to see the end before my end.

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Just turned 73 and I agree wholeheartedly.

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I'm with you Marilyn!

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I hear you, I am 68 and feel the same. When is this nightmare going to end is the million dollar question

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Right there with ya Steve, age and patience!! Right now the latter is running on fumes!!!

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At 65 I feel the same

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At 79, I right there with you, Steve !

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We'll keep working and voting to rid our country of this pestilence. Nobody said that retaining a democracy was easy; future generations will find it better to still have one.

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Problem is the genie is out of the box. We certainly don’t want a martyr to dictate from the grave. Stalin was rumoured to be buried with a telephone.

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You are saying the quiet part out loud. You are not alone in your thinking, we just hold our tongues and control our keyboards more intentionally.

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Yes! After he was hanged, drawn and quartered, the traditional punishment for traitors.

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And spread out to the four coroner's of the country as a warning to others.

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I have thought the same thing for many years now . Thanks for saying it . Also , I think the judge is way too lenient. He should be at Rikers .

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Someone needs to play devil’s advocate and I’m elected. I say that Trump is going to win. He is a street brawler and lots o people like this. He has no brains. He is dangerous. He will destroy everything that is good. But our side doesn’t get it. We think because we ride the high moral ground that we win. It does t work that way. Many if not most vote with their emotions. We never stepped outside the norm and issued an executive order on the border. That’s a big no no and it will come back to haunt Biden.

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The Republicans themselves voted down the border issue. not Democrats so to blame that on Biden is disingenuous at best.

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Yes, he is a street brawler, and let us hope that the majority of voters of this country will recognize the danger and vote against him. If he is incarcerated, it could augur well for his defeat (I hope and think). Your comment centers around the border: I have no good answer on that, except to observe that "Give Me Your Tired, Your Poor," was always the attitude of North America when I was growing up.

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A street brawler at least would resemble something of a human being. Trump isn’t human. He’s a monster.

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He's not a street brawler at least they are willing to face their foe face to face; Trump is a bully.

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Don want to argue that issue. Keep in mind that saying was a gift from another nation. No need to get teary eyed over it. This is a new day. This is not the way we should do things and I happen to side with trump on is issue. We have laws for a reason. Ok a story and I write stories. When chancellor Merkel decided to open the German borders an she was asked why, she responded that it was the German guilt of the past. This was 1990s. I thought how naive sh was because she was seeding a future national movement and now, it has come to pass. Sometimes we just don’t learn from history. No country wants to be overun with foreigners. Period.

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Haven't we all been foreigners

And have foreign family lines at some point since we are not Native Americans?

Immigrants are looking for a safer life away from Cartels and gangs.

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Face it--the difference is color/race. European immigrants were white and even the Irish, first called Black Irish, became white and acceptable about a generation here. African Americans and Latinos never will unless they are white and passing. This is a racist country and always was.

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When my grandparents came to these shores, they did it legally and still, by 1923, Congress passed The 1923 Immigration Act.

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The "they did it legally" is a poor excuse at best. The immigration laws changed, drastically, by politicians who thought "the country was being overrun by immigrants". That those people were murders, rapists, drug dealers (as trump put it). Extremism, anti-everyone, hate! What a disgusting belief system emerged from 1980's politics, led by Republicans Reagan and H. W. Bush!

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The majority are coming in under a current law which is seeking asylum from violence. There is a thought they they are illegals. They are not. Why do you think the Texas & Florida Governors put the immigrants on a bus to another state? Under law the immigrants seeking asylum are protected from being returned to the situation they were escaping. The Governors cannot deport these terrified souls who most likely spent their last cent to get here. I Investigate why these immigrants are coming here instead of relying on the past. This is rhetoric without thought. The immigrants are in the present. The world is in chaos I don't need to add to chaos.

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There was no "legally" or "illegally" back then. I'm tired of hearing this argument.

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We are ALL foreigners! We are all different and yet the same! We all yearn for life, liberty and pursuit of happiness! If my country was thereatening to kill my children, I would walk through every jungle, etc. to save them! Compassion is the word!

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You are missing my point. Have your massive uncontrolled dash across the deserts of Arizona and Texas. And enjoy 4 years of the next president of the United States, President Fartinando. I don’t know why some folks have a difficulty understanding repercussions.

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We are, & always have been" a country of foreigners"!! Mt family-- both sides, fought in the Revolutionary War!!

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Donnie is a bigot and a hypocrite. Has been for decades and decades. He likes it as an issue to rile people up. He also likes cheap undocumented labor. He got caught way back when he was clearing the property to build Trump towers. When you’re famous they let you do it. Same for being president. So it continues.

His fave former Congressman was more recently outed for the same thing. 80% of his employees’ Soc Sec numbers didn’t match up. He’s the truth social CEO now. So dumb he sued for defamation over the article that exposed him. Like Donnie, he lost his case.

That’s why it doesn’t get fixed. It’s political theatre while they line their pockets off a system they gut. Win/win for them.


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May 7
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Poovarina Antonia, why have so fully missed me. I have a request. Go to Amazon and search my book, Donald’s Vanity Tantrums “ and don’t by the expensive $15 hard copy version. Get the $2.99 Ebook version and read what I have spent 3 years writing about the worst demon in US history. Then come and tell e that I’m a tool for whatever you accused me of being. How about it.

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May 8
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He has plenty of brains which is why we are here. He's gaming the system and always has.

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You are right: he is a calculator, and behaves as such. He thinks he can play us all like a slot machine, and then go away laughing. Let's try to prove him wrong. He follows no code of conduct, except his own, which is designed to aggrandize HIM.

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Sorry, you are right. X brains comment.

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People need to stop calling him stupid. What you say about him being a street brawler is the critical point: he uses a different form of intelligence and educated liberals show their prejudice when they won't/can't recognize this difference. I run into this problem daily with nice white educated liberals who diss those who don't speak or behave like them. It is what cost the Democrats the working class base that Trump tuned into. You cant build a national movement when the majority of people are considered "deplorables!'

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Respectfully Bill, I disagree. Yes, he’s a street brawler, but he’s deteriorating emotionally

and physically from the stress of the trials and

the reality that he’s running out of money—and we all know nothing is more important to him than money. Plus, he’s been reduced to exhibiting the same paranoia, “Biden is after me,” and “The jurors are all democrats.” And the same whiny, “I’m the victim here.” But now it sounds feeble.

Another “tell”is his hair. Remember when he was in France and refused to go to an official ceremony at

a cemetery to honor fallen WWII soldiers because

it was rainy, and the rain would ruin his hair? Check out his hair in the picture accompanying Mr. Rather’s comments—it’s disheveled.

There aren’t crowds of supporters hanging around the courthouse and Judge Merchan made a point of

telling him “on the record” he doesn’t want to send Trump to jail for violating the gag order 10 times.

(I’m pretty sure the judge said it on the record in

case he does put Trump in jail and Trump tries to

appeal it, it’s on the record that the judge gave him a lot of leeway.)

Trump is trying to manipulate the judge into putting

him in jail for two reasons—it would cause another delay and he can use it to fundraise. But, I have a feeling that could backfire. An important component

of his persona is that he’s always the alpha male in charge of what is going on around him, it’s his nature to literally bully his way into being in charge. In fact, it’s another reason for his deterioration. He can’t bully his way into being in charge in the courtroom. So it’s possible that putting him in jail for a day or two, where he again can’t be in charge, will actually freak him out.

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I don’t disagree with anything you’ve said. He wants to be a living martyr for the sympathy vote. And he will do any say anything to garner support no holds bared. And as I’ve said in my own most recent blog, (billkatz@substack.com) my hunch it’s a choice of VP between a Black man and a woman. Tim Scott is playing his Stepin Fetchet well. South Dakota gov overplayed her hand by the doggy killing story because he reportedly hate dogs. Elsie Stephanic from New York is the woman. And as I mentioned, ultimately, many if not most vote with their emotions. I’m one that does not. I have frequently had to vote for the lesser bad and the lesser bad in my opinion is Biden. Lastly, he uses division and hate as an electioneering tool. And it can work when you have Biden on the other side. We have been beset with poor leadership in the White House for decades save a few moments such as Obama and Carter. This nation will eventually implode from poor leadership choices.

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Dan Rather, please help your readers understand this position of mine. Fartinanado Trump will successfully use this against us.

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Noooooooo, tooooo.

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May 7
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There is no coma after Republicans, Antonia.

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I think he should learn to spend more time with 'his people' - you know, the ones he says he's sticking up for.

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I always hoped for perp walked right out of the white house on CNN.

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I’m sorry but I cannot look away from (or stop laughing about) Mein Fuhrer’s hair in the photo. It really should be hard to take him seriously, but sadly that’s not the case with all the trumpanzees out there.

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I went back and looked. It looks like a cloud formation. Cumulonimbus perhaps?

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More like CumuloDumbass

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😂😂😂 good one!

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😂 That’s one seriously disfigured, flat cloud.

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True but cloud formation is a step up from roadkill.

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Seems to me Kristi Noem, the puppy killer, has the market cornered re wearing roadkill on the head.

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That would be a stratus, perhaps at sunset, on its way down.

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Cotton candy!!!

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This is a riot!

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Evidently he’s styling his own hair and making himself look like the clown he is.

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Plus his bronze make-up is pretty obvious ,,👍

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Doesn't even cover his ears. Slopped on his mashed potato face.

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Similar to Giuliani’s hair dye.

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It's Hair Furor.

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I hadn't paid that much attention to the photo till you said that. Do you suppose even one Republican has thoughts similar to yours? I sure hope so!

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Pat....there are a lot of Republicans who have publicly announced that they are not voting for him.

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That is so wonderful to hear!!!! I hope they can convince millions of their follow Republicans to not vote for him. I really miss a two party system and for year (maybe a long time ago!) the discourse between the two parties ended with some good stuff.

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Adam Kinzinger is part of #countryover party and as I understand that it is a group of Republicans who are not voting for the toddler, and Adam K is voting for Biden as is Liz Cheney. AND today, yet another R announced he's voting Biden and against the toddler and is part of #countryoverparty. (I remember times when there were some interesting conversations across party lines...and lately...I'm not remembering much except for the horrid tension when the toddler was in the oval office. Biden does seem to be working at the edges and getting changes). (I read Heather Cox Richardson every day and Joyce Vance most days and I get Adam Kinzinger's substack....right now, there are really great conversations on each of those threads....like with Steady here and Dan. It's quite heartening)

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Why do the polls show Trump ahead? I’m ready to move out of the USA

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Here's two high-quality, independent polls showing Biden with likely voter leads of 4 and 5 points:

ABC News Biden 49%-Trump 45% (+4)

NPR/Marist Biden 52%-Trump 47% (+5)

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From what I have read, the polls didn't come close to predicting the winner of the last two elections. It's still 6 months out, so a lot of stuff can change. And polls can be tricky things. One poll in 2023 showed that 60% of voters thought Trump should step down. But that same poll showed about half of voters would vote for him. Huh?????

Young Democratic voters get frequently polled asking if they'd like a younger candidate. But then Republican voters never get asked if they'd like a candidate who isn't indicted for 91 felonies.

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I'm not sure what's up....younger voters for sure do not do polls and yet they may not be voting at all because of the Israeli murdering/cleansing of the Palestinians....and I know a few journalists who are not "believing" the polls at the moment.

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I think it’s who’s doing the polling. I don’t put a lot of trust in polls.

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And we never miss Lawrence & the brilliant crew on MSNBC, or the MieidasTouch gang, or B. T.Cohen, or Glenn K. 👏🇺🇲

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We’ll see. They can can easily vote for him without anyone knowing.

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I hope so, too. I just cannot fathom believing he is God’s gift to the world.

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He isn't God's gift to anyone.

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Well he sure isn't!

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Yeah, no, that's a lie ;)

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@Martha White — laughing at the term “trumpanzees” - never heard that. (Sorry - between work and caregiving for my parent I can’t see straight anymore…)

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There’s a great picture I found a year or two ago of a group of chimps, all with red maga hats on… that’s where I first saw the trumpanzee tagline. Wish i knew how to share the picture with you here. It would brighten your days when you need it.

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@Martha - I love photos of all animals, however if I never see a red ball cap in any way shape or form again it’ll be alright with me! Now… were those poor chimps compensated for their humiliation? Extra food and extra love from their caretakers for the sheer agony of having to wear those hats? THAT’s the question… lol

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Lol! I looked up the date I took the screen shot - was april, 2022. Little would I have believed then that we’d still be enduring his crap.

While i still can’t figure out how to paste the pic here, the verbiage with it follows:

TRUMPANZEE (n): A follower of Donald Trump prone to fits of rage, extreme emotional swings and occasional fecal throwing. Not to be trusted around children, guns, heavy machinery and voting booths.


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P.S. one cannot post a pic here (unless you wish to change your moniker) hence my perpetual sunflower not only for Ukraine but most especially for John’s Hopkins in Baltimore, which greatly healed my Mother. Peace, A.

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Creative & Clever


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OMG now I am rolling on the floor LMBO!

Thank You for the effort you went to in order to for me in order to explain the meaning of such an expression. Methinks any expression at all with the letters PRTMU will revolt all of us and be so taboo it’s ridiculous.

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Had to give you the “picture” the only way I could. It will live in my favorites file until the day we no longer have to see his face or hear his voice as well as those of his minions. I always tell people that I wear out remote controls changing the channel or muting the set…unfortunately, it’s true.

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👏😅👏👍this is right on target!!!

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I'm glad you brought that up. I noticed it too and wondered why he had a bird nest on top of his head.

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Trumpanzees is my new favorite word!!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

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I simply cannot wait for the day that this clown is out of our faces forever.

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"I second that emotion!"

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I third it.

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The only way he will be out of our faces is when he is buried six feet under.

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which golf course will he pick?

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Better to drive a stake thru his heart (oops, he doesn’t have one).

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You got that right, lol

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That, at this point, would be swell.

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Or Hell, Steve.

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Not a good thing to say about anyone but with him or for him, you are absolutely correct.


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Please! Put him in jail! It is just a mockery of our legal system, which this orange head has already destroyed! Pardon the term, but has the judge no balls? The orange head threatened him and his daughter and countless others and still he is free!! And was the fine of $10,000 paid? Or is everything on hold? Poor Jon or Joan public would be in jail. Just as Dan Rather has stated. This has got to stop and he should not be allowed to even run for the office of the president.

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Judge Merchan doesn’t want the verdict to be overturned on appeal, so he is being cautious & careful to give no grounds which could be used to overturn it. Yes, if that were me, I’d be locked up long ago. Money & power do make a difference in how a defendant might be treated. But if (when) Trump keeps pushing, he will get his wish to be incarcerated. Then he might understand the old saying: Be careful what you wish for.

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Judge Merchan also dooesn't want tfg to become a martyr for his followers, making them even more obsessed with him.

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He will continue to play martyr for rest of his life. His twisted belief structure. That does not mean the rest of the USA should be destroyed to keep the toddler quiet. Toddlers need to be reined in ....NOT REIGNED IN

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There is definitely a question of fairness here. No matter how you cut it, DT will appeal. Period. Let’s put him away before he does any more damage.

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If I were a betting person, I'd bet big that he will be in jail before this trial is over.

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I am not a judge so I don't like to second guess the judge in possibly the most important case in the history of the United States, but I sure do like the phrase Equal Justice Under Law. But of course the Supreme Court no longer stands for that, so I don't know where that leaves judges. I trust this judge and that he is doing all he can to balance the need for equal justice with the need to be sure there is nothing trump can mount a winning appeal on. And if there is equal justice and there are no consequences for trump, will other persons in the trump sphere ( or anyone for that matter) that are facing criminal charges choose to be in contempt of court and just do and say whatever they please because they will demand equal justice which would translate into no consequences for them either? Is only a former president above the law?

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Unfathomable that the 14th Amendment Article 3 is just IGNORED, instead of being self sufficient. Buried in mumbo jumbo of "what if's".

Astounding that Congress would be fine with Jan. 6, 2025 being a repeat.

"Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment disqualifies those who have already held a public office from holding "any office" if they participate in an "insurrection or rebellion" against the United States."

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The Supreme Court is compromised. The three put in by Trump were hand picked by Leonard Leo for the ultra rich ultra right; those justices along with Alito and Thomas (two other Leo rich men’s beneficiaries ) have stripped SCOTUS of its impartially. It’s a long term set-up by the ultra rich ultra conservative right to seize and hold power. Project 2025 is the plan laid out for all to see. It’s WHY the New York court is the Only place we are seeing any prosecution of The Donald. New York knows who and what the 🤡 is

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The judge has balls; he's trying hard not to give Trump what he wants, which is a night or two in jail. Trump's many delusions include a great uprising of his cult members storming the bastions and freeing him both from jail and those pesky laws of man. Who knows - Could be Trump thinks he can circumvent the presidential election process by being carried from jail to the throne on the shoulders of his equally delusional supporters.

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Well written!!

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The oligarchs are ordering the judges not to do it. They actually own this country and they own the SCOTUS. Massive corruption all the way to the top.

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Well, *I've* held him in contempt for ages!

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Yes, like first we saw or knew of him. A sham from the start.

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Trump is telling the judge, New York, the nation and the world he’s above the law. He’s doing it on purpose because he thinks he is above the law. Before jailing him, you could put him under house arrest. Then if that’s not enough, Rikers Island. If his toadies want to take up arms then so be it. Law and order will prevail!

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And every day he's not jailed he's being kow towed to as if he is the law. They're all treating him IMO like he's already America's dictator.

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Shelia, I don't see it that way. I see the court system and the judges being very careful so that there is no room for an appeal....

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That's what I like to find in the trial, as well. I hope we are both correct.

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That could be too.

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But so far he is above the law. I understand the judge needs to be sure to not do anything that can help trump in the appeal process, but to me, a totally uneducated person regarding the law, when you are in contempt of court there needs to be more consequences that what has happened so far. Maybe there are other steps like preventing him from being on any social media (I have no idea how to do that) and as you say doing house arrest where he cannot talk to the public. I don't know but I do think we the public deserve some explanation as to why so little is being done.

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So agree, he just gets away with murder and seems to know he can do what ever he wants. It’s got to STOP! He needs to be Stopped! He’s acting like a 2 year old, which possibly he actually is!

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Well, but the law is a complicated vehicle, or pathway. I agree with you, preventing him from being on social media would be a relief, but then his freedom of speech would be violated. There are so many twists and turns, and what he has done so far, seems to me, does not yet warrant house arrest.

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I agree. Especially since I don't know anything about the particular laws that are involved. Maybe the law allows higher and higher fines, which at least would be some kind of a message to both law abiding folks and those like trump.

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Unfortunately, even house arrest is a really, really tough thing to do right now in the middle of a campaign and may turn everything on its head in the appeals process. I really do understand Judge Merchan being loath to impose that, but when the right situation comes up, he will have to and let the chips fall every which way. Waiting till the end of the trial after the verdict would be a possibility so as not to prejudice the jury if they hear about it. But really, it's a difficult move to make in the middle of a trial because it WILL leak to the jury, and that would be bad. It think they know by now who they're dealing with, but officially they are supposed to be keeping an open mind, and if they find out that he is a convicted contemnor, that could really cause problems for the government if they win at trial.

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He‘s becoming more delusional by the day. Seriously he needs mental health assistance immediately! Like many of these dictators and dictator want to be‘s his concept of reality has become like something on Acid! He’s delusional! What is wrong with the Republican Party? Do they want to win so badly they would blow up our country? There has to be a better alternative than this mentally disturbed dictator want to be!

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GOP has become the hiding place for folks who are not seeing the world thru reality glasses. Too bad. It was once a proud, honest group of pro-democracy folks. Today, sniveling, whinny, angry, bitter insurrectionist toading after a maniac. Sad.

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I've been very sure for a very long time that the people who are shoring up that piece of moral wreckage, including Leonard Leo, the conservative SCOTUS, Alliance Defending Freedom, the fake-Christian nationalists, GOP Congress, et al -- absolutely know Trump is delusional and is deep into Alzheimer's. They don't give a damn about Trump. They want his cult and his influence. If he were to be elected, and then die or totally lose his mind, they'd have his VP or some other behind-the-scenes person primed to take over the tyranny.

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As an interested-watcher from the Canadian side of our no-wall secure border, and a watcher of the many civil and criminal prosecutions - there have been so many offenses and offensive actions by this guy who has done little besides trade on his ego-mania, offensive and outrageous mouth, his lies and denial/deflection he learned so well from his father and his lawyer Roy Cohen, his very existence is an insult to thinking and fair minded people everywhere. He's no joke, but why has he fooled so many? He didn't fool the religious extremists - they fooled him. He didn't fool women - he used, abused and raped - for which he's paid an enormous price and he keeps going on the support of his everyone who is anti-democrat. Surely Republicans with integrity will NOT put him back in the white house - because he belongs in another 'big house'. Well writ Dan ... keep it steady! Cheers, Mark

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I no longer believe there are any Republicans with integrity except a very very few who have in essence been thrown out of the party like Ms. Cheney.

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He should be incarcerated for the duration of the trial. Sure would make everyone else's jobs in the trial process easier - even his despicable attorney's. I can't really imagine what 2-3 weeks of no posts by Trump would actually be like.

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What a great idea!

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It would be heaven and non-threatening.

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(or something like that)

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Drag him out of Mar a Lardo, dead of night, XXXL jumpsuit and teeny-tiny cuffs and then LOCK HIM UP!

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(OR something like that...)

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That germophobe better hope his dream of incarceration for donations sake never comes true. No phone, no hand sanitizer, no Happy Meals. He'd be a quivering crying heap of orange on a cot in seconds.

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and I hope the Diet Coke is flat.

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Oh, no diet coke..tepid tap water from the good Ole Hudson River!!

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If the judge is going to do it, please send the clown to Rikers. A holding cell would just be a joke. He needs to be there longer than one night, and while it's way too mch to hope for, maybe just a taste of humility would be so very welcome. And necesssary.

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“ There is no precedent here. No former president before Trump has ever stood trial, much less a former president who is running for reelection.”

This is on Republicans. They knew Trump was a criminal in 2015 before he was first nominated and ignored it. They knew he extorted Zelenskyy and again, ignored it and protected him. They knew, in 2021 he was responsible for the domestic terror attack on our Capitol. Once again, they ignore it, protect him and let him run again.

Indeed, Mr. Rather, REPUBLICANS are contemptible.

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WHY does it matter that he is a former pres?

There IS precedent for criminal behavior.

There IS precedent for contempt of court, for trial by jury, and for being jailed upon conviction.

WHY does it matter that he is a former pres?

No more hiding behind the word unprecedented.

The light bulb was once unprecedented. The automobile was once unprecedented.

There IS precedent for criminal behavior.

Republicans just want the freedom to be evil, selfish & greedy. trump is their cover... the opener of Pandora's box.

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Republicans really are the next lowest group to National Socialists in fact maybe they actually are Nazis now. Some of the things they support these days s are eerily similar to what Nazis did. Cheating all the time, attracted to Trump who is a big supporter of Dictators like Hitler and Putin. Do we really want a president that admires dictators? I know I don’t!

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Might there be a bit of poetic justice if the defendant were housed for a couple of nights at Rikers in the cell formerly occupied by Jeffrey Epstein? (Maybe 'poetic' is the wrong adjective here...)

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I’m voting for…


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Equal justice does not exist in this country any longer.

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Never really did.

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