Hi. I don’t remember the thread or my comment. I’m sorry!! I love the Steady community.

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I reshaed this post (especially to those who smirked at Mr Biden "feeble trip") and include the first person NYT Letter to the Editor on the full 90 minute performance of our capable President.

To the Editor:

Re “President Tripped and Fell During Air Force Graduation” (news article, June 2):

I was present at this year’s Air Force Academy graduation. I ask anyone to contemplate standing onstage midday delivering a 30-minute graduation speech, followed by standing onstage another 90 minutes saluting 921 times, each salute followed by a verbal greeting and a firm handshake from an energized 20-something cadet. That is an impressive feat of stamina for a person of any age, let alone an octogenarian.

The media’s focus on the nine-second “fall” video completely distorts the reality of the event as perceived by those in attendance, who were present with President Biden during those hours of midday sun, who were actually impressed with the remarkable stamina he demonstrated.

The president’s fall was due to a regrettable onstage tripping hazard, a dark sandbag placed on an equally dark floor, intended to stabilize a teleprompter, but unfortunately placed right on the path Mr. Biden was directed to traverse.

Both as a physician and an Air Force Academy graduate with some experience saluting, I posit that a person could not accomplish 921 salutes and 921 handshakes without considerable arm and shoulder pain. Yet Mr. Biden did not complain or boast of this feat, as he made it his priority to personally address every graduating cadet. Mr. President, for your remarkable performance at this graduation, I salute you.

Stanley Saulny

Austin, Texas

(The writer is the father of a member of this year’s Air Force Academy graduating class.)

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Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain; he is busy saving the country.

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Superb, as always. Thank you.

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“ Political talking points” on the one hand and the “details of the text” on the other.

The problem is: can voters distinguish between the two. I’d like to think so, but the continued support for Trump and the view that Biden has lost it are not very reassuring.

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Few of us learned this in school, because who cared. It is very important now, to help restore our middle class and those trying to get in to the middle class!

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I could not agree more with this column. It is probably another way of saying party over country. The Republicans only care about trying to make the other side look bad but have zero concrete policies from which to evaluate. The party seems to be hostage to the loud mouth pieces and unfortunately there are too many citizens that cheer them on.

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Perfect as always❤️

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Great comments - Greg Sargent in today's WAPO wrote similar praise for Biden and his team. They don't just govern in prose, they write the manual! Joe Biden is an underestimated President who knows Congress all too well from his many years there. He knows when to speak, when to quietly let things play out. Yes, nobody got everything they want, NO it's not a travesty! It's skill, knowing NOT TO WALK AWAY. Even Kevin learned something this go-round. Perhaps he'll digest it for his people in the House, and use it to move forward. Instead of being intransigent and crying foul, blaming and retribution. That does NOT get things done! Hard work and patience wins the day, and the budget deal!

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Great insight and perspective on your commentary. President Biden has done an outstanding job during his presidency in 2 and half years. Having experience in serving his country for 40 years, comes with wisdom and knowledge. Yes I agree, he's not perfect, but no President is. Mistakes are often made during an presidency, and people are quick to judge or criticize. You can't please everyone, not even your own party.

Biden is very shrewd and I like his strategy in dealing with McCarthy and house Republicans. This is his victory even though he is letting Republicans take credit for the debt ceiling.

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So true!

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It's surprising the Freedom Caucus bomb throwers did not throw the world into financial crisis. While McCarthy kissed their behinds to get the speakership, he did not cede to their madness. But I think his longevity will be short like all the recent GOP speakers.

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Joe must realize people want some fun.

Donald knew it, but forgot.

Pence has never known.

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Agreed, frankly...sheep bots and believers. Rather draws in a very limited crowd of old, mostly white, very left leaning folks who as one commenter said, "comforted" them.

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I love your news letter and will continue as a faithful reader...but you are part of the problem with the whole media circus that leads the country right now...this whole mess was a distraction tactic to keep the spot light off tRump legal issues! This country is failing even as Biden gets a few slow progressive wins. Problem is nothing of import that can really change us back to a more democratic society! We need reporting on gerrymandering and what is being done to end the filibuster, improve the tax codes to a more fair system, develop an AI governing arm at the federal level (before it ends up as uncontrolled and harmful as social media!) get rid of Citizens United, re-balance the Supreme Court with additional appointees (and change ethics and add term limits), bring back honesty by enforcing and improving liable laws. There is real work at the grunt level that must be done if we are to save this country and the media could be the big dog pushing that agenda and stop chasing cars!!

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As one repugnicant in the House explained it, "We WANT him to lose! It's good for US!"

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