I knew I got that number wrong ! Thanks for that.

“we have the electronic evidence, which is decisive in itself, and the video evidence happens to completely correspond with the geotracking evidence." You see it and you believe it or you don’t. What I know is that I have no trust in what happened that night, sadly.

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Having grown up in Chicago in the 1950s and 1960s, the propensity for Democrats to lie, cheat, and steal in elections -as orchestrated by the Daley Machine, was as well known a fact as the that the sun rises in the east. As for Texas, even that bastion of liberalism, NPR, back in the 1980s, had an interview (which I heard) with the LBJ hatchet-man who delivered a trunk-full of votes for Landslide Lyndon for his first election. The man subsequently lived in Mexico for 2 decades, just to stay out of harm's way. BTW, I'm no fan of Nixon, as his action of August 15th, 1971, in getting the US officially off of the gold standard, has led to the present financial mess in which we at present find ourselves -but that is a separate topic.

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Except this is full of hyperbole and very few facts - very Rather like . Funny no one remembers the summer of riots that killed people and burned down buildings . All justified in the minds of leftists . I have seen what democrats believe and what they have done to my country and I will never vote for another one again.

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WOW. No one can see the truth- maybe you should read the reports of what they are doing to those prisoners! It is heinous and they honestly. Unarmed did nothing that day to warrant being in solitary for over 2 years!! No visitors no phone call. No representation

All a ploy by Nancy herself to make trump look responsible. Can’t make this stuff up.

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Sadly, we will see a repeat of some sort in 2024. There is no justice.

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That photo of Jan 6 is excellent. It shows so many perspectives of American life that must be looked at closely to see the truth instead of looking broadly at the veneer. Here are a few examples:

- I see the Scaffold Commander using a bullhorn calling peaceful protestors to enter the capital, a man who was never arrested and is still at large.

- I see orange and green tape coordinated teams moving towards the windows they will eventually break.

- I see a door held open by capitol police guards for peaceful protestors to enter.

- I see capitol perimeter fences being removed by AntiFa members.

- I see 1% of the attendees of this peaceful election security protest proudly and patriotically making their voices heard to defend the integrity of elections in their country.

- I see Pelosi shutting down the 24 hours of constitutionally required debate on the election security issues while she prepares with a documentary team to spin the big lie.

- I see pipe bombers never arrested or prosecuted while peaceful protestors languish in jail for years.

- I see peaceful protestors in solitary confinement to break them for supporting testimony or committing suicide

- I see the arrest of all corroborating witnesses to police brutality.

- I see the murder of a young unarmed Air Force veteran by a capitol police member who was awarded for this murder.

- but most of all I see the strength of Americans and an inspiration to always fight against tyranny.

I would like to put this photo on my wall to remind me of the good and bad that can live in any society.

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It appears you have to be a nut to agree with this, but then Dan Rather has been on the ground next to a walnut tree as an almost 91 year old nut (his birthday fits him) and we have heard his cracked nut shell words for the last 60+ years.

Funny reading clowns praising Biden , Pelosi , Schumer and Harris and doing the imitation of an ostrich when facts surround them........Fetterman gets his literary talent from you.

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The realities of the Trump election, the Trump Presidency, and his role in the January 6th attempted coup are clear and supported by facts. What scares me is that in the presence of these facts, there are people who continue to embrace Trump and his influence on the Republican party. On a walk in my neighborhood, an open garage door revealed a Trump banner; lawn signs read "Vote Republican." The signs don't refer to Liz Cheney's Republican Party but to a degraded party led by Trump, DeSantis, Cruz, and Abbott. I will vote in November and add oxygen to the fight to preserve our Democracy.

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Thank you, Dan and Elliot, for your clear perspective on events that are difficult for most of us to wrap our minds fully around. There's so much to it all, but there is one central theme that together you have so clearly summed up for us.

As far as Plan A, B or whatever, I think it was plan D: Desperation. Such a great man with such a great vision being brought down by something as worthless as democracy. What a pity......

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Dan rather is a 90 year old retard.

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Migrants fleeing situations that we have dabbled in, and work jobs Americans feel are beneath them. With the exception of The Native American, Either we, or our families emigrated here. I’m 1st generation and have busted my butt to get where I am. trump doesn’t have a clue when it comes to peace, hence the insurrection on Jane 6th. And thankfully I have social services to help me (socialism as per FDR). From my perspective, as listed by historians, trump ranks in the bottom 5. Something to think about. For someone who said that by pleading the 5th has something to hide, he and his cronies can only plead the fifth. As I said, we all have opinions, but look at his business history (mostly failures) and his actions as president. Democracy at peril via the republicans. Have a wonderful week ahead

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I’m very concerned about the midterms. I hope the majority of voters use good common sense and realize what is at stake. I’m very scared.

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Watched Trump speak for 90minutes last week in Nevada! So much of what he said made much more sense to me than the Cheney group! This mornings tv show Sunday morning in regards to division in our country also made more sense! We had better wake up and stop the Obamas from running our country!When he left office and moved five minutes away,it was obvious he planned on running a shadow government, then when Jarrett moved in a few days later it became more clear! Biden is just a puppet for Obama and the future with his ideas is destroying our country! Wake up America,let us take our country back that I love! Peacefully! God love you!

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Dan is faggot

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Thank you Dan - I always look forward to reading your steady comments. I was recently sent a long (too long) Schiller interview of Col Richard Black - who justified the Jan 6 mob!!! Among other outrageous statements on US and Ukraine, Black said the mob was unarmed !!! ...what is your opinion on this Col Black please?? Dina Cormick in Durban South Africa.

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I sat & sobbed & raged the whole hearing.

Watching the cruelty, disdain & hatred was beyond what my heart & psyche could comprehend.

We HAVE to STAND & DELIVER our Nation back to its founding ideals. Imperfect as they may be, it's our duty to work FOR a "more perfect Union".

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