Some people are just "born or raised" good. Joe Biden (as is Barak Obama) is one of those people! I think that's what resonated throughout the electorate, during the 2020 election. People know, even when others are telling them different, when they see a good person. And, we whether be associated with a good person, than a bad one!


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Great speech! Collegial yet hard-nosed. Combative yet friendly. Given all that this "doddering" president has accomplished for the American people in the face of a hostile GOP in just two years, I have to wonder how many Americans, Democrats included, are tuned into news of any consequence in forming their opinions of Joe. Perhaps the demise of newspapers and current-events readership, along with the rise of social media news that is skewed or outright false, is slowly eroding our passion for our democratic institutions and principles.

I also believe that the hollowing out of our rural and urban economies, hastened by the decline of traditional manufacturing since 1970, is a huge factor in the widespread discontent felt by many. Two part-time jobs with without benefits and no control over work schedules in a once thriving manufacturing town doesn't cut it. Al Gore's explores these issues in his book, Assault on Reason.

which is worth reading.

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Wow! Not used to hearing intelligent, well-informed commentary, but this sure is one! It hearkens back to my days in undergrad, in the late 70',s when most everyone was smart, intelligent and growing in the knowledge of our country, history, and the world!


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Best embodiment of "Act, Don't React" that I've ever had the pleasure to watch.

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No, McCarthy is and will be the embarrassment as well as Mitch the Bitch!

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Love that, "Mitch the Bitch!" Though I would've added: Son of!

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Biden's path forward as a modeate has been, and will continue to be, narrow and rocky as the divisions in our country continue to grow deeper and wider. He has navigated through three years with intelligence and skill despite GOP and media critics. We need him now more than ever. This SOTU showed him up to the task.

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So great to read comments by honest and literate Americans! I wish I had a group like this to have coffee with every Sunday, a café! If you're ever in the Nashville area, look me up!


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Go Joe, Go!!! 🇺🇸👍❤️

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Our America should thank God for the mind, the heart, and the soul of our President, Joe Biden.

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He had two years with a democratic majority in both the house and the senate and did very little to tax the rich and ease taxes on the poor. He is so much for unions that he threatened to break the railroad union. The post master general Dejoy, the man who did as much as he could to get rump reelected, is still there. Quite possibly the biggest omession of all, none of the big wigs, expresident, senators and representatives have been charged from inciting to riot, to downright treason, for the Jan.6, debacle at the capital. I have long stated that there isn't a nickels difference between the mainstream reptilians and the democrats (dump was just an aberration as both a politician and a human) and I believe "joe" shows that.

Also, expecting your attorney general to do his job and put criminals in jail is not a partisan position. If he isn't doing it, then the presidents responsiblity to replace them.

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And, that's why American is wont to move forward: people who try to convince unlearned Americans that there's no difference between repugs and dems. The fact is the difference is as vast as the space between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. It's only those who buy-in to lies, and hide their heads in the sand, that can't or refuse to see it!

BTW, and you should know this: First Things First! A president must tend to his campaign promises, then other priorities, in that order.

Finally, you listed a number of things that President Biden "didn't" do. But, you fail to realize, or accept that those "things" were there when he arrived, many of which, should have either never occurred in the first place, OR, been remedied by the "Previous" administration, however titular! OH, I just remembered the previous administration (and I used that term - LIGHTLY), CAUSED MANY OF THE PROBLEMS!

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Well said, as usual, Dan. Thank you for confirming my perceptions of the event. -- Dr. Jim Vickrey, Montgomery

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From my perspective, Biden's speech was a tonic in these turbulent times. We got a fighter who will not roll over and abandon our democratic ideals, Social Security and Medicare under the guise of bipartisanship!

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This blog is called "Steady", if I'm correct. Somehow, I see here, not the old Dan we all loved for his candor and genuineness on the air, but another talented reporter unwilling to build a more resilient image for the nation. If I were professing steadiness, it would not be by soft-pedaling the dramatic accomplishments of this administration's efforts to clean up the destruction laid down by the previous admin's separation from reality and sabotage of democracy itself. Come on Dan, where's your patriotic support of this moment in history? I sure miss the old Rather!

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I'm sorry you had to end a good essay with a "but". It did no service to the fact that the SOTU was categorically one of the best ever and certainly a huge one for the President. He showed that he was serious about what he says and has said since being in Congress decades ago. He is a President for the Nation now.

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We all have our pet peeves. :-) Never thought about the one cent versus 50 cents issue but I wonder how many younger people cannot recognize coins or make change.

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Excellent. I saw it all including the rebirth by Sarah Huckabee. I was a palled at MTG his behavior, and I think Kevin McCarthy was too. I was so proud of the friendliness in the room, and I feel that the bipartisanship is going to be more positive despite small group of the GOP far right extremist.

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MAGA will be MAGA as they showed their disrespect for the office of the Presidency. It sickens me, but I shouldn't be surprised after six years. Just call me a hopeless romantic,

Joe will and should run again - ageism be damned. He's more fit than most his age and many of his younger colleagues.

As for the polls, I don't trust them anymore, I think his ratings are in the 50%.

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I think klain is a big loss but never was a booming voice for all that Joe has accomplished. His departure is indeed sad, love him, and we need someone to be a booming voice for Joe.

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