I think since Joe endorsed Harris, we need to get behind her even if she isn’t a first choice. ( we are out of time for debate) With the supreme court’s war on women this is the perfect time to go for a woman for president.

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Agree. And Buttigieg may be a good vice presidential choice. If we're going progressive let's go!

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No. We absolutely need a Male, preferably white, from a swing state. I pick Mark Kelley. Let's get the McCain vote!

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Meemaw, and why is it that you think that we need a white male? I don’t think white males have done such a great job for our species. We are not only very close to loosing democracy, but we are close to a possible man made extinction of our species. I think it is time for a really big change. I think that means away from thinking that white males are somehow superior,

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I'm a realist. We have to balance the ticket.

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I think Pete Buttigieg is exceptional. However, I think a woman of color at the top of the ticket and a brilliant gay man for VP is too heavy a lift at this time in this divided country full of hate mongering. I would vote for such a ticket, but I know a bunch of people who would not. Discretion being the better part of valor, if it takes having a straight, white male as VP to get over the top, then we do that. No, I don't think straight, white men have done an exceptional job at governing, in fact, just the opposite.

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I know more people who would vote now for those two, who weren't super thrilled with Biden. There are other VPs that eill work but Harris-Buttigieg ticket possibility galvanized younger voters who are mostly past being concerned with strangers sexual preferences.

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I agree. The country isn't ready yet. I hope Pete Buttigieg gets his day because he is brilliant and I surely would vote for him but I know too many people who wouldn't. Whoever Kamala picks she will always be the boss. She is one strong lady and as an 85 year old white woman she wholeheartedly has my vote.

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I think Pete is great too but this country is too immature to elect both a woman and a gay man. Mores the pity. I don’t know why we have such a prejudiced population except possibly the Evangelical movement is extremely conservative and controlling. They say they follow the Bible but it appears that it’s only the Fire and Brimstone of the Old Testament I think they skipped most of the New Testament certainly the Sermon on the Mount. They just want to control us.

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Cmon. I'm an old white woman.I'm just saying everything hinges on us winning. So let's balance the ticket, and let Ms Harris rediscover her bulldog fight and win this. I believe we can.

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I agree with both of you. In my perfect world, it would be a delight to have two women on the ticket. The fun diabolical social justice warrior side of me would like to see a woman as VP nominee - maybe trans, atheist, indigenous, PHDs in psychology and history - someone smart, diverse and normal.

But sadly, the world is full of bigots and haters of all things "other". We need a clearly "moderate" white male. Mark Kelly sounds good. But we should pluck a Democrat who is not in a swing state. Can't afford to lose even one Senate race.

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In AZ the governor must replace a vacant senate seat with someone of the same party as the person who held the seat. Therefore, a senate seat would not be lost. Also since Mark Kelly has an identical twin brother who was also an astronaut, besides both having a truly global view, Kelly could literally be in two places at once :)

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Nobody meant they were superior. We’re talking about defeating tRump on an even playing field.

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I wish we all thought the way we do but to win the election I believe we need a balanced ticket.

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I agree it should be Harris with a make who can pull in the votes Harris can’t

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But that’s not going to defeat Trump which is the goal here. First things first.

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Has nothing to do with The job they've done in the past period. It has only to do with the fact that this is too misogynist a country to elect a woman.

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Veronica, maybe, but I don’t think so. Bullies make more noise, but the #s are against misogyny. We have really come a long way The question is will enough of them go out and vote, I know if they bypass Harris, there are a lot of people who will not go out and vote. https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2024/07/22/biden-democrats-nominate-harris/?utm_campaign=wp_follow_eugene_robinson&utm_medium=email&utm_source=newsletter&wpisrc=nl_eugenerobinson&carta-url=https%3A%2F%2Fs2.washingtonpost.com%2Fcar-ln-tr%2F3e6d6c2%2F669e51185548d0083d7e2667%2F5e8b1e7eae7e8a5948197316%2F4%2F27%2F669e51185548d0083d7e2667

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Who are you? Out dated sad soul. White male? Oh maybe any old one will do. I’ve fought for women’s rights for 60 years. We’re not going back where you came from. I love the racism attitude too. Pathetic. Glad you’re not in my family!

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Meemaw is being realistic. Many of us are ready for a ticket with a woman of color and a gay man, but sadly many are not. It’s more important for the Democratic ticket to win. We can fight the progressive battles another day. Or Democracy ends on November 5th.

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Realistic? I don’t believe so. We voted for President Obama when no one thought he would win. Our nation is ready for Harris! I’m ready! My vote counts!

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I agree on Harris. The question is who is the VP nominee. I don’t think Pete B. Is a viable choice. Meemaw wasn’t disputing Kamala Harris as the presidential nominee, but Pete B as the VP nominee.

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Where have you been? It’s not 2008 and clearly the world is not ready. Get real.

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Exactly! Now is the time to get the most universally accepted person for VP. We cannot afford to do any risk taking, now. (I love Pete Buttigieg). There are still people out there that are closed minded and judgmental. We need their vote, as well.

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I love Pete, too, and he’s young enough that his time will come— he’s brilliant and takes no crap. Hope to live long enough to see him and Chasten in the White House! In the meantime, I’d love to see Mark Kelly and Second Lady, Gabby. But to really shake things up… Gretchen Whitmer.

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I think Pete's chance is coming. And I think he knows it too.

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I agree. Right now we need to balance the ticket, we need to defeat tRump and that won’t happen unless we use our heads not our hearts. DEFEAT THE FACIST FIRST then take care of the rest

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Everything we hold sacred as human rights hinges on our vote in November. We have to hold the ticket line, or we endure a far more organized Trump agenda,...from day one...

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I sooo agree with you

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No. She’s not being racist. She’s being reasonable. To defeat these autocrats we must have a balance on the ballad, it’s not the time for this, it’s time to win. We can make more progress once we’re in the White House. That’s a little selfish.

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And if we don’t choose the right ticket this time you will be fighting for women’s rights for the next 60

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No need to be rude.

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Kelly would be a great option too.

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Nope I say Shapiro, PA. We can't afford io give up a seat right now.

This is fluid stuff, folks, please hold onto your hats

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If Kelly is the VP, the Democrat Governor of Arizona gets to pick his successor.

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Totally agree to. We need to win the election and accept that white males need someone to vote for 😉

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What?! “… accept that white males need someone to vote for”??

Nobody has felt any need to placate the non-white, non-male voters for centuries. But now the white make must be placated??




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I get you, I really do. But we have to do what the moment requires, and we really need to win

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How dare you say this? Do you think that only white men can win this election? I usually don’t respond to posts like this. However, do you know the most powerful voting demographic is AA women? We’re all ready for progressive change. I would have voted for Biden. I will proudly vote for Harris. I know she can beat Trump.

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Sadly, women are a diverse group. Some even support Trump. I agree our vote is important. Let's go for a Veep that makes Kamala even stronger, whoever that might be.

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Respectfully, that’s what got us where we are now.

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Nope. I will not waste energy explaining why.

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John, if you mean it is re are too many white supremacists then that is pretty cowardly, If this is not the time to fight the erroneous notion that white males are somehow superior, then when is? This is the moment to choose the best candidate by character, intelligence, and competency regardless of race or gender, Make no mistake are fighting white supremacy which has been co-opted by oligarchs so they can reach their goal of profit and power above all else. Caving to the fear that they are trying to instill is not the response that is needed at this time, This is a time to stand up to bullies and fight for equality and equity and the common good for people and the environment.

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Meemaw is not worth my time.

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If you follow the gray lines, John S Thin is responding to Meemaw’s OP, so he is against saying it must be a white male.

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blessed are the peacemakers

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Agree with you, totally.

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Mark Edward Kelly

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Mark Edward Kelly is an American politician, former astronaut, and United States Navy Captain who has been the junior United States senator from Arizona since 2020.

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Mark Kelly

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That’s ridiculous! Germany had a woman leader, As did England and other countries as well please step out of the dark ages.

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Have you forgotten that Buttigieg is also a veteran?

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I like Andy Beshear, Dem KY Governor in a solid Red state. I also like Pete, but not certain he will win wide support. We will see.

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Let’s not pull a Dem governor from a red state! That opens the possibility of a red governor.

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Jul 21·edited Jul 21

Or else could turn it Blue. He’s won 2 terms in a state that reelects the likes of Mitch McConnell and Rand Paul. If he can do that, no telling how much he could do

In other red states!

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How about Josh Shapiro for Harris VP?

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Shapiro is blue in a red state.

But as someone else noted, PA has a good number of electoral votes. Plus it’s a critical swing state.

I don’t know. Plus I don’t think anyone should put much faith in polls.

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Mark Kelly is a sure fire win for VP. The most electable person I can think of and a good man not just a convenient pick

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Valid point.

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Thanks, Tim

But respectfully, Ky as a red state has very few electoral votes. I think a Veep candidate from Pennsylvania ( Shapiro) or anyone else from the rust belt state would be a good choice.

Thank you

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Agree about picking a VP from a state with a high number of electoral votes. Makes sense, Rajiv.

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California has 54 electoral votes, Texas 40, Florida 30, New York 28. All the others have fewer than 20 votes.

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But of course, if Harris gets the nomination, Newsom can't be the VP pick.

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Rajiv, good point!

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You are welcome, Tim. We all have one thing in mind.

When we sow a thought we reap an action. When we sown an action we reap a habit, when we sow a habit we reap our character and finally when we sow our character we reap our destiny.

We all are good people in the Steady group.

Thank you

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There are plenty great choices. Just need one compatible with VP Harris. And she needs to pick someone soon.

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The Dem's need someone with high visibility a good record. Unfortunately, there are few out there with decent name recognition. I am sorry to see Biden go.

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Given the weeks since the debate, I suspect that she has one or more persons in mind.

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Beshear would not change the outcome in a bright red state. We need someone with broad appeal from a swing state.

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How about Mark Kelly from AZ? It’d be great to see him - and Gabby (who survived a horrible political gunshot wound) standing proudly beside Kamala.

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Good point. PA has 18-19 EV v. 8-9 for KY. It’s all in the Dems’ hands. We are bystanders for now.

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Mark Kelly is the best choice I only hope Kamala chooses him and he accepts. He’s a sure fired winner

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What? Let’s choose totally unelectable candidates to stave off doomsday dictator?!!

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What‼️??? Kamala IS ELECTABLE‼️‼️‼️

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A woman of color in a country rooted in racism and sexism? They couldn’t even elect a white woman with tons of experience over an inexperienced amoral white man with ties to Russia.

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Vash, and people can now see how that turned out, If this is not the time to stand up to the bullies that want to further instill white, male , monied, christian nationalism that would result in this country looking much like the Handmaid’s, then when? There are younger people that can vote who couldn’t vote then, who welcome a woman who is asian and black, who understands the lived experience of the majority of the country, We are a very different country now than we were when Hillary Clinton ran and the dangers are much more urgent and dire, We all need to be supportive of whoever the candidate is. Looking for the reasons to support the candidate is more important than repeating old racist and sexist stereotypes that have held us back, Harris has been with Biden for the past 3 1/2 years supporting their policies, The team they have worked with to get policies passed are already in place, she has met with other national leaders during this very difficult time with world wars and supply chain issues, She would not need to be updated, but can jump in and continue the progress toward fighting monopolies, bringing jobs back, fighting for workers rights, women's rights, voters rights, continuing the environmental protection efforts, realizing that the destruction of the laws of nature that control the homeostasis of this planet is the existential challenge of our time, We know where she stands and she has the relationships already developed, and she has had the benefit of learning from the experience of President Biden, She has already been on a winning ticket. There are many reasons to vote for her. Can you agree with any of the reasons to vote for her? At this time she does not have a single delegate endorsement. I hope common sense works out , but I agree with you in part, humans are not know for their common sense.

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Linda, your post is excellent. All very good reasons why Kamala Harris makes an excellent candidate. It's time! We all need to do some legwork like writing letters and postcards to voters. There are thousands of people who will not vote. We have to pull them in and try to get them to vote again. Thank you, Linda!

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Linda: very well said! Thank you! We need to carry that message Nationally!


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Yes, makes a lot of sense, Linda. The alternative we have is nothing but a disgusting, shameless, immoral and a very selfish man.

Thank you

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We’ll stated Linda!

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People have short memories

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Unfortunately not everyone learns from their experience.

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Actually Hilary had the popular vote. She just didn’t get the electoral votes.

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As much as I think Kamala can do the job, you are right, she is not electable at this time. Trump lures the white men and unless all the women in the country get a grip, we are doomed.

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Women vote and we will elect her. Times are different .

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Claudia, I think there are plenty of men who love women who will vote for Kamala Harris as well as many younger people who want affordable education, opportunity, and housing. As a senior citizen, I certainly don’t want to loose my social security and medicare, Many Asian, Black, Latino, Indigenous , LGBTQ+, workers who want a union, people who want monopolies dismantled, environmentalists who want our rare and precious planet protected, people who want CEO salaries to return to a moral limit as well as those wanting companies to care about the quality of their products over their shareholder profits, all people who want a return to laws and policies that protect the common good instead of the current prover barons, all who want this corrupt Supreme Court held accountable, will. vote for,Kamala Harris, Why do people keep repeating that the racism and sexism in this country is still so do,i’m at that a asian black womem could not win? Why not say this is the exact right time for an asian black woman to win. This is the change we need, It is time to stop thinking that for some unknown reason white males are superior. It is time for our species to evolve. Why not fight for that cause?

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I wholeheartedly disagree with you. She's been working very hard getting out the word on women's health care and abortion rights, meeting with foreign leaders, and she's had an excellent mentor in Pres. Biden. "At this time"? WHEN will be the right time? WHEN will it be ok for a woman to run for president and be elected? WHEN will people support this candidate? Whoever the nominee is, whoever the VP choice is, I'm voting straight blue.

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well, I'm a white male, married to a woman and I won't be voting for the Orange blob under any circumstances. The dems can nominate a fence post for president and I'll vote that way in preference to the would be emperor.

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With our reproductive rights, our healthcare rights, everything about women's rights on the line, yes Kamala Harris is electable.

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Wish I could agree with you, but I can't. I really don't think a woman stands a chance yet. I may be wrong---hope I am, if she's the nominee---but I don't think the country [read: the male population as a whole] is ready to elect a woman to the Presidency.

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Yes we’re a racist and misogynist country. BUT, our dread of mango Mussilini is more powerful than our prejudices. I am donating to Kamala and believe as we focus on the alternative, she will win by a large margin. Even if they aren’t FOR Kamala, most people ate AGAINST the alternative.

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I hope that you are correct, and also hope that the misogynist and racial votes are more MAGA than Democratically represented. These are the people who wouldn't have voted as Democrats anyway.

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But....why not have an open convention and craft a stronger ticket? I don't think Harris is the only alternative, or even the best one, necessarily. Give people a ticket to vote FOR.

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Our only hope is that America sees her as young, healthy, strong and capable. Let her use her prosecutorial skills to make her case. It’s true that we seem to be a misogynistic racist society, but hopefully that will make more women and people of color to choose her over Trump. But, we must vote a straight Blue ticket if we are going to give her the power to succeed and diminish the power of the Republicans. That we must do for the Republicans must lose their ability to influence Americans again.

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"Every voter who cares about democracy but has claimed to be paralyzed by the two old men in the race will now have no excuses for indecision. The Democrats have made clear that they intend to field a stable, experienced candidate. The Republicans, a cult of personality in the grip of fevered delusions, will field Trump. Tonight, Americans have the clarity they demanded."

Tom Nichols

The Atlantic

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I did hope she would become AG under some other electable Executive. She would be perfect to prosecute Trump and MAGA. And that should be a priority.

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Hope is not a strategy and god help you and your hope when Trump is in office. I for my part want to see an electable anti Trump candidate

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You're absolutely right in theory, Irene. I hope you're right about the perceptions. I'll feel much better about the country if the racism and misogyny are overcome.

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IT's time and I will vote for Harris! Women have to step up and make the world realize they are just as capable if not more capable to run the country! Get over your gender insecurities! People will see she is much more qualified than the twice impeached felon rapist. If you continue to think women are subservient than we will be. Move on girls!

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I don't think women are subservient at all, and I certainly don't have any gender insecurities. But neither am I sure I'm in the majority with those views. It's vital that Dems deal with how things ARE, and not how they should be.

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Denise, Maybe I am just lucky but I know plenty of men who think women are their equals and support laws that would give them equal protection under the law. The reversal of Dobbs has made many of these men more visible, Just because there are some bad actors, granted too many, doesn’t mean that there are not more men who are evolved.

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I know quite a few men who fit your initial description, and a number who don't. If Harris is the nominee, I guess we'll find out which type there are more of. I'd be glad to be proven wrong.

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I agree but I don’t believe there are enough to take a chance this time on Kamala not having an almost sure to win VP choice

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There are plenty of men who believe in equal rights and a woman’s right to healthcare privacy. And who want a Democracy over Fascism. Harris can win if people vote for that.

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Plenty but not enough to elect a WOC

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Plenty, yes. But enough? You're more optimistic about that than I am, Dana.

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I like her a ton and I would vote for her all day. But I am not who matters.

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If not now, WHEN?????

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Later when you don’t have a fascist opponent. Duh!

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Yes when we can afford it. Right now there’s too much on the line to leave it to chance.

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She needs a good running mate too. People will look at what happened to Joe and see that it is possible even though Kamala’s not as old. Mark Kelly is a good no great choice

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Jul 21·edited Jul 21

Either Trump or the Democratic candidate will be elected. It is in our hands. Time to stop making generalizations and unsupported prognostications. Time to roll up our sleeves and Get Out The Vote. It won't be easy. But it will be easier than living under the GOP regime - if not for you personally, then for our most vulnerable neighbors, fragile planet, and endangered representative government. If we care enough to do the work it is possible. Republicans are all in.

As my old mother used to say: If crying ever fixed anything then I'd cry all day. But there is work to be done. And that includes throwing off the negativity and defeatism which is another form of voter suppression.

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Lin, agreed


Patricia Schroeder '64, Former United States Representative

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Well said, Lin! I quit fretting and got busy supporting Kamala. I trust her and the team around her to choose the best option for VP. The worst thing we can do right now is bicker about who her VP should be. That’s wasted energy. She will decide. Not us social media warriors.

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Both of these people had huge followings in the primaries.. not sure what makes them unelectable?

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The primaries are a democratic echo chamber. If you don’t get that you need to attract voters on the fence about Trump and instead will pick party pleasing rainbow warriors we will lose. Pete and Kamala are great, no doubt. Just not the right choice for now.

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VP Harris is the only choice - it's too late to start from scratch & no need to w/this admin's accomplishments. I will vote for her & whomever she chooses as her running mate. Not sure what your snide comment about 'rainbow warriors' even means but I hope you will vote for the nominee, regardless of what you think of them personally.

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They may be the ONLY right choice for 2024.

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Saber tooth, “rainbow warriors”? Is that a white supremacy echo dog whistle? Is the right choice someone who will please those that think white males are superior? Why are you caving into old stereotypes? Do you not want to fight for equality and equity? for democracy?

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Go ahead and use trite stereotypes. I am a dyed in the wool democrat and I am f’ing tired of the lack of go for the jugular winning strategy that a stupidly idealistic part of this dem party pursues in the face of bold liars and fascist opponents. My comment was about Pete and Kamala who are about as unwinnable a ticket as you can imagine in 2024 when lunatics and liars have us by a wide margin in the polls.

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Prejudice. Ignorance. Tribalism. Hate.

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Per NBC News, Harris never pulled in more than 13% in the 2020 primaries, and had to drop out when she couldn't raise money. Not too reassuring.

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that was then, THIS IS NOW

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And what’s different now please? A weaker opponent?

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Jill, I was responding to jen's statement that Harris had a "huge" following in the 2020 primary. Not really.

I question whether she's made herself more popular now. She's got baggage to take into account.

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Exactly. Now fast forward to 2024 with an assassination attempt having turned your madman opponent into a martyr and you’re not going to be doing any better.

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Really? She's gotten 30 million dollars contributions in the last 5 hours.

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If that's how you see it, so be it. For you.

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It is our job to unite and elect the Democratic candidate. That's what makes a candidate electable - the united will of voters.

In 2016 enough potential Democratic voters turned up their nose at Hillary Clinton - and helped elect Trump. While enough Republican voters held their nose, voted for Trump, and won the Federal judiciary including the Supreme Court.

Those who treat voting as an individual exercise in personal expression will always lose out to those who treat voting as a joint exercise in taking power.

The right wing took the lesson of the civil rights movement to heart. Racist right wing religious extremists unite at the ballot box - to overturn civil rights. We must reclaim the winning strategy - we must forgo the temptations of purity tests, pipe dreams, and Pied Pipers and Vote Blue No Matter Who. If for no other reason than Trump would be worse.

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100% correct

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Yes, our job is to be united. But the Democrats just blew that by backstabbing Biden, a man that has given his all to his country and party. Doing what they did to Biden isn't much better than what the Republican's did to Pence.

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Please. Enough. Follow Biden's example and rise above your own feelings for the betterment of the nation. If he could accept it with grace then so can you.

And seriously. Hyperbole and false equivalencies don't help.

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That's your opinion, but most people disagree with it.

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"Most people" sounds too much like "people are saying". Let's not assume numbers until the votes are counted.

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I'm just going by what I have read. I didn't mean to sound trumpish.

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M.J. and yet?

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“Most people” ? What sand is your head in? Have you seen any polls? As far as I know this isn’t even 12 hours old and you have data on “most people”? I love how some of us speak for the whole party. I am glad we have convention coming up.

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We need someone like Mark Kelly for this one. No doubt and no one should doubt this choice I only hope Kamala makes it and he accepts

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I wholeheartedly agree!

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I like Pete B and would vote for him, but I think adding him to this ticket is a recipe to have a second Trump term. It needs to be a white CIS male as VP, I think, to sway the undecided. Mark Kelly comes to mind: veteran, astronaut. Or pick someone from a swing state like Andy Beshear.

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I agree. The country is not ready for this kind of ticket, sadly.

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Kris, why do you want to keep promoting that lie? If you believe in equality then you need to support it and fight for it, not keep supporting what white supremacy wants you to believe, What do you want? When you figure it out then fight for it,

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First off, I have no idea what you mean as far as promoting what lie. Second off, I DO NOT LISTEN TO ANY OF THAT WHITE SUPREMACY crap.

Or you may have misunderstood my comment. I said "sadly", meaning I wish it was not the case and I would love nothing more than this possibility to happen. But I'm also realistic.

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Stephanie, this sounds like Stepford wife training, Patricia Schroeder recruiting, conservative christian paternalistic patriarchal grooming, LGBTQ+ denying of equality rights, Forget about what you have been told to think. What do you really think? If you think women and LGBTQ+ deserve equality under the laws of the US, If you think women and LGBTQ+ deserve equal pay, equal representation, equal opportunity, equal respect, equal healthcare, equal charges for clothes cleaning, shaving products etc, to be seen that motherhood and being a spouse is no more a career for women as it is for men, but it is a choice for a meaningful relationship not a job interview, that men and women need to share household chores equally , LGBTQ+ deserve to be parents, on and on, then you need to support that dream, If on the other hand, you do not believe that women and LGBTQ+ deserve equality then by all means keep promoting that doubt,

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Linda, You're dismissing the practical arguments. With about 80 days before people start voting, you're starting in a hole. I believe that the orange mango represents the existential threat to Democracy that he is. The goal at this point isn't to stand on principles and test the limits; the goal is to win in November. VP Harris needs a running mate that can draw in a wide swath of this country, not a narrow one.

This is a time to keep our eyes on the prize, whatever it takes. Or the dream becomes a nightmare.

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Mike, While O agree that Trump presents ann existential threat to democracy, I think we disagree on who the majority of Americans are. Just because the bullies get all the press, that doesn’t mean that the majority of

Americans don’t want to see themselves represented. I believe more w at to further the dream of a multiracial pluralistic democracy, 52% of Americans are women, 17% areLGBTQ+, 2% are Indigenous, 12% are black,, 7% are asian, 19% are latino, 54% make $100,000.00 or less and want unions to represent their needs and to give them a voice to fight for customers needs, seniors do not want their social security or medicare threatened, many don’t want women’s healthcare denied, many are aware that the IS is the only industrialized country that does not see healthcare as a human right. We have the worst health outcomes and pay the highest prices of all industrialized countries, younger people want an opportunity for affordable education and housing, most people are frightened about having a livable world not just for their children, but for themselves. The changes in the world have become dramatically apparent in just the past few years. Who can draw a wide swath of voters has also dramatically changed, Now is the time to fight for equality, not to cower in fear at what the bullies tell you you should fear.

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Linda, first, those are not mutually exclusive groups. More importantly, it is remarkable to me the number of women that I've spoken with that are MAGA supporters that believe his crap, hook, line and sinker.

I agree with you on the issues and the reasons everyone should support the ticket.

But now is the time to win the election, not fight for equality. If we win, we have four years (eight hopefully) to make that fight.

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Agree. And it is HER decision. We trust her to run our country but not to select a VP? I will support her if she picks Kermit the frog - she won’t.

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Oh goodie! Let’s continue the divisiveness by arguing over her vp pick. She’s smart! I trust her choice (which will take into consideration the balance of the senate.)

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MSNBC coverage has already mentioned Governor Roy Cooper from North Carolina. As a twice elected governor in a Southern state, Cooper presents a more balanced , ie electable, ticket than Buttigieg while I look forward to having him continue to play an important role in national government. Please be patient.

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Yes but, we are still a country of racism and bigotry. You and I Julie would be happy to vote for a woman and a gay man; but the majority? I doubt very much. With Joe's guidance I expect Kamala to select a pale skinned male from the mid-west or east coast.

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Fay, we know there is racism and bigotry, but we also know that there are more people who want equality, equality, a multiracial pluralistic democracy, If we keep repeating that we are a country of racism and bigotry we give that voice and strength, if we talk about a country that has made great strides away from racism and bigotry and is ready for an asian black woman as president the more we strengthen that stance. I have to hope that because white monied male supremacy has been on the rise as a back lash to greater equality that more women, workers that want unions, LGBTQ+, more men who love women, more asian, black, latino, and indigenous people will come out and vote . I think. now is the time to challenge that. notion that white male monied men are somehow superior, I believe you have to fight for what you want and voicing doubt just gives the white male monied men more credibility and power. After 73 years of this fight, I feel we have more of chance to make real change now than ever before because the right has gone too far this time,


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I applaud your encouragement Linda, and I hope with every fiber of my being that you are correct. but looking at my State, California, the most populous State in the Union, the facts are not encouraging. 1) we have universal prepaid postage mail-in voting 2) We have BallotTrax free to upload. 3) BallotTrax tells me when my ballot was mailed to me, when my completed ballot was received at the County election office 4) when my vote was counted 5) we have ballot drop off boxes placed all over the towns and cities 6) we have (I think )3 days to vote in person.

We are second to Hawaii in ethnic and racial diversity.

In spite of all this, our "record" turnout EVER was in 2020 it didn't make 66% In 2022 we went back to our usual turnout 35% to 55%

Minnesota and the States back East are really good about voting. The rest of the Country sucks. They don't know how lucky they are to have FREE and FAIR elections.

In Canada, I registered to vote the day I turned 21, In America I registered t vote the day I became a Citizen. My daughters were registered the day they turned 18 and I insist the my grandchildren carry on my tradition.

In Russia everybody has to vote on pain of death; but their choice is Putin or death.

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Fay, I agree we have not always had a good past record of voter turnout, but the past does not predict the future, and this is like no election we have ever seen. Christofascism oligarchical rule vs democracy has never been the choice, Project 2025 has already achieved corruption of the Supreme Court, and many other judges and politicians. CEO’s work for immoral higher salaries for themselves and money for shareholders that has not been seen since the Gilded Age. Young people cannot afford educations and housing. I believe this is the first time that Constitutional rights have been taken away and more power placed in the Supreme Court. The Court decided Presidential powers have been equated with a Kings powers, A King because he has been chosen by “God”. This is the first time that more people are truly afraid of the damage that humans have done to the environment. I have to believe this will cause more people to come out and vote than ever before. I have seen more people involved in getting the vote out than ever before. I don’t want to spend any energy supporting the fears that the bullies want us to have, rather I want to contribute to the energy that supports the dream of a multiracial pluralistic democracy, I have spent 73 years in this JaneCrow, pink taxing ,opportunity withholding , country that has made my life smaller than it should have been, but I have also spent 73 years in this amazing young country that has fought so wonderfully for civil rights, women’s rights, LGBTQ+ rights, workers rights, elder rights, other abled rights, environmental rights, and has continued to strive to be a country for the people, of the people, and by the people. No one ever said it would be easy or could happen quickly, but I don’t want to loose sight of the dream.,,or speed energy on anything but trying to reach that dream. Change can’t happen if we can’t see what it could look like.

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I have a few years on you, Linda. I am 91 heading rapidly for 92. Democracy isn't easy, you're right, but we've held on to it for 248 years, and we fought and won a civil war to maintain it. Trump and his fascists represent the biggest threat in modern times. I will both support Kamala, I hope they select a really good man for her vice president. And you know Joe and Jill will campaign for her. She and Joe won their primaries by more than 80 % in each one. It's not Kamala or even the whole Democratic party in which I have lost faith, it's the registered voters and all we can hope is that September and October are good for us.

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He has quietly done a fantastic job managing the infrastructure bill. Not just big projects like the I-5 bridge between OR. and WA, but little projects that open communities, and villages up to the rest of the town. He cares.

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That would make maga heads explode.

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A Harris/ Shapiro ticket could get us the electorate in PA.

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Mark Edward Kelly

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I doubt that fence sitters or undecideds would vote for both a gay man and an African-American/Asian woman.

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Good heavens why? Buttegeig had to undergo severe scrutiny, public outcry and condemnation for his lack luster response to the airlines’ railroading passengers with cancellations and not making good on them. He’s a fellow shorn from the ankles down and always willing to let the political wind determine his path. Haven’t we had more than our fill of President’s easily cowed to the demands of Wall Street, Big Fat Money and the corporate?

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Buttegeig - a progressive? LOL.

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In addition, the people's votes will still be valid. Kamala Harris was on the ticket and therefore t would have possibly become our president. The dems need to rally around President Biden's endorsement. They and any freedom-loving Americans owe him that respect. It saddens me that Joe Biden was basically betrayed for the whole world to see, all "practical" matters aside. Dems and the media did not handle this well. I pray this goes smoothly.

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I agree. Biden has more heart and soul than any politician I can think of. He doesn’t make pretty speeches or toss his hair. He rolls up his sleeves and gets things done. He also gets a lot of things right. If I get one more breathless text asking for my opinion and pocketbook I’m going to throw up.

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Haha! Susan. I’m getting texts every other minute. And just now as I’m writing this. Just stop already! If I gave 5c every time I got a text begging for money, I’d be broke already.

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Hade Theresa Robinson and Susan Troy, I agree with you both.

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I pray the Democrats rally around and support Kamala. I do not think this is the time to debate her choice of VP. She’s wise beyond her years and I will trust her choice from among the many fabulous options. She will undoubtedly be mindful of how her choice could impact the balance of the senate. I trust her to consider all the factors. Donated to her campaign today, as have many of us. Please let’s avoid a divisive DNC. We dems are good at shooting ourselves in the foot.

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Yes, now is the time not to participate in a circular firing squad but to circle the wagons to ward off one of the biggest threats to our democracy our country has faced.

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The timing of her VP pick announcement is very important. It should build excitement toward the convention. President Joe Biden's announcement that he is standing down was very well timed to impact the Repubs, and not in a good way. We Democrats have an abundance of very qualified, and likeable, candidates to choose from. Any of those mentioned so far would be excellent.

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I pray we don’t.

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Who’s divisive??

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How many comments here are arguing for their choice for VP? I trust Kamala to run this country. I’m supposed to argue which person should be her VO? Do we have to argue about that now too? Sheesh!

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Not sure who you are responding to. I was responding to commenter saber’s IMMEDIATE trolling…

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I hope she chooses based on what we need to win. Someone I’ve been pushing like Mark Kelly AZ whose wife Gabby his wife and Rep put them on the map all those years ago and unlike tRump she was badly injured when an attempt was made on her life and it will be with her till the end and she and Mark have shown real dignity and civility through it all. Mark would be her best choice and not only because he’s a white man but he is authentic, a true part of Americas advancement and growth. I pray she chooses him and he accepts.

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I couldn't agree more. I am leaning toward Mark Kelly at the moment, but I could be swayed. So, if the country STILL isn't ready for a woman as President, when will it ever happen??? Even Mexico now has a woman as President. I think Kamala is the most qualified candidate right now, and she has even been endorsed by Hillary Clinton, who but for the Electoral College would have been President instead of Trump.

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Mark Kelly for VP would be great.

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So Kamala doesn’t get a say? You are the one to make the decision? And what about everyone else with their decision? Should we have a battle on the convention floor? Or should we support Kamala for President and trust her judgment in selecting her running mate? I trust her!

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We would have been so lucky if Hillary would have been President!

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AZ has 11 EC votes, and PA has 20.....

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How in the world is VP Harris the most qualified candidate please? She has been the most invisible VP of all time and a country that is polling Trump is not going to vote for her. Please separate your progressive dreams and aspirations for what should be from what is strategically needed to win.

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Not. Biden just got a massive no confidence vote and you all say we should give his endorsement any weight? I voted for him and I think he did a fantastic job as president given his challenges. Now is the time to make a massive change. Mark Kelly is a much safer choice.

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Have you ever witnessed a brokered convention? I have. Surest way to help the orange conman. I stand with Kamala and look forward to her spanking Trump. A black woman beating him will hurt him bigly. I’m here for it.

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Dream on

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Some things to consider in support of Harris are: all the funding immediately available to the Harris campaign, her experience/connections serving next to Joe, her litigation skills and sharp wit, and her passion for women’s health issues (a key issue right now).

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And here comes the chorus of vacate the ticket. Tr0lls gonna tr0ll.

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What? An ounce of dissent and you call me a troll? I want us to win instead of losing with some ideological choice condemned to failure. I am not asking to “vacate the ticket” - I am saying let’s fill the ticket with two winners.

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Lol—yeah right—you are the FIRST one here causing division, I just called you out on it. Go on and have a day.

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Racism and sexism and ageism is alive and well in the Democratic Party. Heartbreaking! Let’s screw it up big time with outdated (Republican) bigotry. Let the fights begin and open the door wide for Trump and Project 2025.

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Mark Kelly for VP 😊

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Beyond Arizona?

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I agree.

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Sorry, we citizens do not “owe” Biden anything. He is done. He completed his work. The country is wracked with corruption. (Think Supreme Court, purchased Senators and Reps) We need a person with significant personal power to have the hutzpah and political skills to instigate the leashing of the now dominant corporate political influence that has been ravaging everything it can commodify. A person capable of reminding us that decency in action is a core essence of democracy. Ours.

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I disagree. If you value your freedom, you can thank President Biden for keeping that door open. The fact that the country is wracked with corruption and we citizens still have a fighting chance is due to his strength of character and leadership.

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I voted for Joe and my vote meant nothing. He was a democratically elected nominee but the billionaires want their tax cuts through Trump, so they destroyed Biden.Shame on them

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Oh, you again too…screaming he needed to drop out and now that he has you pivot right to “burn it all down” like the other tr0ll. So obvious you are completely disingenuous.

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Why are you so dismissive Kate. You sound like the troll and like you own this forum. Democracy has many voices.

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This isn’t democracy. This was a coup by the oligarchs that own the press and the donor class, as well as russian interference. Bye now!

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Hmm. By rallying around Biden’s endorsement we give up our responsibility to determine on our own who is best fit to run a country that is engaged in two very serious wars, one in which we are provoking Russia to use nuclear weapons by our involvement in Ukraine sending OUR missiles to blast inside Russia, and engaged provocatively in encircling China to thwart its ever growing prosperity. Instead of rousing Americans through lavishing funding educational institutions to rise to produce cutting edge inventions to increase our own prosperity- as the USA did in response to Sputnik.Biden’s war hawk mentality has thrown potential win win peacemaking in the tank. And has made us much less safe from nuclear annihilation.

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Absolutely, we must UNIFY behind Kamala.

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No way. This country has amply demonstrated that I has moved so far the so as to make Kamala a losing choice.

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So you speak for The Country?

United we have the agency to elect the Democratic candidate. Even if our only motivation is to stop the Republican repurposing

of our democratic republic as a clerical fascist state.

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I don’t speak for the country. It speaks for itself. Open your eyes!

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Like her or not unless you have a better choice in mind she’s it. Stopping the tRump machine is our main focus at this point. We have to

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Believe it or not I am not a troll but pro Dem victory and defeat of Trump in Nov. if KH delivers it, yeah!

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Tell me WHY Kamala is a poor choice? Her gender, her heritage? What is your bias….please explain. In the last 5 hours, 27 million has been raised for her….thats not peanuts.

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Yes and yes. Y’all here must think I don’t like her. I do. I would vote for her like I voted for Clinton. But I and all of you other ideologists here don’t matter. You’re not who’s going to matter to decide this election. It’s conservative leaning swing voters who will vote for trump gritting their teeth who will make the difference if they’re not given a sufficiently conservative option. Wake up colored tent builders and smell the stench of defeat before its too late.

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I'm not sure what the sector of Americans that don't pay attention to elections like we do are thinking. They may like her if they hear her speak between now and November!

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You embarrass yourself. Stop it. For your Mom's sake.

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This kind of comment is not helpful.

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Harris will win! Year of The Dragon!

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Um... what?

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Um yes

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And this is why Dems and the country will lose. This, you, right here

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Amen sister!

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Yes, and endorsements and donations ($27M in 5 hours according to Act Blue) to her campaign are flooding in. She has the momentum.

There is a process. It would allow someone to ‘throw their hat in the ring’ also. But a meaningful challenge is not likely. ❤️ (Although if Manchin is serious he might provide some comic relief.)

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Bernie would also be a good option as well for VP

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Oh please. Take us further down the path to total landslide? Harris - Sanders? SO many other good choices than democratic litmus test candidates.

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Name them. Really I need to know what out other choices are

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Shapiro Kelly Beshear At this point it looks like they will be VPs

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And Mark Edward Kelly as VP

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At this point, the democrats need someone who can scare the hell out of Trump and Harris fits that bill

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As attorney general of a big state she knows a thing or two

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Agreed. We need a woman to lead the charge on women's rights!

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There’s so much more than women’s rights at steak but it is a huge part of it as we see it slipping away little by little then BAM!!! Roe v Wade overturned and it’s on

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I believe Mark Kelly from AZ would be an excellent choice. White male, astronaut, centrist, not old…..he would appeal to the white male independents and centrists while Kamala Harris appeals to women, youth, LBGTQ, people of color.

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A woman president would be as good as a man president. That should never have been an issue. I hope Harris or other candidate will give us their vision for the future rather than a laundry list of past accomplishments, which have been good for workers but taste of medicine. No successful politician can point to their own or their opponent's sex without offending half the voters.

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With a strong VP pick and I’m hoping it’s Mark Kelly of Arizona. Good person/man and a good record.

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Puleeze. Enuf marxistfeminists already.

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Who knows Kamala may have to testify in front of SCOTUS before this over. Theoretically, it use to be a privilege to get to do this. But now it isn’t so much.

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I’m not sure what you mean. Perhaps present a case? SCOTUS doesn’t take testimony. The lawyers argue the law & Constitution. The Justices consider the evidence in the case, the legal arguments and the law.

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“God love Joe Biden. He saved this country four years ago, and he is trying to do so again today.”

I could not agree more Mr. Rather. Joe Biden is EVERYTHING Trump is NOT and will NEVER be.

Whoever is the ultimate democratic nominee is, there is no reason not to support her/him.

Thank you President Biden.

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Thank you DaveP for speaking up! Joe Biden always worked for all of America. We all owe him for his courage and determination. Now we must unite behind Kamala Harris (& her VP) and Vote blue up & down the ballot!

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I love and trust President Biden. He trusted Kamala Harris for his VP, knowing full well she may have to take over the reins one day. Now that Joe has stepped aside, I will be voting for VP Harris and encouraging everyone I know to follow suit. If Joe trusts her to run this country, then I will trust her, too.

The endorsements are coming in fast, and I think it's time for a woman in the White House, especially a woman of color. This is definitely an election that will affect women and their issues more than any other, and we need to get out every vote.

For Joe, it was said very well by Rachel Maddow earlier today and I agree - he did save us, not only from TFG and Covid and much more, he saved our faith in humanity and belief that kindness and integrity can lead with strength. I will miss having him as our President.

From Rachel Maddow:

“What a man, what a patriot. Selfless devotion to your country. He has been a phenomenal president. He gave us the best recovery from Covid of any major nation. He ended the presidency of Donald Trump and did it while being decent, civil and honorable!”

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100% agree with your statement!

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100% agree as well.

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I am saddened by President Biden’s decision, but I trust him. I will definitely support Vice President Harris. For all of those weak Democrats who turned their backs on President Biden and forced him out, you had better get behind Vice President Harris and see that she wins this election, or we will all suffer if that madman wins. If I sound angry, I am!

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I understand your anger. And I also trust Joe Biden to make the right decision. I am sick unto death of the press and their breathless chatter.

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This and the constant trumpets for Trump for clicks and profit has damaged my news-junkie attitude.

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My attitude towards the MSM has been damaged as well. I don’t trust them anymore.

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I won't knock them all down yet, though I do pay more attention to The Guardian, the BBC, and NPR these days.

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Jul 23·edited Jul 24

I am DONE with NYT and WaPo. These outlets seemingly fail to acknowledge that they bear any culpability for elevating DT to the presidency back in 2016. Unfortunately, too many other legacy media outlets are still following their lead.

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From Canada: Brave man. New hope. God bless America.

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In America: Thank you.

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President Biden saved us once and I pray his decision has saved this country once again. My respect and love for him knows no bounds.

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Not sure who’s with me but I didn’t need anymore “political jolts.” The Mangled Apricot’s jarring effect on politics (for nearly a decade!) has been enough of a jolt.

I need a minute —to get past my anger at MSM — and the dozens of Dems calling for POTUS to step down.

Truthfully, I’m resentful at Schumer, Schiff, Raskin and Lofgren right now.

I need a minute.

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You have maybe 5 minutes, then get on the bus because the alternative is unacceptable. And I felt the same way when I heard the news but am going with the flow and hoping everyone does.

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You are right. The only chance we have now is before us. We can't blow it because we were sitting here feeling sorry for ourselves.

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It's fine to feel however and whatever. It's valid. Just don't hold on to it too long. Much work to do. 🙂

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Definitely we have to unite, and roll up our sleeves and do the work. This is even bigger than just America….NATO is at stake and all of Europe. Women’s rights must not be taken away….we need to grow up, expand our minds, put petty differences aside, and do what’s right for the US and the world.

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Biden is fighting for the soul of America and so are we.

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You’re right

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Don't get over your anger. Fan it so it spreads. We need angry people who will vote no matter what obstacles are put in their way.

Anger is the big motivator.

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Take our moral outrage and turn it into righteous action.

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Anger is draining me. I had to get busy doing something positive. Fixed my ACT BLUE account and donated weekly to Kamala. I will continue to fight those who want our country to be a fascist theocracy aligned with Russia instead of NATO. There is too much work to do. Anger eats my spirit. Action feeds my soul.

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Beautifully said.

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Righteous anger is a powerful force!!

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I am sure it was not easy to ask Biden to step down and was not done in haste. Another 4 years is a lot to ask of him. There may be more than we know about his abilities and in particular if viewed in a 4 more years lens.

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Perhaps but I got a big case of the feels on how ruthless it seemed to be for Biden. It seems there’s a rapacious societal trend to discard the elderly. Perhaps I am feeling my age (65) and am taking it too personally but it seems to be “a sign of the times.”

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I am older than you and understand how what is happening may appear and actually be ruthless. That is the nature of politics sadly. I also think that we need to be willing to let go of power and allow our younger fellow Americans show their stuff. If we brought them up well, we will be blessed by their efforts. I have faith in our younger generations. And VP Harris is not all that young historically speaking. Keep the faith .

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Elders have experience, contacts, wisdom, and a bunch of other skills that younger folks do not have. Just think about Polosi they wanted her to retire, and she held the Dem's together while Speaker, and she is no spring chicken. I am so mad at the age discrimination right now and the spineless people.

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The thing of it is, when the older people in their 70’s and 80’s hang on to their positions, they don’t give younger people the chance to serve and learn. Elder statesmen and women and jurists can provide a world of wisdom and advice to younger people who are coming up. I am 75, and I see the wisdom in that. I would definitely have voted for President Biden again. I realize how demanding the job is physically and mentally, though, for people in their late 70’s and 80’s. President Biden made up his mind and did what he thought was best for the country. I trust his judgment.

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Pelosi of all the people should have recognized Joe’s strengths. She fell for greed. She wanted money from the billionaires so she can hold on to her seat. Schiff too. And Jeffries. They all were selfish in pushing out the President who saved the country. Shane on them. I hope they all pay for this, with their seats.

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We were not privy to all their data or conversations. To assume greed or anything else without facts isn’t helpful. They may have had data that Joe was on a downward trajectory we cannot afford. Or maybe it was pure arrogance on their part. I don’t have enough info to pass judgement. My reaction is to be disappointed that Joe “seemed” to be stabbed in the back and grateful for his dedication to this country throughout his life.

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After November, I am registering independent. If Trump is installed again, elections will never be the same again, so perhaps it won’t matter.

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What is the purpose of registering Independent? In the current state of affairs, you have two choices: Democrat or Republican. What would you do: vote for some independent candidate and throw your vote away? Instead, I would recommend standing with the Democratic Party as a force against the fascist Republican Party.

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This country has always discarded the elderly, considered them worthless. They didn’t like it that Joe is old, no matter how capable he is. Tv commercials try to convince us that their products will make you look younger, remove wrinkles and all blemishes that come with age. They prefer the orange face with heavy makeup who yells that he is greater than anyone else. I am devastated for Joe. Why is life so cruel to a good person like him?

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Biden and Trump were both too old to be running. However, Biden has been a very good president and Trump was a miserable failure. Going forward we need age limits for all elected and appointed positions in government. I am 75, since some people are telling their ages. Yes, it is time for the younger generations to take over.

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And there is that too….we don’t respect elders anymore. But…..there is an entire disenfranchised genetic of young people out there, and a younger ticket will appeal to them! We want them to vote!

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From your lips to the Great Spirit’s ears, Bob!

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Biden has/had many qualified people around him, including his VP. I had no worries if indeed he became unable to fulfill another four years. Good leaders know to surround themselves with other good people.

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Exactly! I was not worried either, because I knew he had exceptional people in his administration.

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He absolutely did that. Not like his opponent who nominate his cronies and donors.

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That would be just fine if anyone told the truth about what was actually happening.

It's insulting to the US voter to be lied to and for our executive branch to be run by a nameless, faceless committee.

Then, even worse, to force Pres. Biden to listen to politicians and actors that he considered supporters ditch him.

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President Biden has done a remarkable job in 3-1/2 years as president. It is a challenging job at any age, a job he took over at age 78. We have all seen presidents age seemingly overnight from the challenges. It was courageous of him to make this difficult decision to save our democracy. God bless him.

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I am angry because they spoke out in public and undermined President Biden, rather than talking to him in private and allowing him to make up his own mind.

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virginia arthur, I agree 100%. This has felt and continues to feel dirty to me.

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I absolutely agree with you! So many people were so harsh in criticizing those folks who were public in their calls for Biden to step down. I thought those people were of the character that so many criticized republicans for lacking—being brave enough to say something about the person running for president of the US, even when it wasn’t the “right thing” to say. I believe folks who know Biden and have been working with him have known for some time that he was “slipping.” He has a fantastic team he held together and has been one of the best President we have ever had, but he has to be “on” 24/7 as POTUS and an 81 year old healthy man still gets tired, has physical limitations, and simply cannot do what a 50 something year old can do. It takes a patriot, and someone who recognizes what is best for his country and listening to colleagues he knows and respects to make the decision he did. He is a wonderful man and I applaud him. He and he alone made me proud to be an American today. I haven’t felt that way for awhile now. Thank you President Biden! And KICK ASS KAMALA!!

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I hear that. I'm angry that, just when we needed to hang together, we left our President to hang alone. MSM, plus the prominent members of the Democratic Party have left a lot to be desired in their handling of this. I am also angry that President Biden's advisors, aids, family and VP didn't step in when he was deciding to run. You don't just wake up one morning with the health issues that he is facing. They come along gradually, and I'm sure that his people had plenty of time to see that he wasn't going to be able to do four more years. He did such a good job - wouldn't it have been good for him to go out with his head held high, and for the party to have spent the last four years working to find a candidate who can win against that demented gasbag?

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He is going to go out with his head held high!!!

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Yes - he has served the country admirably over a long and distinguished career. But it would still have been better for him to be able to choose to leave, rather than being forced out.

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Hardly, he was pushed out by the media and his own party. What a disgraceful thing to happen to such a good man.

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I tend to agree with you. Nonetheless, his legacy is victorious!

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I don't disagree at all, but we need to be as united as possible and accept where hecwas cooled, bullied, or simply asked byvtoo many people, it was 100% hid decision. (Well, 100% with the risk that major funders may launch an opponent against him before/at/after the convention, dividing the party...um...bigly.)

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I know. We're all experiencing this from our own vantage point. The one really hopeful, helpful thing has been to read some of these comments that show that so many are behind Kamala and are ready to roll up their sleeves and get to work. That's energizing.

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I’m in a cabin in Montana. After I heard the news I went out on the dock and cried. Then I jumped in the lake and swam. Joe Biden is my hero and the courage, heart, intelligence and integrity he has demonstrated over the past four years should make every American proud. I think I’m going to cry again.

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Pelosi is on my list, at the top! How dare she publicly call for Biden to step aside due to age-related decline while she runs once again for representative?

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Because Joe was so what? It’s the best family intervention ever. Like an amazing grandpa who shouldn’t drive anymore, Joes time step away had come and true party leaders called it right.

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You and me both, Julie.

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I agree! I have donated to several Dem's so far, but I have a list of those who asked Biden to step down, no more money to them! I am a anyone but Trump, but so disappointed in the Sky is Falling viewers.... the media played right into republican's hand, I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of it was lies put out with Putin's help.

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I am with you in this. I have no respect for those people who stabbed President Biden in the back.

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Thank you and I am too. And I respect President Biden enough to also respect Kamala. She was privy to all his successes but I’m thinking responders here don’t know much about what he’s done and about the threat that all Republics are.

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All Republicans are not threats. How about the courageous Liz Cheney and Adam Kinsinger. They stood up to Mr. T and fought for the rule of law and our constitution. Democrats need to unite the country at this very scary time.

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Kind of agree. It has been exhausting to say the least!

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Christi, I've had all day + some Scotch and I'm still angry and heartbroken to the depths of my soul.

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Totally understood. Stop the world: I want to get off! (Anthony Newley and Leslie Bricusse)

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Anger is the second emotion. Typically the first emotion is fear.

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God bless Joe Biden!! 🥲❤️ Time to unite behind Kamala Harris! 💪🏼

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Well Dan you must be pleased. A good man was drummed out.

The Democratic nominee will have my full support and hard work to win this election.

Joe Biden will always have my heart.

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Your comment sounds snarky. A good man came to understand his limitations much the same as when a star athlete ages out. None of us are “pleased”; we all want to restore civility and work toward true equal opportunity and we need a new leader such as Harris.

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I am angry that the pundits and backroom elites drummed Biden out of the race. I said I wholeheartedly support the Democratic nominee.

You are going to have a busy night. So far 28 people agree with me. Are you going to lecture us all about our feelings? It's been less than 24 hours and people are supposed to be lock step into the new nominee? President Biden is a much-loved person. Give people time to grieve..

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I share your respect and appreciation for President Joe Biden and your steadfastness to vote Blue. I didn’t intend my comment as criticism or lecture - and apologize if it felt that way.

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Thanks for the apology. Anyway. My over-riding concern is that we beat the fascists.

"We will all remember what we were doing at this moment." Rachael Maddow

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Barbara, you said that beautifully. Thank you. We owe it to Biden to win this election.

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👏👏 Barbara!

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Drummed him out? Did you watch the debate. As much as Trump should NEVER hold the nuclear football, neither should a senile Biden. Time to choose a strong winning ticket, which is what is dems should have done before it came to all this.

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I have said more than once that I fully support the democratic nominee.

We can let people grieve this man and not be afraid to do so. This is a part of party unity.

Look at Rachael Maddow's statement on Biden. She looks as if she has been crying. Her statement is historic. In our hurry up society we have forgotten to take time to honor our humanity. I speak for millions when I say to please give us at least 1 day to grieve.

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Get b3nt.

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No...a good man was forced out. It had nothing to do with "limitations" being realized. Of course I will support whoever will take his place.

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I agree with you that Joe Biden is a good man. He has proved that over and over again.

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Good and competent are two entirely different things

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Dump Trump and FurFace. Full speed ahead. I’ve got a full box of postcards to write.

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JD Vance looks like a racist Care Bear

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Never ever would I expect read something like this when my daughter was adoring her Care Bears!. Oh my.

He is not only a racist but a misogynist.

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Bob A, I agree with Barbara Mullen. I have respected and revered Dan Rather since Watergate. I was shocked that he didn't rally behind President Biden.

That being said, Kamala is a GREAT speaker. I understand that Trump is already trying to get out of debating her. Check out this video and imagine Kamala kicking him all the way to the curb:


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You and Barbara and others may be disappointed that Dan didn’t rally behind Joe Biden. I’m sure Dan had to make as difficult a decision as President Biden’s. Regardless, Dan Rather provides this forum where we can express our thoughts and feelings and respect each other’s perspectives. This morning Dan shared a reason to smile, Alison Kraus; tonite another reason to smile is the apparent rallying of Democrats to support Joe Biden’s pick, Kamala Harris.

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I don’t know what caused the final decision. It might be Covid but it might be he’s tired and exhausted from the bullying he’s taken from everyone. It might be that he rethought what he said 4 years ago about being an interim president. Either way, he picked a terrific presidential candidate to replace him.

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I am so sad that it had to come down to this. He has been a great president, compassionate, caring and understanding. I will be behind whoever is the candidate. Just a very sad day today.

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Agree is a very sad day. Joe Biden was the right man for the job, for America, and for democracies around the world. History will record his accomplishments and Trump’s crimes and failures. He is such an honorable gentleman and American patriot, such a courageous decision with his love of America and our democracy at the heart of it. We must rally behind the Democratic Presidential candidate, despite our differences to save this fragile democracy and defeat Trump.

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President Biden, we salute you.

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Go Kamala!

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I’m from California and Kamala Harris is pretty amazing.

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Harris brings a lot to the table. She is intelligent, compassionate, strong. She is a true believer in uniting America. She is light years better than anything the GOP has to offer. Let us not make the mistake we did when Hillary ran. Get out and vote for Harris or whomever the democratic party nominates.

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I did not make a mistake when Hillary ran. I was a lifelong Republican and I voted for HILLARY! I researched Trump and did not like what I found. The Access Hollywood video and the trash he said completely sealed the deal for me. I have not voted for a Republican since 2016’s presidential election. I am a registered Democrat. This MAGA cult that has taken over the Republican Party will destroy this country if we don’t vote them out! I was a moderate Republican and now I am a moderate Democrat.

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Me either! Actually, as a former republican, I have voted that way since 2012. I have not looked back. Never will.

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I am not looking back either and never will. I am not ashamed of the Republicans that I voted for when I was a Republican, but I don’t see any current Republicans in office that I would even consider voting for. Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzenger are the only ones for whom I have respect.

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Thank you

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Virginia: You have used your innate intellect to nake decisions. I salute you. My hat is off.

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Good for you. You are not alone. We’re all in this together.

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As was pointed out on a tiktok posting, Harris will appeal to younger voters, women, blacks and Asian Americans. In addition, her skills as a prosecutor will make mincemeat of the former loser president in debates, particularly as they discuss Project 2025.

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Just need to motivate the young, women, blacks, and Asian Americans to vote. If they don't come out to vote, then catering to them is worthless.

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You are so right. I do believe that they will come out to vote. The women definitely will!

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Prosecutor vs Felon as the Rev just said. Now see who she picks as her VP running mate - Gonna be one of the ages. VOTE!!

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Prosecutor vs Felon. I like that, it will make a good bumper sticker.

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Yes, former prosecutor is the perfect person to debate the former loser president about Project 2025.

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Trump will never debate her if she’s the convention choice. He’s scared to death of her and most women! Because he can’t bully her!

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Trump is already trying to get out of debating her.

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This looks like a great campaign tag!!

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Joe Biden is my hero. Last week he said he’d be hitting the campaign trail this week — then to announce his “passing the torch” today… tells me that this outstanding public servant is also a holy man — I am sure he realized how best he can continue to serve this country was preceded by thoughtful prayer. God Bless Joe Biden indeed.

I thank you Mr. Rather, for your insight and your advice and take it to heart. I am forwarding this piece to all of my friends

Anne in Md


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I voted for my hero Joe Biden. It didn’t matter that I did. My vote did not matter. Why should I vote again? I see no reason to.

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Wait a minute! Your vote in 2020 did matter! You must vote for the Democratic candidate to help save America from fascism and the destruction of our democracy. Do you think that Joe Biden and his family will fail to vote? Absolutely not!

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My vote in the primaries did not matter. They forced out the nominee that was democratically elected.

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SOME people may have tried to force Joe Biden out, but I believe he made up his own mind after gathering the information he needed to make his decision. I am not happy either, but I trust Joe Biden. Don’t you? I did not vote in the Virginia primaries because President Biden already had it in the bag. I would have voted on the primaries had he not. He has been one of the best presidents in my lifetime and I am 75! Buck up and support democracy!

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What do you mean your vote did not, or will not count?

Cash, your vote is more important now than ever. Stick with the rest of us and beat Trump, please!!!


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It absolutely mattered! I voted for him too. I will do my utmost to see that Trump is not elected and our Republic stands! To do otherwise would be a disservice to Joe.

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Your vote is definitely important! Even if you can't support the candidate, support the defense of democracy and the Constitution. The MAGA/GOP candidate does not.

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I meant Vash sorry

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I hear what you're saying - 14 million people voted for Biden in the primaries and now he's out. However, this is more about country than the man. The reason to vote, and vote Democratic, is about making sure that trump does not get elected, as well as stopping Project 2025. It more important now than ever that you vote for the Democratic candidate in November. It is not an understatement that trump is a threat to democracy and the one thing that Democrats can agree on is this.

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You voted for the Biden/Harris ticket.

I hope you will support Kamala. We all want to prevent Trump from coming back to power. That was a horrible 4 years.

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Your comment makes no sense. None whatsoever! Is it Vash or Vlad…hmmmmm…

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It makes sense to him. Give him time. I am sure that we will hear more from President Biden after he has recovered from COVID. Joe Biden has been a great President, Vice President and Senator. He has made a decision that he feels is best for the country. I trust his judgment. We all should.

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I don't think I've ever needed your "Steady" voice as much as I do now. I'm sure every generation feels this way but, as a Gen-Xer, I think I've experienced more than my fair share of unprecedented historical happenings & here we go again!

I'm so proud of President Biden's accomplishments and his character. I'm fearful of a country run by influential billionaires. I'm 100% behind Vice President Harris and can't fathom the reasoning of a person who would rather have an open convention. We are, once again, on the cusp of changing the world. Let's go.

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I’m all in for Kamala.

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