Another excellent essay, Dan. I am completely disgusted by the Republicans and their win at all costs. Whatever it takes, no matter how down and dirty, just so that they can claim victory. Reminds me of school boys on the playground.

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In my state of TX I see repeatedly how unfair single party gerrymandering leads to unfair advantage in the electoral process. When someone in another state recently explained their nonpartisan process I couldn't understand why it wasn't that way elsewhere!

It is such an obvious tactic and flies in the face of fairness in voting.

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I think we as a nation are tired, I hope that we older folk not give up because we need to have "the will" for the future generation. We are exhausted, TFG, did a number on us but we can and MUST continue to fight!

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It is something of a relief to have a phrase to describe our situation: asymmetrical warfare. False equivalence also describes how the media manages to mislead the public.

I would like to add that it is not just gerrymandering that is the worst thing anymore. It is state legislatures setting up state laws that take power away from election officials, and put the power to throw out votes they don't like, overturn outcomes they don't want into the hands of partisan legislatures that completes the process. The combination of gerrymandering and taking over the election process together add up to a very very asymmetrical encounter.

I do not understand anymore who is listening. In this asymmetrical situation, calling on Democrats is generally preaching to the choir, and the current Republicans are proving over and over they don't care what the people want, except for taking credit for popular actions the Democrats manage to get through without them. Who do we address, and how do we get through to them?

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We need to unite the voters, those who follow Mr. Trump will not go gently into that good night. Voters need to turn out and vote them all out, change those currently that have been in longer than 2 terms for senate snd 3 for the house. Show them we the PEOPLE are in charge not business, not the rich etc. But us the people! If not we will find ourselves in an autocracy. If they are redistricting for political gain, good bye gone vote out! Only we can do this, otherwise we may find ourselves in a civil war again!

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A lot of people are afraid, but fear is only *useful* up to the point where you make the choice of running away and standing and fighting.

Unless you are wealthy and flexible enough to leave the country, I think the only reasonable option is to fight. No, not by emulating the bullies and thugs who call themselves "patriots" but despise most of the people in the country and hold democracy in contempt.

We need to up our political game, and get INVOLVED, on many fronts:

* Boosting voter turn-out by registering eligible citizens, educating them, getting them IDs if necessary, and help them put together a fool-proof game for election day. This means identifying and routing around the hurdles placed by GOP officials. If you don't have time to volunteer, donate to When We All Vote, Fair Fight Action, Black Voters Matter, and other experienced groups.

* Preparing for litigation, to country electoral interference, fight back against gerrymandering, and to battle specific laws. This means donating to outfits like the ACLU, Planned Parenthood, and other advocacy organizations.

* Volunteer for and donating to political campagins, at EVERY level.

* Volunteering for and donating to your local Democratic party. (And become a voting member if you want to help shape policy!)

Make good trouble, and never give up. We don't have the luxury of cynicism or fatalism.


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The Republicans are not going to make this fair, they want to make sure it will be a very, very long time before we see another Democrat President. I fear for what I see in the future. But Mr. Rather I will keep reading your wonderful written words, wisdom and hope. I look forward to every word you write. Thank you and may you and everyone have a safe and joyful holiday season no matter what one celebrates.

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@DanRather #DanRather 💜💜💜 💜Dan, thank you for helping define some political terms many of us may have needed help with. This is a beautiful piece you have constructed and some of these terms have long needed defining.

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Thank you for this cogent explanation of the political warfare happening now.

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My two Senators happen to be Democrats in favor of all three voting rights bills. I have emailed and phoned them, declaring my support. I have also encouraged them to modify or kill the filibuster if that’s what it takes to get them passed. Carve out voting rights, as has been done with the budget, modify it to require actual speaking on the topic up for debate ( and requiring 41 votes to keep the floor) or kill it all together. Republicans need to hear from their constituents who support voting rights, but the Democrats need to know their constituents support them in the fight.

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I regularly nag at my South Carolina Senators and Repubican Rep. I get very nice boilerplate "Thank you for contacting us" responses.

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I get the same responses from Oregon's very progressive senators and my rep.

From what I've read, staffers tally the subjects and position of incoming letters and calls, for the purpose of writing up "these are the issues that are trending" type reports for the boss.

So yes, keep on nagging! It gets an issue on their radar.

TODAY I just emailed Merkley, Wyden, and Bonamici about reforming the Electoral Count Act, which the Trump administration tried to abuse to stay in power. Fixing this weak point actually has bipartisan support!

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Keep up the nagging! They won't respond, but they do so the message. And look for other fronts to stage the battle. Protests. Letters to the Editor...whatever it takes. May the force be with you!

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YES! Absolutely. Oregon's senators support voting rights, but I urge them on periodically.

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Dec 10, 2021
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At least part of the time. One of the things I observed as a much younger citizen is when "our" candidates don't win, things change, but the amazing pendulum swings and at another "turn" things change again. When the country was more positive and mostly more fair, it was actually OK to let the other side have their turn....our turn would come again, and if Democracy can't share, it's not full Democracy! Trump was so awful the first time around and seems to have zero concept of the sharing of power in a Democracy. What would stop him from tossing out the constitution and starting a new one? His teeter totter has a large "Rump" on the bottom seat.

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Dec 10, 2021
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And yet, they are not without considerable power.

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