It doesn't matter how angry we are.

Democratic leadership does not need to be responsive to voters because the deep-pocket donors that support them do not care about bread-and-butter issues.

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Every slow mail, email, and text message I receive from the local and national branches of the Democratic Party express anger but tinged with shame on me if I don't respond with a donation. That approach ilicits my anger and lack of faith in the political party that must achieve miracles in November. I started supporting and working for Democratic candidates over 50 years ago. I donated money to individual candidates and Democratic Party goals, not out of shame but pride in our system of government. Engagement and pride in citizenship will motivate people to change government through the legal and Constitutional means of supporting and electing reasonable, well-informed, and qualified candidates in all levels of government. Wake-up, Democrats, get beyond anger.

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Anger? There is enough anger in the world now, let alone America. The Trump cult loves anger. The Dems will not win by simply being loud and angrier. What Biden and his team must do is speak plainly on a daily basis about the unfairness that exists and promise to change that after they win a majority. If the people do not respond by voting out the fascist evangelical cult, then things will become uglier.

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Whether his anger is expressed publicly or privately Biden has many fires to put out, and quickly, so that’s the bottom line handle business and leave the anger to those running on emotions.

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Thank you again, Dan, as you put the finger on where the blame lies. The world became more more unsettled and angry. He brought out the worst.. That will be his legacy. But, he and his cult won't even care, I fear.

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I think that by not showing more anger if not outrage at what is going on in our country, that biden is giving up ground that we cannot afford to lose to the trump and his stooges.

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Can we shame Pelosi into knowing that what she and the other "older" Dems have done to the party? I was sick when "they" sandbagged Sanders, it's so obvious that they couldn't stand to have Sanders as President so they brought in Biden, which was a little iffy. I know I was totally disheartened that the people were cut off by their own party. And to see that Pelosi is still doing that with Cisnerous in Texas where she prefers a Federalist Society anti-abortion traitor to someone willing to work with the people and for the people. Pelosi is a hindrance to our Republic, she's totally political.

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Anger is what we need to get the population off their asses and to get them to do something. Like vote. We are a party without a message except that this or that candidate needs to reach his or her fundraising goal. We have so much more to say and so much to offer. But we are not communicating this. And this is frustrating. I would hope President Biden, who won by over 7 million votes, and who I feel has done so much for the average American, as opposed to rewarding his political sponsors and cronies, gets mad as hell and starts calling out the republicans for what they are. At this crucial point in our nation's history we need more anger and less apathy.

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You bet I am angry, and not happy with nambe pambe responses from the WH or our representatives while our democracy is attacked at every level. But I do not see anger as a viable response, you back people into a corner and they come out fighting. But what I do want to see is a forceful dynamic in response. I want voters to know that we will deal head on to the issues we face. We need to be bold and confident that we do have answers and will take whatever actions in order to preserve citizen rights.

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Presidents are supposed to lead and instill hope. Congress is supposed to listen to the voters. The Supreme Court is supposed to listen to the people, interpret current society and rule based on the Constitution of the USA. None of this is currently happening! People are PISSED off! What’s so hard to understand? The rest of us are feeling disgusted, angry, and unsettled. We need change!

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I do hope that President Biden and other Democratic leaders in congress and elsewhere will funnel their energies, anger, and resolve into statements that remind voters over and over that it's their votes that will enable law makers to change things, if enough Democratic candidates can be elected. Passion, which may be expressed through anger or resolve is needed.

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Yes, I am angry. I don't think Democrats are doing enough. I feel that Schumer is too placid and not aggressive enough. And Pelosi who prefers to keep a Federalist Society and anti-choice House member instead of supporting a Progressive who has ran against him twice now. She didhte same thing with Manchin and look where that has taken us. I think Pelosi is fighting against the people and at the same time urging people to support Democrats. Which if they are truly a Democrat is one thing, but when they are definitely not, it's ridiculous.

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Establishment/Corporate Dems need to GO!

Pelosi has done her job & needs to give the reins to young Dems. When Clyburn took Bernie out of the running after he won YUGE in Nevada, we saw what Dems in power won’t allow. But Biden would never had won without Progressives. The time to see what Progressives can do to make REAL change is NOW‼️ We MUST take the Senate in November & castrate McConnell’s 36+ year grip on this country. We CAN take the Senate w/a good majority if people VOTE! We ALL must do whatever we can to make this happen in November or I’m afraid authoritarianism is our future.

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Anger is nothing but one kind of focused energy and intent. It's how we express our anger that makes it seem either frustrated, unattractive, and not constructive, or the obverse, fruitful and helpful.

Sometimes others need to know that we're angry. Other times, the best path is to hide our anger while laser-focusing it on our target/s.

We need to be flexible and discerning as to how our anger will affect our desired outcome. It's more difficult right now for the left wing to express anger and risk the inevitable demonizing that the extreme right wing is notorious for. So the real decision we must make is whether the tradeoff is worth it or not. My own opinion is that sometimes it is more helpful to show our anger against authoritarian dominance and right wing dirty tricks . . . other times, it's not the best way to express our intentions. Sneak up on 'em and keep 'em guessing.

Yes, President Biden should be much more emphatic about defending his voters from the insults they've been forced to endure lately. But can his style . . . his brand . . . carry it off? I'm thinking that his administration leaders should do some of that work for him. Not just one, but many who are more suited temperamentally for that task.

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Anger is useful when you have he upper hand. Otherwise, much of its energy is just wasted. Determination, persistence, refusing to back down and VOTING are very useful.

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Used to think that old men looked angry because of poor dentures.

I know different now.

Our frown is a sign of our sadness that what we preserved for the future generations is being squandered through ignorance and tribal hate.

I read the comments and have mixed hope or angst.

Many are just angry and direct it toward Mr Biden.

Many are angry at the Damocrats for not doing enough.

Many are angry that Republicans have all the power.

All seem frustrated and lacking power or voice.

Too many are ready to throw in the towel.

Some talk about what they are continuing.

I do this accounting because I know we must channel our anger out from ourselves and, with our voices repeating, we will not sit idly by and let you silence us. We no longer can let the lies and the false claims left unchallenged, the other and the what about permitted to drown out the truth. We must be impolite to ignorance. We must speak up in local venues. We must recommend down ticket and share our preferences in the uncomfortable circles of our families and friends, without apology. With respect, but not in silence, and then vote on every issue and candidate who speaks blue, out values and candidates who share those, even if imperfect ... like each of us. We too must call out our Presidents successes and help him achieve what he can.

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Very well said!! I agree 100%. I am doing all I can to BEG my family & friends to VOTE in ALL elections. Also to do their research so they can vote logically & intelligently for the good of ALL, not just a select few!!

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I think we need to confront, not cave to "not talking politics" when the other side is allowed to shovel dumb stuff all around. If our lives were a restaurant, we'd get shut down for allowing the toilets to overflow.

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We should have been angrier with the Gore and GWB outcome. Rehnquist the Supreme Court Justice should not have determined the outcome of that fiasco. The Republicans don't want to hear from their most brilliant orators and justices such as Warren Burger selected by Richard Nixon, another very brilliant politician. I don't understand how the Republicans can be so selective in their thinking when broad overviews and great ideas are ignored and petty grievances escalated to disproportionate penalties and yet overt harassment obviously malicious is ignored. If the Rule of Law fails, then Benjamin Franklin is right in that he did give us a democracy but indeed he predicted we might not be able to keep it. When the Representative Government of the USA fails then so did the founding fathers not because they were wrong but because listening to selective individuals isn't enough to tease out the truth anymore. The USA is not great considering how many die by gun violence each year, we are truly a country that never ended war.

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I wish more Democrats would vote. Too many are still not voting. Let us hope they are angry, terrified, disgusted enough to vote despite any barriers in their way.

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