Dan & Elliot,

I do hope you revisit your comments to your articles as I was just sent an opinion piece from the New York Times written by Bret Stephens that I think you would find interesting and directly linked to this column. I am attaching the link to that article:



Thank Ye Very Much


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To conclude that "all the energy that those who spew hate spend trying to convince us that it isn't really hate is a tipoff that hate is unpopular" doesn't make sense. Hate is popular to haters.

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Anyone who is against a Jew or Antisemitic is a enemy to Jesus Christ!!! How dare you!!!!!

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Would you mind linking and siting your sources? You can’t possibly expect me to just take what you’re saying without evidence. That’s a dangerous thing to do.

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You’ve made quite a few sweeping, overarching statements. Don’t you think that those types of generalizations are over simplified? You claim to have evidence that CRT is being taught “everywhere” (and I’m not saying that elements or the entire idea is not being taught at all, anywhere). Can you link to this evidence? I would interested in reading this. Thanks!

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Read your own comment about Cherokees. Also, nice to know that your're a member of the master race.

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Nice opening. Reveals you character.

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They’ve been trying to wipe us off of the face of the earth for 5,783 years. Yet we persevere.

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A suggestion: watch this … it’s an hour long but if you haven’t seen it in a while it is totally apropos to today’s newsletter…

James Baldwin vs William F Buckley: A legendary debate from 1965


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This topic seems to have several twist and a necessary discussion. I would like to see where there is an unified synergic fundamental established on what is hate? Hate is synonymous with Jews and antisemitism and most recently Asian “Hate” and there is a more specific ontological reference to hate depending where is derives.

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On our (free) substack newsletter - Neo-Fascism: a Place to Fight Fascism with Words (blogs, comments, book reviews, even humor) we have posted an article entitled "Four Faces of Neo-Fascism." One of those "faces" is clearly seen in the Politics of Resentment, the use of hate and vilification and scapegoating to motivate an aggrieved majority by targeting "others" (Jews, Muslims, Asians, immigrants, gays, RINOs, [fill in your own blank]. It's an ugly old story in a shiny new bottle (Trumpism). We invite everyone who opposes this rising tide of fascism to visit our substack newsletter, and we look forward to hearing your feedback and comments. We're all in this together, and the hours is growing late. Thank you,


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Mr. Rather, so delighted to read your thoughts on the critical race theory that you believe should be taught to all Children’s. But, Mr. Rather, I am in academics and the narrative is fundamentally argumentative for two reasons: 1. The US Constitution is the •Supreme Law of the Land” and 2. The First Amendment to freedom of Speech and expression to American citizens. I have been seeking to learn with all due respect for the experiences of Jews and their migration throughout the globe, it is my ignorance that I confess in academia or other education to understand under what authority does Semitism officially exist in America and as a matter of Constitutional reference look for an epistle Lou I the omission of Jews or Jewish demographic in any government Census or enumeration; not is Jews or Jewish or related classification found in the United Nations or anywhere in the globe. Finally, how can you demand or command someone to feel a certain way about another? Are we not free to feel how we choose? Is that not why Blacks were lynched, and remain the direct benefactor on hate or other vitriol in America and a great deal by Jews - would you argue that Jews is a “Social Construct” and must be Constitutionally recognized for its role in America either as a race or religion or both? Thank you!

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Mouth wide open, unbelievable to read this essay. And Tuberville? He was a college football coach who coached many "theys." I guess he's forgotten this. Hate is the foulest four letter word.

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Madeleine Albright, in her book Fascism: A Warning, wrote that "It is always, in the end, about stirring people up and giving them someone to hate.” We invite all concerned citizens to visit our substack newsletter - Neo-Fascism: a Place to Fight Fascism with Words - to read an in-depth and timely review of Albright's book.


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I am one of the lucky ones. I was never taught hate or prejudice by my parents, though, being born in 1956, I guess it was all around me. One thing I have never, and still don't, understood is antisemitism. I can't wrap my mind around why a religious group has been hated for centuries, and still is. It makes absolutely no sense to me. I might dislike someone for a personal reason but never a group because of religion, color, culture, sexual identity, you get the idea. I guess I am just different.

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Kanye West is the supreme hypocrite. Not so long ago the people who agree with him would have him as the host of a lynching party. Except, he would not be speaking, he would be screaming, as he was being hung and set on fire. Married a white woman? Double trouble. He is too unintelligent to realize that underneath their applause they are thinking "not bad for a stupid N***er. Yes, he doesn't get that his Neo-Nazi friends still think he is less than human. I've seen people make fools of themselves before but he takes the buckwheat. You like that? How can he, as someone who's ancestors were enslaved, raped, beaten , starved and had their identity stolen, ever stand for any king of bigotry? What a misguided and naive person. Hate moves from group to group. Shame on him when it's directed back at his people, again. If he thinks that these people are done hating African Americans, he is deluded. Whem they're tired of hating jews publicly, who does he hink that they will pick on next?They will turn on the uppity wealthy ones, first. They also created all the racist words in this post. Anyone who has been the victim of bigotry and then decides that it's ok, as long as its not directed at him, now, has really learned nothing about what makes a bigot tick.

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Can you be a white supremacist if you are not white? Question due to the t-shirt Kanye wore....


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Now I have to read what the other moron said...gees. can't we just be intelligent?

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