Thank you for this article. Indeed, what will our footprints reveal in the future. The possiblities are wonderful; if only we have the courage to journey with kindness and compassion.

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Thank you for giving me a reason to smile today!

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Thank you for this, Mr. Rather. Such an important perspective at a desperately needed time.

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What kind of footprints will this generation leave? Will environmental destruction wipe out any vestiges of them? Will there people around to discover them. if they survive our assault on our planet? Let's hope so.

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Dan, thank you. Your ability in story telling is amazing. The most comfortable read, as if you were speaking to me alone! In this day and age, honesty is a meager portion of our information sources. Growing up to you, Walter, Gabreal, in a word where 30 minutes of news was that. Contrasted by todays maybe 15, disjointed minutes, 15 minutes of money making and credits.

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Darned lovely essay. Combining some appreciation of what science is with the immense gift to ourselves of our own human curiosity. And some big questions as to how we take new knowledge with us into the future. (Sorry, I just mean that the article is beautiful and thought-provoking!)

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That's awesome and good smile while I feel sad. Thanks!

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Simply put, your words always give me hope. Hope that life has a future on this planet we call home. I thank you.

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Are they small feet?

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So great to learn about this disvovery! Thank gor sharing!

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This is a great article. Thank you. Very enlightening.

I hope that our future is better than it has been for the past 6-8 years. We need to work together to build a better future for us all. No more fighting and killing each other over things that really don't matter in the long run. Cherish our children and each other and stop blaming 'the other' for our problems...just try to get along.

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Wonderful, as always

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What joy to read this in SCIENCE a few weeks ago ... and then to find my favorite news anchor bringing it up as a topic for STEADY! My heart is sick of being pummeled by politics and wars and billionaire greed, but science! I grew up reading my Dad's SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN and subscribed as soon as I had the paychecks to do it, even though I bucked the scientific bent of my family and chose music. The news about distant galaxies and speeding meteors and black holes really puts Earth in its place, and then reading about the beginnings of life on the planet and the evolutionary thrills puts Earth back on a throne, back and forth, back and forth. I'm smiling at the thought of whatever creatures take our place, after we demolish human life, doing their version of paleontology and archaeology and finding primitive us in the tar pits and sandstone, and shaking their heads. I can think of several politicians I'd like to send to the tar pits this week.😳

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AS much as I enjoyed watching you on the television, I feel like I have the opportunity to listen to your thoughts--especially as you write. And I feel even more privileged. Thank You again for sharing.

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What an amazing discovery. It alters everything that we thought was fact! Science and Truth have been under attack for years now and I wonder if people will look at this new finding and revisit the previous story. If not this "ice age landbridge" then how were these people relocated here. Perhaps they were not transplanted at all, but lived here originally. I was raised in Catholism but now question if we did all cane from just Adam and Eve. So shocking to even say it now, but most Christians believe in that story. But as we know about Evolution, why wouldn't we evolve across the globe? Now that I started this thread of conversation, I realize how many people might be upset with my reasoning. But, as I age, my questions don't always follow the conventional wisdom.

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Loved this! Beautiful and inspiring!

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