45 is bad enough (I will not use his name) but we should beware of Mike Johnson. Perilous times!

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Live a happier life. Do not go about your day not trusting anyone. There are so many reasons for why America will sort itself out.

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John S. Thin, while I can easily agree with you as to millions of Americans caring about this nation, I do not agree with you as to their intellect or their experience with guns. Reading thee 2nd Amendment of our Constitution does NOT give the citizenry the right to own guns for any reason. Read it to determine what the intent and you will find that the reason our forefathers included the last half was because of the possibility of insurrections, treasons and betrayals or any act that would threaten the "security of the state". Secondly there is no well-regulated militia anywhere in this nation except for the National Guard. The 2nd says nothing about gun ownership for any other reason. Nothing about target practice, self-protection, hunting or any other reason other than a "well-regulated militia". Giving an uneducated citizenry the right to own guns for whatever their excuse is, places guns in the hands of millions of incompetent people and the result are what you see every day in the news. Guns have only one purpose.... To kill something or someone. Intelligent and experienced people do not allow children to be shot and wounded or shot and killed. Sit on these thoughts.

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Just consider a few of the decisions handed down by the Supreme Court and you will find some of the most tortured logic imaginable which further reinforces the meme, "people can and do rationalize anything"!!

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Dec 15, 2023·edited Dec 15, 2023

We agree on your interpretation of the right to bear arms. And many folks should not have weapons of any kind. My comment was to simply remind everyone here that Americans who care about the law and democracy will not cave in to the Republican fascist, lawless agenda presently being imposed on America.

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You must not live in Texas

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I looked up "dog Latin", which has several other iterations. Got to admit that, even though I took six years of Latin, this is the first time I had seen this phrase. It could be mistaken for legal gobbledygook (kinda like putting lipstick on a pig), but Jack Smith will have none of that.

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On second review, I am yet more impressed by the approach that Smith takes, and it reminds me of the movie, "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington" in some ways, and if his argument doesn't move at least four members thereof, something is wrong in Foggy Bottom's judicial branch. The rest is in God's hands. Pray - and hope.

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Wonderful, wonderful essay by you Mr. Rather. Jack Smith is very, very smart. Now let’s hope that SCOTUS 9 get this right and rule to protect us 300 million + Americans from this amoral, narcissistic, evil tyrant. He could ruin this country and take the whole planet with him. So let’s hope Jack Smith will prevail and send this horror to jail. Yes Mr. Convicted Felon, do not pass go; head directly for jail (corner space on the monopoly board). You’lose boardwalk, lose your utilities, lose your transportation deeds and lose Pennsylvania Av. (No sane mind wants you back at 1600.). So get a fresh bottle of hair dye (carrot orange) to match your orange jumpsuit that you will be wearing the rest of your life. And you can take Rudy with you.

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The many spam emails I've received from desparate Republicans tell me they are starting to worry. I've responded to those emails with the same monopoly analogy, Go directly to jail!

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How did spammers get your email address? What do the emails say?

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I get them too, NEVER have I communicated with any of them, except to report spam

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Not 100% positive, but I think my ex- husband gave my address to the RNC. They are all Begging for donations, sounding desperate

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Interesting that you say you see signs of Republicans worrying. Let’s hope that this is the beginning of a strong trend to permanently get rid of Donald Trump. Directly to jail…for the rest of his life.

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I respect anyone who successfully prosecuted Balkan war criminals. Thank you, Jack Smith. I hope your patience, knowledge, and skill will save us from an American criminal.

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I love the way you state all of this so clearly, using the eloquence of Jack Smith to make it plain and simple - is anyone above the law? Democracy is on trial here, as well as the SCOTUS...we must hope for adherence to the foundation of the US. Thank you!

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Amen. There is no obfuscation, no tangled rhetoric behind which to hide - the petition is as clear as an Alpine lake. I cannot imagine that there are not four votes on this Supreme Court to enable them to take up the case, and for once, those conservatives who lied their way onto the Court will have no cover to hide behind. This will be the most crucial and momentous decision of the Supreme Court so far in this decade and more, eclipsing the Roe v. Wade decision - because it will affect everything which happens afterwards. Every President to come will be affected by it, as will the country. How this turns out will echo down the years, and become part of history and civics education in America. Jack Smith just rose to the level of champion of America in my book.

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An Extraordinary Delusion is more like it.

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Dear Sir,

You say " the allegations speak for themselves." Really? Allegations are all we need in this country to prove guilt. Well I guess your president, Biden, has to resign since the house has formally voted for impeachment hearings alleging crimes. And since all we need is allegations according to you....

How about Clinton, oh, never mind, they were PROVEN in a federal court. But wait, he ran again, I'm sure you wrote daily columns against him running, correct?

Or the allegations against you that got you thrown off of TV. You know the ones were you lied to try and throw a presidential election.

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Mr. Rather: who does one prax to if one does not believe I'm God? Asking for a friend.

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How about Love? I believe that Love is the creative source in the universe - and it can take whatever form works for you. Some force created all that is... I call that God, but God doesn't have a face or name other than love in my mind. A mountain top, a forest, an ocean beach... all of these places are where I feel that presence most acutely, but some find it in cathedrals, temples or mosques. I often think of the holy wells in Ireland which are considered to be "thin places", where there's little distinction between "heaven" and earth, and it's places like that where for me, prayer happens without thinking about "who" I'm praying to. Does that help?

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Thought-provoking. Interesting.

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Silly girl. Asking for a friend? Take a walk in a forest, with your eyes truly open and your ears tuned in, and look about really closely at the wonderment of it all. Evolution is a simplistic grasping to explain what is presently unexplainable. Choose agnosticism if you must. But do not be a foolish atheist. Tell your friend that gently.

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Dear John; No. This is not a dear John letter. It is to tell you that since I live in the forest of DaLat, I probably look at the forest much more often than you. I did not say I do not believe oin a higher power. O e that is made of energy and love a d is in all living things and beings. I just do not believe in the God of churches, Mosques, Temples and Sinagogues.

I like being silly some times. Read it as gently as I told my friend. I used to believe in your God. She convinced me she does not exist in THAT form!

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I’m not convinced by Smith’s appeal or your support for his prosecution of Trump. I view the 2020 election as one massive failure to provide an accurate reflection of voter’s ballots. Vote by mail is vulnerable to voter fraud and 2020 has many documented accounts of improper and illegal procedures leading to an improper result.

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Dec 14, 2023·edited Dec 14, 2023

This is a big test for the Supreme Court, weather they believe in the constitution and our Democracy which is govern by the rule of law. I agree that this case is entirely different. However, no one is above the law. Not even Trump. The 4 justices are completely aware of this. I hope they rule in Jack Smiths favor for the sake of the American people and this country.

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I am pretty sure that this thread has become aware that only four Justices are needed to hear and accept the petition, and a fifth is needed to rule in favor of Smith's arguments. Anyone want to guess who they are?

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Why don't you tell us who they are.

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Just saw this, forgive the delay.

That latter was a rhetorical Q. I have no idea. Justices with a conscience to match their intelligence would be a good start. Vegas might have a betting board on that. We all know that the test is - will five grant cert? And I have no idea about that, either.

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Barrett, Alito, and Thomas - oh my!

The Republican (Koch ordered) Supremes will hear the case because they disagree with Chutkan. BUT, they will free Trump with great ethics.

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