What can you say that hasn’t been said a hundred times, a thousand times, in recent weeks, and stretching back years? As a reporter, how do you try to convey what is new, new victims, now locations, new motives, when the real story isn’t new at all. It’s the story of our country’s inability to confront the plague of gun violence.
Hypocrisy of our Representatives in Government and those who claim their rights would be curtailed by stronger gun controls . Many of our Representatives have sold their souls to the almighty dollar manufacturers provide through the NRA and our citizens who have not matured enough to realize that carrying a gun will not prevent harm to them or their loved ones.
Will our Representatives ever have enough money, will the gun advocates ever grow up and stop their silly games? How many senseless lives will turn their hearts and minds?
Maybe you should have said "The hypocrisy of those who claim Black Lives Matter is impossible to stomach." The whole BLM-scam has been just a way of punishing police every time a black criminal gets into trouble. Work on that and you'll accomplish a lot more than pretending that gun-control is the fundamental issue.
It appears that guns actually do kill people. Angry people without guns/distance killing devices can still hurt and kill people, but not nearly as many, or with as little cost to themselves. This is aside from some angry people's desire to include themselves in the killing.
its not there revengful people in this world think they can go out and shoot up places its so sad people have to be so much hate in there hearts he guns killing people its the sick people behind the guns killing people i despise hate filled people
I remember having to be home when the street lights came. Never in wildest dreams did I think. My children and grandchildren would have drills for a shooter at school. We have failed as a nation. Children should be able to play outside with their friends. Neighbors keeping a ear out. Not for strangers doing harm. It was so kids were behaved. The news reported this week that Texas is relaxing the laws on purchasing and certification of citizens acquiring guns. We need to stop putting our heads deeper in the sand. Rights are important...but our children safety should be priority.
2nd Amendment people talk about their "rights". What about OUR rights to work, go to school, the movies, buy groceries or hear music in peace, without threat of death or injury? I've marched with young people who hold signs saying "my uterus is more regulated that a gun", "Books not Bullets" etc. This country is apparently now ruled by the minority and that is not a democracy! We must have sensible gun legislation to remove assault weapons, to have proper background checks and waiting periods.
Thank you, Mr. Rather, for a thoughtful and insightful piece that we needed so much today. You are always a calm voice of reason and compassion in the darkness, and for that I am grateful.
My heart breaks anew every time there is yet another shooting, and it would be so easy to fall into complacency. I refuse. The Parkland students refused. The Sandy Hook parents and community refused. So many have refused to be complacent. We all need to be a voice.
Thank you for the words of Dr. King, much needed today and always.
My Question is this.... How many leaders of the NRA have actually lost someone in all this gun violence?... ?.... My guess is NONE of them..... but perhaps this is the lesson they need... the loss of near and dear, because many people have no real grasp of empathy until they finally find themselves in the shoes of others... then suddenly the penny drops.
Dan, you are so correct. ''that even if the road may be so long that progress seems nonexistent, even when the forces arrayed against you may seem so powerful that they are insurmountable, even though there is very little hope to point to, you don’t give up if you believe in the justice of your cause.'' There is a way to keep our guns and protect the people, but we must keep fighting to find the solution! We don’t lower our standards or give up our freedoms which we have done for years. People stop running and come up with the answers. Don’t give up, don’t quit! Have a great evening and be safe! 🤠
After I heard about this, I was sure you would write something but what is the point. This country is gun crazy and nothing will change because there is no political will to change it. Most will say something like “I’m glad it wasn’t me or didn’t happen around here” and go on with their lives. Then, we will have the next one and we will go through the same hand wringing, the same declaration that this time it will be different but it won’t. We are stuck in the same Groundhog Day apocalypse when it comes to guns. Wash, rinse, repeat. Until the Supreme Court admits it made an error — don’t hold your breath — and the second amendment is correctly interpreted or repealed nothing will be accomplished. There is probably a better chance for the Arab Israeli conflict to be resolved than the gun problem being fixed.
Right Brad... Hopefully the new generations of College kids going through will remember and act ,when they reach the ages of becoming Congress men and women or Senators. They are the hope for real change in the USA, when the old guard had died off and the "Old West" mentality finally catches up with what century it is really in!!
Sad to repeat a saw being used, "When you want to know what's going on in the U.S., follow the money." The gun debate wasn't always like this. I read an article on the history of armed citizens in the U.S., and one of the conclusions was that the modern debate was initiated after the creation of the NRA; it kind of follows that for them to pose as 'the' defender of only one of our Constitutional rights (out of how many ? ) is decidedly a position that fills their coffers, even while they stir the pot so to speak, some might say, by maybe contriving or perhaps instigating all manner of conspiracies. Sad..
Wow ... so well expressed! Most of us offer heartfelt outrage and condolences, but then stay seated on the sidelines. It’s exactly what the pro gun leadership counts on. We need to be relentlessly coalesced for sensible gun controls in America.
It wasn't the top story on the news for more than a couple of hours. 8 people died. It has become so commonplace. Truly sad. But, like you, I dwell in hope. This will change. We must believe that and keep fighting.
Hypocrisy of our Representatives in Government and those who claim their rights would be curtailed by stronger gun controls . Many of our Representatives have sold their souls to the almighty dollar manufacturers provide through the NRA and our citizens who have not matured enough to realize that carrying a gun will not prevent harm to them or their loved ones.
Will our Representatives ever have enough money, will the gun advocates ever grow up and stop their silly games? How many senseless lives will turn their hearts and minds?
Maybe you should have said "The hypocrisy of those who claim Black Lives Matter is impossible to stomach." The whole BLM-scam has been just a way of punishing police every time a black criminal gets into trouble. Work on that and you'll accomplish a lot more than pretending that gun-control is the fundamental issue.
It appears that guns actually do kill people. Angry people without guns/distance killing devices can still hurt and kill people, but not nearly as many, or with as little cost to themselves. This is aside from some angry people's desire to include themselves in the killing.
its not there revengful people in this world think they can go out and shoot up places its so sad people have to be so much hate in there hearts he guns killing people its the sick people behind the guns killing people i despise hate filled people
I remember having to be home when the street lights came. Never in wildest dreams did I think. My children and grandchildren would have drills for a shooter at school. We have failed as a nation. Children should be able to play outside with their friends. Neighbors keeping a ear out. Not for strangers doing harm. It was so kids were behaved. The news reported this week that Texas is relaxing the laws on purchasing and certification of citizens acquiring guns. We need to stop putting our heads deeper in the sand. Rights are important...but our children safety should be priority.
2nd Amendment people talk about their "rights". What about OUR rights to work, go to school, the movies, buy groceries or hear music in peace, without threat of death or injury? I've marched with young people who hold signs saying "my uterus is more regulated that a gun", "Books not Bullets" etc. This country is apparently now ruled by the minority and that is not a democracy! We must have sensible gun legislation to remove assault weapons, to have proper background checks and waiting periods.
Thank you so much for saying what others couldn’t put as gracious as you have put it. The violence needs to stop.
Thank you, Mr. Rather, for a thoughtful and insightful piece that we needed so much today. You are always a calm voice of reason and compassion in the darkness, and for that I am grateful.
My heart breaks anew every time there is yet another shooting, and it would be so easy to fall into complacency. I refuse. The Parkland students refused. The Sandy Hook parents and community refused. So many have refused to be complacent. We all need to be a voice.
Thank you for the words of Dr. King, much needed today and always.
My Question is this.... How many leaders of the NRA have actually lost someone in all this gun violence?... ?.... My guess is NONE of them..... but perhaps this is the lesson they need... the loss of near and dear, because many people have no real grasp of empathy until they finally find themselves in the shoes of others... then suddenly the penny drops.
Dan, you are so correct. ''that even if the road may be so long that progress seems nonexistent, even when the forces arrayed against you may seem so powerful that they are insurmountable, even though there is very little hope to point to, you don’t give up if you believe in the justice of your cause.'' There is a way to keep our guns and protect the people, but we must keep fighting to find the solution! We don’t lower our standards or give up our freedoms which we have done for years. People stop running and come up with the answers. Don’t give up, don’t quit! Have a great evening and be safe! 🤠
After I heard about this, I was sure you would write something but what is the point. This country is gun crazy and nothing will change because there is no political will to change it. Most will say something like “I’m glad it wasn’t me or didn’t happen around here” and go on with their lives. Then, we will have the next one and we will go through the same hand wringing, the same declaration that this time it will be different but it won’t. We are stuck in the same Groundhog Day apocalypse when it comes to guns. Wash, rinse, repeat. Until the Supreme Court admits it made an error — don’t hold your breath — and the second amendment is correctly interpreted or repealed nothing will be accomplished. There is probably a better chance for the Arab Israeli conflict to be resolved than the gun problem being fixed.
Right Brad... Hopefully the new generations of College kids going through will remember and act ,when they reach the ages of becoming Congress men and women or Senators. They are the hope for real change in the USA, when the old guard had died off and the "Old West" mentality finally catches up with what century it is really in!!
Excellent. You give me hope. We shall overcome.
Sad to repeat a saw being used, "When you want to know what's going on in the U.S., follow the money." The gun debate wasn't always like this. I read an article on the history of armed citizens in the U.S., and one of the conclusions was that the modern debate was initiated after the creation of the NRA; it kind of follows that for them to pose as 'the' defender of only one of our Constitutional rights (out of how many ? ) is decidedly a position that fills their coffers, even while they stir the pot so to speak, some might say, by maybe contriving or perhaps instigating all manner of conspiracies. Sad..
thank you for your experience and dedication to the facts/truth.
Wow ... so well expressed! Most of us offer heartfelt outrage and condolences, but then stay seated on the sidelines. It’s exactly what the pro gun leadership counts on. We need to be relentlessly coalesced for sensible gun controls in America.
It wasn't the top story on the news for more than a couple of hours. 8 people died. It has become so commonplace. Truly sad. But, like you, I dwell in hope. This will change. We must believe that and keep fighting.