Yes. Dems are often a "sky is falling" people. We are thoughtful and worried. We yearn for the confidence the ignorant often exude. We want democracy to stand and we are still traumatized by Trump's first win. The sky did fall.
Ignoring the age vulnerability, isn't honest. It is not about my vote. It is about the ones on the fringes. The …
Yes. Dems are often a "sky is falling" people. We are thoughtful and worried. We yearn for the confidence the ignorant often exude. We want democracy to stand and we are still traumatized by Trump's first win. The sky did fall.
Ignoring the age vulnerability, isn't honest. It is not about my vote. It is about the ones on the fringes. The ones who ARE influenced by the perception that Biden is weak. This is not a "slight excuse". It is about tactics. It is about winning.
Those harping on his age is MSM or more specifically the NYT. Then dumbo Msnbc followed suit. I don't run Msnbc, but whoever does needs to be replaced. You don't take a right wing talking point & run with it. Melber is nauseating about bringing up the age thing. Most of that talking point is being manipulated by corrupt right wing ops. Go watch Trump in one of his crazy rallies & get back to me...then talk to me about age. Trump is older than Biden in every way but chronologically. Trump has shown signs of dementia, unhinged ranting, & talks like a stuffed sausage. Trump doesn't excercise in his life, Biden excercises as part of his lifestyle. Trump drinks nasty diet coke & eats fast food. Biden doesn't live on that trash. Trump is forgetful, he is illogical, he is unhinged, emotionally immature, narcissistic, selfish, incompetent, a criminal rapist & fraudster. Biden is intelligent on running the gov't, foreign policy, protecting U.S. interests, & flexible in thinking. Biden is one of the most straight-talking honest congressmen. Trump is a lying, rat f*cking criminal who possesses no ability to run anything let alone our government, he's a corrupt, self-dealing conman who didn't even reach the WH legitimately. Biden is fit & trim. Trump is fat & flabby. The choice is clear. It's eye-rolling at this point to belabor the point of age, when you can't change it, the man was sick during the debate & it was designed to be a distraction. People have to focus on the larger picture & stop spinning out about things that cannot be changed. The end result will not be about "tactics", it will be about women's rights, democracy, SCOTUS corruption, stopping fascist lawlessness, protecting our institutions, education, social security, & our civil rights.
H Hospel, get over it. President Biden is doing an astonishing job as POTUS He's got the job! He's delivering astonishing results. There's no question about his ability to do the job.
Yes. Dems are often a "sky is falling" people. We are thoughtful and worried. We yearn for the confidence the ignorant often exude. We want democracy to stand and we are still traumatized by Trump's first win. The sky did fall.
Ignoring the age vulnerability, isn't honest. It is not about my vote. It is about the ones on the fringes. The ones who ARE influenced by the perception that Biden is weak. This is not a "slight excuse". It is about tactics. It is about winning.
Those harping on his age is MSM or more specifically the NYT. Then dumbo Msnbc followed suit. I don't run Msnbc, but whoever does needs to be replaced. You don't take a right wing talking point & run with it. Melber is nauseating about bringing up the age thing. Most of that talking point is being manipulated by corrupt right wing ops. Go watch Trump in one of his crazy rallies & get back to me...then talk to me about age. Trump is older than Biden in every way but chronologically. Trump has shown signs of dementia, unhinged ranting, & talks like a stuffed sausage. Trump doesn't excercise in his life, Biden excercises as part of his lifestyle. Trump drinks nasty diet coke & eats fast food. Biden doesn't live on that trash. Trump is forgetful, he is illogical, he is unhinged, emotionally immature, narcissistic, selfish, incompetent, a criminal rapist & fraudster. Biden is intelligent on running the gov't, foreign policy, protecting U.S. interests, & flexible in thinking. Biden is one of the most straight-talking honest congressmen. Trump is a lying, rat f*cking criminal who possesses no ability to run anything let alone our government, he's a corrupt, self-dealing conman who didn't even reach the WH legitimately. Biden is fit & trim. Trump is fat & flabby. The choice is clear. It's eye-rolling at this point to belabor the point of age, when you can't change it, the man was sick during the debate & it was designed to be a distraction. People have to focus on the larger picture & stop spinning out about things that cannot be changed. The end result will not be about "tactics", it will be about women's rights, democracy, SCOTUS corruption, stopping fascist lawlessness, protecting our institutions, education, social security, & our civil rights.
H Hospel, get over it. President Biden is doing an astonishing job as POTUS He's got the job! He's delivering astonishing results. There's no question about his ability to do the job.