He does have a very good record, but we need a candidate who conveys strength, leadership, command of the facts. He has been effective these past four years, but can he win. That is the only question in this election. I am no longer hopeful that he can.
He does have a very good record, but we need a candidate who conveys strength, leadership, command of the facts. He has been effective these past four years, but can he win. That is the only question in this election. I am no longer hopeful that he can.
I have a different opinion on this. If Biden continues a strong comeback such as the one in NC today, the debate will barely be a blip on the radar in a week, unless the party keeps panicking. Nothing happened last night that made Trvmp gain ANY popularity or swayed anyone his direction. TFG gets sentenced soon, and who knows what kind of trainwreck he can cause for himself in 2 weeks. Biden's performance can be sloughed off to illness. Biden has the experience to run this country and he cares about average Americans. TFG is only a con man and more people are learning that daily.
Someone on Twitter made a good point - when trump was indicted, the GOP rallied behind him; when trump was in court, the GOP rallied behind him and when trump was convicted, the GOP was 100% behind him. And we as Dems can't take one bad debate? And are discussing if he should be replaced? That is just - shameful. If they can stand behind a grifting con man whose only goal is to stay out of jail and become a dictator, severing our democracy, I'm pretty damn sure we can get behind a leader who has already shown us he can do the job! FFS... get over it.
Exactly. They need to get a grip & knock it off already. I'm sick of it. Nobody "won" in that debate. Tapper & Bash engaged in gross journalistic malpractice. They will pay the price for that in due time. CNN was literally stolen from Ted Turner III. Funny how that rotten deal that bankrupted him (Time/Warner) coincided with Bush Jr. in power. A lot of evil took place under the illegitimate smirking chimp that MSM cannot accept. I don't know if you should be a journalist if your memory is that bad. I have a memory like an elephant & I will never forget what the reTHUGs have brought to us. Gov. Newson is correct. He said...you don't abandon someone because he makes a mistake. What a bunch of jellyfish. I'd give 'em what for if I knew who was saying all of this crap. I can't stomach weak sh*t like that.
It's like a boxing match. He didn't do well in the first round, so you end the match?? Meanwhile Trump punched himself in the face in his usual grievance liefest that forced the lame "moderators" to repeat their question.
Bravo! You said what many of us are thinking! Who the hell trashes a President who has worked tirelessly for us the way Joe has been doing most of his life and particularly the last 4 years? One bad night and these pansies want to toss him overboard? Ingrates!!! I understand there is a ton of panic because the threat of the orange walking time bomb is unthinkable, but that doesnтАЩt mean we dump Joe. It means we redouble our efforts and get him re-elected. Biden or bust!
He is an absolute con man and is *only* looking out for his rich friends. I wish regular people were learning it enough to turn their backs on TFG!!! Doesn't look like they are.. :(
Changing the candidate at this date would all but guarantee the convicted felon a win. We need to rally support for Joe Biden more strongly than ever. All this panic is undermining Joe. He came back strong today, which should surprise nobody.
They do thrive on chaos. I'm riden with Biden come hell & high water. He has dedicated most of his life to upholding our democracy & protecting our freedom. How quick THEY forget.
Biden's dopey debate team & campaign need to be TOLD also. If Biden needs help...they best put aside their stupid, wrong, prejudice against Bill Clinton & give him a call. Clinton was flawless at debate & could assess how Biden should go about it. Carville could help too. There is a lot of tunnel vision in the beltway with their infatuation of Obama...& yes he has the cutest smile, I get that, but Obama isn't able to explain things to Joe, assess him, &/or coach him. Clinton has the detailed mind to do that. Nothing against Obama, it's just that Biden needs Bill Clinton.
Yeah. Trust me...my gut doesn't lie. This is not over, it's not a big deal. Trump is a blithering idiot talking about Hannibal Lector, wind mills, sharks, & electricity. He punched himself in the face in that debate by not answering a question so the moderators had to ask him the question again.
I'll admit that I've never been a huge Biden fan. That said, I think the, "Can he win?" question isn't substantially different now than it was four years ago, when the orange slime lost by 7 million votes. Has the slime really gained that many supporters in that time? I doubt it.
Those polls are off too. Why would Msnbc talking heads spend so much time on them when they know Trump had Cohen pay an IT person to hack the polls in 2016 so he'd look more favorable. In fact, Trump has lost 20% of the GOP that voted for Haley. Then he said he didn't need them. Hmmm see does he not need them because he's confident they can steal/hack/rig another election with GOP help? Or is it his ever shrinking grip on reality that caused him to say that? Either way, I still don't see him getting that 20% or many of those Independents. He's such a psycho...he's talking about locking up Dems, putting us in interment camps & then thinks Dems will vote for him. I'm sorry, but I just don't see how threatening people with jail & then thinking they'll vote for him is going to get him votes. It's illogical. He makes no sense.
Of course the polls are off. The polls are ALWAYS off. Almost until Election Day, 2016, the polls said Hillary was going to win easily. Recently, Nate Cohn, who conducts those headline-making NY Times polls (and it's journalistic malpractice for a news REPORTING organization to be making its own news, but that's another post), admitted that his data sets consisted of unengaged voters---i.e., uninformed, apathetic people. People who keep hearing the orange one's name over and over, thanks to 24/7 MSM coverage. As in 2016, Rump is getting nonstop publicity that he could never hope to buy.
Yes. That....and the polls don't account for cheating, rigging & hacking. I mean would it hurt the snufflepuffs to mention that little factoid? I roll my eyes at them. The press continues to fail, not just by their stupid hand wringing, but also their vast omissions of large swaths of information that could engage people, educate them, & allow them to understand that most things are not so black & white. For example, the Israel/America alliance cannot just be changed with a snap of the finger, nor should it. To change policy that is decades old, is to fundamentally change interactions on the ground in the middle East. That change, because we're going to show those fascists in Israel how we play hardball, could backfire & cause a literal war. These folks demanding this of our government have no concept of what the possible repercussions could be. That's why Presidents don't change intricate foreign policy over protests by kids that really don't have a full picture of how to solve what has transpired in the Israel/Palestine saga.
I don't agree at all about U.S. actions and policy in regard to Israel. There are a lot more people than kids who are protesting. But I'll leave it at that.
Polls don't need to be specifically rigged or their data hacked. That is, any desired results can be obtained by the phrasing of questions and the choice of media and demographics. For instance, simply doing polls by phone, either cell or landline, inevitably skews results a lot. Just that one parameter changes everything, let alone the cross-section of numbers called. Deliberate cheating isn't required.
And yes, news outlets of all kinds, whether Fox or MSNBC, continually leave out, "the rest of the story." It's a matter of time/space constraints and editorial policy.
I understand. The policy should be changed, but .....I was just thinking how ugly W Bush was & then the Orange creature slithered in from the swamp. What if all the other countries held that against us forever?
You are correct about the phrasing. It could be flawed in exactly the ways you listed.
Yes, Denise.....it has to be hard to get the whole story in. One of my complaints is that they overdo it on some things & completely ignore other important stories. For example, we haven't heard enough about how Trump let 5000 Taliban prisoners go in Afghanistan & what has happened since. He was such a weakling he just let them go without any concessions. It was pathetic & shows what a loser he truly is.
If I had to make a bet, I'd say that many other countries have been distrustful of the U.S. since Ronnie Raygun. Then there was GWB and his lies. Even worse under Rump, of course. But now, though Biden has been more stable, there's the carnage in Gaza, which the U.S. is aiding, and many other countries are rightly criticizing. Then Rump is promising to throw another rock in the pond if he gets back in. No wonder this country has lost the moral high ground and can no longer be counted on, on the world stage.
As for getting the whole story, as I mentioned, much depends on audience demographics and editorial policy. It's all about what will appeal and gain the most ratings/views/clicks. It usually has very little to do with the actual content of a given story. I say this as someone who was in publishing for almost 20 years.
He does have a very good record, but we need a candidate who conveys strength, leadership, command of the facts. He has been effective these past four years, but can he win. That is the only question in this election. I am no longer hopeful that he can.
I have a different opinion on this. If Biden continues a strong comeback such as the one in NC today, the debate will barely be a blip on the radar in a week, unless the party keeps panicking. Nothing happened last night that made Trvmp gain ANY popularity or swayed anyone his direction. TFG gets sentenced soon, and who knows what kind of trainwreck he can cause for himself in 2 weeks. Biden's performance can be sloughed off to illness. Biden has the experience to run this country and he cares about average Americans. TFG is only a con man and more people are learning that daily.
Someone on Twitter made a good point - when trump was indicted, the GOP rallied behind him; when trump was in court, the GOP rallied behind him and when trump was convicted, the GOP was 100% behind him. And we as Dems can't take one bad debate? And are discussing if he should be replaced? That is just - shameful. If they can stand behind a grifting con man whose only goal is to stay out of jail and become a dictator, severing our democracy, I'm pretty damn sure we can get behind a leader who has already shown us he can do the job! FFS... get over it.
Exactly. They need to get a grip & knock it off already. I'm sick of it. Nobody "won" in that debate. Tapper & Bash engaged in gross journalistic malpractice. They will pay the price for that in due time. CNN was literally stolen from Ted Turner III. Funny how that rotten deal that bankrupted him (Time/Warner) coincided with Bush Jr. in power. A lot of evil took place under the illegitimate smirking chimp that MSM cannot accept. I don't know if you should be a journalist if your memory is that bad. I have a memory like an elephant & I will never forget what the reTHUGs have brought to us. Gov. Newson is correct. He said...you don't abandon someone because he makes a mistake. What a bunch of jellyfish. I'd give 'em what for if I knew who was saying all of this crap. I can't stomach weak sh*t like that.
It's like a boxing match. He didn't do well in the first round, so you end the match?? Meanwhile Trump punched himself in the face in his usual grievance liefest that forced the lame "moderators" to repeat their question.
Bravo! You said what many of us are thinking! Who the hell trashes a President who has worked tirelessly for us the way Joe has been doing most of his life and particularly the last 4 years? One bad night and these pansies want to toss him overboard? Ingrates!!! I understand there is a ton of panic because the threat of the orange walking time bomb is unthinkable, but that doesnтАЩt mean we dump Joe. It means we redouble our efforts and get him re-elected. Biden or bust!
Well said, Linda!!!!!!!!
Thank you. You took the words right out of my mouth.
A m e n, Emma!!! That was so well said.
He is an absolute con man and is *only* looking out for his rich friends. I wish regular people were learning it enough to turn their backs on TFG!!! Doesn't look like they are.. :(
This strengthens your point, I think:
Changing the candidate at this date would all but guarantee the convicted felon a win. We need to rally support for Joe Biden more strongly than ever. All this panic is undermining Joe. He came back strong today, which should surprise nobody.
I have come around to thinking that the GQP wanted Democrats to panic and that is exactly what they created
They do thrive on chaos. I'm riden with Biden come hell & high water. He has dedicated most of his life to upholding our democracy & protecting our freedom. How quick THEY forget.
Biden's dopey debate team & campaign need to be TOLD also. If Biden needs help...they best put aside their stupid, wrong, prejudice against Bill Clinton & give him a call. Clinton was flawless at debate & could assess how Biden should go about it. Carville could help too. There is a lot of tunnel vision in the beltway with their infatuation of Obama...& yes he has the cutest smile, I get that, but Obama isn't able to explain things to Joe, assess him, &/or coach him. Clinton has the detailed mind to do that. Nothing against Obama, it's just that Biden needs Bill Clinton.
I concur!
Quit your whining all you whiny Democrats тАж HeтАЩs the best weтАЩve got and HeтАЩs done a damn good job. Come on!!!
Yeah. Trust me...my gut doesn't lie. This is not over, it's not a big deal. Trump is a blithering idiot talking about Hannibal Lector, wind mills, sharks, & electricity. He punched himself in the face in that debate by not answering a question so the moderators had to ask him the question again.
This! I want some hope but am very worried. The only calculus that matters is winning this election.
Watch this. It will make you feel better
I'll admit that I've never been a huge Biden fan. That said, I think the, "Can he win?" question isn't substantially different now than it was four years ago, when the orange slime lost by 7 million votes. Has the slime really gained that many supporters in that time? I doubt it.
Those polls are off too. Why would Msnbc talking heads spend so much time on them when they know Trump had Cohen pay an IT person to hack the polls in 2016 so he'd look more favorable. In fact, Trump has lost 20% of the GOP that voted for Haley. Then he said he didn't need them. Hmmm see does he not need them because he's confident they can steal/hack/rig another election with GOP help? Or is it his ever shrinking grip on reality that caused him to say that? Either way, I still don't see him getting that 20% or many of those Independents. He's such a psycho...he's talking about locking up Dems, putting us in interment camps & then thinks Dems will vote for him. I'm sorry, but I just don't see how threatening people with jail & then thinking they'll vote for him is going to get him votes. It's illogical. He makes no sense.
Thank you! People need to stop wetting the bed, trust Joe, and get out there and volunteer!
Of course the polls are off. The polls are ALWAYS off. Almost until Election Day, 2016, the polls said Hillary was going to win easily. Recently, Nate Cohn, who conducts those headline-making NY Times polls (and it's journalistic malpractice for a news REPORTING organization to be making its own news, but that's another post), admitted that his data sets consisted of unengaged voters---i.e., uninformed, apathetic people. People who keep hearing the orange one's name over and over, thanks to 24/7 MSM coverage. As in 2016, Rump is getting nonstop publicity that he could never hope to buy.
Yes. That....and the polls don't account for cheating, rigging & hacking. I mean would it hurt the snufflepuffs to mention that little factoid? I roll my eyes at them. The press continues to fail, not just by their stupid hand wringing, but also their vast omissions of large swaths of information that could engage people, educate them, & allow them to understand that most things are not so black & white. For example, the Israel/America alliance cannot just be changed with a snap of the finger, nor should it. To change policy that is decades old, is to fundamentally change interactions on the ground in the middle East. That change, because we're going to show those fascists in Israel how we play hardball, could backfire & cause a literal war. These folks demanding this of our government have no concept of what the possible repercussions could be. That's why Presidents don't change intricate foreign policy over protests by kids that really don't have a full picture of how to solve what has transpired in the Israel/Palestine saga.
I don't agree at all about U.S. actions and policy in regard to Israel. There are a lot more people than kids who are protesting. But I'll leave it at that.
Polls don't need to be specifically rigged or their data hacked. That is, any desired results can be obtained by the phrasing of questions and the choice of media and demographics. For instance, simply doing polls by phone, either cell or landline, inevitably skews results a lot. Just that one parameter changes everything, let alone the cross-section of numbers called. Deliberate cheating isn't required.
And yes, news outlets of all kinds, whether Fox or MSNBC, continually leave out, "the rest of the story." It's a matter of time/space constraints and editorial policy.
I understand. The policy should be changed, but .....I was just thinking how ugly W Bush was & then the Orange creature slithered in from the swamp. What if all the other countries held that against us forever?
You are correct about the phrasing. It could be flawed in exactly the ways you listed.
Yes, Denise.....it has to be hard to get the whole story in. One of my complaints is that they overdo it on some things & completely ignore other important stories. For example, we haven't heard enough about how Trump let 5000 Taliban prisoners go in Afghanistan & what has happened since. He was such a weakling he just let them go without any concessions. It was pathetic & shows what a loser he truly is.
If I had to make a bet, I'd say that many other countries have been distrustful of the U.S. since Ronnie Raygun. Then there was GWB and his lies. Even worse under Rump, of course. But now, though Biden has been more stable, there's the carnage in Gaza, which the U.S. is aiding, and many other countries are rightly criticizing. Then Rump is promising to throw another rock in the pond if he gets back in. No wonder this country has lost the moral high ground and can no longer be counted on, on the world stage.
As for getting the whole story, as I mentioned, much depends on audience demographics and editorial policy. It's all about what will appeal and gain the most ratings/views/clicks. It usually has very little to do with the actual content of a given story. I say this as someone who was in publishing for almost 20 years.
Ridin' with Biden.
Sit back and watch. We are going to have the biggest Blue tsunami ever seen in US election history.