He was obviously ill, and if he had the bug I had for the last 2 weeks, I don’t know how he stood for 90 minutes, much less answered complicated questions. I don’t understand Democrats panicking over one 90 minute debate and not remembering 3 1/2 years of wonderful leadership.
He was obviously ill, and if he had the bug I had for the last 2 weeks, I don’t know how he stood for 90 minutes, much less answered complicated questions. I don’t understand Democrats panicking over one 90 minute debate and not remembering 3 1/2 years of wonderful leadership.
We should be judging Biden on his answers last night and not his form. Just as we should be judging Trump on his lies and (maybe not) on that ridiculous pasted on Cheshire Cat smile.
Notice it...it aggravates me. Paul Ryan was always doing that & all he did was lie. The republicans have been trash since before Nixon with their dirty tricks, lies, rat f*cking, which they do constantly. Journos call it "projection".
that is a smug spiteful smile proving what a jerk trump really is. An absolute fool with barely any education that helped him atvall. A complete business failure, cheated paying bills, always cheating, lying or stealing. He is just a male slut, nothing else and without intelligence. A disgrace.
He probably did. He was farting in court & stinking up the place as he pretended to sleep. You can see in some of those group pictures when he was Resident. He stinks.
People didn't know he was ill. It just looked like an old man who couldn't counter Trump's lies, which many people don't know are lies. That's the problem. He confirmed the doubts of people who don't think he's capable of another term. Last night was when he had to bring it, not today or next week.
He had a cold just got back from 2 weeks in Europe and Trump lied constantly in Gish Gallop style. But you all give Trump a free pass. Disgusting. DEMAND THE FELON DROP OUT
I didn't know he was ill. I watched him so hopefully. He has done a very good job in his first term, and I was devastated to see him like that. I feel better to know that he was sick, but I wish people could have told us that.
There is no point in trying to counter Trump's lies - only Jake Tapper of Dana Bash could do that by turning off Trump's mike and telling him to answer the question asked which they didn't do.
“CNN determined ahead of time that Tapper and Bash would be questioners, not umpires. They didn’t follow up questions — except to repeat those that weren’t answered — and left it to the politicians to try and fact-check.”
Because they announced it in advance DJT could make his plan. All he had to do was memorize his list of lies. The times they repeated the question they waited until he finished his lies first - which means he got extra time to tell more lies & not on the topic. Unfriggin believable except this is the network that hosted a townhall packed with maga fans.
A week of “drama” in anticipation and all the noise afterward has helped bury the flurry of SCOTUS decisions from public view. I’m sure Roberts appreciates it. This is where my attention has moved. It makes me nervous and they are poised to drop more.
I can understand the annoyance. DJT made them irrelevant. Plus, factchecking later is useless. Less useful than a judge tells a jury (which is present) to ignore what was said.
Tapper appeared annoyed too. Here’s what he said after interruptions by DJT:
TAPPER: Well, I’m going to ask you a follow-up. You can do whatever you want with the minute that we give you.” No stop sign just a big green light. I looked it up to be certain. (CNN posted the transcript)
BTW, small donors did not flee from Biden. It seems he raised more $$ after the debate.
Thank you, Ann. I didn't notice Tapper's annoyance as much as Dana's, she looked like she was ready to burst when she repeated a question and said just answer yes or no
I agree with you. I am quite concerned about our democracy. I think Trump did so much damage during his four years that we are now in a cold "civil war". I wonder how many Americans realize this?
They lost whatever shred of decency when they railroaded Ted Turner III with a bad deal & then took him off the board of CNN in bad faith. They deserve no benefit of any doubt ever.
They turned off his mic while he was still talking during the 10 minutes I watched. It was too painful to watch more. But they did a good job of sitting back and letting each of them show us who they are. I just wish that Biden had been able to frustrate Trump to the point that his head exploded. Ah well - there will be more opportunities.
I believe his comeuppance isn’t too far off. I want to see him in an orange jump suit that matches his “tan.” Then for Biden to pardon him with the condition he never leave Maro maro, and Hillary speeches must be piped in non-stop. ….
trump is despicable and must never ever get elected again, not even as dog catcher. Would not trust him with even that job. He does not like animals, big sign ofva not nice person. Hecwould notveven pet the service dog y=that had returned from duty overseas, hecwas a disgusting cowardly cold creep.
Stupid MSNBC!! Yeah...so what I want to know is WHO is saying this in the Dem party? Is it Schumer? Only Gov Newson can take the mantel from him & win. Period. However I think it's premature given that it was their first debate & Biden was sick. I had to turn it off after I became incensed when he lied & claimed Biden has made the U.S. a disgrace to the world. He's the one who did that. I saw the stats on it from every country. Both Biden & Obama had to deal with knotheads before them that besmirched America's reputation & they will continue to do that because they don't like U.S. democracy. Ya know....wouldn't you think that in a democratic country, that it wouldn't be allowed for a political party to run in our elections when they are anti-democratic, corrupt, fascist & palling around with dictators? I don't know....maybe it's just me, but it seems to be an obviously low bar to me. Yet our Gov't didn't see fit to codify rules for the parties, apparently. It's illegal in Germany, because they're smarter than we are.
In Britain, they are called "Palace Sources". The media is making it up as they are going along. In the NY Times Friedman an article and the NY Times editorial board wrote an Op Ed telling Biden to withdraw. If you have access read the both of them and substitute Friedman for Biden in his article and NY Times for Biden in the Op Ed. Illuminating. Appreciate your comment.
Britain has a serious problem, but then again it appears that some of them pay them to do that. It's like Murdoch. The times asking Biden to step down was & is pathetic. It's why he won't give them an interview because of their shenanigans. Everyone forgets that the NYT made a deal with Murdoch during the 2016 election. So they LITERALLY threw everything at the wall to stop Hillary Clinton. The misogynist press, NYT, Murdoch, Pecker, Comey, Putin-Assange Hack. These dirty trick campaigns have got to stop or we will lose our democracy, even if we slip by this time. Only one side has ever been involved in this crap & that's republicans. It's time it stops. I'm sick of the anxiety created by these monsters every single election cycle.
I will add that perhaps Joe took cold meds, which can have adverse effects especially on older folks. I take so much allergy medications that nothing makes me feel any different anymore, but that is me.
thank you for saying those kind and caring words. understanding and kindness are very important for goid people because of all the filthy corrupt people in our lives these past years. How many of trumps morons have been jailed, with more to come. Did you ever read the nonsense and garbage they are hoping to impose on us and our country? trump wants control and wants to stay out of jail. I WANT HIM IN JAIL AN SO SHOULD ALMOST EVERYONE ELSE WHO LOVES OUR COUNTRY .
That just doesn’t explain why he was up and raring to go today. Why couldn’t that Joe show himself last night?! I’m sorry to be a Debbie downer here, but he was just terrible and it doesn’t matter what the Biden die hard think, it matters what the people that are wavering on who they are going to vote for think. I can’t imagine there is one single person that wasn’t sure if they were going to vote for Biden or Trump last night. Who decided I think I will vote for Biden. Kennedy got a lot more supporters in the past 24 hours We need another candidate and we need it ASAP.
Well the snap polls didn't show any movement. People need to get a grip! He was sick. Yes, his debate team/campaign are the idiots who caused this. They had him on the wrong side, they told him not to correct Trump's lies, & clearly they aren't very good. I will say it one more time. Forget about Obama coming to "help" Biden. It won't work. They need Bill Clinton. Period. So they need to quit whining & dissing the Big Dog & bring him back in to coach Biden, because he's the master! Do you always count someone else when they "lose" the first battle & pull them out of the war? No, you don't. Biden didn't do good, but did you think Trump was good with his booger nose, lying like a scum, & making the moderators repeat a question twice. If anything Trump punched himself in the face repeatedly. Both candidates did bad.
He was obviously ill, and if he had the bug I had for the last 2 weeks, I don’t know how he stood for 90 minutes, much less answered complicated questions. I don’t understand Democrats panicking over one 90 minute debate and not remembering 3 1/2 years of wonderful leadership.
Exactly!! We have Biden’s back just like he has ours!!
We should be judging Biden on his answers last night and not his form. Just as we should be judging Trump on his lies and (maybe not) on that ridiculous pasted on Cheshire Cat smile.
Hate that stupid “smile”
No warmth in it..ever. Smiles like a reptile.
Now that's funny!!
he does though, his smile is fake, odd, wacky like he is.
It's not so much a smile as it is a smirk, and there is a difference.
Did you ever notice that republicans always smirk when they're telling lies. I've been disgusted by this since the 1980s.
So you aren't the only one to notice this. It's good that you made the comment.
Notice it...it aggravates me. Paul Ryan was always doing that & all he did was lie. The republicans have been trash since before Nixon with their dirty tricks, lies, rat f*cking, which they do constantly. Journos call it "projection".
that is a smug spiteful smile proving what a jerk trump really is. An absolute fool with barely any education that helped him atvall. A complete business failure, cheated paying bills, always cheating, lying or stealing. He is just a male slut, nothing else and without intelligence. A disgrace.
I loved it when Biden told him that he has the morals of an alley cat!
Yes loved that, it says it all!
Me, too!!!! it was the highlight of the "debate" for me.
I don’t know….I’m a dog guy, but it really lumps all alley cats into pretty low cohort.
Smiles like a 7th grade boy who just farted in class.
He probably did. He was farting in court & stinking up the place as he pretended to sleep. You can see in some of those group pictures when he was Resident. He stinks.
Greasy orange “shit gibbon”. I had to look it up! 🦧
First thing I said when I saw him was...he looks like a booger nose. Lulz
Me, too. I love that it was coined specifically for DJT
How easily they forget! I'm choosing to remember Biden's State of the Union address and my spirits are still high. I'm still ridin' with Biden!
Biden every day & night. He has been working for us for decades & will continue to do so. I'm all in!
Me, too, Megan!!! ♥️🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷♥️
People didn't know he was ill. It just looked like an old man who couldn't counter Trump's lies, which many people don't know are lies. That's the problem. He confirmed the doubts of people who don't think he's capable of another term. Last night was when he had to bring it, not today or next week.
He had a cold just got back from 2 weeks in Europe and Trump lied constantly in Gish Gallop style. But you all give Trump a free pass. Disgusting. DEMAND THE FELON DROP OUT
We do not have to listen to the lies and verbal assaults.
I didn't know he was ill. I watched him so hopefully. He has done a very good job in his first term, and I was devastated to see him like that. I feel better to know that he was sick, but I wish people could have told us that.
He did great the next day in North Carolina.
Plus, you might find this clip uplifting
He managed to read a 20 minute speech off a teleprompter, without blanking out.
Everyone knows he is not fit.
He was so pale and looked sick !
There is no point in trying to counter Trump's lies - only Jake Tapper of Dana Bash could do that by turning off Trump's mike and telling him to answer the question asked which they didn't do.
From the AP:
“CNN determined ahead of time that Tapper and Bash would be questioners, not umpires. They didn’t follow up questions — except to repeat those that weren’t answered — and left it to the politicians to try and fact-check.”
Because they announced it in advance DJT could make his plan. All he had to do was memorize his list of lies. The times they repeated the question they waited until he finished his lies first - which means he got extra time to tell more lies & not on the topic. Unfriggin believable except this is the network that hosted a townhall packed with maga fans.
Thank you for this added information. Dana did repeat the question and she did appear annoyed the trump ignored her.
A week of “drama” in anticipation and all the noise afterward has helped bury the flurry of SCOTUS decisions from public view. I’m sure Roberts appreciates it. This is where my attention has moved. It makes me nervous and they are poised to drop more.
I can understand the annoyance. DJT made them irrelevant. Plus, factchecking later is useless. Less useful than a judge tells a jury (which is present) to ignore what was said.
Tapper appeared annoyed too. Here’s what he said after interruptions by DJT:
TAPPER: Well, I’m going to ask you a follow-up. You can do whatever you want with the minute that we give you.” No stop sign just a big green light. I looked it up to be certain. (CNN posted the transcript)
BTW, small donors did not flee from Biden. It seems he raised more $$ after the debate.
I donated because I wanted him to know we have his back! Don’t step down Joe we love you.
Me too. I’m retired and donate to candidates & causes as able. I suspect many felt the same. I see now the 24 hrs after the debate raised $27M.
Thank you, Ann. I didn't notice Tapper's annoyance as much as Dana's, she looked like she was ready to burst when she repeated a question and said just answer yes or no
I agree with you. I am quite concerned about our democracy. I think Trump did so much damage during his four years that we are now in a cold "civil war". I wonder how many Americans realize this?
I questioned the integrity of CNN. I felt that way before the "debate".
They lost whatever shred of decency when they railroaded Ted Turner III with a bad deal & then took him off the board of CNN in bad faith. They deserve no benefit of any doubt ever.
Agreed....they let djt rant on...dodge the questions.
Thank you Joannie
They certainly did not. I question the integrity of CNN. I am not at all impressed.
They turned off his mic while he was still talking during the 10 minutes I watched. It was too painful to watch more. But they did a good job of sitting back and letting each of them show us who they are. I just wish that Biden had been able to frustrate Trump to the point that his head exploded. Ah well - there will be more opportunities.
For a man with a sore throat from a cold Joe did pretty darned good
Yes, and whose microphone wasn't working properly.
Exactly! They let him get away with his BS , he always get away , slippery slim that he is.
I believe his comeuppance isn’t too far off. I want to see him in an orange jump suit that matches his “tan.” Then for Biden to pardon him with the condition he never leave Maro maro, and Hillary speeches must be piped in non-stop. ….
trump is despicable and must never ever get elected again, not even as dog catcher. Would not trust him with even that job. He does not like animals, big sign ofva not nice person. Hecwould notveven pet the service dog y=that had returned from duty overseas, hecwas a disgusting cowardly cold creep.
... and look at the ugly things he has said about our servicemen.
Trump is despicable.
He’s got nothing to bring. What we saw on Thursday is what the people in the White House see every day.
A senile old man.
Maybe this clip will make you feel better:
Are Democrats panicking? I see and hear LOTS of media coverage about needing a new nominee all remarkably devoid of names or formal statements.
Think it is an RNC / media push.
Signed, life long Republican who never has and NEVER, EVER will vote for Trump.
Stupid MSNBC!! Yeah...so what I want to know is WHO is saying this in the Dem party? Is it Schumer? Only Gov Newson can take the mantel from him & win. Period. However I think it's premature given that it was their first debate & Biden was sick. I had to turn it off after I became incensed when he lied & claimed Biden has made the U.S. a disgrace to the world. He's the one who did that. I saw the stats on it from every country. Both Biden & Obama had to deal with knotheads before them that besmirched America's reputation & they will continue to do that because they don't like U.S. democracy. Ya know....wouldn't you think that in a democratic country, that it wouldn't be allowed for a political party to run in our elections when they are anti-democratic, corrupt, fascist & palling around with dictators? I don't know....maybe it's just me, but it seems to be an obviously low bar to me. Yet our Gov't didn't see fit to codify rules for the parties, apparently. It's illegal in Germany, because they're smarter than we are.
In Britain, they are called "Palace Sources". The media is making it up as they are going along. In the NY Times Friedman an article and the NY Times editorial board wrote an Op Ed telling Biden to withdraw. If you have access read the both of them and substitute Friedman for Biden in his article and NY Times for Biden in the Op Ed. Illuminating. Appreciate your comment.
Britain has a serious problem, but then again it appears that some of them pay them to do that. It's like Murdoch. The times asking Biden to step down was & is pathetic. It's why he won't give them an interview because of their shenanigans. Everyone forgets that the NYT made a deal with Murdoch during the 2016 election. So they LITERALLY threw everything at the wall to stop Hillary Clinton. The misogynist press, NYT, Murdoch, Pecker, Comey, Putin-Assange Hack. These dirty trick campaigns have got to stop or we will lose our democracy, even if we slip by this time. Only one side has ever been involved in this crap & that's republicans. It's time it stops. I'm sick of the anxiety created by these monsters every single election cycle.
Me too. We need warning labels on Cable News (for entertainment purposes only). Not sure what to do about the NYT we parted company a long time ago.
Thank you, GOD Bless you too!!
You are right, Bruce.
I will add that perhaps Joe took cold meds, which can have adverse effects especially on older folks. I take so much allergy medications that nothing makes me feel any different anymore, but that is me.
That's a good point, but what a stupid out-of-touch campaign/debate team does he have? If anything...he should've taken Prednisone.
Thumbs Up!!
thank you for saying those kind and caring words. understanding and kindness are very important for goid people because of all the filthy corrupt people in our lives these past years. How many of trumps morons have been jailed, with more to come. Did you ever read the nonsense and garbage they are hoping to impose on us and our country? trump wants control and wants to stay out of jail. I WANT HIM IN JAIL AN SO SHOULD ALMOST EVERYONE ELSE WHO LOVES OUR COUNTRY .
Because the alternative is a reality I’ve read about in History books.
That just doesn’t explain why he was up and raring to go today. Why couldn’t that Joe show himself last night?! I’m sorry to be a Debbie downer here, but he was just terrible and it doesn’t matter what the Biden die hard think, it matters what the people that are wavering on who they are going to vote for think. I can’t imagine there is one single person that wasn’t sure if they were going to vote for Biden or Trump last night. Who decided I think I will vote for Biden. Kennedy got a lot more supporters in the past 24 hours We need another candidate and we need it ASAP.
Well the snap polls didn't show any movement. People need to get a grip! He was sick. Yes, his debate team/campaign are the idiots who caused this. They had him on the wrong side, they told him not to correct Trump's lies, & clearly they aren't very good. I will say it one more time. Forget about Obama coming to "help" Biden. It won't work. They need Bill Clinton. Period. So they need to quit whining & dissing the Big Dog & bring him back in to coach Biden, because he's the master! Do you always count someone else when they "lose" the first battle & pull them out of the war? No, you don't. Biden didn't do good, but did you think Trump was good with his booger nose, lying like a scum, & making the moderators repeat a question twice. If anything Trump punched himself in the face repeatedly. Both candidates did bad.
Here , here.
I agree with you, Mary.
Wonderful leadership. Some decent things. And a very very bad thing.