And taken to its opposite extreme is chaos.

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Sorry, disagree, but that's ok.

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So, what happened to majority rule with protection for minority rights?

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I happened to be at home that day and watched the whole thing unfold in real time. Personally I was horrified, watching protestors beat various Capitol Police officers with American flags.

Everyone who marched to the Capitol that day was badly lied to about the outcome of the election, as demonstrated by the various text messages revealed in the Dominion v Fox News lawsuit.

The rally before the crowd departed for the Capitol was peaceful enough. I say peaceful enough because the lies about the election were the raison d'etre for the rally and subsequent march to the Capitol.

That the crowd broke into the Capitol was then hardly surprising, given the tenor of the rally beforehand.

If you think Ashli Babbitt was shot by an officer who panicked, then I don't think you saw that portion of the riot unfold. The crowd was trying to break down the door to the House chamber. When they succeeded in breaking the window and Ms. Babbitt began crawling through, the officer ordered her to stop or he would shoot. She didn't stop. But none of the remaining protestors climbed through that window.

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These events is why the Ukraines are fighting Mother Russians.

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Ok, civil disobedience. Protesting? Marching in the streets? That's a 1stA protected activity. No one should set fire to anything, and it's been demonstrated that most of the people arrested in Portland, for example, were connected to the Proud Boys and other far right groups. Happy to provide citations if you wish.

January 6 was another matter altogether. The people who stormed the Capitol and took on the police had been badly lied to by people who have been demonstrably shown to have known better since the election. Every audit of the results confirmed those results, sometimes (in Arizona, for example) resulting in a higher total for Biden.

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How are these “defenders of the constitution” forgetting that if you are pro life, it is most likely due to religion and therefore a moot argument- separation of church and state

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Thank you for keeping our eyes on the real issues in our nation as well as the real enemies. Justice Thomas was incompetent at the time of his Senate hearings and has remained incompetent throughout his time on our Supreme Court. He is also a criminal.

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…AND, just today, reported by the Washington Post: Clarence Thomas has for years claimed income from a defunct real estate firm.

How corrupt does one need to be to be impeached?

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Thank you Dan Rather for this opinion. Unfortunately, the abortion matter isn't about saving babies, it's about control of women's bodies. How archaic can these people be? If men were having babies, this would never be an issue.

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Thank you for this information post. GOP is trying to hide their non care of all people unless they are rich. And white.

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Thank you Dan Rather for this report. Unfortunately, this abortion issue is not about withholding them from women; it is about controlling women completely. If men had babies, this wouldn't be an issue. PS: Thomas should never have been put on the Court.

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Supreme mess is a kind description to give to SCOTUS and even our government at this time. Everything we've seen since President Obama has totally smashed the pedestal we've put the three branches of government on. It started way before that when George W. Bush won the Presidency based on chads. What an absolute disgrace. Chief Justice Roberts hasn't said or done anything that we know of.

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Restaurants? Good question. I think the restaurant proprietor should step in, if that's the case. Or call the police and sort it out among the parties. The problem is when you become a public person, people have a right to approach you in public spaces. Should they do so in a non-threatening manner? Absolutely. Getting in someone's face and violating their personal space is not how civilized people behave.

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We may disagree about inside. Definitely agree though that outside is where protest activity belongs. Inside? It depends. I don't have a problem with someone sitting in the gallery silently with a sign. Yelling, no.

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