Ok. We are hearing you. It seems that many of you would like to see Smile for a Saturday become at least a somewhat regular feature. We also are seeing comments of concern that this might replace our more substantive essays. Rest assured, this will be only additional content.
We are finishing up a big Sunday essay for tomorrow, about put…
Ok. We are hearing you. It seems that many of you would like to see Smile for a Saturday become at least a somewhat regular feature. We also are seeing comments of concern that this might replace our more substantive essays. Rest assured, this will be only additional content.
We are finishing up a big Sunday essay for tomorrow, about puting Afghanistan into a broader historical context. We hope to see many of you in the comments section there as well. Thank you so much for supporting our efforts and for your encouragement. We hope you have a good weekend. We are especially concerned with all of you living in the path of the hurricane. Please stay safe and properly prepared. Steady.
Ok. We are hearing you. It seems that many of you would like to see Smile for a Saturday become at least a somewhat regular feature. We also are seeing comments of concern that this might replace our more substantive essays. Rest assured, this will be only additional content.
We are finishing up a big Sunday essay for tomorrow, about puting Afghanistan into a broader historical context. We hope to see many of you in the comments section there as well. Thank you so much for supporting our efforts and for your encouragement. We hope you have a good weekend. We are especially concerned with all of you living in the path of the hurricane. Please stay safe and properly prepared. Steady.
Please - all smiles gratefully accepted. And please let me know if you are looking for recommendations.
Recommendations would be welcome. Thank you.
Everything your team has done is appreciated.
I agree