Dear Mr. Rather and Mr. Kirschner, thank you for writing this article on Florence Price and for featuring here my performance of the Violin Concerto #2. May Florence Price’s music continue to finally receive the accolades and recognition it deserves. Thank you again.

Warmest wishes,


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Dear Ms. Hall-Tompkins,

Thank you for sharing such a remarkable performance with all of us, for featuring the works of Florence Price, and for all you do for music. It was our honor to play a small part in amplifying something so beautiful.

Best wishes,


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THANK YOU!! What a story.

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This was absolutely stunning. Not being terribly versed in classical music I find Ms. Tompkins’ performance both musically and visually mesmerizing. I kept engaged while listening and watching closely each and every musician on stage. It must make one wonder what other musical geniuses have been lost to the world because of their time and place in history. Please keep the Florence Price’s of the world on your radar so that we all may be enriched by their art.

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Thank you for writing this article. What beautiful, almost lost or nearly forgotten beautiful pieces of music. Very moving and so worth listening to. Thank you for giving me the chance to hear and appreciate such beautiful music.

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Thank you for sharing, this is exactly what needs to be shared in history classes. What a stunning composer. Simply brilliant.

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Nope, again.

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So true 😊

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Thank you so much for writing about Florence Price. I listen to her music often as my local classical radio station plays a lot of her music. KDFC has streaming music that everyone can enjoy via the web.

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Thanks for this. Ms Price deserves the exposure of our roots. And impressive roots they are.

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Brings a smile and a joyful tear.

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To which a lawyer would say, it doesn’t matter how good or useful AA was and could continue to be. AA was declared un-constitutional, and as such could not continue to exist no matter how many times and how many left leaning media types (Dan, are you listening here?) insist that the learned decision “gutted” AA. So now AA is gone with the wind and those who prefer to grant a certain excepted status to a certain group of undeserving people will just have to find a constitutional way to accomplish the same end of giving preference when, now according to the law, none should be given.

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Thank you, Dan for introducing me to the magnificent music of Florence Price. I will add her to my list of cherished composers. I have always enjoyed classical music. Florence Price deserves her place among the masters.

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Get the streaming KDFC radio station out of San Francisco, they play her often!

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That was solo. Thank you 🙏

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Thanks. 1776. I'll remember!

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So beautiful and such a wonderful discovery for me.

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