It will never happen. He will get away with everything because this country and its systems are so weak. There is no justice.

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A very thought-provoking article Dan and Eliot.

The New York case would be an ice-breaker for prosecuting trump. A conviction would be even more so, as it would prove that it can be done! I believe the really telling cases are 1/6 - Jack Smith and Georgia - Fanni Willis. Both are hazardous to the health of the country, and the sooner trump is brought to indictment trial and I hope conviction, the better.

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Mr. Rather

While what you wrote is absolutely true the part about it being sordid and dirty, to say the least, sounds just like the Clinton affair. But to this legally untrained person the Clinton scandal in my humble opinion was worse. He did it in the oval office with an unpaid intern and lied about it in court. If all they can get trump on is sex then I don't really care because the whole Clinton mess will be front and center for months and I for one, don't want to go thru that again.

And there is the possibility that it backfires,like it did on the republicans

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"Hope springs eternal".

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Until this ex-president faces charges and is convicted our country will not find solid ground. We’ve witnessed his crimes, we know his malfeasance, and he is an outright traitor. If there is no justice and accountability our whole society will be sickened and the rule of law will be undermined.

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Let’s hope so. If nothing else it will rattle him badly. We deserve a bit of schadenfreude after what he has put us through. I do wish he would be indicted and convicted for January 6 at least. We can never forget that his actions, like many during his presidency, cost lives.

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Over many years as I have watched or witnessed Trump’s behaviour through so many news reports, his TV show and his time in office etc I have a real problem why so many so called Christians have loved him and voted for him. To me his is an ignorant egotistic person who probably has no idea what loving Christ and the Lord means. He probably doesn’t have a soul and a s the opposite the a Christian, many even an anti Christ. With that in mind and watching how so many people around the world get caught up in cults, drugs, maga mania and so many others it’s easy to see people getting bambozzeled by a personality like Trump. Also how Trump talks to his followers like he is one of them. It couldn’t be further from the truth. How many golf courses do you own.

Brian Lauder

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Good piece, as usual. One thought though ... is it possible that the media coverage of tRump and his risible and repugnant antics , consistently doubting he ever get his deserved comeuppance / consequences for his MANY crimes , is actually steering prosecutors to NOT prosecute because of public opinion and mob reactions?

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Excellent point

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Thank you, all for agreeing with my opinion.

The annoyance of his voice and face is beyond human endurance.

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I am so tired of waiting for someone to do the right thing. I admire the Greatest Generation more and more despite their obvious flaws that my generation gleefully pointed out. Except for a few brave voices in the void, there are crickets from the party with the most influence to be able to stand against this rot. Instead they supposedly wring their hands in private, let anyone run with an R behind their name and give pro-insurrectionists more and more positions of power. Democracy isn't bullet proof. This is folly.

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A house of traitors and they all must be prosecuted or our Constitution might as well be torn up!

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Yet there is evidence that Trump may have copied and distributed the classified documents he stole away in secret. Is there no crime related to that fact? In any case, it only matters that he be convicted of a felony, any felony, so that he can be disqualified from running or the office of president in the future.

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I read that he stored nuclear secrets up in the'Cloud'.

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Dan and Elliott. You are letting this Steady site begin its slide by not blocking out people who call you a fraud. Look at what is being published on this site. If these folks are real, block them. If they are computer driven propaganda bots from Russia, block them. Wake up time is here. I am disgusted at what is now being permitted on this site.

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I agree with you 100% John.

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Mar 12, 2023
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We have all agreed to a site where decency rules. This nastiness can infect what is for many of us a welcome respite from the vitriol. This behavior should be disallowed.

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I agree with your comment, Janet there is no need for that type of behavior. All we want is a space where we can have civil discussions and share opinions.

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I have nothing against free speech. However, some people come to this sight to provoke and disrespect others that is what I have a problem with.

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Suits me about an election, but your over-the-top rhetoric tells another story. A scripted one. This makes you either a dupe or a mouthpiece. We have enough of those already.

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We who like democracy aren't duped and see right through you.

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After 416 comments I hope I am not redundant. This grand jury is a waste of time. Paying hush money to Stormy Daniels to hide an affair or a one night stand never bothered Melania and has already sent Michael Cohen to jail as the facilitator of such a payment. It never bothered the Trump voters and never bothered me because I knew Donald Trump was a sleeze. Who goes to jail for that kind of sex ? Alvin Bragg had a case against the Trump Organization that he declined to pursue and 2 prosecutors quit in disgust. So he goes for the low hanging fruit so to speak. Now January 6 is a grave and consequential matter. Despite the spin and the machinations and lies millions of Americans watched the events in the Capital that day and millions of Americans watched the January 6th House Committee meetings. We know a crime against the Constitution was committed right before our eyes by people prepared by and called to by a sitting US President. Never in our history was such a crime committed and we are going to indict him because of Stormy Daniels ?

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It wasn't the sex. It was misuse of campaign funds. Otherwise I would agree.

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